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Strictly speaking no. But... If you're sensible, and there's too many ways to be sensible and not be sensible to list, and you've been stuck for hours then it's pretty much OK. Just don't go treating it like a street party and there may be traffic coming through (emergency services motorbikes, etc) you should be OK


I remember a few years ago we got stuck on the M23 for 4 hours after a major accident. They closed the motorway both ways and it was a scorching heat in the summer. Someone got a football out and started playing football on the opposite side of the motorway as it was completely clear. Brilliant


We did very similar a few years ago. Cricket on the Northbound M6!


Wasn't that last year lol? I know if I had a 4x4 I wouldn't be waiting on the motorway tho


Considering how motorway embankments typically are in the UK you wouldn't get far, and in top of that you'd get fucked if you got caught.


Like everything, use common sense. The law is a guideline for optimal scenarios. Use some logic and common sense and you’ll be fine


Thank you officer. The question was "is it illegal" not "how should I behave, what should I look out for, what are the dangers, is it a street party, will I be ok".


What a weird thing to get your knickers in a twist about


And I answered, strictly speaking it's not legal. Life is never quite so black and white and wouldn't reddit be a dull place if most of the yes/no questions were answered with just a simple yes or no. And no need to thank me. I'm just doing my duty.


Imagine a world where everyone obeyed the law 100% at all times no matter how minor or petty, we would live in some weird dystopia, those forgotten laws from 1750 gonna be biting us in the ass.


Who pissed in your golden Graham's? It's Sunday, mate. Calm your tits.


On the other side of the pond it’s ‘who pissed in your cornflakes’ same sentiment though 😂


It's generally 'pissed on your cornflakes' here in the UK but you will probably hear 'pissed on your chips' more.


Right, which one of you shat in this guys cornflakes this morning?!


Sorry, I needed to go!


Why are you like this?


Maybe you can point us all to where, within the title question, it says that? The question there states “If traffic completely stops on the motorway, are you allowed to get out?” Nothing about legality apart from a separate question in the detailed commentary


What else “allows” you to do things in this situation except the law?


Physical barriers, social norms, safety, financial repercussions


Found his other account here. There is no one there are two separate people this deluded


“Are you allowed to jump out or is it illegal?” Fuck are you on about?


The question there states “**If traffic completely stops on the motorway, are you allowed to get out?**” What are YOU on about? You haven't yet realised that you, and your other account, are not on the side of public opinion here?


I’m on about the post. Read the whole post. OP literally asks if it’s illegal. It’s not very long. You can probably read it in under 10 minutes.


Maybe read my actual comment that you replied to with all your swearing. Clearly states TITLE... T.I.T.L.E... it's even shorter than the OP, you should be able to read it in an hour or so. blocked.


Why would you only read the title?


Bad day kiddo?


Yes it is illegal to be a pedestrian on a motorway.


You're a crab you.


>"is it illegal" Yes. Happy?


Strictly speaking no, but I was once stuck on the M11 and had enough time to finish the book I was reading. I got out and offered it to the guy in the car behind me. He gave me one of his books, and we both had a chat for about ten minutes or so. I got back in my car and started reading. Got a few chapters in and notice someone making a dash to go to the loo behind a bush on the verge... At almost exactly the same time the traffic started to move.


Oh no... Poor bloke, I bet they were sat in their car for an absolute age thinking: "NO... If I go to the toilet now, the traffic will start moving"


Woman, but exactly that.


Oh god that's even worse because it can be such a faff!


Haha letting the flaps drip dry in a bush. Bet that was the most paranoid pish of her life


Women stamp their feet to shake off the drips.


There’s also a way to uh, hold yourself, that allows you to direct the pee forward instead of down.


…to the extent that an ex of mine used a gents urinal and she couldn’t understand why other women were unable to. Fun memories 🤭


In fairness, the only reason I know is due to watching the Full Monty movie which has a scene with women doing just that 😂


Were you watching a porn parody version? It’s Been a while since I saw it, but I don’t remember that scene 🤭


Found the clip - https://youtu.be/QKB2buwjh1k?si=Rf55Bcy3216u-ZxZ


Username checks out.


Does this not risk pissing into your pants/shoes as the "pressure" drops ?


I guess if you angle your groin forward it helps to minimise that risk??


Women tend to carry tissues.


Good point.


Did this on the M6 one night, I was bursting, and after being sat there about 40 mins, I got our and ran behind a tree, got back to the car and watched a mass exodus of men running across to the bushes. Wife had to cross her legs a bit longer, but once we was moving again, I hopped off the motorway and found her a mcdonalds to use the toilet in.


Just go with the wife and hold up a blanket if there isn't a suitable bush .


I can remember travelling down to Cornwall in summer to visit my grandparents when I was younger. Scorching hot day, 6 of us in the car, stand still motorway traffic for 4+ hours. People were out of their cars, walking around, chatting, peeing in bushes, eating. Really bizarre to experience, we travelled down there multiple times a year (we’re from Sheffield) and I never saw that before or again.


Happy Cake Day! 🎂 In honour of this wonderful day, please enjoy some bubble wrap! 🫧🫧🫧 >!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<


That was great fun, thank you! Haha


2 ez git gud




The bubble wrap was too easy, and the difficulty should be harder. Its a tongue in cheek gaming joke. I was hungover this morning and popped all of them so thanks for the dopamine.


It’s probably also illegal to read.


Driving without due care and attention...


They usually phrase it as “being in control of a motor vehicle” but yes. You’d be amazed how broadly that’s defined by the drink driving laws in 🇦🇺.


I’m just waiting for a mate…..


What’s happened to your car, mate?


James. James who? Huh? How’d you get down here? ….. does it matter?


No idea why downvotes https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Driving_without_due_care_and_attention. It covers pretty much all shitty driving in the UK.


Got caught behind a very nasty accident on the M25 a few years back that stopped traffic on our side of the motorway for a good 2/3 hours or more. Didn't see it happen but ended up around 3rd or 4th row of traffic in the queue so could see a lot of what was going on... Will spare you the details but lots of people were getting out of their cars, stretching their legs, walking around etc. which I think was fair enough given the situation, and my partner and I ended up standing outside the car for a bit, which was extremely surreal. It was made even more surreal because, as we were standing outside the car, we witnessed a three car collision on the other side of the motorway caused by someone rubbernecking 🙈. What I thought was highly disrespectful were the people wandering all the way up to the site of the accident to see what was going, just to be nosy, and some were even recording it on their phones... The police had to tell them repeatedly to back off, to get back to their cars, and to stop recording. The police had to walk down the queuing traffic to encourage people to get back in their cars and away from the central reservation. To cut a long story short and to answer your question, I would say no unless absolutely necessary, and for as brief a time if you have to... stay away from the central reservation and give the poor bugger being cut out of their car, or receiving treatment on the ground, a bit of privacy and respect (as well as some consideration for the emergency services).


Recording? People can be just awful, no empathy at all.


Everything for a Facebook video now


It'll be in r/accidents


We’re quite lucky in this country that you don’t see many accident aftermath videos. In the far east, they’re all about filming someone who’s dying or have the guts removed on the side of the road


If the road is going to be shut for a long time police and highways will start turning cars round from the back and go back up the last slip road best to stay in your car if you can


This happened to me once on the M6. It was absolutely surreal driving the wrong way on the motorway. It felt like some weird dream/nightmare, like I had fallen asleep at the wheel. I kept thinking about it for ages afterwards.


I fully agree with you I had to do this on the m6 but some idiot on a motorcycle decided he shouldn't have to wait with the traffic that was stopped by police before the junction to allow vehicles to drive wrong way to exit he ended up causing an accident which meant no one could leave the motorway he was handcuffed whilst waiting for an ambulance to get to the accident even tho his leg was facing the wrong way.


I was barely off the end of a slip road onto the M4 when everything came to a halt a few years back. After some time a few cars near the slip did a u-turn and went up it. Shortly after a national highways vehicle parked itself at the bottom of the slip to prevent anyone else leaving. We were there 5 hours in the end, no attempt to turn traffic back to the previous junction. I imagine it's a logistical safety nightmare to try and do, but it's frustrating to sit within sight of an exit point for hours.


I've done this. I spent many many nights laying awake wondering if the police were tracking me down.   Still, saved my kid a 3 hour meltdown in traffic.  


Yeah the Police seem to think they’re the only ones who should record it on their phones and upload it.


Got stuck in a huge queue of traffic on the A9 a couple years back in April. Traffic backed up for about 20 miles in each direction as the road was closed for over 4 hours and there aren’t really any viable alternatives at this section. I really needed a piss but didn’t want to get out but eventually I made a move and did it then straight away it’s like I made it socially acceptable for everyone else to and about 10 other people around us headed down the embankment. When we finally started moving there were about 100 snowmen all along the side of the road which was nice. Then passed the scene of the accident and saw the snow was soaked in blood which really took away the prior cuteness of all these kids snowmen. Weird contrast


The motorway legislation doesn't grant an exception for stretching your legs in stopped traffic, so technically no. But in practice the police are never going to pull you up for it, and it wouldn't pass the CPS' public interest test for charging. In fact it's probably safer to have drivers who have had chance to stretch their legs than those who have been sat in the same position for a couple of hours, when traffic starts moving again. Obviously this assumes you're being sensible - if you're sat there for a couple of hours, yeah; if it's only been 5 minutes and the recovery truck is removing the last vehicle, you should be ready to move off, not be stood in the central reservation having a smoke.


We were stuck for about 30 mins behind an accident on the M40 last weekend, and then we started to move, but very slowly and confusedly. Lots of people changing lanes. Turns out there was an abandoned car in lane 2. Driver had gone AWOL and presumably not realised traffic was moving again. I became preoccupied with how they would reach and get into their car with 3 lanes of busy (and frustrated) traffic approaching it. So never go out of sight of your car.


There's certainly an increased risk of DVT being sat still in a car for hours on end. I've been stuck too, only for about an hour or so, and people were getting out, walking around, smoking, chatting etc. Police were fine with it as the mway was officially closed off and they'd coned off the carriageway at the previous junction so no danger of a pileup. We might moan about our potholes but the highways workers and police do a damn good job when there's an accident.


I was in a 6 hour queue one time because of a bridge jumper situation. The cops at the front didn't prosecute anybody for walking on the motorway, but they did ticket the motorcycle who filtered to the front because he used the hard shoulder. I felt sorry for that ticket because the HS definitely seemed safer than in between cars with children and pedestrians walking about.


True though I suspect the police argument would be that the hard shoulder should be kept clear in case other emergency vehicles need to get through. A quiet word might've been better than a ticket though.


Got stuck in a huge traffic jam caused by an accident on the motorway boiling hot day. As the traffic eventually started to move everyone had to move round a stationary car in the middle lane. I thought poor guy must have broken down. But no as we passed him we realised he was asleep at the wheel. By the time anyone realised it was too late to try and wake him. I would have loved to see his face when he eventually woke up.


We were stuck on the M11 for nearly 4 hours yesterday and plenty of people got out. What really confused me though was the several people who walked past us but didn’t come back the other way. Where did they go?!


Maybe they lived nearby and just left the driver with the car?


Played cricket and football on the M6 (I think) years ago. Big accident during peak school summer/Easter holiday traffic. Traffic was at a standstill for hours and most people got out the car at least once.


My old manager got stuck on the M4 and people were getting out their cars. She was stuck for ages and got her husband to drive out and lower food off a nearby bridge down to her. Apparently.


Technically no but years ago I watched blokes back cars up and create a little pitch to play football on the M25 when a vehicle caught fire in Dartford tunnel. Police dropped by to check on people and they just laughed and went on their way.


I admit I once had a poo when we were stuck on the M5 for 15 hours. I was however in the RV so no one saw me. I literally got 8 hours kip it was lush


This man queues


If you are actually at an RTC scene, best not to smoke. If you're back in the queue, not so much an issue.


We were stuck on the M18 for four hours the day after New Year's in 2018 and it turned out it was caused by a fuel tanker that had crashed but also leaked everywhere somehow for about a mile beforehand. Anyway as long as you don't smell fumes you're probably fine smoking. The most dangerous thing about it was the freezing temperatures and how many of us had been planning to get petrol at the M62 so had very little way to keep warm without risking running out of fuel ourselves.


Aye - it's not like the movies.


I’m curious. Please can you elaborate why?


Potential for fuel spillage


If you are at the actual scene I would guess there could be risk of a fuel leak so smoking would not be the best idea


That makes sense. When I read the comment the first time I was supposing they were far enough back so that it wouldn’t matter!


By the letter of the law, no. Unless it is an emergency. In reality as long as you're not being stupid and stay within reach of your vehicle no one will care. The police in that moment have more important things to worry about than whether or not you nip off to the bushes for a piss. The key part like others have said is "as long as you're not being stupid". If you're obviously being a moron or disrespectful, trying to take photos or videos of the crash etc I expect a copper would take the time to take your details and give you a lovely fresh fine.




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Happened to me one morning. Extra bad traffic on the M56 and I was on the spur coming off the M60. Traffic had been frozen for like 10 minutes and I was bursting for a pee since stockport. I eventually relented and pulled into the hard shoulder, dashed out and peed against the wall of the motorway, as traffic started moving. Big daf lorry stayed put for a minute and waved me back into traffic so I only lost 1 space. That was nice of him


Was stuck in that M6 northbound lorry pile up near J19 the other day. Yes, many people were hanging around outside their cars doing just that: smoking, peeing, etc. Driving southbound on the way back a few hours later and traffic was still backed up, but saw an Asian wedding group standing around taking photos in the traffic. I kind of want to see those pics, ngl.


I don't know. But I'd take the fine for public urination over trying to hold it in for five hours all day long.


Username checks out


I’ve been on the M4 where people have literally got footballs and picnics out back in the day. I guess now people have phones there’s more to do in the car.


Got stuck on the M27 many years ago, lorry flipped and closed all three lanes. It was late afternoon going in to early evening on. Friday so lots of traffic and close enough to see the incident. It didn’t take long for people to realise we weren’t going anywhere soon, people started getting out of their cars, chatting to each other, turning up the music. A lady from the car in front of me even had a picnic or something packed and started offering tea and sandwiches to those nearby. So strictly speaking no, but there were several hundred people stuck in what was effectively a car park, so I doubt anyone was going to tell all those people to get back in their cars.


I was stuck on the M1 at night a few years ago. A guy gets out of a van a few cars in front, opens up the back, gets out a saxophone, climbs up on top and plays Careless Whisper.


Stuck on a2 joining m25 when both tunnels closed. For four hours. At the four hour mark my bladder has had no more so I discreetly exit the car and unleash the bladder. The traffic clears immediately and I am now holding up the slip road but this particular flow cannot and will not stop. the lads in the lorry who had all relieved themselves are packing up and shouting “get a move on” or “put that thing away”. Timing. Think about this moment weekly and was about 10 years ago.


Technically no. If you need to, with an emphasis on need, I suppose you could but you have to be very careful. Emergency vehicles on the hard shoulder or motorbikes coming through traffic are a very real risk and you are still completely responsible for your vehicle even if you have gone for a little wander and traffic needs to restart.


Technically not but years ago I went down to weymouth, motorway had a huge accident and was shut for hours and we was stuck there in the heat. Practically everyone got out to stretch their legs, have lunch, hell even walk their dogs or give them some water. Granted we knew we had time since the air ambulance had landed near us and was a ways away from the actual crash


I have got out of my car a couple times on the m5 in stand still traffic for a fag. I just keep a close eye out for motorbikes filtering through. Years ago a bridge came down and traffic was stood still for over 12 hours on a really hot day. Nearly everyone got out. I believe some people started playing cricket.


beware of the bike's!


Police here. Don’t be that guy who gets out of their car when we are five minutes into a rolling block. All that does is wind me up. Strictly speaking, no, you shouldn’t be getting out of your car on the motorway. But, we are all adults, and have to make adult decisions in certain situations.


Done this a few times in standstill accident. Had a look at the traffic situation, stretched the legs and went for a pee. You should make sure that you are back in the car before the traffic starts to move though.


Havn't ben stuck in years, but as a youngster did all sorts on motorways, quick game of footy in a layby, sex in the back seat, picnic on the verge....


Where’s your sense of adventure ? It’s not every day you get stuck for hours on the Motorway. Sex on the bonnet surely, or roof even.


In that order?


It’s fine just be wary of the hard shoulder. I was stuck for an hour and a half on the m3 and saw people getting out going for a piss. Cop cars, tow trucks etc fly down the hard shoulder. Was sure there was going to be another accident.


Im not sure if you're classed as being parked, so be careful, although it'd be a complete jobsworth to do anything. But given what people say they want to submit to the cops ... People have gone to sleep and ended up in trouble.


I've played football on the M5 before. Game lasted about 30 minutes.


I was stuck in a traffic jam on the motorway. Everyone got out and stood around. The ice cream van that was stuck even started serving


Got stuck on the M5 once for 5 hours due to an accident closing all 3 lanes. No movement at all. In August, on one of the hottest days of the year. I absolutely got out that car! I've definitely seen videos of those guys getting an ice cream from an ice cream van on there too! I don't think it's technically allowed but I think you can apply some reasoning in some situations.


Several years ago coming back from Italy and everything grinds to a halt on motorway. After a little while all the Italians are piling out of their cars to play football. One pulls out a portable bbq and starts grilling sausages. We were there for some time so everyone had time to eat.


Got stuck on the M6 a few years ago for a few Horus and lots of us did get out or opened the doors and put legs outside. Can’t sit there for hours and not move.


This happened to me quite recently with a serious RTA. There is sensible guidance here but I would add the following specific advice. Firstly be VERY carefully observant of approaching vehicles (cars, vans AND MOTORBIKES - both emergency and non emergency) driving up the hard shoulder and *filtering between the lanes* at speed. The average motorist's (let alone passenger's) awareness of the risks involved was immediatelly revealed to be both pitiful and quite terrifying. Only get out the car when you can see substantial numbers of people out of *their* cars up the road ahead in front of you and checking behind to see it is safe. While you are out the vehicle keep checking up the road ahead for signs that cars were starting to move again (many drivers *utterly* oblivious). Basically alot of people act like idiots - don't be one of them. It was a very tense half hour watching morons overtaking along the hard shoulder, drivers around unobservant and oblivious to approaching emergency vehicles, motorbikes lane splitting and nearly getting doored, mums ushering kids across the carriageway in attempt to pee in a bush without even glancing behind and very few people paying attention to the signs traffic was starting up again. yuck. Id be really interested the the police advice to motorcyclists in this specific situation. Whatever the rights and wrongs of it as soon as it became obvious the traffic was satutionary bikers still moving were at real risk of getting doored.


Id say no, because when emergency services vehicles inevitably need to drive through the queues, you may need to be ready to move your vehicle slightly to give way. Also you don’t want to be stood on the hard shoulder when a police car comes flying down there. But I see people getting out in stationary traffic all the time, I’ve even seen a group of footballers play football on the road, so 🤷🏻‍♀️


We did on a coach trip. Wasn't that long till it was moving again, maybe half an hour.


About 20 years ago I remember being on a family holiday. Classic scenario of towing a caravan in blistering heat with no air con. We were stopped in traffic for what seemed like hours and my adult cousin decided to go and get supplies from the caravan. After a couple of minutes, we started moving. I thought he would just wait in the caravan until the next chance we had to pull over but no, he exits the caravan holding a pinic hamper, manages to lock the door while we are moving albeit slowly, and sprint up the hard shoulder and make it back into the car, with snacks, before we got any real speed. Obviously, very dangerous, but 12 yo me thought it was brilliant. I can still picture looking out of the window and seeing this pinic hamper on legs running alongside the car.


Highways Traffic Officer here. Strictly speaking no, but if you do decide to get out. Don’t wonder off. Don’t cross hard shoulders or empty lanes, and for the love of all things good; do not cross the centre reserve. Countless times where I’ve had traffic held due to Air Ambulance landing only to have to keep it held because I cannot release motorway traffic into people. Typically when traffic has been held for an extended time, where it’s available, signals will be set to say “RETURN TO VEHICLE” giving you a heads up.


Probably not. But I was stuck in traffic earlier in the week for 5 hours on the a55. There were people in front of us who walked 20mins to the garage just off the slip road & then walked back again. Walked past some coppers who didn’t say anything to them though.


Not strictly speaking. If you have been stopped for a while, and likely not going to be moving for a while you can step out, though not to go too far from your vehicle as traffic can start moving again and then you will cause more problems.


Remember family coming up from Devon a few years ago, getting stuck in traffic from a crash and having an ice cream from a Mr Whippy van who saw an opportunity for extra trade, thought it was genius




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No, not really but no one is going to give you any grief if you're just stood by your car stretching your legs. If you're on the opposite side playing football then you're going to have issues.


Some years back I was stuck on the M25 with two young children on our way to a birthday party. Hottest day of the year, we got out and set up the swingball.


It’s exceptional circumstances, so the legality becomes quite grey. For example, people need to go to the toilet. I once got out and had a pee next to my car. I opened the door and stood next to the open door. Nobody could see.


We got stuck on the way to wales on my birthday for 4 hours. People were getting out and walking to the closest services. When the traffic eventually moved so many cars were sat there


I was in a 4hr long traffic jam once and the car next to me got out and starting putting golf balls on the grass in the central reservation.


I don’t think it’s legal (I could be wrong) but either way we all break the rules 😈


Legally speaking no but everyone does anyway. I’ve gotten out multiple times in traffic to stretch my legs and go for a wee.


NO! It's not ok.... BUT! So long as traffic has been stood for a while and there's no cars/bikes still making their way through the traffic then it's sorta ok. Keep an ear/eye out for emergency vehicles and don't leave your vehicle. If you stand against your vehicle and have a smoke you will be fine. The worst case is a traffic officer asks you to return to your vehicle.




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As a motorcyclist this is a bit of a pet hate, obviously if the traffic is stopped for a long time I’ll be progressing slowly but people have opened their door in front of me and stepped out in front of me while filtering in such a scenario, obviously I could stop in time as I was not riding like an idiot but it’s a risk for both the rider and the driver. The thing is it’s still a ‘live’ motorway and motorcycles and emergency responders may still be making progress through the traffic.


I was stuck so long once because of a jumper on the Tyne bridge that I went to the petrol station that I was alongside to get some crisps and a drink, the car in front hadn’t moved an inch when I got back but I drew some funny and some dirty looks on the way. ETA: I got the day off work eventually because I was so late. It took another two hours to even get to a point where I could turn off and go home.


Nope. Happened to me a couple weeks ago, police stopped traffic about 4 cars in front of me. After a few minutes, seen the copper get out and literally lose his shit at people behind me telling them to get back in their cars. Few minutes later we were on our way. Never found out why they stopped the traffic either.


Same. Was witness to a major incident on a motorway once. Traffic police went mental at the vultures all getting out for a look. People told clearly to return to and stay in their cars, it’s still a live motorway even if you’re stationary.


I suppose when you're that far back you don't see the police, just the static traffic kinda thing though. If they were in viewing point though that's different


No but you also can't stop on a motorway so common sense prevails. Be safe and all is generally good.


You are not supposed to. But if you do be very careful looking out for motorbikes filtering between the lanes


Legally no not really but as long as you’re sensible then it won’t be an issue. And more than likely you wouldn’t be prosecuted anyway if you were to run into an officer having a bad day. And


There’s a not insignificant difference between what’s legal and what you’ll be prosecuted for. There’s a comforting degree of common sense in our legal system.


Reminds me of the train strike and one poor fellow decided to jog to work on the train track and. . . . (No, unfortunately, they do not turn off the electricity on the third rail even without any trains running)


Technically no but if it’s clear you aren’t moving soon there’s nothing stopping you. I’ve switched my engine off and got out before in order to make a phone call. Seen guys play a mock game of cricket before a grumpy policeman told them off


You see stories about people playing football on the motorway when it was at a stand still for hours. Probably illegal but if the roads blocked how's the police gonna get ya ,🤣


No, the law clearly states pedestrians are not allowed on the Motorway at any time. However, if you've been stuck for a time, traffic is at a stand still, and has been for a while, stretching your legs, answering a call of nature, ETC, so long as you stay near your vehicle isn't going to get you prosecuted. Never abandon your vehicle unless told to do so by police or other authorities. If you are, take any valuables, and leave it unlocked so police and/or emergency services can move it easily if they need to do so.


I know this isn't a helpful addition to the comments, but, thank you. This is a REALLY good question.


Saw a biker come off on a fairly slow moving busy M25, all cars around stopped and several people got out and ran over to him.


Technically no. But it happens. It makes the news sometimes, games of football and once cricket


This just makes me think of Immola. It's a place in Italy and it was the worst traffic jam on the motorway I was ever in. I was only 9 or 10 and we were driving to the south of Italy. An accident happened and we were stuck on the Motorway for 6 hours in August in Italy. Everyone got out of the car. We played ball games (football, Boccia, Softball Tennis), Frisbee. Shared food with strangers of all nationalities (that was my first experience of Stroopwaffle), chatted to people, went to the bushes for toilets, some people had deck chairs in their caravans and started sunbathing. It was surreal, my dad spoke Italian so he was able to relay traffic news updates to anyone around who spoke or understood German, which was then passed on in various languages.


What are you gonna get pulled over?


Nah, more a letter 6 weeks later asking for £100 and 3 points on my licence.


Well yeh there's nothing in the hw code to say don't. It's just a don't leave Ur car thing for long.


Only slightly related, but during the 2007 floods, the M1 close to my house was closed, so myself and a few friends decided to go exploring. We got a picture of some of us laid in the middle lane on your typical crappy early camera phone from the era. Then, as we were climbing the embankment to go back into the woods, we saw an emergency vehicle absolutely blasting past. Could've gone very wrong!


Whose gonna honestly care if it's illegal and you get out? Just use common sense in these situations.


Just recently I got a parking ticket from a job interview, and they told me to park there and leave a note. Any excuse to fine you and they will take it.


That's not the law that's a private parking company sending you an invoice for breach of contract. Actual traffic police officers exercise discretion.


Council, not private company. Council = government.


No but people do lol


Not sure of the law but last time I got stuck, 5 hours on M25, I eventually had to pee, opened driver door and sort of crouched to do the job and not offend anyone watching. Finished up, sat down then pissed myself laughing when I looked in wing mirror and saw about 8 guys behind doing exactly the same.


Air ambulance doctor here. I really wouldn’t get out within the first hour or so: - The ‘closure’ is usually temporary- when emergency services arrive, it often turns out to not be as bad as originally given, and you might be able to extricate and treat all casualties, move them from the carriageway, clear vehicles and debris. Police and highways are actually, despite what people think, very conscious about delays and if a situation is no longer considered life threatening or life changing, they’ll do their best to open at least a lane as soon as they can. - Even if a carriageway is totally closed, there may still be traffic. Until police/ highways put a stop/ diversion in place at the last exit slip road, you may get motorbikes filtering or some prat driving up the hard shoulder. Emergency vehicles, and recovery vehicles (the ones you need to reopen the carriageway!) may be filtering through traffic to get to the job. - If both carriageways are suddenly closed, it may be to allow us to land. The last thing we want is people wandering into our approach or putting themselves at risk by approaching our aircraft while we’re landing. The number of times we’ve been picking through queued traffic on the critical care car trying to get to the job, and there’s people aimlessly wandering around the carriageway is scary and they are at risk. Secondary accidents in queues of traffic are actually common and I’ve seen a few worse than the original incident which closed the road! If, unfortunately, it is as bad as given and if someone is either killed or very seriously injured (thankfully a genuine minority of incidents), the road may be closed for a while as this is the only chance that police may have to get vital forensic data. Alternatively, some HGV loads might cause a closure which may take a while to fix. I think if it’s a genuine total closure, all emergency services are on scene, aircraft have landed and taken off again, and the motorway is closed / diverted at the last exit then police don’t tend to actively go after people stretching their legs, relieving desperate bladders, cheering each other up etc provided that you can get back to your car quickly if needed. Bear in mind that roads may also be closed for people in distress, and with any luck the situation will be safely resolved allowing a rapid and sudden reopening. Don’t be playing cricket a mile away from your car if this happens!


As others have said, technically no, but in reality you aren’t going to get a fine or anything for getting out for a quick stretch or nipping over to use the bushes if you’ve been there a while. I’ve got my dogs out for a wee on a closed motorway before.


Yeah we were stuck on the m40 for about 5 hours after someone rolled a lorry across all 3 lanes. We went to go and have a look and were chatting to a police man. He never mentioned anything about not being allowed


Avoid doing this unless absolutely necessary. Emergency vehicles sometimes have to use the hard shoulder to get to the accident. The last thing they need is pedestrians on there having a fag :)


For the newbies, what’s a “hard shoulder” ? 🙄


I got stuck on the M6 Toll for an hour once and people were letting their todlers run around the hard shoulder, was so stressful.


Can I ask, were you tempted to have a wank? I often do in traffic jams to pass the time. Wondering if this is normal?


How long have you been a coach driver?


No, I don’t think that’s normal, think you might be addicted to porn.


No, you're not to as yiubthen become a pedestrian on a restricted carriageway. More importantly, it's higher risk. There's a reasonable probability of a RTI occurring on the opposite carriageway which could come through the barriers


No your not, and also you broke the law watching netflix but common sense hopefully prevails in certain situation




Always on a lookout for bikers making extra lanes.