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Be predictable, not polite - is what I was taught!


YES! It boils my piss when I'm driving behind a car and they stop to let a pedestrian cross nowhere near a formal crossing (usually from a traffic island), sometimes with a large enough gap in traffic behind me or a couple of cars behind me. I don't have to slam on, but I'm there thinking "WTF are you doing that for, why now?" Sometimes the pedestrian is surprised, because they're focused on the oncoming gap.


As a pedestrian I hate it. I want to cross in my own time not under pressure. Sometimes I refuse, and they get angry with me for not crossing and then I end up having to tell them to piss off


Exactly. Especially when (most likely), there are cars coming the other way, who won't stop, and the stopped driver gets pissy because you still won't cross in moving traffic


My worst example of this was 20 years ago on a paper round. Waiting to cross a dual carriageway with a crossing i had crossed one side and was waiting to cross the other in morning rush hour traffic. One lane had stopped to allow me to cross while the other lane kept going. He kept trying to wave me across and I was trying to gesture I couldn't because the other lane of constant traffic. He eventually got the message and drove off but it was so infuriating


I get this every time I go to my corner shop. I'm a dude on crutches. Clearly, speed is something not on my side. Yet every time some Muppet thinks they are doing the 'right thing' by trying to wave me through a gap, a regular person would need to jog to cross... Like when I learned to drive forever ago, one of the very first lessons I was given which still stuck to me is exactly what the top comment said. Be predictable not 'nice'. You as the driver may think it's OK since you are waiting, but you may not see the whole picture like the pedestrian, so trying to force them into a move is just asking for trouble.


The worst is when people try to let me cross when I'm walking the dog. I've got him calm, sat and waiting, I don't need you to wave us across into traffic coming the other way.


Exactly. I don't want my dogs to think it's safe to cross in front of cars.


Do they understand that? I'm not a dog owner


Since guide dogs learn how to keep their owner safely crossing, I am sure they can all learn.


Probably? Possibly? In general dogs seem pretty observant and almost train themselves to a degree, I believe some do have the capabilities to adjust their behaviour in response to specific situations.


Thanks. I don't understand how cats can sit in the road lol


As a cat owner, I can only conclude they’re complete and utter thickos who are also extremely arrogant 😂


Absolutely. Mine aren't that bright but it doesn't take them long to absorb stuff. I don't walk them near traffic but we have to cross a couple of roads to get there, so I don't want them to learn that it's ok to cross in traffic. They're very good, normally, but it only takes one time for it to go wrong.


Worst is on a busy roundabout near me - it's at national speed limit. Cars decide to let me go at their exit. It's a horrible roundabout but don't do that.


people never actually stop either. like if you’re still edging forward while waving me across, i ain’t risking your foot slipping just so i can cross a road.


I was trying to cross a dual carriageway (40mph limit) once with the pram. It was very busy, and a campervan stopped in the lane closest to me to let me cross. Now this van was so big I couldn't see round it to see what was in the other lane, but he refused to move until I crossed. Absolutely wild, and put me in a way more dangerous situation than if I'd just been left to find a gap myself.


We wanna see your best squat jog across the road


I'm with you as a pedestrian, if I have to cross at a non crossing and and it's a lone car or two, I usually just keep walking the wrong way because of the amount of times the car in front has stopped even though if they just kept going I could cross behind them but I now need to think "are they slowing down just because, are they slowing to stop to let me cross, idk" then they wave me across, god it's so annoying. It's just quicker and safer for everyone if they keep going.


Something that also boils my piss too. Also, and probably worse - Pedestrians who press the button at a crossing.... When you are the only car coming... Fair enough, if you are a child, elderly or disabled then you crack on. But the amount of times it's been someone capable of crossing the road without assistance...


It allows those drivers who get huffy to practice their humility.


Blame the latest updates to the Highway Code. Pedestrians have priority at an increasingly confusing list of locations combined with the situation that the local council has not repainted the road markings since 1946.


As a pedestrian, I've been known to pull my phone out of my pocket and stare at the blank screen pretending i havent seen them until the driver moves on


Pedestrians have priority at every junction now...


Yeah but there are plenty of places pedestrians can cross a road which aren't junctions...


Yeah but I far more often see drivers failing to give priority when they are supposed to than I see overly polite drivers 


Am I right I’m thinking they only have priority if they have already started to cross? I was reading the Highway Code the other day (not my usual idea of a fun pass time I swear 🙃) and I’m sure that’s what it said, but I could be remembering it wrong and I’m too tired to check right now


Yep indeed you are, rule 170 even has clarification pointing to rule H2 that states they have priority if already crossing. If they had priority whilst waiting then there would be no need for that clarification


It's such a stupid change that flies in the face of all common sense.


Yeah, from a driving perspective, it's absolutely mental. Shame that.


Works over big swathes of Europe. Gets drivers to slow down at junctions. Makes sense to me


It massively makes sense. I was being a bit sarcastic. It's not even a change. That's the thing, it just states it as fact, instead of leaving any question about it. I stopped well clear of a junction the other day as a young couple were walking toward it, and as they were crossing, a car came around the corner, blasting and they had to jump out of the way. That sort of thing is just nuts. It takes a second to slow down. Drivers often say "you can't always see pedestrians", if that's the case, you shouldn't be going anything more than 5mph when entering or leaving a road, as someone may well step out.


I have come to this mindset, sure being polite and helpful has it's place but 99% of the time following the rules of the road are much safer and will generally make little to no difference


My 12 year old son is sick to the teeth of hearing me ranting about this very thing "Listen son I know they're being nice, but I'm not looking for nice when I'm teaching you to cross the road" Yeah it's been going on for a while, one of dad's greatest hits


Wait until you're trying to teach a learner about priority at mini roundabouts only to have the driver from the right stop and wave the pupil onto the roundabout.......


I hate, hate, hate it when someone decides to be nice at a roundabout and let other people go first. Nooooooo, now everyone is f***in confused.


Someone did this to me at a mini just now. She (and 3 others) were coming from my right. I'm waiting, perfectly calmly, indicating, I can see a gap 4 cars away. I momentarily wonder why they aren't continuing. She's stopped and is waving me out. WHY!?! I awkwardly refused and she shrugged at me 😂🤦🏻‍♀️


She probably didn't even understand what she was doing to all the traffic around her by being so unpredictable. Oblivious drivers are the worst.


I've taken sometimes to insistingly not taking their kindness in those situations. Make them more awkward. In any hope they may think "I'm not being nice any more" and then we can all use the roads to the same rules and understanding. Would be nicer if them.


On my way to work in my previous job, there were many times where everyone was stopped at each entrance of a mini roundabout. Did not need that situation in morning rush hour.


I had this exact scenario on my driving test, we all approached the mini-roundabout at the same time—a bus on my left and a car on my right. I'm giving the car driver the eyes trying to make it obvious I'm giving way, but he's staring at the bus ahead of him. Likewise, the bus driver is watching me. Felt like a Mexican standoff, that brief hesitation was the longest 3 seconds of my life just hoping the car driver would make a move so the examiner wouldn't fail me.


Did you pass your test 😁. Now if I notice that dreaded situation developing, I just go. I just hope I don't come across someone with the same thought process and end up hitting each other😂


“Someone has to go so I’m choosing myself” is also my logic in these standoffs 😂 May you and I never meet 🫵🏽


Much the same. If all coming TO the roundabout at the same time, if it's clear enough for me to scoot through, just do it. The others are gonna do the awkward dance shite anyway.


Reminds me. I'm not sure if it's just something I've all of a sudden noticed recently. But has anyone else found that more and more motorists will just sit at a roundabout and try and give way to the left? I'm sat for a few seconds looking at them wondering it they're actually going to go, and they're looking at me expecting me to go. In the end, I just move on and get out of the junction. Just seems to be a more common occurrence as of late.


Honestly wish people never “let us out” except maybe exceptionally busy ones at rush hour


The ones that do it, when they are the last car in the long line. Aye cheers for that. I've just waited for 14 card knowing the end is behind them, but them stopping randomly to let me out, cheers. Just made it awkward for u both and made us both waste a few extra seconds. All to come across as nice. You've got mirrors, you know there is no one behind you, so who benefits there? Other than their own personal feeling of being nice.




What do you mean?


They need to learn "flow of traffic" as well. Too often there can be 12 or more cars coming from the right. I'm happy to wait for the gap, then suddenly the 7th car just stops for what seems to be fuck all reason.


My favourite is people who stop ON the roundabout to let someone out when traffic was flowing normally. It’s borderline dangerous for cars following behind


I was really thrown the other day because someone who had the right of way stopped, flashed and signalled for me to go first. I was literally like...why?!


Honestly I think it happens once per day to me, it’s insane.


There are also the people that take advantage of it. Slowly nudging out into moving traffic until someone stops. I see it multiple times on every trip. There is one intersection where people have become so used to it that they have decided they actually do have priority and just drive out now


It's on the increase. I'm not sure so many more drivers seem to not understand right of way.


They probably don’t understand priority and giving way. 


That was my initial thought actually. I settled on bemusement rather than frustration.


A good attitude to take


Then there's the people that stop to let you out. If there is a moving flow of traffic behind you then they are slowing down many people for just one. If there is no one behind them, it's quicker to go past and I can go after. Just keep moving and keep the flow. If there is a queue of slow moving traffic, it does make sense to let people out though. I usually just move slower and build the gap so they have space to go. Don't flash because I don't want someone else to misinterpret what I'm trying to indicate.


Yes! The ones who stop and wave you over when they’re the last one in the line. Just go and we’ll both be moving sooner!


😂 I've never got that either


I get it. They don’t use their mirrors so have no clue that there’s an empty road behind them and they should just let you pull out into the vast void behind them. It’s always a pensioner though, so I guess they aren’t in a rush and get a warm glow thinking they did a good thing….


I was on a 40mph road, and the car in front of me suddenly stopped dead to let someone out of a side road. No need, no reason, no indication she was going to do it. There was swearing.


Someone did that for a police car coming out of Tesco express the other day in a 30, like they’re not gonna fucking arrest you if you don’t let them out you dingbat


Had a car written off when the numpty in front of me stopped dead (after indicating then braking as you'd expect) to let a car turn right across them into the junction, leading the lorry behind me to bump me just enough (maybe 5mph) to wreck the body at the back.  Don't think they even realised what they'd caused. Just drove off and continued on their merry way.


Sometimes I let someone out when traffic is slow, then realise there's nothing behind me after stopping. Yes, I do feel stupid.


No Biggie though. In this very specific incidence. Really you’ve just swapped places with the order you would’ve been in anyway had they come out behind you. You’ve not inconvenienced anyone else, and you’re one car further back. Big deal. Feel only very slightly stupid on one hand, and you may have cheered them up slightly on the other.


When I was doing my driving test many moons ago I was stopped at a stop junction, and the moron coming down the main road on the left just stopped her car to wave me out, and when I didn’t move just insisted on it until I kind of had to. No idea what the hell she was thinking, the hi viz guy sat in the passenger seat makes it obvious you’re on your test. Spent the rest of the test hoping that wasn’t the point I’d failed (luckily I didn’t).


Then there’s the people that are the last in the queue and stop because they don’t feel like they’re inconveniencing anyone. Just keep going! It would be faster for both of us!


Sometimes bad drivers are also polite drivers 


Ultra polite drivers are by definition bad drivers, and the worst kind because of their unpredictability.


I do get annoyed when the car in front on me stops to let a car waiting at the give way on a junction out. Especially if they do it at every single junction! Why? They’re the ones who have to give way!!


Especially when the road behind you is clear.


It’s the sign of a bad driver to me if you stop to let someone out when there’s absolutely nothing behind you. Shows either a huge lack of awareness of a desperation to be thanked for something


And it's always compounded by the fact that the person who's let out has no idea what an accelerator is 😂


I was driving along a straight section of a B road, no cars coming in the opposite direction, and on my side there was only me and another person in front going 50 (could’ve gone 60 but I’ll let that slide). They suddenly started braking at a junction where small country lanes wide enough for one vehicle meet the B road and they weren’t indicating. Assumed they wanted to turn or there was an obstruction in the road, but no, they were slowing down to let out a car with a trailer causing me to slow down for no reason whereas if they kept driving the car and trailer could’ve still pulled out anyway. I overtook them as soon as I could after that. It’s one thing going 10mph slower than the speed you could be going at based on road conditions (annoying as I was going to work but I would’ve stayed behind them), but poor decision making which goes against what is to be expected based on rights of way is simply frustrating and imho more dangerous due to the unpredictable nature of their driving.


That's not the egregious version of your issue, where it becomes a problem is when you're behind someone that stops on a roundabout to allow people entering from the left to enter said roundabout, THAT'S a friggin issue. Then we have the guy I experienced yesterday, leaving a dual carriageway and the guy in front of me stops at the green light to allow people joining from the local village on the left to go in front of him/us. Completely disregarding the queue of cars behind him trying to exit at a green light, oh no, let's just wave at strangers until everyone except him gets caught because the light went red. If I was the Hulk he'd be dead.


They’re terrified of driving and are eager for any reason to stop moving




genuinely what i saw in one of the other comments ‘i can feel that im going to stall’ like how much anxiety around driving must these people have? i don’t think i have had that much anxiety about it since the first 6 months of driving when id have to drive into a city centre for work every day


It took me 9 months to pass my test but I did so first time with one minor. Driving was almost as natural as walking to me at that point. Would hope other qualified drivers would all feel the same! Not the case though haha


The other day on a lesson, a bus stopped waiting for me. I decided to tuck in and wait for the bus to take the gap instead. I wasn't being too polite... I was afraid I wouldn't fit the gap left by the bus. Was on a new car which was a bit wider than what I'm used to. I didn't want to chance it.


You're waiting to pull out of a junction. A long line of cars is going past. The last one decides to slow down and flash to let you out. Very kind, sir, but if you had just kept going at the speed you were I'd have been able to pull out faster.


This made me chuckle


Unless you live near me it's not limited to just your town. This afternoon, obstruction my side so I stopped. Oncoming car reached the obstruction, stopped and flashed me even though they had priority. Ended up waiting longer than I should have had to. Drive predictably and things runs smoothly!


My town seems to be the opposite. When I have right of way I have to slow down because the obstructed side will not stop for anything!


I have no data to back this up, but I am quite convinced that these "polite" drivers also experience a bit of road rage if people aren't similarly "polite" to them. I have a single data point - there's a bit on my road where it effectively becomes a single lane road because of parked cars along one side. Visibility is good and there's virtually always space for someone to pull in to give way to oncoming traffic heading out of the street. One day, I was coming in, saw a car coming and pulled in to let them past. The woman who was coming towards me instead stopped and flashed me through. Okay fine, not really what you're supposed to do but hardly a big deal on a street like this. A couple of days later, the roles were reversed. I got to the choke point before she did and went through, but she didn't give way by pulling into the side when she could to let me pass. She instead went absolutely batshit at me and tried to make me reverse.


I swear people don't know how priority works. So frustrating


I don’t understand how they can’t get it though. It’s ridiculously simple - if problem is on your side of the road, it’s for you to deal with. How do these people get through life?!


I agree with your original post. But what I see is people getting "right of way" (which doesn't exist in highway code) confused with priority. Just because the obstruction is on your side of the road doesn't mean you have to do crazy manoeuvres to allow anyone coming the other way through - once you're on the other side of the road going past you have priority. (From your other comments you seem to appreciate this to be fair). Where I live there's a row of parked cars on a bend at the top of a hill. You can't see oncoming traffic until you're passing. There are gaps, but they're often tiny - you have to squeeze in and the car coming the other way has to edge past. Sometimes that's necessary because neither of you could see and you're both on the narrow section before you realise, but so often I'm more than half way along the parked cars and the visibility is fine and they should wait rather than aggressively make you get out of the way but no... It's"their right of way" and you should've used your laser vision to see that they were coming up the hill and would arrive before you finished passing and wait for them. And when I'm going up the hill and waiting because I can see someone is already passing the parked cars and has priority I've had people carriers try to move out of the way into a gap that wouldn't fit a fiat 500 and then sit there waving with their back end sticking out until I've given in and used my "right of way" to mount the pavement to get past.


It’s OK OP, moaning about all and everything is absolutely on topic for this sub.


I thought I was on solid ground here


Some people have been brought up, sometimes alongside a lot of punishment, to always give other people priority in life. I can't say that that's what's happening, but it wouldn't surprise me. In any case, chill. It's hardly as if another 10 seconds is going to ruin your life.


Absolutely ! and it’s a lot less stressful and dangerous than the other way round when they fail to give priority, just weigh that up and be grateful if perplexed and bemused and safe


This is also true. I had an instructor who was the type to encourage others to be like this, because they told me well into my lessons to “always give the other person priority because they’ve been driving longer than you”. I said no lol, I’ll give it when required or logical but not when I don’t have to or shouldn’t do. If someone else had this kind of instructor and passed without any situations involving priority coming up in their test, I’d imagine these kind of nonsense comments stick with people.




O get where you’re coming from but the problem is that if they’re sticking to the Highway Code they’re going to stop for you. We’re not responsible for deciding which pedestrians wants us to obey the Highway Code and which ones want us to ignore it. Although I imagine it’s unlikely to happen but if a driver is pulled by the police for doing this then they’re not going to get let off because someone on Reddit said they don’t like cars obeying the Highway Code.


They want to do something nice, not because they are nice but it fills their cup. It's completely selfish and extremely frustrating.


This was my unspoken theory too tbh


It's 100% a "that's my good deed for the day", not realising they've upset the person directly behind them.


The one that gets me is the people stopping to give everyone else the right of way over them… when there’s nobody behind them! Just keep going and then everyone else can go.


I'm a polite driver. If I see a car up ahead I'd rather get to a safe space and let them come through in good time. Or if the traffic is moving slowly and a car has clearly been waiting for a space, I'll slow down and wave them out. It adds 2 seconds to my time, but saves them 2 minutes. I don't expect anyone to be polite back, I just do it because I'm not in a rush and I'd rather let a car go by safely than risking it and thinking "I should have just given them the space"


If the obstruction/bottleneck is on their side then just go, by the time you've stopped and they've worked out what you're doing you could've been past the other car and both on your way far quicker, obviously if it's on you're side then you're completely right.


In the circumstances you have outlined, I stop the same as you and will not go until the oncoming vehicle has passed, even if they stopped to let me go. The reason,? Totally selfish, if there's a coming together of vehicles, it's not my fault, I was stationery 😂😂


On paper you were stationery, in reality you were stationary. 😂😂😂


The white knights of the road thinking they’re being courteous but instead just being straight dangerous. Some bint jammed on her breaks to let a kid with a scooter cross the road earlier. Almost rear ended her


Not that sudden breaking isn’t dangerous but tbf, you should always have enough of a gap that someone can brake in an emergency without going into the back of them


Thanks for the tip mate. There was ample room it was just unexpected on a 40 mph road. Righteous 🛎️


The mini roundabout “polite-off” is my pet peeve.


If the other three entry points are stationary, I'm going without hesitation. Usually that tends to get the others moving.


My biggest pet peeve. Now you've obliged me to break riggt of way, and by the time I've made sure I won't end up with an at fault claim for misunderstanding, you coyld have been long gone and out of the way anyway.


A lady of the older persuasion beckoned for me to go before her. On a roundabout. It was her right of way. I was utterly perplexed.


Why are you getting mad for? Maybe they let you pass, because you're already on the road so you can just carry on. Or maybe they let you pass, because they are unexperienced and don't want to stall or are not sure how to tackle as specific situation on the fly. Don't get mad. Getting mad is the worst thing. Causes unnecessary tension on the road.


Too many people who havre no idea how to drive allowed on the road,just so called drivers but will never make a driver ever


Courtesy Causes Confusion.


I'll always let cars out or pedestrians cross if it's a situation where I can do it safely and I can see they'll be waiting a while if I don't. But I always check what's going in behind me first and if there's a gap coming up I keep driving.


I got flipped off today because I didn’t put my hand up to say thank you, when it was my right of way and I was the third car to go through a right of way past this guy. I dont think everyone is too polite I would have usually but i was a million miles away


My most pet peeve with this is when you come across a side street of waiting traffic, a lane of slow moving and the lane I am occupying coming the opposite direction with nothing slowing the flow. Until one kind Samaritan decides to let mr/mrs side street poke out and expect you on the other side of the free flowing traffic to also stop?! Like no. You are in a position to safely allow this I am not obliged on the main carriageway to stop for your good gesture. Then they tend to give you the worst stink eye because you are clearly not willing to stop for the side street merger. That is the only thing that tends to get me a tad confused. Your act of kindness shouldn’t be a judgement on other drivers. Sorry for the rant guys hahaha


What grinds my gears, if you're in a line of traffic, don't slow down to flash for a car to turn in across you. You're impeding traffic the behind you. It's not for you to control the flow of traffic, it does that itself.


People who go against the highway code to be polite making things slower for everyone. I'm all for politeness and I'll let people out Infront of me but it has to keep with traffic flow or only slow a little


As a view from a truck driver. Sometimes, when we’re not up your arse trying to force out into the correct lane… especially in tighter areas we often appear courteous because it’s easier for us to let you go and do whatever you’re trying to do, than it is to squeeze past. A wave and a smile through gritted teeth while muttering "hurry up you *** ***** ***** ** **** ****!" Goes a long way. As for *normal people* doing it. No idea.


These fuckers who slow down to let me out, but they don’t flash so I have to wait until I know for certain they’ve definitely stopped and are definitely letting me out. They’re always the last car in the row of traffic too. Everyone would have been much better off if they’d just kept on driving, pricks!


No, not just you, it's a pain. One I get often is turning right at a T-junction. Cars coming from my right (I.e. in the closest lane) will stop to let me go, despite there being no gap in traffic from the other direction. I of course don't move, as there's nowhere for me to go. They sit there trying to let me out. A gap appears in the traffic in the opposite lane, and since the near lane vehicle still hasn't moved I decide to take the gap that's coming. Of course, the instant I move is inevitably always the same instant the car letting me go gets bored of waiting and also moves off. Why let me go when there's nowhere for me to go, then take the opportunity away as soon as I could actually use it?? Of course, this usually happens when there is very little traffic in the near lane, I.e. there's ample gaps I could use so really no need for someone to go out of their way to let me go.


Oh for goodness sake folks ! Also, before you start accusing me of being “one of those people”, I most certainly am not ! However, whatever the circumstances, and however perverse you may perceive it to be, just remember, it’s always a million times better that both people give way than neither. Just try to bear that in mind and to quote the TV show title “Curb your enthusiasm”


I have seen this . Sometimes tho it may be necessary as there might be a further obstruction behind you further up the road that you may not be aware of.


MIRROR, signal, manoeuvre. You *should* be aware of such things


I mean you should be aware of them because you’ve just driven past the issue, you don’t even need mirrors for that


It's not regional and in my experience the people who do this almost always turn out to be absolute arseholes. If you reject the offer and wave them on they pull an expression like you just shat on their bonnet and if you take your time to pull out (because you had no reason to expect them to stop where they did and have to reassess everything) they start waving their arms and then proceed to sit up your arse for the rest of their journey like it was your fault. For those dickheads it's not politeness it's a God complex. Bonus shout-out to the people who stop/flash you out when they're in the A-pillar blind spot, which delays things even more.


I shall test your theory tomorrow about them going batshit if I just sit there. I’ll bring popcorn.


Theres a busy garage forecourt with shops that i often use and would have to turn right across 2 lanes of traffic to enter. Ill be sitting with my indicator on (its 2 lanes on my side also, so im not holding up any traffic by waiting). Very often, an oncoming car will stop and flash or wave me across, but they dont see the speeding car in the second lane that would likely hit me if i pulled across. I wait to see if the second car will slow, and the first car will get frustrated and wave or flash again. Thing is, there is a traffic light controlled junction only a few yards away, so i never have to wait more than 45 seconds or so to get a break in traffic.


Try driving a Police car… People are either massively over polite, or very rude. Plus it takes ages to get anywhere because people travel at ten under when you are sat behind them. Particularly noticeable with a calibrated speedometer.


Welcome to the UK


The last car in a queue of cars stopping and flashing to let you out a junction, just have a bit of awareness of your surroundings and everything moves smoother. Same with people who just stop in the road when they hear sirens, you’re not helping anyone, keep the flow of traffic going, move over if there’s room and you’re going slower than the emergency vehicle.


I came off a sliproad from a dual carriageway into town a few days ago. In a line of waiting cars to turn left into town I saw a nice person let out a couple of cars. I thought they'd move forward and it would be up to the next person but they let out another 3 or 4. Lots of beeping coming from behind them, when it was my turn I gestured for them to go first but they returned the gesture. I gestured again, like "No, you go!". At this point there was more beeping so I just went as they weren't moving and people were getting annoyed. I think there were 2 behind me that I have no idea if they were let out. When I came out of the junction it was clear all the way. I didn't get a proper look but I don't believe it was a learner or an elderly person. Still baffled tbh. Being polite like one from each place in turn if busy ig good IMO but I didn't understand what their thought process was 🤔


When someone flashes me out at a junction I don't move, if it's not my right of way I'm not moving.


Its most surprising when an Audi driver flashes you through 😂


Naw I get this all the time where I live, drives me round the bend (no pun intended) Like, why flash me through after I’ve already pulled in and stopped to let you pass whatever obstruction is on my side of the road because you’ve got priority. Another massive pet peeve of mine is the morons that will slow down at literally every single fucking junction to let whoever is waiting there out especially when there’s oncoming traffic coming the other way forcing everyone else behind them to slow down and stop for no reason and gradually causing a massive line of traffic behind them all so they can validate to themselves as to how much of a nice person they are.


I took a chance today to let an arctic out (into standstill traffic. Of course the 19 cars in front of me had just pulled across and blocked the junction. So, naturally the car behind me tried to skirt around me as soon as he saw the gap in front, didn’t notice the giant arctic truck actively joining the road pulled out almost t-boned him, subsequently forced to swerve into oncoming traffic and having a near miss. Then has the balls to wind down his window and tell me I was in the wrong for letting the truck go! What the fuck. Guess I’m too polite?… haha. I wish I had a dashcam.


I always say "If you want to be overly polite? Pull over and catch a bus and stop contributing to traffic. Otherwise get to where you need to be"


Try driving a van that can have up to 1.5 tonne of shite on the back. It takes longer to stop when Johnny Dogooder decides to slow down for no fucking reason and then it takes an age to get going again. For the people talking about mini-roundabouts I raise you a four way give way junction(that should be a roundabout) where nobody has right of way. I just go when I get to it because nobody else will move.


I will leave an extra 30 minutes to be EXTRA polite in Hope's our paths cross. Its because they dont feel comfortable or they feel it's easier for them to slow down. Yes its annoying and I'd rather stop and go then stop and wait for 5 plus cars to push their way though


What annoys me is when people on a two lane each side road let someone out from a junction, but theres still cars travelling in the other lane going in the same direction. Car pulls out from junction, and blocks traffic causing drivers to either slam on their brakes or swerve to avoid hitting them 😬 Never let someone out if you're not 100% sure that all lanes, either side, are clear.


Winds me up no end, this. JUST KEEP GOING!


Maybe it's just to balance out all the anger that wrongly gets directed at anyone daring to use a "merge in turn" correctly from the outside lane!


Agreed, when someone "lets you go" at a roundabout it's infuriating. You're holding us both up.


Sorry for not UK, but I found that I had to turn my back to the road in California, USA if I wanted to stand still on a sidewalk, or drivers would stop and wave me across the road. So strange!


Ugh hate it, never mind plodding past me waving thankyou just get out of the fucking way


I had a car stop, to let me cross the road. There was no other traffic on the road. I was getting to my car (had my six month old in my arms) and a bus was coming. The car seat wasn't on the pavement side :( Ike ffs, zero need to stop


What drives me round the bend is that it's their right of way I've already stopped and waiting for them to come past and instead they slowly approach stop and then flash me ..... FFS I could have been a dick not stopped and drove through and made you break but no It was your right of way so I stopped and now your making me go. It's so damn annoying Happens a lot at junctions when they have NOTHING behind them. I get being polite in heavy traffic etc and when it's busy and letting some one go who would never get to go but often it takes the piss because I feel then obligated to go because they are telling me and I'm the obligated to thank them for forcing me to go lol ...I get wayyyyy to bothered by this haha


Coming to a dead stop on A class roads to let folk out of access roads slowdown create a gap and signal intent by all means but don't stop the traffic


I call them niceholes


People not following the flow of traffic just to be polite often cause more trouble than it's worth because the person that's often waiting for the right time to go isn't expecting someone to let them go when they don't need to. I was turning right onto a main road the other day and the guy stopped to let me out because he was turning in despite there not being a filter lane and two cars behind him and it took me a couple of seconds to realise he was letting me out and not stopping for oncoming that I couldn't see so I wasn't gonna pull out. All he ended up doing was causing the two cars behind him to stop despite it being clear to turn and confusion towards me because he's on the main road and I'm not. If he'd have just got on with it he'd have got into the side road and the two cars behind would have carried on without stopping and I'd have come out behind them. It bugs the hell out of me, like it's your priority for God sake, get on with it.


I literally had to be the polite one today in this exact scenario, but it was naturally because of a taxi driver. Here's the scene, I'm approaching a bend where cars usually park, so it's single file traffic, It's left side clear from my direction, so I proceed. The corner is completely blind to oncoming traffic, so you often have to slow down to allow drivers to pull into a gap in front of you before you pass, all simple stuff. I approach and slow to give them time to pull into a space. A taxi driver then comes round the corner far too fast and forces themselves into the gap behind the VW that just pulled in, which is too small for their car, blocking my path. I then have to stop, and I gesture the VW forward, who obviously didn't look in his mirrors once to see what happened behind him and gestured angrily to me as he passed. He obviously thought it was this exact situation that OP has detailed. Obviously this isn't a case of me being polite, It's a taxi being a cunt, but it appeared to the VW as the former.


I've been cycling in London for 15 years. Ultra courteous drivers are by far the most dangerous because of their unpredictability. I rather have a BMW or a white van in front of me.


I always think they're just unsure what you'll do next/think it's some sort of trap to cause an accident you'll blame them for.


Does this mean you can't run over stop oil protesters at junctions anymore, then?


I hate it. If I'm waiting at a junction to join the main road, do not stop and flash me in. The chances are 1) I missed your flash because I was looking anywhere else but your car because it's not important than starting at you; 2) I would be in that road quicker had you not stopped; 3) I'm calculating so many more other variances that you might not be able to see; 4) other traffic isn't expecting you to stop.


Drivers who stop and flash to let people out of a side street and into the opposite lane, despite oncoming cars in the other lane. Just stop flashing and get out of there. It's dangerous and it's stupid.


Had an old dear come to a stop on a roundabout and with a big smile happily wave me out. FML.


So when I'm driving through black wall tunnel early in the morning and people are trying to pull out feel it's a lot safer just to let people pull out as they are already going to do it anyway than let them hit my car


These are the same drivers that stop short on a right turn, so there’s space to wave people out. Drives me nuts. Take the proper angle for the right turn ffs, if you block them it’s fine because you have the right of way, when you turn, then they can turn as the road will be free. All you do by stopping short is you force yourself to cut corners, and you block the road for people behind you who might also be turning right. This is a huge issue at traffic lights too, one person comes out short for a right turn meaning the turn lane that could occupy 2-3 cars now occupies only 1.


People who randomly stop to let you out at junctions when they’re causing a massive tailback, usually waving you out as well. Think they’re the knights of the road. I had someone do this on a (mini) roundabout!


I REFUSE to go when given the right of way someone else clearly has. I hope it pisses them off to the point they wont do it again and then people stop it entirely. The more people start to call out these retards the safer the roads will be.


I've had a new thing happen to me a few times this week I'll be waiting to turn into a junction and a driver will flash me. Except the 3 times this week it's happened they've been blocking the road I'm turning into which confuses them why I wouldn't turn into them.


Behaviour like this drives me crazy. When they slow everything down when carrying on would of been faster and, or safer. I get it your a nice considerate person. Now could you think about what your doing and drive like it.


Add to this list cars that slow down on the motorway to let people in from the slip road! I’ve been the driver on the slip road it makes it more difficult to merge as I would have accounted for their initial speed


The worst example of this I had was on a national speed limit single carriage road. I was at a minor road wanting to turn right, and a car on the main road going at speed flashes me, but has L plates on. Due to my judgement of their speed, I hold steady. The guy then stops his as he gets to the junction to turn left into the road I'm on and angrily flashes me for me giving way to him as I'm legally obliged to. It actually pissed me off so much that I missed a left turn immediately after the right I wanted to take. Oh it wasn't a learner in the van (only the driver in it), but I feelnI can't risk driving incorrectly infront of a car with L plates regardless. On that same trip I was previously behind a learner on a lesson for 10 minutes, so was already on a mindset to respect but also be cautious around learners.


Don't even get me started on those fuckers who slam their brakes on to let someone out of a side road


Like when you have been in traffic for ten minutes and the numpty in front stops to let out everyone who they have seen only just arrive at a junction. At every junction. I don't mind zip merging when you are all on the same bit of road, that makes sense but letting people out who decided to go to the shops at rush hour without a wait just seems like a massive two fingers to all the people behind you. Same with people who let in queue pushers!


We get it in the ambulance when we're driving routine, not emergency. People slamming on the anchors whilst having right of way on a roundabout to let us out. I've only seen one get rear-ended so far, but way too many near misses. If the lights aren't on, I'm either headed home, for a lunch break, or dealing with something where an extra few seconds won't make a difference....


It should be PEOPLE who are too polite. Be efficient. Say you see someone trying to get out of a building, so you pause for a sec to let them because you wouldn't mind a break, you've been rushing about anyway, you're carrying things, or you don't particularly want to go inside (lived example in my case: hospital appointments for post surgical follow ups). They stand there, trance like, practically gawping. Fucking MOVE!!! Standing there just rushes me, and surely you'd rather get out? I don't really let it happen in analogous driving situations. I suppose letting someone out of a side road if you're stuck in a steady line going slowly, then them not finding the accelerator pedal or remembering they have eyes is comparable. If they dither you've slowed the line behind you for a second for no reason. So the answer there is to try to only offer the courtesy if they've made eye contact to "ask". Or just be a cunt like everyone else dawdling in line. *edited for clarity* 😂


It probably adds about 20 seconds to my journey so I can’t say it bothers me. I’d rather that than people who give a different body language and then drive through anyway and then I have to reverse.


The politeness is the worst at times. I've sat, indicators on, trying to turn right, happy to wait my turn, for someone to randomly stop coming towards me to let me out - I get it, thank you, that's lovely, but I'm looking 3 cars behind you at the gap I'm planning to utilise as in following the rules of the road. Normally ends up with the awkward dance move we all do when walking down the street trying not to bump in to folk. Had one last week, I've pulled in to the left lane of the traffic lights, it's clear (on red) and 4 cars are waiting in the right lane. Both lanes are for straight ahead, with left also going left and right also going right. I did find it odd none of them used the left lane till I realised whilst coming to the stop at the red light that there was a parked car on the opposite side of the junction, making the left lane for straight through redundant. Something I'd know if I used that road more. Anyway, I know there is only four cars waiting to my right and likely all going straight on, so as the light turns green I slowly pull away. Not wanting to be aggressive and try accelerate quicker and be in front, I was happy to pace along and slot in behind the last car. I had no indicator on, I wasn't flashing, I was simply slowly pulling away from the junction anticipating the last car to then pull in behind. Of course, the last car slows down, at which point I'm crawling behind the parked car waiting to get my space. She's now stopped on the junction and I'm half way through, behind the parked car, her flashing at me , both doing the stupid dance, causing a scene on a junction. I get the being nice part, but who's really winning when you're the last car in that situation? Causing a moment on a junction? Just follow the rules of the road and I'll do what I need to do.


Honestly one of the things that really grinds me, people try to drive for everyone else but themselves it's absolutely ridiculous. All good till you're driving a 3.5t van near fully loaded then some absolute idiot let's someone out on a 60mph road for no reason.


One time I was following a car on a 50mph road. They actually *stopped* to let a car turn into the petrol station which was on our side of the road. The woman in front of me didn't turn into the turning, she was simply letting them turn. I was so mad the rest of the time I was behind her, and kept my distance because I wasn't sure if she'd pull the same maneuver later on.


Sameway where they got the right of way like when they’re on your right on a roundabout but they hold up everyone behind them tryna let u go for no reason


Or as a pedestrian, don’t give me a wave or flash to cross when you’re the last car of a set. Its safer for me to cross in front of no cars, than a car, even if they are letting me cross.


In Devon it's a regular sight to see people stop and wave you out against right of way at a roundabout!


My one is where you’re both driving toward each other on a single file road because cars are parked either side, you pull over and flash them to carry on and then a few seconds later they pull over and flash you. Like mate I’ve already stopped, are you trying to get into heaven that badly? So then you start back up again and drive past, it’s such a weird thing to do, like ‘no, I’m the politest one!’


Yes I've been noticing this recently! My street has lots of bends and it's a new build area so there's lots of parked cars everywhere. I'll see a car coming round, parked cars are on my side of the road so I pull in to let them past. They stop despite the road being clear ahead of them and wave me through though, so now I have to squeeze inbetween them AND the parked cars! Like thank you but it would've been easier if you'd continued!


This happens to me when I'm in my lorry. Trouble is, it's a Mercedes so it takes forever to find a gear and get moving. It's so embarrassing and I feel sorry for the person who let me though as they're probably regretting it by the time I eventually make it past.


I have several family members who drive exactly like this. Can't speak for others but for my family members I think it comes from being extremely conflict avoidant. They see being polite as the opposite of conflict so they try to be as polite as possible... And this actually can lead them to do nonsensical and even dangerous things. Driving as an example, my cousin was a very nervous driver and would not take the right of way if she had it. She would be driving on a main road (30mph), see someone on a side road indicating to come out, and would brake moderately to let them out. She's been rear-ended twice, and had at least 2 other near misses that I was actually in the car for. She's gotten better now, but it was a real struggle to get her to see that what she was doing was wrong. In the moment I'd get mad that she acted that way, and she also got verbal abuse from the driver behind... She managed to put both the other driver and me in the box of "them being toxic", especially when she'd tell her parents about the incident. Aunt: "Hiya how was the drive over?" Cousin: "Omg this guy was so rude and angry, he yelled at me and I was so upset" Aunt: "What? That's horrible! Some people are just insane with the road rage" Me: "...um no you were in the wrong! You should have taken the right of way and not braked like that" Cousin: "you always take their side! You have no right -" Me: "no, and your driving puts me in danger so yes I do have the right to tell you when you're doing something wrong" Aunt: "OP don't be so rude. If we all just let each other out more then the roads would be a safer place" Me (gives up) I eventually managed to show her because she nearly rear ended someone who put on the brakes unexpectedly.


I do this. I don't claim to be a good driver. But little friendly car waves are what keep me on this earth. I let everyone through, all the time. Though I also top out at 40 on country roads. Which causes significantly more negativity than whatever positivity I garner from letting people in all the time. But I'm fine with that too. As much as I enjoy helping people out on the road, I enjoy slowing them down all the same.


We have a weird situation here sometimes where I'm supposed to give way to oncoming traffic, which is fine (well it's not, bloody traffic calming measures arrgggghh) and sometimes a driver will stop, even though I'm already waiting and give way to me. Its bloody weird and annoying.




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Agreed. Or people who stop when there is them plus you behind and they stop and let someone out, or just keep going, which will be more economical too, and the person can get out in 6 seconds! I call them oblivious polite drivers and they are as bad as bad drivers.


I’d pull in and indicate right to show drivers in front and behind that I’m awaiting the car ahead to proceed.  I’d likely flash them before I pull in and indicate to show I’m yielding to them. 


Was taught to not inconvenience those behind me just to convenience someone in front of me. I’m always behind the arsehole that lets everyone out of every junction.


Courtesy causes collisions. Drive predictably.


Will never understand this, it's like when there is an obstruction on both sides and drivers go 1 for 1, much better to just let one side through in one go and then the other side goes after.


Other drive prob saying she thing.


Gets on my tits, stopping to give way to drivers from a minor road, i think people just want to show their manners too much


I get this constantly. It really boils my piss! I've pulled in as I'm meant to because the obstruction is on my side. You have priority over me! So go! FFS