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You spotted it, but as soon as you saw him get on the brakes at 0:06, you can kind of assume he doesn’t know where he’s going. Give space. Space space space. Space is your friend.


COAST Concentration Observation Anticipation Space Time


Oooh I like that. I’ve not heard that one before!


https://www.reddit.com/r/drivingUK/s/2i2sUhtCjO I know because lol..


Clearly I wasn’t paying attention on mine then 😂


seems helpful for my rest of time xD


This. Roundabouts confuse people. They dither around, unsure, and then dive for their exits. Anytime someone looks unsure, expect the other bits to follow.


They were driving with uncertainty and hesitance. Slow down and give them time and space


I would have slid in behind that car after passing the first exit. Why are so many people taking exits from the INSIDE lane of a roundabout these days? Seen a few video’s like this recently like it is somehow normal to sit in the inside lane, then think it’s ok to banzai across all other lanes to make the exit, is this something new in the Highway Code? This exact thing happened to me last month, 2 cars obviously following each other nearly wiped me out on a 4 lane motorway interchange roundabout that has painted lanes to filter you towards the outside lane, I was in the 3rd lane and without warning the 2 cars on my right headed straight for the exit from the inside lane, no indicators, no mirror check, nothing!! ABS saved the day, but fuck me, that shit is just not right. Stay in a right/inside lane until you are approaching your exit, as soon as you have passed the exit *immediately* before yours, indicate and move to the outside lane to slip off without having to cross 2 or 3 lanes of live traffic, plan ahead for the love of god! Edit:- changed wording for clarity


As a recently retired HGV driver, and driving one is rather different to driving a car, we were taught that as you go past the exit before the one you want to leave at, indicate left and begin to move over to the left hand lane. This then removes the chance of a bone head in the left hand lane but going right getting in the way. And way, way back in 1976 when I passed my car driving test, the advice then was to assume everybody else on the road is an idiot, so treat them as such. It still holds true today.


I think you’re right. You change lanes on the roundabout and then exit, not just dive off from the inside lane, it avoids this kind of issue.


A car went into me recently from the 4th lane! I'm in the 3rd lane going round the roundabout, and they tried to exit the roundabout into my indicator.


Exactly the same thing that happened to me last month! I was in the 3rd lane like you, there were 2 cars on the inside lane to my right, the first one was a few feet ahead of me, second car was dead level with me, suddenly they just straightened the wheel and headed for the exit crossing 3 lanes of traffic, I was the only other car on the roundabout at the time but how that second car didn’t slam in to me I will never know, I reacted to the first car straightening up as it almost took my front end off, between that and ABS/stability control doing their thing I was super lucky the second car didn’t make contact, it was close! I will pull the footage from my dashcam when I get the chance, might post it to Reddit as a ‘how not to exit a roundabout’ thread! Hope you were not injured, cars can be fixed!


This should be the top comment, OP needs to move over as soon as he's past the exit before his. Shit driving by OP, I'm betting he's been driving less than 6 months.


I’ve seen a lot of people driving like this on this sub. It’s populated by shit drivers that think they’re shit hot.


It was absolutely clear what that car was about to do. After driving for a few years you learn to read car body language and you could see what was coming at least 2-3 seconds before they cut you off.


No horn and predict stupidity. It was blatantly obvious that driver was an idiot I would have been no where near them and definitely wouldn’t have attempted to go past them like you did.


No horn?


No it’s not needed.


It can't harm to wake them up.


Literally does naff all to use the horn about 5 seconds after you've reacted to the hazard.


Other than where you've become a hazard yourself.


Yes potentially by having to break / stop in the middle of a roundabout unexpected you become the hazard. Anything you can do to alert the drivers around you (hazard lights, slowing down, horn etc) that there is a hazard is fine


'watch out for cars already on the roundabout' so who is a hazard? A car blocked on the roundabout has to stop and it's an idiot flying over it that is a hazard.


Yeah I agree with you, it's not who is the hazard but the fact there is one and its only proper to alert other drivers of a hazard. If I was going 70mph and had to break sharp for debris in the road, I would put my hazards on to alert the driver behind me. The debris is the hazard but potentially I would be the hazard for the car behind me.


Horns cause more road rage than they help. Why even take the risk of potentially antagonising someone especially when the possibility of a collision is so low?


It definitely can piss some people off, but it might help as a bit of a reminder to the driver in the blue car that they messed up. Some drivers are oblivious after nearly causing accidents, and just drive away in blissful ignorance.


Why remind them? Why reprimand them when in the grand scheme of things nothing happened. No collision was even close to happening. I can understand if they were about to drive into OP or someone else however they weren’t. There is never an occasion where a “you fucked up” horn is required other than self gratification of “telling them off”


It was more of a generalisation to the use of a horn, i agree in this instance it was more of a telling off. Still if I had been the car doing the "cutting up" and someone honked at me, I would have put my hands up as a sorry and we all moved on with our lives. No harm done


Totally it was a "telling off" horn not a highway code "alert" horn. Sure I've been guilty of that, but in this instance, not really. Lost, mistake, learner, tourist - I'd try not to honk these categories. Only for worse and kind of deliberate stuff


In this scenario he was in the wrong lane and probably confused. We've all been there. Deserves a horn.  If that was me I'd be like yep, I deserved that, sorry - although I'd never do that without indication and cut someone up, I'd get off on wrong exit.  If it's on purpose though, I'm gonna absolutely toot that mfker!


Stress and confusion if confronted can easily turn to anger. Lost on a strange roundabout not knowing where to go and suddenly realising they’re in the wrong place adds a lot of stress and panic.


Yes i agree, im terrible with some roundabouts but if you can't check side mirror to see whether changing lanes may cause an accident, or indicate then you shouldn't be on yhe road. You get off at the wrong exit and navigate back.


I agree those would be the right thing to do but some people don’t and when they don’t why poke the bear? You as another driver don’t know what day that person is having and your horn may be the last straw and lead to road rage. In my honest opinion there are only two times a horn should be used. 1) when making sure it works on your checks of your vehicle 2) when a definite collision is imminent. No other time is it needed if you as a driver are paying attention and drive correctly.


Are you stupid - If a collision is imminent then by that very determination, its about to happen. Horn should be sounded BEFORE the collision is imminent, because by the time it is imminent its unavoidable. By sounding horn before it's imminent, you avoid collision. In no circumstance should you sound gorn when it's imminent because thats too late. It has to be pre imminent to avoid it becoming imminent.  Makes no difference as to what the fuck kinda day people are having. Always horn before risk of crash vs horn when crash is imminent.


Why don't lost people get in the right hand lane at a roundabout? Then they can do a quick recon lap without cutting anyone up.


because there is a car in it


You did fine. If there was nothing to your right and someone chose behind then going around the roundabout as evasion rather than braking might have been safer but only you can make that call at the time. I could see they were wavering, so likely stupid or lost, way before their dive to the right, so probably would have beeped or slowed to control the incident. Always leave room for the other guy to make a mistake. They usually will.


I actually agree with the horn. It alerts other drives that there is an issue and wake them up to a potential hazard on the junction.


I would have stayed in the left hand lane going into the roundabout. Only go into the roundabout in lane 2 if you are going right.


If the left lane is for going straight on, why are you in the right lane going straight on? If you start in the right lane, and then take an exit, why aren't you moving into the left lane as you approach your exit? If you did, you would be pulling in behind the other guy instead of trying to cross through him. He was at fault for not indicating that he was going right, but the only reason you ended up having to brake was because you assumed he was doing something he wasn't.


Seems fine, was right to sound the horn.


I mean, maybe don't go under him as much as you did? But tbh, it seems that you picked it up pretty early and held back well enough to avoid drama. Just maybe don't use the horn as a reprimand (I know it's hard not too sometimes!)




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Rocket launcher. /j


Just missed the mandatory shout off "fuckin wanker"


I'd have moved over to the outside part of the roundabout after passing the penultimate exit. This prevents sideways collisions at least. I'd have also given this driver more space. They were driving with uncertainty, meaning they're more likely to pull some last second maneuver when they realise which exit they need. A few extra seconds won't make you late. Not quite convinced the horn was necessary. If you were actually alerting them of danger, which is plausible, then fair enough. Far too often it's used to show aggression though, and I'm not sure it added any value here as you'd already stopped and prevented the collision. Anyway, nobody got hit, nobody injured, no damage caused, happy days.


Chorley! Love recognising the places.


The bloody size of that home bargains


Gain experience, that's it really. You did exactly what was right, though maybe got yourself a little close to an obviously unfolding situation. You avoided the accident and moved on. I might point out barring a little toot on the horn which is good rather than some knob end full blast with effing and jeffin, which never helps anything. As soon as he went right from a two lane entry with a two lane exit I already would be on the defensive thinking things might be heading a bit daft. As soon as he touched his brakes at about 6 seconds i knew exactly what he was going to do. At this point i would have let off the pedal, not braked crazily , just eased off and covered the brake pedal just in case. But that's with 30 years of driving experience where you just learn to spot signs of an impending situation that you can start to react to early. And fortunately its little things like this where no paint is traded is where you learn to anticipate this sort of things


blue car was in the wrong lane, home bargains was 1/2 way


he was a pillock you could have braked earlier but hes wrong


The other driver was predictably confused. You could have been the better man, no horn and gone around the roundabout. Easily said, and I'd have probably done the same as you.


The moment it became obvious the blue car was lost - six seconds into your video - you needed to ease back and give them space. I could see what was coming well before it happened. Would have saved having to brake hard Yes, their driving was below reasonable standard, but It was predictably so the moment they bailed their exit. Also obligatory suggestion to not use the horn in anger like that. That was well after you needed to alert them to your presence.


but if he didn't brake hard, then he wouldn't have a video to put up for internet points. It was clear from the moment he didn't take the first turn off and OP didn't move into the outer lane what was coming.


The harsh truth is you were both being oblivious drivers. Think only of your own actions as that's all you can control - you tried to change lanes into another car. You could have avoided this by either pulling into the correct left hand lane as soon as it was safe to do so, or just kept going one more spin around the roundabout. Obviously he was also at fault, but don't try to compare faults, it's fruitless :) Don't think too hard about it, great that you're trying to learn from it, but your post is focused on the other driver - total waste of time, assume everyone is an idiot all the time and drive accordingly.


Skip the horn and not drive at the side of the car. Had they taken the exit you were going for you'd have still had to slam the brakes on...


Except for using the horn as a rebuke.