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Absolutely, it’s not only the correct option, it’s the polite one too, because you’re not holding up traffic behind you, and trying to cross the roundabout from the left. A large proportion of drivers hate correct filtering (especially two lanes into one filtering) and will even try to block you. They assume it’s selfish. But they are wrong. You reduce traffic buildup behind you by filtering so it’s not only quicker for you, it’s quicker for everyone.


Personally, I drive correctly & decisively. The 2nd part is important. Chose your line, ensure you're visible to other road users, ensure your intentions are well signalled & telegraphed. Maintain this method of driving and you can be as big of a arsehole as you like and still be driving safely, people can think you're a dick all they like, that's not your problem.


'Don't be polite, be predicatable' is becoming an adage I try to put into my driving more and more since I became a Lorry driver. The amount of accidents I've seen, or nearly been part of, because some twat did something unexpected, is not something I can count to in a hurry.


Amen mate, spent 4 years as a class 2 driver (recovery trucks, then fridges) before retraining to become an electrician. Now do 30k/yr as a commissioning engineer. You do hit a point where you just don't give a toss what others think, you completed your maneuvre safely, they can flash, beep & gestulate all they like, it isn't your problem. There's fine lines between defensive driving, courteous driving & aggresive driving, but predictability is most important.


As a long time motorbike rider I completely agree and have used this saying more than once. The more predictable someone drives or rides, the safer it is for everyone.


I’m not sure that concisevly is actually a word. What do you mean by that part?


I’m pretty sure they were after decisively but maybe they’ve just created a new word for situations like this?


Right you are, brain fart on my part, I’ve corrected it 😂


Concise - adverb in a way that is brief but comprehensive. "his main objections to it can be concisely summarized" I think that’s what he was going for, consisevly however is not in the Oxford dictionary, concisely is however.


Nothing wrong with your driving you are keeping the roundabout clear and that lane is there to be used.


This is something that really gets to me. There are so many of these situations where two lanes have been created in order to ease any potential backlog of traffic... and people queue up like morons in just one of them. Then they get annoyed at anyone who (correctly) uses the additional lane. Like, why the fuck do you think there are two lanes? Was the council just trying to use up some spare paint? Did the workers just paint an extra lane there for shits and giggles?


I’ve found people get so defensive when it comes to a merge lane. There’s a roundabout local to me that’s just like the one in the photo and when I exit the roundabout in the second lane, l’ll often come across people who actively try to close gaps in the traffic to avoid letting me merge. It’s like they think you’re trying to be all sneaky or something!


This is one reason I will generally pick the left hand lane even if there's a queue in the left lane and the right hand lane is mostly clear when coming up to somewhere I know is a merge point, and that is both that I can be sure of safely being in the left lane rather than have someone refuse to let me in and also means I can ensure I can leave a gap for people who might be merging if needed. Probably the only times I do choose to use the right hand lane at those points is a) if it's at traffic lights that have just gone green and I have a sizable speed difference to left lane queueing traffic and therefore know I can safely get ahead of at least most of the traffic or b) if there is no traffic whatsoever in the other lane waiting at red lights.


They think they’re being polite and/or they think using the second lane is rude/confrontational. It’s annoying, I’ve seen it so often I give up with them now. I went on holiday to Cornwall once and there was this A road that had two lanes merging into one, we had so much traffic because no one used the outside lane as they were happy to stay left and queue… 😬


If you exit the roundabout and continue on in lane 2 I don’t see any problem. If you exit the roundabout in lane 2 then immediately indicate to move into lane 1 I can see why it may annoy people. Definitely not saying they’re right to flip you the bird if this is the case, as there is no law saying you can’t do that. In my line of work I’m always pulling slightly dubious manoeuvres! Edit: lane 2 is a filter lane, op is in the right. Merge in turn people!


This is the only reason folk might be annoyed but it's perfectly legal and correct, but don't assume you'll be let in.


Using lane two after the roundabout then signalling into lane one would be preferable to sitting in lane one blocking the roundabout, as long as OP is decisive with how they're merging. OP should decide if they're going to be faster off the line than the lead car in lane one so can merge in front, or if they should drop behind and pick a gap further back.


At no time should you be blocking a roundabout.




I was about to comment on the fact that you shouldn’t do it if you’re about to turn left just after the roundabout because it will impede the flow of traffic that should be in lane 2 but lane 2 is a filter lane so op is in the right.


OPs careful loaded phrasing of their questions (should I use lane 2 or block the roundabout) leads me to think this is the case.  It's not a merge but I'm sure very important people use the second lane to ease traffic for themselves.


but it is a [merge](https://imgur.com/a/T6p0tQF)?


That's not in the photo above and op doesn't mention merging.  I'm also not wasting my time looking shit up, OP was obviously omitting stuff from their rant to get engagement.


It is a merge.


Did you look that up yourself or did you just see the other post where someone has looked it up?


It crossed my mind but didn’t wanna point any fingers 😂


correctly. Also make sure when people get angry at them just laugh directly in their face. And if you can get dashcam of their reaction and its hilarious post it on here give us all a good chuckle


I don't see a problem with it, the exit is a continuation of the same road and the right lane on entry isn't signed right only. If anything, using both lanes is preferred as it stops traffic backing up, but people would rather block flow than just use another lane. I think the reason people have a problem with it is the left lane is signed left only, which is an odd design choice considering the second exit is a continuation of the B6241. They therefore think that when exiting to the B6241 you should have moved left and therefore only use the left lane. I suppose they think the right lane is there purely for decoration, then.


I live in the North West of England where much signage is clearly there only for decoration. ObeYiNg tHe HiGHwaY cOde is HarD.


In Yorkshire road signs are just a suggestion, speed limits are there to see how much faster you can go, and traffic lights are for racing. Once the sun goes down… don’t even let me get started on when the sun goes down


Sheep syndrome is rife. Sounds like someone that can't see past the end of their bonnet. You did the right thing, used your initiative. Some people will walk blindly into a corner and shout at the wall for blocking their way.


I’m very confused on the problem here, you driving like that creates less problems as it allows traffic behind you to continue right and your the only lane going straight on as the the other lane is left only. If both lanes were straight on you would go 2-2 so I don’t see the problem in this situation going lane 2 into lane 2 it also allows cars going left at the first exit for you easier access to lane 1


Correct, but also be mindful of anyone who assumes that because you are in lane 2 you must be turning right... They may move from lane 1 into the lane 2 exit (to avoid the traffic queue). This could happen in your blind spot and end up with you colliding or getting an angry driver complaining you "cut them up". Look over to the left of your vehicle to make sure nobody is trying to occupy the same space as you. Yes it would be their fault, but it's always best to avoid a crash. Appropriate lane positioning from you (junction dependant) may prevent them from having the opportunity to sneak into your lane.


You should drive so you are safe and legal, as per my driving instructor.


Most drivers are rude so when you meet someone being polite you’re not sure what they are going to do so it’s best to be correct then people don’t have to guess.


Use both lanes so the traffic doesn’t back up and block the roundabout. When the two lanes become one, merge like a zip. If people don’t understand that then that’s their own problem.


British people love queues so much, we'll create one where there doesn't need to be one! 2 lanes at a traffic light with a junction to the left? Queue in left lane so no one can use the left turn! If I can't go neither can you! /s Seriously, there're 2 lanes for a reason. Use all the available road space, people, so the best flow of traffic can be achieved for everyone, not just yourself!


People in the UK have no idea how to use roundabouts. There are multiple roundabouts near me where the exits are clearly marked on the road, but every time I try to use it correctly I get cut up by someone on the inside lane. I've had someone almost go into the side of me on multiple occasions because they think they can use the inside lane to come off the exit into a single carriageway. The thing that gets me is that the INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE ARE ON THE BLOODY ROAD.


Not just roundabouts, it’s the whole road haha, what’s that sign? 40? Nah I’ll do 90. 20mph zone because there’s a school nearby - 50. 50mph road - actually I sped quite a lot this week… I’ll do 32


Green blob is fine In fact I'm struggling to understand why anyone would think it isn't. Like genuinely.


Always drive correctly. Don’t follow this ‘monkey see, monkey do’ mentality that most people seem to have on the roads. In this case, you probably just upset one of the ‘me first’ people. Loads of them on the roads too.


I have often jumped about 10 forward in a queue because nobs have no idea how to use zipper lanes. It's not your fault that they happily contribute to congestion by using a single lane. You keep doing you, and fuck the rest. These zipper lanes are designed to be used as they're traffic calming measures and yet people have a stick up their arse about them


Fulwood is full of idiot drivers




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No problem there, old mate !


2 on, 2 off. you're fine, the road markings are with you on this one too


The polite thing is to not block the roundabout and do what you did.


You are in the right. Some drivers look to get annoyed at anything, especially at others that are smarter than them.


Ha! I use this roundabout every single day, it can be an utter nightmare at busy times. You're doing absolutely the right thing.


Correctly! Always drive correctly. Don’t worry about others trying to correct your (already correct) behaviour. They’re not mad at you, they’re mad at their own ignorance. Only they’re too stupid to know it.


Don't get hung up on other people's reactions to your (perfectly acceptable) driving. Unless their reaction is in some way unsafe. How does yellow blob even know how you got to where you are in lane 2? It's none of his business even if he did. His job is to deal with the current fact, which in this case is to carry on doing what he's doing, sitting in traffic and letting you get on with your day. If making childish hand gestures brightens up his day, then where's the harm?


Driving politely involves sometimes driving unpredictably, which can lead to accidents. Just drive in accordance with the traffic rules. As to the example you’ve given, you’re doing nothing wrong. Plenty of people don’t understand roundabouts.


Two lanes on, two lanes around and two lane exit. I don't understand why anyone would be queuing on the roundabout when there is an empty lane.


No, that's literally what that lane is for. It's not worth considering the feelings of people who don't know how to use the road correctly.


If I’m in the right lane on the roundabout I always exit into the right and then change lane after. It’s so much safer. I still check my mirror and sometime people undertake on roundabouts as your on it and enter the roundabout from another junction as you’re on right next to you


You have two lanes entering and two lanes exiting the roundabout. Your manoeuvre was a legit one. You incurred the gesticulation because you were smarter than him. He saw you gain an advantage he missed and it peeved him. I would have really, really exaggerated a laugh so that he may see me laughing - you know, just to drive home his dick-headedness. I am not suggesting you do the same - just some demonstrated smugness should suffice.


Always correctly. You don't have to be polite to these people the rules are there for a reason


Correctly is a lot safer, you shouldn’t be backing up onto a roundabout really


Politeness can lmd you a fine if police are not satisfied with your driving.


You’re doing nothing wrong. This is what I’d teach my pupils to do in this scenario as well.


Do it properly. It reduces traffic backing up on the roundabout. Just because people are eejits doesn't mean you have to be too. Feel smug in your knowledge you are the better driver! 😋 I'll bet you are one of those terrible people who "zipper merge" properly too...


I am also a green blob 👍🏻


What's correct is what your insurance is going to care about not what's polite. That's how I always look at it.


Nah, you are doing fine. They have to learn that you are actually using the road as it's meant to. You will get people thinking that you jumped the queue... but there was an empty cashier in the supermarket, and they think you should all queue together leaving that one unused?


The people shaking their head are the same people who sit in traffic in the left lane of a dual carriageway when a lane closure is coming up and moan at people using the empty right lane up to the merge point. They can't drive properly, ignore them.


There are two lanes on the approach to the roundabout. You are in the outside lane. You exit onto the same outside lane from the roundabout marked green. This is entirely acceptable and, in my view, not an error in your driving technique at all.


Why would you build 2 lane roads if people will use only one lane anyway? Every single yellow blob had the same chance to use the 2nd lane like you. It wouldn’t even had to be queue jumping in case of the 2nd blob but he chose to ignore all other roundabout users. If you ask me the rude one is him and a little bit everyone after him.


Road architects put in the number of lanes that should be used in this case there are 2 lanes so use 2 lanes


The English will queue to a fault, even if it means weird breaks in logic like using all available space. They will just join the existing queue and anything else is blasphemy. Just do your own thing if it's legal, other people can suck it.


But the left lane clearly says turn left which would mean the right lane could take either lane on the straight on. It's not your fault people cant drive correctly


One of the aims of advanced driving is to make as much progress as possible (driving safely). You're doing nothing wrong. If they're upset with you when you're driving correctly, it's a "them" problem


There's nothing polite about driving incorrectly


Every day I see people fail at a merging lane. You're doing the right thing just ignore them. Invest in a dash cam (front and back) just as a save you bum because my experience with merge lanes does get some erratic displays of driving


You were in the correct lane for straight on , it is clearly marked on the road. Normally the left lane is for straight ahead. If you aren’t familiar with this roundabout , or a vehicle was covering the markings on the road as you approach the roundabout, it could be understandable that a mistake could have been made. But the person who passed you on the left lane had no reason to be a dick, even if they thought you were in the incorrect lane.


Respectfully and safely.


All I can tell you is that if you do exactly this in America you're gonna hit someone. Thank you for your time.


Why would that happen? There are two lanes here, both intended for use. I've never driven in the US, so this is a genuine question.


Just a joke because we drive on the opposite side of the road lol


I see!


Yeh don’t be one of those people (wankers) 😂👍🏻