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Typical white van driver. If you've got a dash cam, send the video to one of the YouTube crap driving channels.


Van drivers and taxi drivers must follow a different highway code to the rest of us.


What's this "Highway Code" you talk of?


And taxi drivers have two versions, depending on whether they have passengers or not.


They don't do themselves any favours to not be stereotyped at all. I do have dashcam, but it didn't really catch him enough coming up on my side. I should have let him just do it and then sent the footage off. I feel like we need 360 degree view cameras these days.


Worst I had was when turning right into a side road, guy behind me didn't want to wait so decided to overtake me, on the right. Luckily saw what he was doing and stopped.


It's scary that even indicators are ignored. I had another incident last year, driving down a country road, coming up to a cyclist. Car in front overtakes, I can see it's still clear so I go to overtake. As I'm doing so, a BMW comes up on my right, overtaking me whilst I'm already overtaking. It really shook me up, as I'd I had swerved too much I could have taken this cyclist out. I ended up sending the footage off and they got taken to court.


Had this with a motorcycle, almost killed the bloke. Luckily I was paying attention and didn’t send him into the side of someone’s house. Some people just have a death wish I swear


I’ve noticed this a lot lately as well, coming out of a right turn and going straight over at a roundabout pretty much straight after. Car that’s behind me as I come out of the turn cuts in front of me as soon as I come off the roundabout (I built speed perfectly fine) and is then obviously in the wrong lanes and makes multiple people brake quite hard. Definitely something strange going on.


Yeah had the same with a right turner in the left lane at a mini roundabout. There's no police on the road so people aren't scared of any consequences anymore.


Very true. The only time I ever see them is for the odd speed trap, but I'd much rather there a prominent presence.


Also the lack of action by insurance companies when there are accidents on roundabouts as a result of driving like this. The accident will go down as a 50/50. Had it happen to me a few years ago.


Those drugs won't sell themselves, you know.


Was the roundabout signed/marked on the road. You say you went straight over the roundabout so i assume the second exit which should be the left lane not right lane as right is for 3/4 exits. Just asking and not trying to blame you, just making sure you didn't have the wrong lane to start with as reporting the van driver and it turns out you're in the wrong the police can prosecute you for your own dashcam footage for rules you broke.


Oh yeah it's definitely marked for straight over in the left lane, I use it all the time. As you approach the roundabout, it splits into two lanes and as I was in the left I could see what he was doing. He flew up on my right to be able to get ahead as you get over. It happens there all the time unfortunately, as people get too inpatient to wait in the left hand lane due to that filling up quicker than those turning right.


OW! Sorry i misread and thought you were in the right lane and went straight over. My mistake, i'm sorry for reading that wrong and asking a dumb question. Yeah in that case report his ass. I have a roundabout like this near me that people do the same, i tend to sit alongside them and close off the exit for them forcing them around the roundabout. Great fun when they stop on a roundabout and get stuck as the car behind us sticks to my ass preventing the driver in the right lane from merging in to the exit. Again, i'm sorry i read your post wrong.


Ah, no need to apologise. Haha yes, I must admit I've done the same before.


I'm sure people are trying to make me get a new van by writing mine off for me. Twice this week I've had someone pass me and then pull in with inches to spare


this man is more important than you and needs to be places, but will also have 40 min to try and fight you should you dare say anything to him


Why are all these white van men so impotent?


It won’t be popular but there should be a proper police effort pursuing white vans, keeping an eye on them at junctions/roundabouts with immediate fines and points for those who do ludicrous and stupid driving manoeuvres. They’re by far the most dangerous vehicles on the road and they need proper addressing.


Any sort of enforcement outside of London would be nice.


South asian driving style.