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Think some people think its turned into a dual carriageway.


Even though you spelt 'duel' incorrectly, you got my upvote. Edit: I was reading a joke that it seems wasn't there based on the downvotes.


I've upvoted you one out of sympathy


Dual- 2 of. Duel- a fight between 2 people. Don’t call out people if you yourself can’t spell….




I thought it was supposed to be a joke by the person I was responding and reference to a duel between two drivers, like the movie of the same name.


I'll return the upvote even though it wasn't a joke or reference to the film by me lol although I do remember the film.


Chuck an /s on the end, if making a very vague joke. Text is a bugger to get nuances from…


An /s is the easiest downvote for me


The A96 between Aberdeen and Inverness is really bad for this. It’s a single-carriageway with lots of hills, twists and turns and only the occasional passing place. You get a lot of tourists in camper vans trundling along at 35 in a 60 for miles. Then as soon as you get to an overtaking lane, they’re doing 75. As soon as the overtaking lane ends, they slam the brakes on and go back to 35. It’s really annoying and it can take the journey time from just under 2 hours to well over 3 hours if you’re half a dozen cars behind one of these clowns.


Sounds like the A5 between Bangor and Llangollen.


The phenomenon of people speeding up when they're being overtaken needs to be studied. It happens on all road types. Some people seem to love leaving cars stranded in lane 3 on motorways and driving side by side to them - they must know what they've done, or perhaps they're completely clueless. Either way, speeding up when someone is overtaking, or is about to, has to be in my top five motoring related peeves.


At least if they're gonna maintain the speed I can get over it, it's when they drop back down when there's no way to pass that annoys me. I don't understand why they have to keep people behind them and force them to drive slower.


It’s one of my biggest pet peeves too. My best example was on the M6. Doing 65 and coming up on the car in front. I thought “I’ll make this quick, let’s get up to 72-73 to get around them then I can go my normal 65 again no issues. As soon as I pulled out they sped up, but since I was already committed I also had to speed up. He went from 60ish to 70, then 75, and before I knew it we were side by side at 90. He was coming up very quickly on a car in front so had to back off and I got round him. I ease back down to 70 and take a look in the mirror and he is back to trundling along at 60. I don’t understand what his mission was. He also had two kids in the back. I do feel bad about the eventual speed we reached but wtf was he trying to achieve honestly?


I think it’s people taking their eye off the road and Speedo and not judging speed correctly.  Then once something changes which prompts them to check their speed they then accelerate.  I use my speed limiter so know I won’t exceed my set speed and I then go a constant speed, even up hills without checking my speedo. I do of course check the speedo as habit dictates.  Happens on the motorways too.  4 lanes and some jerk decides to drift his speed in the 4th lane while people undertake.  It’s worst when there are 50 limits, behind someone who’s doing 45 who speeds up to 65 when someone undertakes then slows to 45 again.  Grinds my virtual gears. 


I think of them like NPCs, I look over and see them sitting there and they don't look like a thought is going through their head.


use the horn a lot and main beam just to let them know you are behind them


The problem is that so many people on the roads think this is a legitimate response, that it's hard to tell if you're being sarcastic or not!


was being sarcastic of course :)


The word that applies though has been witnessed in use by other posters, sees the mods delete my comment. But here goes those types of drivers are a bunch of Jeremy Hunts


A lot of drivers like to be in front, regardless if they will be going slower than the cars they are in front of.


Honestly there’s great suggestions here that might happen *some* of the time. But I feel really confident that it’s almost always **ego**. “You can’t overtake ME” “My driving speed is the exact right one so we will all do it” “Haha good luck getting past now!”


I think there's one in this thread like that, said he'd stop someone overtaking if they were going faster and that I could be driving in a way that means someone would try to prevent me going past, then ends it with implying me noticing their behaviour must mean I'm a bad driver, what kind of logic is that?


How fast are you passing? I’m not keen on being overtaken by someone fractionally faster than me. I don’t need a wingman so I’m leaving you for dust if you’re sat in my blind spot for too long. Apart from that edge case, this never happens to me (as the overtaker) so I’d be inclined to think you may be doing something to prompt this behaviour. The old mantra applies. If you’re constantly seeing bad driving around you, have a good look in the mirror.


> How fast are you passing? If they're doing 40 in an NSL and I get up to my limit of 54 I am not fractionally faster, they match my speed only to drop down after. Why would you care if someone is only going a bit faster though? They'll get away and not affect you. > Apart from that edge case, this never happens to me (as the overtaker) so I’d be inclined to think you may be doing something to prompt this behaviour. There's literally nothing I do other than wait behind them until I get the opportunity to overtake, I don't even tailgate, I let the gap get bigger so I can get the speed to go around them quicker. > The old mantra applies. If you’re constantly seeing bad driving around you, have a good look in the mirror. I've never caused an accident and no one seems to have a problem with my driving, I don't get hooted at either. What I'm complaining about is from confusion about slower people trying to race me, my driving skills have nothing to do with it. I think you must be the kind of driver I'm talking about.


Nah maybe you are just lucky. I ride a motorbike and am no model road user. But sometimes, maybe after shopping or if I'm being fuel conservative I will ride with a lower than normal level of sensibleness. In those situations, I am still overtaking if I am stuck behind someone doing less than 80 on a motorway. But I will do it gradually, whip around them at maybe 10 mhp faster than they are. But you do get those people (not the middle lane hoggers, a different breed) who speed up as you get near them. I of course just down shift and blast off. But it does happen regularly enough for me to think "mate... you're not going to win what are you doing"