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What kind of people just accept shit like that and pretend nothing happened. I'm getting out getting their insurance at a minimum and getting it fixed


I drive a 16 year old suv. It happens ll the time to me. I'll be waiting in the car for my wife. Someone opens their door. Takes a look at the damage and just shrug and move on. They don't see me and I don't care about my car. I end up leaving them with a few new dents in their new 2024 Toyota corolla. I love seeing their pant chip! Also my jeans some how keep searching their door as I inspect my car. I don't careeeee and love it.


I get out and fire a rocket propelled grenade at them when someone does this to me


I appreciate the dedication to the character. Thanks for the laugh


It's only the most sane response, idk why others don't as well


How would you prove it was them though?


Every time I park and I’m away from all the other cars and some clown parks right next to me when there’s 100 empty spaces, I question what posses them to be so weird


Dude right! I will straight up park at the end of a parking lot away from everyone else and some dickwad feels the need to park next to me. When there’s at least a 100 other spaces.


The law of the streets dictates you must shit on their hood.


I wrote a note and left it on their windshield. “Sorry for the damage don’t park like an asshole next time.” There was no damage but it was funny to imagine them checking around their vehicle for it.


Don't tempt me, I have ibs. 


Unless they leave the vehicle unlocked. Then you shit on the drivers seat.


Exactly!! Makes absolutely no sense to me.


Point to the dash cam (if you don't have one, get one), make a show of getting out of your car and jotting down make, model, and licence plate. Report the incident and go about your day. Or just get out, sigh heavily and say "man, people really do suck huh." And go about your day


My dash cam saved me a few weeks ago. Saw damage on my right side of my car when I came back after grocery shopping. Reviewed the footage and saw clear as day who hit my car and where they parked on the footage. I called the police while they were shopping and showed the police the footage as well. The look on their face when they came back outside was priceless.


I've noticed that most of them are just poor drivers and cannot park well without using a car as a reference point. It's sad.


There’s…. Literally lines on the ground lol wtf


Don't underestimate the average person. People are very stupid.


I'm one of those that parks farther away to avoid other cars. Plus I find it easier to leave the parking lot if it's not so crowded. But without fail someone will park next to me. I am completely baffled by this. A lot can be virtually empty when I go park, and someone will decide they need to park next to me. Many years ago I used to park in a large parking garage for work that was really busy. I had bought a new car after having totaled my older car. So I was a little before my shift listening to tunes before going in. Car was @ a month old. Anyway a coworker parked next to mem as it was a busy garage not unusual. They proceeded to get out of their car hitting my car so hard with their door it shook my car. To say I was mad is an understatement. This lady then tried to get me to get out to talk. Which I declined as I new that any conversation I would have would end up with me fired as I had nothing good to say. I'm actually still angry about it and it was almost 14 years ago. Dam narrow parking spots. I hate parking garages.


>I'm actually still angry about it and it was almost 14 years ago. Valid !! It's infuriating because it's so easy to be considerate and keep the door from slamming into someone else's property !! It's rude !!


Same thing happened to me. let that shit go brother. It can manifest into other awful things.


Yeah I agree


I don't understand this mentality at all. I always park (I drive a truck) in the back of lots with open spaces around me. There could be 100 open spaces, but for some reason, people park (usually cars or small SUVs) right next to the only vehicle there. When my Jeep was my daily driver, I didn't really care. It has steel armor everywhere a door would hit.


There's been studies on this! It's a herd mentality, (yes, think sheep). People tend to feel safer when in large groups (minus those of us with anxiety haha). I'd find sources but I'm gonna take a muuuuch needed nap.


I'm sure that's what it is. Same reason people clump together driving. Not understanding it is more that if rather be further away from the other idiots in both scenarios.


That must be why so many drivers slow down to .01 mph faster than the semi they are passing, for the next 6 miles. Must feel all warm and fuzzy sitting there for 5 minutes. But then rocket up to 10 over as soon as they break free if their safety zone.


Personally, i see the idiot clumps as challenges to break through, they keep me busy on the road.


Yep! Makes sense to me at least. I still need to take that nap :(


That shit makes even less sense lmao. Both of my cars are rather small vehicles, largest one is a full size Sedan. So I still sit lower than majority of those on the road. If I wanted to park far away, and I saw a truck in the empty section, IM NOT FUCKING PARKING NEXT TO THE TRUCK. I don't feel like having my little car ran over while the truck turns out of his parking spot lmao. Trucks in general on the road are intimidating when you can get out of your car and see the top of your roof.


I feel you on this… i drive a truly compact car thats old… so finding parts is a pain… however i will fuck someones door up if they slam it into mine… mine is more expensive at this point because of how rare they are


i do this at urinals. 20 empty urinals except for 1 and I will walk right up next to the only person there.


And start fucking talking to you lol


I park for work for the day and every single day, pickup trucks that barely fit in a space are on both sides of me. I have to pray I can back out without getting hit.


Same here, without fail! Even when I find a smaller sized car to park next to at the start of my shift, you bet there will be an unnecessarily huge pickup truck parked crookedly next to me when I get back to my car.


I'd just do it right back, idc


Sometimes it's nice to drive a shit box


body language is eloquent


I would risk getting shot if that happened to me just to give that ahole a piece of my mind. Every f\*kn time.


When I was 18, I restored an old VW. I drove it to the mall, and parked at least 20 spaces out from the closest car. When I came out, some big 2 door Buick rolls up, parks RIGHT NEXT to my car, and his kid swings the 2 ton door into my car. It didn't ding the car, it dented it. I was just a tad angry....


Please tell me they paid for it 


Oh yes. But that spot never looked the same.


Pull out the 9 No but seriously, I parked away from everybody for a reason, what kind of logic is that leave us in the back of the parking lot alone!


I go check it (with the offending person still standing there acting like its fine sociable behavior), one time I shoved them aside because they were STILL touching my car with their body covering something up. they got offended, I reminded them I could draw up an insurance claim about it. they immediately walked away and ushered the grandma away too.


*they saw me park and then went to hit my car hard with their door while the entire lot was vacant. I had reason and it did leave a little thing which I had buffed out. don't think you get away with that shit because your grandma is standing there




SOLUTION: I installed dent guard strips along the side of the body.. they look great and work like a charm


Excellent idea, I need to look that up where to get them and how to install. If you have any tips let me know.


What's worse is I was at Home Depot the other week with my 26ft trailer. There weren't enough wide open spaces to use one lane to turn in and park in the next lane. But there were just enough spots on the back row parallel to the road to be able to parallel park my trail, not even pull through. So I park, my back wheels are up against the curb behind me my front bumper is 8 inches into the spot in front of me, and then the next spot has a rental truck. I come out and there is a car parked in front of me. Even though literally every spot was closer. And there were dozens of open spots. So I wait for almost 10 minutes then go inside to have the person moved. They come out pissed off for inconveniencing them. And their response was if I didn't park like an asshole taking up 6 spots, there wouldn't be an issue and he was teaching me a lesson to not park like an asshole? Like what the actual fuck? I'm literally in the very back, taking up as few parking spots as possible. What the fuck else am I supposed to do?


That's cause of all of the other aholes with trucks. They've gotten where they can't tell if someone's trying to be considerate or not. People are tired of seeing jacked up trucks parked in ways taking up two or more spots on purpose just to be rude. But usually when someone's doing that it's a lot closer to the entrance 🙄 so you think the person would have gotten it. Like we have someone at work who will drive his truck to work with his trailer and riding mower on it. He gets chewed out every single time because it takes up two spots and there's limited space in the employees parking. But yet he still does it. That's the example they have of truck drivers is the super noticeable aholes with trucks. Those are the ones who stand out the most.


Haven't had anyone ding my car like this yet, but I'm one of those people who parks at the empty part of the parking lot, and I can tell you that 100% some dip stick is parked next to me when I come back. It grinds my gears super hard EVERY TIME. I started doing this in my truck before I bought a new car because the power steering would go out at low engine speeds, making it a bit of a PITA to park it straight. Had some guy come into a dollar general I was shopping at looking for the "owner of the silver Chevy" so he could harass me about my parking and of course I go outside and this idiot is PARKED RIGHT NEXT TO ME in an empty parking lot. If you do this stuff like this, please drive your PoS off a cliff.


There’s a group of weird car drivers who flip out at the sight of a truck, have had 2 trucks keyed and one hit with something. I usually park in back as well (in one spot) to avoid damage and somehow that pisses them off. Got video from store of one keying and they looked like the mousy types who’d never confront someone personally


I have a picture of a vast transit parking lot that is totally empty as it was 1100pm. I had parked way at the back to avoid car doors and you guessed it… the only other car in the parking lot was parked right beside mine.


Well, it happened to me in my truck. I parked well away from anyone actually the entire row where I parked was empty. I was in the store 30 minutes I came out and there was a shitty Mustang park next to my brand new truck. So close they left a ding when they opened the door. So I took my knife, but I have inch wide scrape from one front fender to the other front fender all the way around. While I did that I was yelling at the top of my lungs who owns this car is anybody know who owns this fucking car? Nobody came forward so I got in my truck and left.


Ugh, last time that happened to me it was some lady's kid helping her load groceries into her car. Wind caught the door and slammed it into my vehicle. I know the kid was just helping his mom, but god dammit...


I was sitting in the passenger seat of the car while my wife went into a store. I had my window down. This trashy woman parked next to me on the right and her kid got out and slammed the door hard into our car. So hard it shook the whole vehicle. I don’t think she thought there was anyone in the car. I turned at her and glared daggers but didn’t get a word out. She angrily responded to me “THE WIND CAUGHT THE DOOR” and “SEE THERE AINT EVEN NO DAMAGE” and I just stupidly let it go instead of calling the cops and getting her insurance info. When I examined it later there was a clear dent. Still pissed off about this and it’s been like six years.


>When I examined it later there was a clear dent. Still pissed off about this and it’s been like six years. This is so valid. I completely understand why you feel that way. It's like the people who don't put their shopping carts away: same level of being inconsiderate, ignorant, selfish and lazy.


When we get self driving cars, people will buy 2 extra beaters so they can park on either side of your expensive one.


It's happened to me a coupl times, but not the door ding. I sometimes park away because I don't like hearing other cars honk when its driver locks it. I park somewhere isolated, and someone then parks next to me or really close. I actually started my car up and drove to another parking spot because I was so annoyed.


Cut their valve stem. Loosen a few lugs.


A valve stem tool and an old spark plug are indispensable EDC items.


OMG, just yesterday, in a hospital parking garage! The spaces were tight, concrete pillars everywhere, and yet I took extra time to make sure I was nowhere near the line. I come out after my appointment, and some red behemoth SUV is parked right over the line at an angle, so I had to squeeze in to get into the driver seat. I was so tempted to smash my door into theirs, but I figured there was probably a camera somewhere. What I should have done was take a picture and posted it here!


We have the opposite problem. He has a truck, parks way in the back where he can get out without any problems, and without fail, when we come out of the store, there will be at least 2 cars snuggled up to the point where we can't get the doors open wide enough to put any of our shopping in. He can barely get in to move the truck a few feet so we can open the doors without hitting any cars with the doors. There will be plenty of empty spaces closer in, but these idiots will park their cars right next to him. The only time it makes sense is in the summer and that spot is one of the few places that has a shady tree.


I had somebody pull up next to me cradling the parking line when I parked in the back once, went back in to Drive and moved a row over, she followed me and when I asked what gives she said "Oh well we both have nice cars it's better if we're next to each other" gtfoh




And not just someone, but usually it will attract other drivers. You walk back to your car and it’s surrounded by


I don't have a fancy car but I'd be pissed as hell. People who do this to someone who parks far away are doing it purely out of spite. I assume hitting the other car is also out of spite so I'd be out of my car in a minute. But I have a temper. I'm not sure what an even tempered cool person could or should do. I was on the top floor of a parking garage the other day. Empty spaces are far as the eye could see. This joker backs his car in right next to mine. He saw the look on my face and started to roll down his window to say godknowswhat and I glared at him as I pulled my car out and parked somewhere else.


I was sitting in my car at a grocery store - well away from everyone else working on my grocery list. Guy pulls in next to me - even though there are multiple empty spaces in the same row closer, and proceeds to open his door into the passenger side of my car hard enough I could feel it, not just hear it. I jump out and yell "watch it dumbass!" He apologized, said the door slipped but then whined "I don't appreciate the 'dumbass'" I told him then stop acting like one. He didn't have a comeback for that.


I don't know why a handfull of roofing nails always ends up under those people's tires.


I remember some dude did that in his fancy SUV while yelling at his wife in some other language. Thankfully I was driving my beater so him door dinging me actually dented his door and didn't even scratch my paint. But I still lost my absolute shit on him. I had my window down cause I was smoking, and he whips his door open out of anger towards his wife and it made something in me snap. It wasn't just touching the door, it was a loud fucking slam. I yelled at him not to hit my fucking door in those exact words. He tried to apologize and I said "considering how you talk to your wife, I know you're not fucking sorry, you're a fucking asshole." Then he tried rubbing my door saying "it's fine." So I told him idgaf if it's fine, you don't get to act like a toddler when you're mad. He muttered some stuff in his language and fucked off, and I got a picture of his plate. Didn't bother reporting it cause again I had no damage. If someone just dinged it because the wind blew their door open or they accidentally swung the door too far I would've said "hey please don't do that." But I think it just got to me how he was talking to his wife. The entire time the poor lady looked like she wanted to cry out of embarrassment for him. I felt so bad for her. He honestly made my blood boil, just his whole demeanor.


That’s why I have a dashcam going 24/7, I was fortunate enough be able to get a new 2024 Prius and I’m taking every precaution lol


Felt this


First time I had a vehicle I could wax without being careful around the rust spots, my dad asked if I’d become a “turner”.  Took me a few to realize what he meant, then said yes. I did turn back to look at the vehicle after I’d parked and walked to destination. Why do nice vehicles attract undesirable neighbors? I withhold my speculation.


I would be pissed. If I see someone coming next to me even if I'm at the back ill move again.


Luckily I haven't had anything happen yet with someone parking next to me far away. Been practicing parking far away for 6 years (that's how long I've been driving) and never had a door ding.


I couldn't care less about the car I always park as far away as possible to get a few extra steps in and all the fat lazy cnuts park closer and they're the ones who are more likely to hit your car anyway


If they actually hit your car...same as any other collision. Get out, inspect the damage, if there's visible damage collect insurance and owner information and document in case you want to get it repaired. As long as they don't actually impact your car...who cares?


username doesn't check out


I always park my hooptie next to the uppity ups who think they need to park out in the middle of nowhere. I don't door Ding. But I'll park right next to you


That’s a dick move, if someone is at the back of the lot, leave an extra space….


Yep. I'm a dick. And dicks fuck pussies and assholes.


I think you are all talk. Try being something other than hot air. Substance, start having substance.


Yep, stupid keyboard warriors




See. I told you. Just chill man. It’s ok to be called out…


His mom is a nice lady


Real nice to me, that's for sure!


That'll show them! Their discomfort is the more important than your comfort in getting a good parking spot! Your life sounds pathetic.


I care more about my 14-year-old flivver with rust holes and fender dents than any richy rich cares about they dang leased BMW lol I’ll be right there with you, parked on the other side of them haha


Nice! My "hooptie" is a '48 Chevy truck with LOTS of "patina." They won't know what, didn't, hit 'em.


Your junker is admittedly way cooler than mine, but mine *is* a lowered Mazda van with a 5-speed 😋


Sounds like a winner to me!


https://preview.redd.it/bpupa8wl95sc1.png?width=2100&format=png&auto=webp&s=9794f32e62da54e3faa24953197ce40c2a3e190d The two best stickers are the ones that say “not fast. just loud.” and “be patient, I’m lowered” I also “repaired” my little love-tap crater my bad-parking neighbor left by writing on it with a gold marker. You should be able to read it if you zoom in lol


Imagine this as the other bookend. https://preview.redd.it/ow60fjrxs5sc1.png?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=34b0c54ddbe31b421a9c1847f73fb5cdf49cdc29


Looks like a honda fit


A Honda Fit looks like this 😎




I have a beater so I don’t have to worry about this. Even though I do always park in the back because I like practicing reversing in every time I have the chance to drive


I park as far away physically as I can get from the nearest doorway. Most of the 'types' who damage other people's property are too lazy to walk that far.


Get caltrops. Slip one under each tire of the offender's truck then drive away


Someone “teaching you a lesson.” Who do you think you are? /s


As long as you are only using one spot you should be good. If parking like a jack ass. Means everyone should park as close as possible to you.


You could be that cunt that takes up 2 parking spaces.


every time i have given them a death glare. but for the most part it's probably not worth the confrontation.


I just accepted it because the man was ANCIENT. Edit:passenger seat


Then he probably shouldn't be driving


Passenger seat


As mad yall get about this. I'm about to start!


Please don't 😩