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You just got your licence. Drive safe and let them pass. Leave 5 car lengths in front, more if you can. There’s no rush, you have aircon and nice music. 90-120 is only 25% faster, 25% of a 30 min commute is only 7.5 min, and realistically you’re not going 120 all the time. Don’t get into an accident to save 7.5 min. Stay safe bro


And stay off the first lane if you’re not faster than cars in the other lanes


If you're not passing don't be on the right lane. Everything else is forgivable


>Everything else is forgivable Even drunk driving?


except for stupidity


You can speed all you want but don't get snipe by a sniper. The speed limit of our expressway is 90km/h on most stretch of the expressway. Do not that some stretch is only 70km/h or 80 km/h. Please mindful of the speed limit if you don't want to receive and "love letter" from TP


KPE is the one that has both 70 and 80 km/h speed limits, alot ppl kena cos certain stretch are 70 only, some are 80, so be wary ok. My first speeding was from there. personally kena sniped over Bartley Flyover before too. Heng there was a Merc going faster than me, I was shooked afterwards but after waiting TP letter for 3 weeks didn't kena anything in the end.


Bartley flyover has bridges? Or they were on the road shoulder?


Probably shoulder. Rode past 2x TP riders camping there with camera. The first pocket right after getting on the viaduct from Bedok North


if i’m not wrong, KPE 70kmh speed camera is very strict, 80kmh got abit +- (need confirmation)


70 km/h cam can be safely passed at 76, 80 km/h cam at 86. Percentage wise the 80kmh cam is more strict. Source: daily drive up and down the entire length of the KPE.


Probably more to do with speedometer error. Manufacturers make them biased on the high side (overestimating your true speed)


That's your Speedo error la, don't spread info without evidence


How do you know so sure it's my Speedo error? Don't spread info without evidence!


Usual speed limit doesn’t apply when overtaking. When overtaking the speed limit is 1235km/h.


Bro hitting mach 1 when overtaking 😭


U can drive at 90 but not at right lane pls🙏🙏


This! While the speed limit on the highway is usually legally 90km/h, do remember too that the right-most lane (ie Lane 1) is meant for overtaking. Don't be that guy / girl who cruises at 90km/h on the right lane and cause a hold-up behind you "because I'm still within the speed limit, what".


Ya sia and every small curve brake like gg to crash


Small curve speed limit 80kph dude goes 70 with nobody in front of him and tapping his brake like he playing dance dance revolution. My blood pressure also playing DDR but only spamming the up button.


Just this morning, dude on ECP going 88kph lucky number huat, but behind him got 88 cars. In front of him at least 200m clear, the guy in the lane beside him also going 80+ so nobody could overtake lol. There can be a law abiding assholes also.


I feel like most of my grab drivers are in the right lane throughout the entire expressway drive, not just to overtake. Does it mean they’re speeding throughout? Is it legal? 😳


Grab drivers usually not the brightest bulbs in the box…


i don't even drive and came here to say this....


Every morning along KJE towards Jurong


If you use Waze, check your GPS speed vs your speedometer. There’s usually a difference and your GPS speed is more accurate. The size of your wheels also make a difference. General rule of thumb is +/- 10km/h on speed limit indicated as you will need to perform an overtake safely. I.E. if limit is 90km/h, you can travel in excess of 10km/h at 100km/h to overtake. KPE speed cams perform similarly, 70km/h stretch, between 71km/h - 80km/h. The other 80km/h cams behave erratically at times. I’ve got a single flash before for 90km/h and then sometimes 0 flash, from the same camera. In case of doubt, always better to travel within speed limit. Also, speeding is a continuous act of travelling above the speed limit (read >10s), so if you speed up to overtake and then switch to the slower lane AND slow down, TP will not bother you. Of course, 110km/h is easier to explain than 150km/h, so common sense required. All of the above are relative to my driving experiences.


Speed limit is subjective and depending on many conditions. Road conditions. Driver proficiency. Car capabilities. Etc etc. Just drive at whatever speed that you are comfortable/confident in without endangering anyone. Don’t need to care about other drivers. But always remember, if you are driving on lane 1 and the car behind you want to go faster than you, give way to them and don’t hog the road. This is regardless if you are driving at 90km/hr or 190km/hr. If someone wants to be faster than you, give way.


Here ppl are driving too fast or too slow, nobody driving at right speed.


Anyone who drives faster than me is a crazy bastard, anyone slower is a tortoise king8.


90km/h is for skateboards and bicycles dude. Obviously much faster.


Follow army #1 rule Do anything , don’t get caught


Since we are on this topic, OP, you do not have to drive more than the speed limit. Learn to drive safely and easily. Remember, Singapore is small, expressways are short. Even if you drive the whole stretch of PIE, you will save like 3 minutes if you drive 10km/h more. Most people drive maybe 1/3 that distance on the expressway. You lose more time at a traffic light than speeding. Are you going to run red lights all the time?


It’s ok to drive slower than the rest. Just keep left.


speed limit is 90km/h for you to cruise at. 1st lane is for overtaking so if you are cruising keep left please


realistically it's 10-20 above the speed limit provided there's no camera or police, anything more then u might need to go court if kenna catch


The safest speed is the speed all other traffic is going at. If one clown is going much faster or much slower, it makes it more dangerous for everyone else. Don't be a clown.


If all you worry about is traffic policemen behind the pillar when you’re on the highway, then something wrong somewhere up there lol.


Mainly only two tips I always practise when I drive. Signal before you brake Get out of the way (very applicable here) Many unwritten rules of the road, you’d get used to it somehow


General rule of thumb is don't get caught. Haha I've seen cars speeding at least over 120km/h in the wee hours and also lorries and vans hogging the middle lane even though they are doing 70km/h. Generally 90km/h on Singapore expressways can get you to your detisnation quite smoothly. No need to go over 100. And don't hog the 1st lane, its meant for overtaking.


Wow so much mis-information here it's crazy. Ok what you are looking for is this: Practically people drive +10km/h above speed limit, that's the speed that keeps your car at the same pace as most cars in non-heavy conditions. Of course, if anything happens, you are already above the speed limit and can get fined, but that doesn't usually happen. Hard-limit is +14km/h, but if you are going there consistently then get your speedometer calibrated properly and accurately, and know that you are living life on the edge. For all practical and sensible reasons, I'd say, don't do that, just keep to +10km/h max. Now, there are deviations to the above. One is KPE, keep to +4 to +5 km/h of the speed limit, so if speed limit is 70, do 75 max. Any joker that goes faster than you, feel free to laugh at them, there are so many cameras inside KPE it's not even funny lol. Same goes for fixed speed cams, those are also about +5 ish in general to be safe for all, there are some which are more sensitive (Eng Neo you can kenna at +9). There's also some very straight roads that you'll die die not want to exceed +10, the big few are Benjamin Sheares Bridge, Yishun Road (all the ultra long and straight ones) and Lim Chu Kang (the spare airplane runway). Also roads with bridges, can have TP with speed guns. You see bridge far ahead, slow to +5 until you pass it. And lastly, if you are driving on lane 1 and someone signals right, it's not that he's crazy or signalled wrongly, it just means that he is requesting for your help to allow him to overtake you on your right. So that can only happen if you change to lane 2, and allow him to overtake you by him speeding up on lane 1. He'll also most likely do a one-time hazard light which means "thanks bro!" Lastly, keep two secs distance between you and the front car, count it occasionally until you get a hang of the needed distance. As you go faster, the distance naturally increases, so don't be pressured to go less than that. You'll find that this rule is very strictly adhered to in malaysia the faster the car goes, so when you are running say 150km/h on north-south highway, two secs is a very big gap. And you'll find that all the fast cars there keep that two secs gap very religiously, and most times going to 2.5 secs or 3 secs gap if they want a leisure drive. If you occasionally see a tighter gap, look at the back car, it's usually a singaporean car, carrying their bad habits from sg over to msia (hence why we get the bad name of sg drivers sucks). So what I'm saying is, don't tailgate, esp when driving fast.


Follow the flow of traffic & safe distancing


Safe distancing no such thing in sg bro


Due to calibration and tyre sizes and pressure, your speedometer isn’t showing your real speed. Safely mount your phone on a holder and turn on Waze. It will show you your true speed. And for the reason above, please don’t hog Lane 1 at “90”. You’re probably going slower than that and causing an inconvenience.


No speed limit but if u "speed camera ahead" slow down . And please slow down don’t go all the way until 80 knn at least maintain 90 or high 80s la. Also if you see someone trying to overtake please let them through


The real speed limit *is* 90. Everyone else can do higher than that and it is their risk to take. And it is nobody's job to be a wannabe TP, except the TP themselves. Someone else's rush does not concern you. If you're not willing to be the fastest car, simply stay off the right lane, don't obstruct faster vehicles, and everyone goes home happy.


Feel free to drive at 90.. in Lanes 2 onwards. What's the rush you ask? You'll find out once you've driven more kilometres.


Why u care what speed limit other drive just focus on the road and yourself safety is your priority no trophy if u go high speed the only thing u get for high speed limit is the camera and prepare lta letter


Just go 90. You only notice the overtaking cars because they're speeding. You don't notice the cars that adhere to the speed limit


It is 90... U will understand after more experience on the road, pls stick to 90 b4 that


U can drive 110-120 or as high as you want. Till you get caught


Speed limit is 90km/h however there is usually a 10km/h allowance so the max is 100 km/h but obviously that is at your risk. Travel at 90km/h, but also apply rules such as lane discipline by keeping left when applicable


This was true long ago when the traffic act has the first tier of speeding at exceed 10-20km/h. However the wording now is 1-20km/h for the first tier.


Yes but need to remember got allowance so if they track yours at 91 while u going 101km/h, u get ticket


I don’t really understand what you are saying. What I am trying to say is there is no such thing as allowance now. They can catch you even if you are 1 km/h above the speed limit. In practice they might not catch you if you are only 10 above but there is no longer such a thing as an allowance. If you believe there is an allowance, do you travel 9km/h higher at those fixed camera spots? Or do you slow down to speed limit.


No they wont catch u if u 1km above. What u see the speed on ur speedometer is not necessarily accurate. U might have change tire size, this cause ur speed reading in ur car to be inaccurate. U might see u going 90, but its actually 91. So allowance is given abit more than 10km. If its only 1km, u can argue in court and the case is thrown out.


"usually a 10km/h allowance " By TP or cameras or both?


camera. if TP see that you cannot control your vehicle at 80km/hr, you will still kena pull over.


Both. Like I said earlier, at your own risk


Remember the recent 2cm parking incident at some private property?


Actually, it's more of the car speedo issues. Most cars are tuned to show a higher than it actually is speed. Just go past those speed detection boards you'll see


Real speed limit is dependent on traffic condition, and every road have it's "Maximum" speed limit.. So, by law, first lane which is use for over taking is limited to a max speed of 90km/h if the sign roads "90".. Meaning, if traffic is cruising along 2nd lane at 90km/h then there is no room for over taking as you'll need to be driving over the speed limit which is an offense. There are mechanical speed and there is also electronic speed.. when we see 90km/h on our speedometer that's technically mechanical speed, and when we match that to our GPS our GPS would show us moving at 85km/h and speed camera is electronic speed, but I am not sure how they read the speed but hear say they follow GPS speed..


Keep left. Period


100-120. 90 is considered road hogging on lane 1


You need to find out what the real speed of your vehicle actually is. Your speedometer’s reading is likely to be conservative. Use a GPS speed tracker to find out what the difference is between your speedometer and actual speed.


110 km/h is the real speed limit. Also, it's nearly impossible to get a fine for speeding, except at a few fixed speedcam locations where everyone else will suddenly jambrake to 10 km/h below the speed limit. So as long as you watch out for other traffic and spot the signs, you'll be fine.


You are technically allowed 5 to 10km/h over the speed limit for passing. But approaching speed limit +10, you are tickling the speed camera triggers.


Max you could do is slightly below 141.622km/hr If you reach that speed and hit a powerline at 1.21 gigawatts you could go back to 1955.


Know that all car speedometers are not the same. The law allows overread but not underread so car makers can put in 10% or more buffer. You think you doing 90 but can be roadhogging at 82.


Take the initiative, speed up, close up the gap and THEN you can cruise at whatever posted signage speed or TP Theory Rule Book page 20, section 10 point A kinda thing. serious.


Got my license for a year and I still follow speed limit. Many drivers are speeding like their lives depend on it. Just play safe and always drive on left lane (slow drivers) to avoid causing jam.


taxi go fast u go fast taxi slow u slow, they know best 🤷🏽‍♂️


fyi ur speedometer is also not accurate, usually +- 5 to 10km/h so ur 90km/h would be 80+km/h and others' 100km/h would be 90km/h based on gps speed. i tried bfore, 100km/h passby speed cam, no flash hehe


Follow traffic flow, slow down for camera


i ride around 10km faster than speed limit. in my experience they always give +10km/h leniency . so if speed limit 50km/h then i bring 60km/h. gotten away with a speeding ticket when my speed was 15km/h over the speed limit. would not recommend. if you want to speed don’t be stupid and if you want to be stupid don’t speed


Your speedomter in your car is likely not rated at the 90km/h that shows on your dial. The actual is normally 8-9 km/h slower. I've actually tested this for my car and it's 8km/hr slower.. So my real 90km/h is 98km/h on the speedometer. You can bring this for testing at the mechanic to check for the actual speed vs the speedometer.


Singapore context Practical speed limit that TP will not take action to summon you: 100 km/h. On the safe side, go 98km/h, Proof point: I usually don't care and overtake a police patrol car on right lane at 100km/h without getting summon. Don't do it for the LTA police biker that are sailing along the expressway:( What not to do 1. Challenge the traffic police, in their present and do silly act. Avoiding accidents. As long as you find retarded drivers that keep increasing the gap in front, overtake them to transfer the liability to them. Usually this group of drivers will be poor in managing the brake . Don't be the victim. 1.Keep overtaking erratic/hog-driver indeed is safer than following chain of traffic. 2. BE street smart, NEVER insist on right of road and endanger yourself, do the necessary evasive correction when life is threatened. There are many morons out there that are ignorance in nature who can't sense danger, identify speed gap. Be grace, help them out, avoid them , you will feel better that you are saving life. 3. Give way to those that signal intention to change path.


Don’t drive on lane 1 if you’re slow.


Typically, the speed limit is around 90-100 km/h on expressways. Safety first!


It's common for drivers to exceed the limit by 10-20 km/h.


The speed limit is 90 but most vehicles on sg in the highway don’t follow it as enforcement is lax. If you drive on the right lane even at 90 you will be tailgated and honked by drivers behind and so it is better to stay on the left lane.


The "real" speed limit is 90kmph. Just because other ppl jumping off a building doesn't mean you have to too


If you are not overtaking, stay out of the overtaking lane. That lane is for CRIME.


There's no real agreed-upon speed limit, just whatever you're comfortable with before you get caught. I sometimes push 250 for short bursts and drop back down to 110. Just be vigilant and be considerate of others.


There are new generation of speed cams and more TP around. Go above 100-130 is up to your risk and discretion. Just don't ever go beyond 150 or you'll lose license and face court.


130 above go to court already


You are right. I remembered it wrongly as 60 above speed limit. It's 40 🤣


There's a lot of unwritten rules on our roads. If everyone really follows the stated speed limit, there will be serious congestion all over sinkieland.


Drivers are regularly abusing it and driving above :(


The rules of the expressway. 1. Slower vehicles keep left. 2. Keep left unless overtaking If there's a huge gap in front of you and a faster car is coming behind you, you're hogging. Doesn't matter what speed you're traveling at.


Keep to these fingertips and u will be fine trust me Lane 3 - All cars ending with "ahhh' sound behind..kia..toyota...honda..mazda etc Lane 2 - Hino, Daihatsu and etc Lame 1 -Merz, Audi, Mesarati etc Hope this helps 💞




You will note that almost everyone says that you should not drive at 90kph in the right lane. I don’t agree. TP should definitely step up enforcement. I was doing 80kph on MCE. Car next to me was doing a bit more - about 85kph. He got flashed. Good.


You guys see ah, if speed limit is 90kmph then those overtaking are going over 90kmph so who is wrong?


Just because they are wrong doesn't mean you can don't give way and stay in the right lane. 1) Drive within speed limits 2) if someone is driving close to you and wants to overtake please give way even if you are already at the limit. You are not police, you cannot catch people. You are slower so you give way. theoretically even if you drive at 110km if someone is driving 120 behind you you must give way.


You only notice when you got license ah? When you sit car you should pay attention to familiarise yourself. I have been watching driver behaviours since I was eligible to get a license. Too many new drivers are an annoyance simply because they expect to go driving school then will magically gain experience when pass TP test.


Actually people like you are the worst. Too many old drivers forget how it is to be a new driver and expect new drivers to magically already have experience after passing TP but don’t wish for them to be on the road.