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I wouldn't class Ubers as professional drivers. Also, taxi drivers are some of the worst I've seen.


We booked an Uber to watch darts at Leeds first direct arena. Instead of going on the M1 and taking 20 minutes the guy was clearly very uncomfortable on the motorway because he kept to main roads but ended up on the Armley gyratory at 4pm on a Thursday. It was absolute bedlam and we arrived 40 minutes after we would have if he’d just gone on the bloody motorway.


Oh man! That place is a pain in the arse. And ubers/taxis just stop in the worst places. They just stop dead and block whatever.


> ended up on the Armley gyratory at 4pm on a Thursday I wouldn't wish that on anyone


The only way to tackle that junction is by cycling along the canal which runs under it!


i was also watching darts at first direct arena! small world haha


Nah they probably wanted to run the meter up


If he doesn’t feel safe, it’s safer for you. You don’t want to be in a car with a nervous driver on a bloody motorway. Trust me.


Private hire drivers....the only activity you get worse at once you're a professional.


Depends where you are. In Northern Ireland, you have to pass an extended theory test, and an extended driving test to be an Uber driver.


They should be doing drivers cpc


Yes, also 35 hours of CPC training (every 5 years).




By definition they are professional drivers


Yes, they are technically professional drivers, but their standard of driving is far from such.


I agree with you. But Harry Maguire is a professional footballer.


I'll take your word for that. I know nothing about football.


Neither does he






The London black cabs are proper cunts. Was doing the knowledge years ago and every “accident” or near “accident” I had whilst doing runs (on a 300cc Vespa), was a fault of a London cabbie. They all blame the immigrant Ubers for being rapists taking their jobs whilst nursing a semi for king gammon - Tommy Robinson.


Saw a black cab rear end another driver once and then get out and explain to the other driver it didnt happen because his taxi was heavier than a normal car and only had drum brakes. He wasn't claiming it wasn't his fault, he was literally claiming he didn't hit the front car (!?!) using the argument that his car couldn't stop as quickly as a normal car. Made no sense.


all mice are from space, aren't they? *and* they're gay!


"No I can't get up to speed any faster after pulling out into a roundabout, I must stay in 6th to save on fuel."


No worse drivers than a taxi driver!


What if it’s a BMW taxi driver…😱


He’s crashed on the way out of the garage


There’s a paradox created between the BMW without indicators and the taxi stopping in the middle of the busiest street with their hazards on (next to empty parking bays)


Sitting in the The far right lane is just what happens when you heil a taxi I’m afraid


"Which way now mate?" "Take the third Reich"


Did you get out and walk? No mate , Uber alles the way


Take my bloody upvote.




It’s all about the angle you stick your hand out. Keep your legs a bit apart and your arm vertical and it won’t happen.


>It’s all about the angle you stick your hand out. On your last journey, was the snow this high? No, it was more like this high.


This isn't a professional driver. This someone who drives for a living. There's a subtle but important difference.


That's what the word means 🤷‍♂️


You're kind of missing the point.


A lawyer is a legal professional. A police officer (or indeed a bank robber) is someone who's work revolves around the law, but they're not legal professionals.


The police do not know the law so I'd agree with you on that one. The dictionary can settle this argument though.


Not quite. It means "relating to a job that requires special education, training, or skill". In terms of driving skills, all you need to be a taxi driver is a valid driving licence - i.e. no better than anyone else on the road.


How can you say not quite when talking about a definition of a word when you can just look it up. I e done it for you. "engaged in a specified activity as one's main paid occupation rather than as a pastime." Crazy man


actually I think that varies from local councils as reading up on my local council site to register your vehicle as private hire or as a taxi you need to pass an english test 'advanced' driving test safeguarding training and such


A profession needs extended (probably in years) amounts of training and a formal qualification. In driving terms a black cab driver that had completed ‘the knowledge’ would fit the bill.


Uber drivers get their licenses from cereal boxes fr


We really need more spot checks. Supposedly kids have had trouble booking tests for the last 4 years, yet loads of peeps new to the country are out driving. Same goes for insurance


Think of the community cohesion.


There's people that have been driving on an international permit for years, it isn't checked up on.


Right?? A friend's relative recently came here on a carer work visa, took a driving test literally the next week, some how passed and the next day drove his car straight into a tree. Something shady going on here man


I think you can come here and drive on certain licenses indefinitely. My barber is Kurdish and hasn't taken a UK test (except theory which he's failed every time so far).


I've been waiting 7 months for mine and there is no practical test, yet others are getting theirs within 3 months. Check out the new exam results if you're bored though, 49% of drivers are failing a basic map reading test 😂


Note down in his shit driving in your review


I did that the other day and Uber refunded me the full fare.




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Sir I believe this was dastardly move just as a ruse to get a refund on the fare. This is my revised comment after mods deleted my previous comment because it was deemed to be unnecessarily offensive. Just imagine what I wrote before.


It really wasn’t. He was driving like an absolute moron, I reported it for safety. I didn’t request a refund, nor have I ever done this before and got a refund (ergo, there was no way for me to know id get a refund until Uber sent me the money back). I’m not poor, I don’t need to scam working people out of money they’ve earned.


The amount of people that sit in the middle lane is just incomprehensible. Even when i undertake them at the speed limit they stay there. It’s honestly frightening how unaware the majority of drivers are. This is the problem when manufactures give you all the creature comforts and make it so you dont have to think anymore, at least with an older car you are hyper aware and it keeps you on your toes


Germany is not like this. The problem is lack of education and lack of actual enforcement. I do however like that empty gantry signs are used to say don’t hog the middle lane while a convoy of conga line middle lane hoggers ignore it.


A public service campaign saying hidden/secret "Lane-Hog Detection Cameras" are being installed on every motorway in the UK might get people to change their behaviour at very little cost!


Now that is a way for the government to make money 😂💰


I think it’s more laziness than anything else. By staying in the middle lane it’s one less thing for them to think about with the furthest left sometimes being an exit off the motorway, other cars joining the motorway etc.


Yep, also a skill issue. Plenty of drivers are anxious about changing lanes on motorways, so sit in the middle. They can pass lorries, but don't have to perform any lane changes/mirror checks.


I've heard that excuse before - "If I'm in the middle lane, I don't have to change lanes, so it's safer! Plus if something goes wrong I have two escape lanes!" Of course they don't think that they could get hit from two sides instead of just one - yeah, that's safer....


They should teach basic driving skill theory in the last year/s of school


Wrong, left lane 50mph grandparents, middle lane 50.01mph lorries overtaking them, leaving the right lane for everyone else


I do agree that education is a problem. It would be good to see a mass roll out of driver retests or mandatory courses but unfortunately its too impractical. I can imagine Germany would be so calming for me to drive in and see people using logic and actually being polite unlike some drivers in the uk 😂


i don't think it's really anything to do with those creature comforts. plenty of absolute shitboxes hog the middle lane, too. conversely, my car as lane assist and radar cruise and all that, but i don't do this bollocks


I don’t see many shitboxes in the middle lane. But thats probably because of bias. But the reason i say because of creature comforts is because people just become disconnected and unaware. Not saying it’s specifically people in newer cars. Would be nice if people would think a little more. Ive probably done it myself but id like to hope i am aware more often then not


1 star his ass and give the reason why. Might drive the point home.


It’ll drive the point home in the wrong lane


Got one to the airport the other day and he was doing like 55 in the outside lane for absolutely no reason.


I can only see one reason and that's that it is easier for him. Without fines for it, how will it stop?


I think the days of taxi drivers being “professional” has long gone. The barrier to entry is “have license, have phone, have car”. One day we will all have self driving cars that abide by the rules of the world and all will be well! Well… once the taxi drivers have stopped moaning about it that is.


I should have read your caption, spend the entire time thinking "you're the problem here?"


Are you travelling with people or have you optionally sat in the front seat


No was travelling with 3 others 👍


Had one guy who took me to City Airport at almost funeral pace, hesitating at junctions, moaning about the blocked DPF in his Toyota Verso diesel, and complaining that he keeps getting "one star" reviews (again in fast lane doing 35 in a 50). The majority of Ubers are good but that yellow disc in the window is like a warning sticker for sketchy driving 🚗


Professional drivers are the worst drivers on the road. Uber drivers are just average jo's pretending to be professional


Did you give him 1 star? I see shit Uber drivers all the time and wonder how many passengers rate them as such


They don't. I've just packed in my private hire job, sick of being tarred with the same brush. People get in and you hear the dreaded "I was in one of your cars the other day" then proceed to tell you how the guy didn't know where he was going, couldn't drive, overcharged or their friend was locked in the car etc etc. When you ask did you call the office or tell licensing, or she should have called the police as she was kidnapped. "Oh no, I just paid it". (One woman was charged £19.50 on a job the week before , was £8 50 on my meter.) The fuck are you moaning to me then? you should have done something


I don’t think enough people flash the middle lane hoggers to get them to move the fuck over. It’s so dangerous, especially when around junctions.


I have a good look at their rearview mirror to try and see if they're capable of beating me up before I flash them 😂


Yes. I asked such taxi driver to change lanes once cars started overtaking us on the left. He got all pissy.  "I'm in cruise control begins that car in front" "Don't you have a phone to look at?" Fucking gave him 1 star but he should lose his licence for being a hazard.


The fact you just referred to tlit as the "fast lane" confirms you are part of the problem.


Have you asked him why?


How'd that help?


Curious what he’d say




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Were you in the Prius in front of me on the M6 yesterday? Cruise control on 75 and mainly in the left lane, sometimes the middle, and the Prius in the right hand lane while people doing 80+ are overtaking him in the middle lane. Lasted a few miles before I exited for Tebay services.


No mate, this was today. With the amount these Uber drivers drive though wouldn’t be surprised if it was the same guy haha.


I used to drive on the M4 heading into London and what I would notice is that black cabs and other taxis would join at slough and around west Drayton, immediately head over to the rightmost lane and just sit there no matter the traffic. It’s just a thing.


Britain is finally ready for right hand traffic like the rest of Europe has, and that comes with lane discipline already :)


I was in an Uber the other day and I swear he didn't indicate once going around roundabouts. Granted it was straight on, but he didn't indicate leaving the roundabout at all 🙄 also had an Uber driver (could've been the same one I can't remember) who went round a roundabout in the right hand lane, with a big lorry in the left lane. At the same time. He sped up so fast I felt like I cracked a rib 🙃


I’ve never seen a taxi or an Uber in the left lane. I’m not even exaggerating. Always middle or right.


If they are going faster than anyone else fair enough. I had one drive the other that I went to overtake on the right and as soon as I got slightly ahead of them they suddenly decided to put their foot down and proceeded to pass me on the left! Total 🔔 end


Uber in India! No messing about with languages (English plus 8 main languages) In Odisha where no one outside the state speaks the language Uber is go to! Fixed price so no sweat on round the houses.


I saw 3 merc drivers all crash into each other today. Stopped and gave a statement to Police. I have no idea who was at fault. All 3 were changing to separate lanes but crossing each other in the process and then all collided at the same time.


Mate, when you spend all your life as a warehouse and then you decide to become an uber driver or a taxi driver this happens. Most of the ride sharing drivers are a big 💩…


Imagine thinking being a ‘licensed’ Uber driver somehow means that you have to be a good driver… Uber drivers (anecdotally) are some of the worst I’ve seen on the roads.


PHV = Poorly Handled Vehicle from what I can tell, whenever I see those bastard round-alls in the front or rear window I just expect the shittiest driving and am rarely disappointed.


It’s makes me so happy (please note sarcasm) to know the government has spent billions extending the motorways upto four, only for these goons turning them back into single or dual carriageways with their rolling road blocks. Maybe we should follow the Americans law where you pick a lane and stay it until it’s time to exit. As witnessed first hand, tickets get issued for under taking or overtaking as it’s classed as traffic weaving.


Unpopular opinion: there’s nothing wrong with this photo. There’s a potential merge in lanes 2/3 so 4 stays out the way as long as there’s no one behind / going faster in 3


As a rule of thumb most people who describe themselves as professional drivers are the worst because they pick up every bad habit and won’t have any criticism as they are a ‘professional’ driver. And I tell you try dealing with their professional bodies or groups and they reveal how little they know of the rules of the road! I had to explain restricted road status and why there aren’t 30mph repeater signs to driving instructors and that craps on the driving test!


Our roads are some of the safest in the world. Another over-dramatic post.


The travesty that is modern UK Lane discipline comes up a lot of this sub and I always feel to mention - I have spent a bit of time driving in Middle East and Asia and it seems in many countries the lanes are not for overtaking but slow, medium, fast etc - or in many countries they just drive on the penultimate lane (looking at you M25). I have (very scientifically) observed that a very high proportion of the time when I see someone in middle Lane in proper empty traffic it does seem to be likely that they learnt to drive outside the UK. We are therefore here getting frustrated about this and many people doing it are completely unaware that it's even a rule.


That may be the case for some, but after a year those drivers will need to sit the UK driving test and they’ll then need to learn to drive correctly so that excuse no longer applies


There are upwards of 50 countries where you can simply exchange your licence for a GB/NI one.


True for some but not all, and no motorway driving on UK driving test when I did it, may have changed now?


>I have (very scientifically) observed that a very high proportion of the time when I see someone in middle Lane in proper empty traffic it does seem to be likely that they learnt to drive outside the UK. How did you observe this? Did you check their birth certificates?


Taxis drive like they got the license from a crisp packet


Or use a friends/relatives license…


You just know he was going 55mph too


Why are you taking an Uber for an hour?


Surprised an Uber driver likes the far right, usually they don’t get on.


A certain religion is one of the most “far right”movements on this planet and a good portion of uber drivers subscribe to that religion.


tax drivers are on the road some 12,14+ hours a day and they drive like shit. Driving on the right lane on a virtually empty motorway doesnt bother me so much. There's far bigger wrongs they can do like not keeping the car in the centre of the land and meandering around the edge of the lanes. I cant imagien how it must be like to drive wit hthe pressure of having passengers in your car, and snitch too. I do parcel delivery part time. When I'm on shift. I havre to admit, my driving is shit. You'll never know the urge a delivery driver has to take risks just to get through the day faster.


Anyone who spends a lot of time on the motorway if ya just peep at the drivers riding lanes 2, 3 and 4 I'd say roughly 8 out of 10 are foreign


I complained once when a driver was right up someone's arse all the way home and got the money back


Minicab drivers are the worst drivers on the road by a country mile.


Youre joking right? Taxi drivers are worse than van drivers


I’d have said “why you sitting in the far right lane?” Then proceed to explain how utterly idiotic it is and say “if you don’t drive appropriately and to the road rules I shall give you a low review and report you to uber”


Once had a 'professional' Uber driver stop in the chevrons of a motorway turn-off to check Google maps that he was going in the wrong direction (this was about 3am and pitch black). This was after doing max 50 in the middle lane the entire way to the airport whilst his car screamed at him because he kept drifting across the white lane markings. My girlfriend and I had had about 3 hours sleep before this (early morning flight) and she gets carsick, so chundered all over the departures drop-off when we got out. Dropped him to 4*s for that


Wtf, that amount of dangerous driving and you still gave him 4*


I was joking


Did you tell the driver to move over?


I bet your driver wasn’t English


I do the same at 80-85mph. Not weaving in and out of lanes, don’t get in anyone’s way. Best way to drive on motorways IMO.


Right? I’m so confused why people are talking about the middle lane at all. If you’re in the far right lane and travelling faster than traffic in the other two lanes, who gives a shit.


This a normal person.


You should have told them. Sorry but if my taxi driver does that I am pointing it out - that can cause accidents, never mind unnecessary traffic.


That's a great way to get your ride cancelled and you trying to hail a cab in the middle of nowhere. Instead wait until your destination then complain. The exception is safety.


You don't have to be confrontational. Just politely ask "sorry mate why are you in the inner lane".