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There are a couple of insurance providers who deal with cases like yours. But honestly, I wouldn't get your hopes up. Insurance has skyrocketed even for drivers without a single point to their name. I can't imagine you'll be able to find anything that would be considered cheap


Thankyou, I know it won’t be cheap at all but just looking for something which isn’t catastrophic


Adrian Flux will likely cover previously disqualified drivers. The main thing to keep costs down will be to get a low insurance group car. It will get better in time as your NCD builds, and eventually your disqualification becomes old. Unless you need a car with some specific requirements like lots of boot space or you need to regularly use 5 seats comfortably, suck it up with a Fiat 500/C1/Aygo/i10/Clio. It's going to cost a lot either way, but you know that.


Thankyou I’ll take a look and yeah I was thinking maybe an aygo


Although uninsured drivers piss me off I do not think someone like you 'Banned for not having insurance' should be penalised for trying to now do the right thing. It's not like you were banned for dangerous driving or DUI. I hope you get a reasonable deal.


That’s very nice thankyou


We all fuck up my friend. It's whether or not we decide to learn from it. You deserve a second chance.


You won't get anything cheap, but you may be able to make it cheap-er by going for a Citroën C1 and getting a box installed. Be prepared for it to be very expensive, even if you jump through every hoop.


gocompare/comparethemarket etc worked for me.


There’s a broker called quotedetective that specialises in convicted drivers. Might be worth giving them a try?


I’ll take a look thanks


It shouldn’t be difficult getting insurance, but it will be mighty expensive, you’re gonna have to drive a 1l compact car like C1, Smart, Aygo. A black box may well make a significant difference to your costs.