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Because A) they are closer, so less walking B) often more space to get kids in and out easier. More space means less change of getting damaged by adjacent cars. They could solve one of these by moving these bays further from the doors, as a young parent I was perfectly capable of walking across the car park, I just needed more room.


Yup. This is it. In those places where the spots are a bit farther away, I can always find a spot


But young kids do stupid things and them being close to the doors is to make it safer for them, not you.


What about heavily pregnant women that find it difficult enough to walk that far... I know my missus found it difficult to walk around the shops as it was let alone a hike from miles away from the shops to the car


But if that happens anyway because lazy assholes park in the premium spots....?


No idea, I park near the exit so I don't have to wait for all the rest of you to work out how to drive around a car park.


This is the way


Can you prove there are no children in the boot?


Lol... New fear unlocked..


We jest, but I have seen this done. As well as 6 children in the rear of a 5 seater. 4 in the seats and 1 each in the footwells.


>As well as 6 children in the rear of a 5 seater That takes me back to my childhood when my gran would load us all in the back of her Vauxhall Nova lol.


Lack of enforcement and no demonstration of eligibility. Plus people’s self-certified reasons for using these bays may or may not be questionable depending on the age and behaviour of the child. It’s a bit more black and white with disabled bays. People either have a blue badge or they don’t.


Private parking firms have tried drumming up cash by giving out tickets, hoping that people just cough up I think


My mil. In those days the local Morrisons only had two parent/child bays not even closest to the store entrance. I was heavily pregnant with twins, her first grand babies. I drove into the car park hoping praying a space would be free just so I could get out of the car because I was pretty massive by then. Instead I saw Mils car. I tried calling her but she never answers her mobile. I had to park in the furthest spaces from the entrance just so I’d have room to get out of the car, and then waddle slowly in. She got a bollicking when I did see her. Some people are selfish others just don’t think (my mil), which I guess is selfish in a different way.


For some reason I didn't use those bays when I was pregnant. I was stubborn and thought I needed the exercise. I was so exhausted


It's not so far to run with the RNIB charity box.


Quite often its because people want the convenience because they're closer. They're not a thing in law, they're just a courtesy so no one will get in trouble for parking in one incorrectly. Often outside supermarkets I see them situated closer to the doors than the disabled bays, and that pisses me off.


Having seen how some people drive in car parks. And that tiny humans are feral and can't be seen easily. Makes me think it makes sense to not want to have a kid roaming around in a parking. But yeah they don't need to be that close


Oh yeah I don't think they need to be at the far end of the car park but kids on the whole are either being carried, wheeled or are capable of moving on their own two feet easily.


They’re situated near the door because have you ever tried getting multiple small children into a supermarket?


Selfish pricks mate. Simple as that. All it takes is someone to park right next to me in a normal spot and now I can't get my baby in the car. What am I supposed to do? Tbh I wouldn't care if they put them further away from the shop, it's not the distance that's the issue. Maybe it would stop the cunts from using them.


Agree with you 100% I don’t care when in the car park it is, but we need a bit more room to get prams out.


Oh I've been there. Strolling around trying to get baby to sleep in the hopes that one of the cars leave. I no longer take him out in his car seat


These spaces are closer to the shop, also they are bigger 


Not many have an ounce of shame. I took my mum to A&E the other night. 2 out of 8 disabled bays had cars displaying a blue badge. The others had those oversized suvs in them. Oh, I wish I had a screwdriver that night. Selfish twats.


It's as a display of arrogance and self importance.


I would never park in a parent child space! Unfortunately nobody cares why parent/child should have bigger and closer spaces.


The spaces are usually nearer the shop and are wider. That means people can be lazy, while enjoying a larger parking bay. I rarely see any enforcement of disabled bays, so I doubt anyone is monitoring who uses the parent and child bays.


I’ve started asking people to their faces as this really pisses me off. The usual answer is that the disabled bays are full.


I hope at least politely at first… I had a lass go fucking ballistic at me for getting out the car childless in a kids space the other week. About a minute into her spit flying rant my wife came out the shops to hand me the baby in the car seat.


Yeah, usually. Not worth taking off on someone in my experience. Especially over parking space, I’d rather then just feel a bit ashamed than feel threatened haha.




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Not using a car seat is definitely worse.


And I wish it was an isolated incident


If I see someone park in a bay and get out without a child, I often purposefully park close to them as I can reasonably park.


you know the answer.


Because they're entitled [words] with Main Character Syndrome. You know, the sort of people who will do 65 in a merc in the overtaking lane and speed up to 80+ whenever anyone tries to undertake them on an empty stretch a mile long.


I used them for a short time earlier this year after I’d had a knee operation. I needed extra room to get in and out of my car (I had been given the all clear to drive again fyi), but I couldn’t use a disabled space because you need a badge for that. I did always make sure there were plenty of other free parent and child spaces before I parked there though.


Elderly / those with mobility issues can use them if the spaces provided for them are full , or so I'm led to believe. Any others could just be lazy gits who don't like to walk much.


Probably because they don't believe that people are entitled to a more convenient parking space just because they shit out a kid.


It's not solely about convenience to the shop you troglodyte, have you ever tried getting a baby/infant in a car seat when there's about 40cm gap between cars because small spaces or terrible parking by other person? Yeah nah didn't think so


>It's not solely about convenience to the shop Then why not put them at the back of the car park out of the way instead of right at the front? >have you ever tried getting a baby/infant in a car seat when there's about 40cm gap between cars because small spaces or terrible parking by other person? Skill issue.


>Skill issue How about having a bit of empathy for a change, instead of being a judgemental, confidentally incorrect mouth breather


"Confidently incorrect" assumes that I didn't know that what I was saying wasn't true. I knew. I just genuinely do not care about your problems. Parents deserve as much empathy as people with hangovers. It's a result of personal choices, and nobody else is under any obligation to give a shit.


Don’t get me started on the wheelchair people who park right next to the shop. You’ve got fucking wheels mate, you should be in the far back corner of the car park…. /s obviously for those without a sense of humour


And those people are wankers. It's not the location that's important, it's the extra room to get kids in and out. TBF I'd prefer it if they were further away, stop the bellends using them.


Then they should be parent and baby spots, kids in primary school don't need extra space to get in and out and they don't need parking right outside.


I'd say parents of infants need the extra space, parents of toddlers need the closeness because kids can run off even with all the extra care, but that wouldn't be a need if everyone would drive slowly in car parks. As soon as they're out of a car seat, they don't need the extra space. I've seen parents with teenagers in the spots .


That's pretty much what I was implying when I said kids in primary school don't need it, the need for a car seat is a good way to describe it. I forget that either I don't explain myself well enough sometimes or people on Reddit are too stupid to infer meaning, downvoting me and upvoting you when we share a common opinion


Yeah I'd agree with this. What infuriates me the most I think, is those who use the spots to drop off one of the parents whilst the kids, normally older kids, wait in the car.


Correct answer.


It's both factually and morally incorrect. Firstly you don't shit out a baby. Don't get me wrong, plenty of shit is involved in my experience. But it is categorically the wrong hole. Secondly, it's really not that hard to walk a little further and be a little less convenienced than those who are heavily pregnant, or carrying a small child through a car park who also need just a little more space. And finally, you can shit on parents all you like (pun intended), but let's not forget that those children will be responsible for you during your retirement.


Opposite my work is a coop with 3 child spaces. Most days they are filled with childless wankers and about 1 in 5 days there's a 4th car parked next to those bays which blocks the pavement so a wheelchair or pram wouldn't be able to get past the lamppost. One day I'm going to tutt audibly at one of the drivers as I walk past to get my lunch and I won't even be sorry about it. I feel bad using them even with my baby in case somebody else needs it more than me.


You can blame them for using them. Or you can blame other selfish pricks who smash the shit out of your car door and waddle off to the shops without leaving a note. Or you can blame the supermarket for putting them right outside the door. They’re wide enough to protect you from cunts and they’re convenient. They’d get used less if they weren’t right there or if the car parks had spaces that weren’t thinner than my right thigh I don’t use them, I just take wife’s car to supermarket instead. It’s smashed to shit because we park it in a normal bay. 3 dents passenger side and 6 on driver side, with a scuff on the front bumper. 3 years old


What is going on with your car that it’s getting smashed to shit with doors? 😂 Do you have a massive Range Rover or something?


No; Mazda 2. It just gets parked in a supermarket car park for 30 hours a week. So it experiences all of the typical supermarket car park behaviour from other people on a faster scale. Of course I get the down votes because “oh no he’s not agreeing with parent and child spaces for parents” or some shit. I’m not even saying that. I’m just saying why cry over it when the car park is a piece of shit anyway and that’s why they get used by other people. If I wanted to protect my car I’d consider it for sure. The Mazda 2 is parked perfectly in the space every time and it will usually get at least another scrape once a week, and a dent every couple of months.


A large car gets dented much more. I had a Mondeo that was always getting new ones.


The other day we had our car dented at a national trust car park. Some of those are tiny.. we can't prove it but it must have been the car next to us with two toddlers that were leaving as we arrived. I think some of those car parks are quite old and cars are getting bigger


For me it's an unenforceable request by the supermarket to leave the spaces for those with the need for them. I generally comply, but occasionally, I have mobility issues, so I have been known to say 'fuck it.'  (thankfully very temporary issue, so not blue badge territory, but would be eligible were it a permanent condition). I don't feel as bad using parent spaces as blue badge spaces.


You should feel bad as parents parking in disabled bays get fucking pilloried.


Well, in the situation I usually find myself, neither the parent, nor the blue badge areas are anywhere near capacity. If they were, I'd think twice.  99% of the time I park on the outer reaches of the car park, but I like to think when I'm struggling on crutches, people will give me a bye ball.


> I don't feel as bad using parent spaces as blue badge spaces. Abosolutely no problem with a blue badge user parking in a bay, but you don't have a one. If you're using it as blue badge spaces, just use a blue badge space if you need it?


I used to have a blue badge. I also used to have young kids. I would normally not have used either allocated bay unless I felt particular need on that occasion. I'm hoping the karma I built up then, will see me through my very occasional indiscretion now. Fortunately parking (blue badge or parent) is never at a premium at my local supermarket (bar maybe Xmas) - so nobody actually gets hurt.


I'll be honest as I guess someone may as well be. It's closer to the store, and I like my car enough to want the extra space at the sides so it doesn't get bashed. It's expensive. No, I wouldn't park in a disabled bay ever. vOv You asked.




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I get that you don't care. But from a parents perspective with a newborn and these spaces being used commonly in this manner where we live, it ultimately means parking is unnecessarily difficult for both my partner and I. For example having to actually wait for somebody to return to their car before being able to get in with a little one. I get you care about your car, but putting it above the wellbeing of others, heavily pregnant women and very young children is, to me at least, a little difficult to understand how anybody could justify it to themselves.


Shurup Karen