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Been like this for the 15 years I’ve been driving


Yeah it's always been a thing as far as I'm concerned. My current pet hate is people skipping red lights but with a twist, pelican crossing lights. Twice this week people are walking out into the road and drivers are so used to skipping reds 2 seconds after it's turned red they are doing it at these now. Insanely dangerous.


I saw someone last week stop at a red light for a toucan crossing. Pedestrians crossed, but the car in front of mine decided it was time to go, so we t through the red light


29 for me


England is very immigrant infused dependant. There is some countries or regions where they don't use them...


Don't know why you are getting downvoted. I experienced exactly this last week. Had to get a taxi. The driver spoke very little English and his driving terrified me. He never used his indicators and had no understanding of appropriate lanes. On a short journey, he nearly caused two accidents - on both occasions when navigating roundabouts incorrectly.


I live in East midlands seeing it all the time. I'm being downvoted by those ppl don't worry mate. Just keep driving decent and using indicators


I even use them when I'm the only car on the road - it's just entrenched in the way I drive. Hopefully others will follow by example.






To be fair even if they’re using indicators I still wait to see which way they’re actually going, many people don’t even know how to use them properly


Exactly, there’s no point looking at people’s indicators really - 50% of the time they are not an indication of what they are actually going to do!


Especially when indicating to come off a round about lol.


Had someone do this the other day, but we’re going slowly enough for me walk in the middle of the road and stand there. Shook my head looking at her


Sometimes it can be left on from a previous turn so yes never trust anyone 👍




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I was taught this, mainly from a mistake when learning not acknowledging my indicator was on to left when I approached a junction and a taxi pulled out on me, instructor didn’t tell me but let me learn which taught me not to pull out unless a car is turning in, it has saved me and a very valuable lesson was learned that still plays a part 9 years later


They either don't use them, or go straight/take second exit whilst indicating right. I hate it here.


>go straight/take second exit whilst indicating right. To be fair, that isn't something taught in the UK, but I've been told it's common in some Eastern Euro countries to indicate (right in our case) if you're taking any exit but the first, only signalling left when leaving the roundabout. So often you'll come across someone doing just that, because it's habit from where they grew up driving.


Worst is people who continue to indicate right all the way until they leave the roundabout


My biggest pet peeve is people indicating to come off the roundabout 1 exit too early. So I think I can go but oh no surprise they’re coming right at me


My old mother does that. She indicates left as she's turning the wheel to exit the roundabout. Too late then.


Saw this yesterday, they left the roundabout then 5 seconds later indicated left for a few seconds 😅😅 Appreciate the effort but it's a bit late now 🤣


Omg yeah, no point in indicating at all if you are gonna do that!! Cock waffles


Yes, people have stopped using their indicators. I commute one each fortnight on a motorway and no one bothers indicating when moving out/in lanes. I usually give a quick flash of the headlights, but doesn’t make a bit of difference.


In my experience the vast majority do indicate to change lanes but only after they've started the manoeuvre, which is completely pointless 


That fucks me off. Fucks my partner off more because I always say the same thing... "It's *mirror, signal, manoeuvre.* Not MIRSIGMANAouvre"


The best ones are “gentle drift across to the other lane, indicating while halfway across and a mirror check if you’re lucky” Let alone a sodding blind spot check


This reminds me of the firing squad scene in Blackadder Goes Forth - ‘I’m a gabbler you see, Sir. READYAIMFIRE.’


I have a sneaking suspicion that you can remove the MIR altogether, and even more likely that the SIG can go at the end.


Bold of them (he/she) to assume they have used their mirrors!!




I had a stationary beggar just now, as it happens. Sitting with two wheels on the pavement at a bus stop, no less. But as I was feeling generous and I was nearly home, I lifted off and gave 'em the old double flash. The little car jerked forwards, then the wheels came round and it bounced off the kerb ... and stalled. Have you ever tasted the sourness of instant regret? They got it going again, swerved across the centre line, clipped the kerb and finally got it straightened out. Hazards came on and remained on for, oh, 30 seconds - to be replaced by the left indicator as they finally picked up speed and I got to my junction. I'm so very pleased I didn't have to follow them for more than 200m.


There is some theory behind that in fairness.. It was a long time ago that I watched it, but remember seeing a programme where they assessed people's reactions to driving scenarios. When people indicate when a car is along side them, or just behind them (in the next lane) is does increase the passing car drivers "oh shit they haven't seen me" reflex!


Doesn't give the rest of us a chance to be considerate and let her out. Selfish?


Possibly as a result of the Lane Assist bleeping and/or shaking the steering wheel; once they start to drift across the line the warning starts.


Probably because of the lane assist, it pulls you back a bit unless you indicate


The other version of this is being, they indicate at the appropriate time but then take their use of indicators as a right of way and just pull in/out on you at a dangerous distance. Way too often do I get people just doing what they want simply because they’ve put their indicator on.


This is somthing I found out last week. I was watching a short of traffic police officer talking about Middle lane hoggers and in it he mentioned according to the highway code when changing lanes to the left on the motorway you don't need to indicate because its the default position and people should expect. Il still be indicating regardless but it was still interesting to find out.


Id tend to indicate based on someone being not too far behind which should be likely if you’re in the middle lane. Slightly different, but when I move to the middle lane when drivers are merging from a slip road, sometimes I find they then might suddenly bomb it, so at least by indicating they know I want to be back in the left lane and they can overtake.


You don’t need to indicate if you’re moving back to the left lane


You don't need to indicate to return to the left, because as per the highway code you should be doing this once you've completed your overtake anyway. Obviously no one returns to the left these days, but still.


I do. Never a bad idea to let everyone know your intent.


You still have to indicate.


Unnecessary signals are a minor on your advanced driving test, so no.


Correct, but indicating to change lanes is necessary


Necessary if you are moving lanes to over take but not required for moving back to the left once the manoeuvre had been completed.


Downvotes 🤣.


Some people use them for right turns only - which means their indicators are still signalling right as they take that lovely 3rd exit...


Yes. You get a letter after you pass your test, letting you know you are free of your obligations to check mirrors, keep your distance, adhere to speed limits, indicate. You can also park on double-yellow lines (as long as you're only going to be a minute). I think there's a few others, but those are the big ones. It's call the Training Wheels Protocol.


I'm a HGV driver, please for the love of God indicate on roundabouts. It makes our lives so much easier.


As a car driver/motorcyclist, why do HGV drivers feel the need to try and overtake other HGV's, or travel in the middle lane in a massive convoy so you either have to slow down way slower than them and get behind them all to get past them, or try and move out between 2 of them to get past them, just for them to honk their horns and flash their lights at you for invading their space when normally you see them 10+ HGVs in a row all less than 2 car lengths apart doing more than 50 with such an unsafe distance! It really kind of makes me laugh. Meant to be professional drivers but most of them dont keep to a safe distance especially given the fact most HGV drivers love to remind us of how hard it is to stop suddenly with their massive weight. Isn't it counter intuitive?


The amount of times I’ve gotten tailgated by a HGV or lorry is ridiculous. Usually it’ll be during temporary roadworks where I’m already going 10 above the temp limit when safe! Or when we’re towards the end of a motorway entering a roundabout. One slip up and my poor little golf will be sent on its way to fucking France. I think it’s just our [work] culture nowadays.. everyone’s always in a rush, always needing more, never not bored


Yes it's low at the moment. It's on the list of things people do once they are a 'proper driver'. ( Or don't do in this case) Such as also, drive at 80 on motorway until you get a speeding letter, ignore lane closed signs, ignore which lane goes where, undertake on roundabouts at exits, lane 1 of motorway excludes cars Edit - painted dot on roundabout has no relevance to anything, especially if going right


It's definitely gotten worse since the pandemic, it seems a lot of people have just become selfish pricks.


My wife had just learnt deiving during the pandemic, if anything it’s the instructora fault for not teaching properly.


Definitely noticed this more on mini roundabouts. Cars will take the first exit without indicating and I’m sat there waiting.


THANK YOU!! People not indicating really winds me up too! It’s my number one annoyance (just ask my wife, I moan about it a lot! lol) Just as bad, people who just indicate as an afterthought. Like, only whilst they are actually in the act of their manoeuvre - totally missing the point of what an indicator is for. I always make a point of indicating, even when there isn’t any other traffic about (like in the early hours of the morning), because I want it to be habitual. Muscle memory.


Fun fact, the indicator stalk on BMWs is an optional extra...


and Audis. Silver ones usually


Are you serious?!


What about those cunts who turn right at a roundabout but don’t indicate right


And usually from the left lane too


Well, as someone who was knocked off a bike by someone not indicating and not looking I confirm a lot of people tend to forget how to indicate.


Was travelling on the motorway,the amount of drivers that switched lanes without indicating was ridiculous...i am sure they just consider them as a luxury item on their car


I’ve started watching their front wheels at roundabouts. Unless something catastrophic has happened, cars will always go in the direction they’re steering.


What's indictaters, precious?


People get lazy, not that you should ever trust an indicator anyway. If it’s a young fella with a man bun in an Audi or BMW just assume the worst.. (this is satire before people lose their minds) On the same note, even indicators don’t stop people pulling out. There’s a roundabout near me on one of the main roads with a superstore just by it. If you turn right from the superstore using the roundabout you end up on a dual carriage way, but as you’re in the inside lane (two lanes) left is for left or straight on, the people on the left slip out into the outside lane as you’re going around (and end up blocking your access to the left lane) on this roundabout it’s a real PITA because there’s about 200m of road before another round about and you need to be in the left lane to go left. Ideally you want to be able to exit into the left lane if you’re going left straight after but it gets blocked and it can be a nightmare to have someone let you back in, in time.


I don’t even get it, they sit there doing nothing sometimes, they can’t move a finger to switch it on? Lol


Yes HGV driver here. Agreed with all of the comments. All other road users are idiots l and I expect them to do the stupidest thing possible. That way, if they do the right thing, it makes my day. If they don’t, I’m prepared for it.


Yes. Been getting worse. Also, people who don’t know that you don’t have to wait for the light to turn green before signalling to turn right. A bit more prior warning would be nice. And have you noticed that since they started doing parallel parking in the test, a lot of people are parking a few feet from the curb? I won’t go on to talk about the usual, average distance between me and the aggressive driver sitting on my rear end. I can’t tell what they’re driving because their Audi badge is usually obscured by their proximity.


Won't catch me pulling out even if they did use their indicators. No saying if they left it on by accident, don't how to use them properly or decide they want to take an early exit without indicating.


I'd add the opposite to this. People indicating and then moving over when it's totally unsafe to do so. Usually misjudging others speed or not giving a rats about leaving adequate space. But as they've indicated, they seem to think they can't be in the wrong...


It has got worse. Yes. Try driving on the continent. I find it less aggressive, no middle lane hogging (especially not in Germany ach nein), and absolutely I mean absolutely indicate and be decisive if in Switzerland. Some of the best driving around. Belgium… gets the 👎 tho… most like Uk (entire motorway network is one long average speed camera zone, and they are aggressive and erratic). France in comparison is very civilised… off the motorway everyone accelerates promptly to the speed limit and they get on with it. Very few mad French drivers anymore. Ok. Rant over… but yeah OP I’ve been driving 25 years and… love driving overseas now.


All indicators do is tell you that they’re working, not what they’re doing. People don’t indicate because laziness and they own the road apparently


People that indicate left off the roundabout but not right around it piss me off


I’ve started watching their front wheels at roundabouts. Unless something catastrophic has happened, cars will always go in the direction they’re steering.


A care nearly sideswiped me yesterday switching lanes in front and not indicating (he was extremely close) I had to put the brakes on … a simple indication and I would happily of dropped back for him


Some cars like BMW and Mercedes do not come with indicators as standard. Deano & Stacey  couldn't afford the extra as their PCP payments are already too high


Today - "Have people stopped using indicators?" 5 years ago - "Have people stopped using indicators?" 10 years ago - "Have people stopped using indicators?" 15 years ago - "Have people stopped using indicators?" 20 year ago - "Have people stopped using indicators?"


People driving badly isn’t new. You’re just experiencing recency bias. To avoid having to come to a stop, manage your speed and try to stagger instead of travel alongside the other traffic. That will give you time if they do something unexpected and won’t materially affect your journey. Most roundabout issues seem to come from people using the roundabout to try to pass.


not everyone, but yes




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Something I've noticed recently especially on dual carriageways. A driver will move over to a different Lane without indicating. Then as they are already halfway in or already in the next lane. Then they will indicate that they want to move into that lane. It's incredible.


Yeah, getting worse over the years. What even worse is the straight lining at speed on roundabouts, even worse is going over mini ones straight across the middle. The whole point of the roundabout is to improve flow and give people a good chance to safety access the roads, but these sort of people make it much more dangerous.


Yes it’s a guessing game. It’s got the stage I don’t even move forward at junctions until the car if it’s indicating has started exiting the roundabout. They either use them wrongly or not at all. All you can do is to continue to drive defensively and expect the unexpected from others. It’s like India - the rule is there is no rule. Best be safe.


Honestly I find it more annoying the people who seem to think indicators are a magical right of way button not a signal of intent...


Had this today. And the twat even decided to switch lanes mid way, too. Usually a range rover or some such in my experience, or some other people carrier.


It’s infuriating when I’m looking right for an indicator, which isn’t used, but the driver of that vehicle is looking to their right to see if any drivers are indicating. How can they not realise that I also need to know where they are intending to turn, or not turn.


They just don't work on these modern cars, clearly. And they stopped working on the older cars yonks ago /s


On roundabouts you only need to indicate left when you are passing the exit before the one you are taking but not before, also you give way to vehicles already on the roundabout not those waiting to get on from the right


Indicating on roundabouts depends on the junction you are intending to take. If turning right for instance, you should be indicating right on approach to the roundabout, and continuing to do so until you pass the exit before the one you will be taking. Then you indicate left. Not join the roundabout and leave people guessing until you decide to indicate left.


You’ll have to explain what indicators are to the BMW drivers first…


Since I started driving a lot more (like 8730 since the beginning of April) people's driving is absolutely atrocious.


My driving instructor always told me that there shouldn't be a reason to user indicators. The position of their car should be enough to tell you where they're going. Unfortunately, that was 30 years ago, cunts just go anywhere they feel like nowadays.


Yes they have stopped and pisses me right off!


I’ve lived in NZ, Australia and the UK - and it’s far worse here in the UK. I would love to be able to chat with one of these non-indicator people to understand why they don’t use it. You guys are also useless at merging - merge like a zip, not every person for themselves!


Oh my goodness, yes, absolutely this is a thing. It makes my blood boil. They are part of the car for a reason, bloody well use them you half witted dick brains


I dont look at peoples indicators. i wait now til they are completely past me. I was sat at a junction waiting to turn right, a car to my right was coming along with indicators to turn left into my junction, slowing down and started to turn in, to only to change the mind at the last minute as i pulled out and went in to the side of me. Insurance ruled in favour of them as "an indicator is a sign of intend to turn but not to be taken as this is whar they are doing and therefore should have not pulled out" No claims lost, no car blah blah. So now i just sit there to im sure the annoyance of those waiting behind


I think people stopped during lockdown when there were no cars around and people got lazy and just forgot to pick up the practice again


Top of my road is a T junction In 16 years of my 24 if life that I've been paying attention to it Never once has anyone used their indicator when going over the speed limit in a residential area


As a road user of some 5 decades, post pandemic it's all gone to shit. It's everything, indicators are a minor thing when there's cunts almost taking you and your family out because they want to get one car ahead. Fuck the lot of 'em.


People have been saying "in recent years it's got worse" for about 100,000 years. It isn't. For evidence, look at the road fatality statistics.


40 plus years of driving and for many a year I've thought clairvoyance should be part of the test. Years ago you could anticipate the direction of travel based upon a vehicles position. Nowadays no matter how the vehicle is positioned or which indicator is used it's pure guesswork as to the direction of travel. So many vehicles today are fitted with duel dipsticks. The oil level may be ok but the dipstick behind the wheel needs replacing.


Nothing new, driving for over 30 years.


Everything’s so automated nowadays, people can drive with their right hand on the wheel and have their left holding a drink, food, on their phone and as long as everyone else on the road is paying attention, nothing bad happens


It's become a lot worse. I'm sure some drivers think everyone can read minds.


Look at the wheels not the indicators at roundabouts. What’s worse than not using them is using them wrongly


Constantly. What’s worse is when they’re indicating left to presumably leave at the next exit so you drive, then they just carry on round and start beeping at you for not reading their mind


Huge pet peeve. Only time I get any sort of road rage


Yes did you not get the memo?


Tbf, the worst is when people signal right to come *off* a roundabout 🤣🤣 like have I woken up in the wrong side of Europe?


On new cars you have to pay a subscription to use your indicators


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Darkened100: *On new cars you have* *To pay a subscription to* *Use your indicators* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Indicators do just that, provide an 'indication' of whay someone might do next. But you have to actually see what they're doing before you can react. On a roundabout even if someone is indicating as if to exit, I'll wait to see that they're actually exiting before joining, even though this may irk drivers behind me. I've had it before where someone indicated left to exit and carried straight around making me slam on the breaks. It could be an old, early or erroneous signal, anything really. Don't trust them.


BMW indicators are a pain to use


I have noticed this as a pedestrian trying to cross roundabouts. You never know which way a driver intends to go and end up waiting quite a while to cross because you don't trust them.


Where I’m going is my business thank you


I blame Brexit


No change since I started driving, equally bad as always.


I had someone the other day who repeatedly used the wrong indicator. On balance, I wish they just hadn't bothered with them at all.


Sometimes I forget as never use them if there is no traffic to see it, some seem to get confused and still have the indicators on from the last junction, so should I pull out or not ?


I mean when IAAM examiner says you signal when overtaking but don't when you go back in your lane cause it might cause people to missunderstand you for example make them think you're pulling over or taking the exit, what do people expect? Lorries signal going out and back into their lane, why is it bad if a car does it?


Signal traffic behind you that you are going to pull out and overtake, you could signal to come back in, but why? The car(s)you overtook must be expecting it , since you are likely in the wrong lane, or if there's a gap on a dual lane, then you are supposed to be on the left lane anyway so they should expect that as well.


Never understood this, it's basically saying only indicate if your moving lanes right NEVER when going to the left. Like why? There are so many situations where it would be helpful to do it and it's not like it costs anything to do. Remember folks mirror signal manoeuvre, except when going to the left. Such a stupid English way to do it. Just fucking indicate already.


There may be a queue behind you stuck behind a slower vehicle. So you indicate to those behind you so no one tried to overtake you as well. But you typically need to be in the left lane anyway so after the overtake you are moving back over. Yes you could indiate to the slow car that you are coming back in, but they are probably unaware of their speed, the queue of traffic behind them, you overtaking so probably won't notice you indicating to come back over.


The thought of a driver being that unaware makes me want to indicate more tbh


Yes, everyone has contracted BMW disease. The only cure is to become a pedestrian.


All an indicator means is the bulb works.


Mines intermittent. Probably about 50/50.


Not when used properly....


Not always possible to tell the difference between someone using it properly and wanting to turn or leaving it on. So, all it means, is the bulb works. Everyone is safe then.


No its not always possible but you see someone indicating and you dont know what they are doing you give them space to sort it out if possible, if not possible they should amend their mistake later down the road. If your saying all it means is the light works is essentially saying just ignore them because people can accidentally turn on, leave it on after turning etc. Indicators arnt only for cars to, pedestrians use indicators to make decisions too i cant stand it when i cross a road because its clear and no indication that a car is coming and suddenly one flies around the corner.


It's too much effort to use them


Royalty don't indicate ...


indicating in pointless. i would nebver make decisions on other people indicating in roundabouts. people change their minds, just indicate wrong. some people turn right from left lane. its too risky to decide on manouvre based on others indicating. had a few very dangerour near misses. car on RA on inside lane, indicating left which means they are exiting into my road and sometimes into the road BEFORE my road. Then just skipping their exit. had to catch it and slam the brake hard to stop me from entering the RA. the few times i slowly trusted peoples indicating. i got a bitter lesson. Never trust their indicating until you can see the wheels turning and they are driving at a sufficently slow speed that even if they change their mind. it won't end in a collision. fml, just reading this reminded me that I need to have a good fish eye dashcam that can record 180 degrees.


....I'm with you OP...obviously it's always been a historic gripe but over the last couple of years I've definitely noticed it getting worse and just driving standards as a whole...covid seems to have made people lazy people even lazier somehow....mind-bendingly frustrating...just plain selfish and inconsiderate towards other road users. Not to mention people who seemingly cannot read road signs correctly....the human species sucks. I'm genuinely embarrassed to be part of it


I had a friend who went on an advanced/defensive driving course. They were instructed not to indicate when changing lanes on the motorway. Why? Because apparently if you indicate, you somehow consider yourself magically protected because you have announced your intent. Far better to check all your mirrors and only change lanes when it's safe. Still, not indicating annoys me intensely.


That's twaddle though isn't it? I see an opportunity to change lanes safely provided other traffic continues as it is. By indicating, I'm signalling that I would like nobody else to start a manoeuvre which will conflict. Safe to begin and safe at the end, because I let others know that my car was about to deviate from it's current steady course.


Bmw driver here. It's because I don't know where to buy indicator fluid.


I do travel a lot each day and u people suck.. ;D I've seen 10+ crashes in last couple weeks, minor, but just because they didn;'t use indicator. ;D


When did they start


Usually seems to be the fancy cars such as BMW/Mercs that don’t signal, in my area at least, I guess in their minds they’ve paid more for the car so have a sense of entitlement!?


I see 0.8l vauxhall corsas with formula 1 style tyres barely passing MOT doing the same so i think it has nothing to do with one’s wealth


Oh yea the boy racer mobiles all lights on, shit music blaring out, nah won’t bother with indicators I will just drive around this corner at a speed that looks like I’m not also


Who's still using indicators to tell what direction cars on a roundabout are going to go. All the other clues are much better: speed, direction wheels are pointing. The indicator is the last thing I use.


They know where there going