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i was a recovering addict but i’m back in the game bitch


You're just recovering from sobriety


recovering sobertard




It’s like sleeping to recover from being awake


Then waking up to get out energy


Stay winning


Fr fr


Psshh I’ve been a recovering addict so many more times than you, I’ve *spilled* more recovery than you’ve ever recovered.


Try being on recovery with a head full of dope.


>head full of dope hunter is that you?


Same here, but had to restart from level 1


/uj my dumbass was getting a little bit too into drugs, then I found this sub while i was tripping balls and saw how embarrassing some of this shit is. Particularly one about a girl on meth with her dad and she gave her dad a handy or some shit… Seeing that on acid made me actually tweak out of cringe and disgust and I basically went cold turkey on everything except weed the next day. Same thing when I saw the DPH subreddit. It’s honestly hard to describe the feeling I had when I saw those things, I just knew I wanted to distance myself from drugs IRL as much as possible after that.


We saved a life


Actually fuck you, Y’all didn’t do shit… I’m gonna go boof a tampon soaked in LSD before my night shift🖕


dude tbh that’s literally just how lsd be it really makes you realize how shitty most drugs are in reality wether you integrate that into your life is a different story and i actually know exactly what you mean i was tripping once and re stumbled upon on dph and some extra weird dxm sub and the moment i realized a large amount of them were ADULTS not children doing this anymore i was honestly quite fucking concerned to the point i made an entire long ass post essentially Begging them to not use deilerent compounds then again i’m extra biased about this as i refuse to ingest any dose or form a first gen antihistamine as i believe them to all be terrible for you long term even in small amounts not to mention there’s actually a lot of chemical weapons made that are literally just extremely potent versions opioid based weapons shit atleast you won’t be in pain likely that sounds actually like a fucking terrible way to go putting fuckin posion in my dope how about you schedule nasids since they don’t do fucking shit anyways and Anticholinergics mmm nothing like taking chems that give you all the terrible consequences of it and not a single fucking thing good aspirin can stay however and i’ll be fuckin back for your ass later ibuprofen guys opiods are dangerous let’s take something to relieve pain does fuck all and still manages to damage an organ mmmmm truly where chemistry peaked anyways i’ll be in canada itching my fucking ass off and not dying due to opioids totally being the devil if you get a good dope high and still felt the need to take a benzodiazepine or alcohol, you like erm how do i put it your not addicted to drugs your just a moron i really honestly have no fucking clue how you can manage to overdose and hurt yourself on pharmaceutically regulated opioids unless your intentionally trying to hurt yourself trying to think of something else but i just can’t then again i haven’t slept in some time i wanted these to italics, but I’m too lazy fucking pizza hut or some shit i don’t fucking know what i do fuckin know is my back is going to quite fucking tense and in pain tomorrow oh dear not the consequences of my actions what ever shall i dooooo! womp womp wommmmm


Dxm is great though, fuck dph tho


Slow clap. Slow. Clap.


The meth subreddit is such good prevention


You should be thankful to the girl who gave her father a handy


Her father clearly is. He jizzed his own handjob machine into existence. How crazy is that. From his dick he exploded a dickrubber


Bro is living the dream


incest saves lives


Hahaha, had almost the same thing but on the LSD subredit. Realised a lot of them were weird and made me not want to take more.


1 year, 1 month and 11 days. Started smoking pot at 13, was using daily pretty much immediately, had tried acid, coke, shrooms, datura, percs (actual Percocet, not “perc 30’s”; 5mg+350mg APAP) and ecstasy (which I did quite frequently) by my 15th birthday, and shot opiates every day from 16 to 30. Started with oxies and hydros and ended up with fenty the last 5 years.   8 rehab stints in 5 different facilities, 1 death pronunciation, 3 ribs broken during CPR, can’t even count the amount of overdoses, and finally got my year after being in and out for 4 years.  I’m still on methadone but have weaned down from 95mg down to 20mg since September, going to drop to 16 on Friday and in a couple months when that’s done I’ll be completely free from anything psychoactive (I guess not caffeine but I did quit vaping in the last year). 


Congrats man!


Hell yeah dawg


Hell yeah man, keep it pushing


that's fucking amazing, congratulations!!! something about reading this has made me really double down on getting off my last few vices. i always excuse it thinking i'm not getting blackout drunk so who cares if i still vape or whatever? but i'm 5 years sober, i can't use that excuse forever and i don't want to be dependent on shit for the rest of my life. if you can do it so can i. thank you for that. also i was getting concerned this sub was filling up with normie weed smokers, glad to see the drunks and junkies are still here 🥳


/uj it's how i started at 17 and a half, was really curious bored and especially mentally ill lol, just tried everything under the sun until i got bored of it and couldn't handle anymore the mood swings on top of my already fucked mood swings because bipolar, now i occasionally use weed and oxycodone my favorite drug lol got hooked on it the first time i ever used it, i try not to overuse because let's be real drugs are fun, i want to enjoy them and not ruin myself so i try to use it as responsible as one could with opioids lmao, so now just trying to live as stable as possible and not overuse too much, because sometimes i fell for weeks of oxycodone binge.


/uj Very similar boat lmfao I started around the same age, was in a manic episode and did a line of blow and was addicted from there. I just drink now, the AA/NA stuff helped me for a bit but I relapsed and at that point I just said to myself “I don’t wanna do this anymore, I been to rehab 5 times now”. Been good for like 6 months now and don’t really have cravings. I feel you though bipolar is a bitch, for how common it is it can get real bad real quick.


Fuck bipolar man i feel you, I'm rn recovering from a oxycodone binge was on the verge of crying because i almost ran out of oxy and was really stressed out about that lmao , was considering NA in that moment, but now for me i feel if i admit im addicted and drugs are bad i will just crave them more and i know i cannot commit to stop using drugs completely because im still young , drugs aren't inherently bad it's just a tool you can use it for "bad" and "good", so im just trying to use them with much harm reduction as one can, at least to not be in a worse mental state than before, but hey what can you do.


I'm on something every day only doing pussy shit like weed/kratom/speed/alcohol so not too far down the drain yet but still don't know how to stop


Yeah I feel you I only do lighter pussy shit too like injecting carfent and xylazine in my dick and boofing jenkem. Trying not to let it get too out of control you know so I keep it pretty tame


dude ngl drinking often is so far down i mean speed can literally be degeneracy in a powder or capsule or hcl salt or crystal and alcohol is definitely degenerative well for some me as in and that’s why i quit drinking literally just diluted myself in believing i was enjoying being drunk would be a shitty person then deny it then next or be like NO IT WAS THE DRUGS and then my stomach started not doing so good when i was drinking and while tripping that’s when i realized such things and poured out all of my ethanol and a derivative thankfully didn’t seize afterwords and never looked back sense with regret even in lower amounts i would delude myself of the cloudiness it would give me after the next day and my digestive system is improving my point is the only drug out of these that i would take the negatives for the positives is the speed but thats because i have been addicted for to it for years but speed is bad for everyone’s body and no matter who you are taking it your deluding yourself saying otherwise im sorry to all the people who have “adhd” and can’t focus well so did i but its a terrible way to deal with issues long term like that but i can promise you that taken speed often is a really dumb idea that i don’t even know why PAs script it still especially to young people it’s fun in moderation with friends i suppose and wouldn’t make me feel ways as often keep in mind however because of the person i like to drink pretty much everyday for awhile till i eventually passed out but that does a lot of damage physically fast and isnt worth any form of an ethanol high drugs are bad but ethanol was incredibly damaging to my life in a completely different way not to mention there definitely are negative mental effects such as srinking of frontal lobe but speed does that too atleast it can feel actually worth it at times and not physically damage your liver with ever dose noids are definitely not good for your memory long term also anytime i got arrested watched someone get arrested or one time when someone actually ended up getting shot and killed the idiot who insisted he could drive home now i just get high in peace and don’t really bother anyone anymore i also kinda suspect kratom is worse for kidneys long term then a normal opiate but that’s just a theory of mine at the moment and i have zero evidence to back it up but if you live in the US and actually don’t even gobble up pain pills with other downers like a moron you still can’t get safe ones due to other peoples choices idk fuckin know man all you need to get amps is say you can’t focus so saying your in pain and want a painkiller for it is a 100% different story is just fuckin sheer irony to me i was checkin reviews on the dnm the other day and one of the comments was literally a long ass thing thanking him so much saying his grandmother couldn’t get hers or they were taken away and it was just like damn america do really be that place were even an elderly person in pain every day can’t have it and if your doing street opiods without testing them fully your doing a complete gamble on your life


Congratulations! Or, I’m sorry that happened! Idk, I’m not reading all that because I don’t have enough amphetamines in my system to focus on what you typed


recovering from severe goon addiction ong they was feeding us the porn sience theday we was born




12 years off heroin in like 19 days, nearly 8 years off prescription methadone, 3 years off prescription clonazepam. I use small doses of cannabis ( even 10mg can be too much) for sleep and ptsd dream suppression. Occasionally drink. Even less Frequently lsd. I don’t consider myself a recovering addict because I don’t subscribe to the 12 step program, it helps for some people sure but I don’t like it’s rhetoric and don’t believe that anyone is powerless against their own addiction. I’ve come a long way mentally and still have much further to go. But life is a journey, and experiences are what make us who we are.


Real talk, I feel like the “powerless over addiction thing” is outdated but I kind of get it considering in 1939 when the Big Book was written, the most prominent conception of addiction was that it was a complete choice and a sin / moral failing. I think the “powerless” mindset helped a lot of people back then because it actually removed a fair amount of the burden of shame. At the same time, I appreciate that several of the steps highlight making amends and taking personal accountability for one’s actions. Nowadays, with better and more widespread psychoeducation, I can see why the “powerless” narrative turns people off. I wish someone would adapt the program to take into consideration what we now know to be true about addiction, while still providing the structure and accessibility of AA/NA.


So much of 12 step was very progressive for the time they just never changed and became dogmatic. I would imagine before AA alcoholics were viewed similar to how morbidly obese people are viewed today.


Felt you 100% on the twelve step thing, it helped me for a bit but I don’t need it at this point. Congrats on your sobriety, we don’t all make it out. I struggled comparing myself a lot but you’re right, life is a journey.


I recover for two weeks, than reward myself for being sober with more drugs, and back to the starting line. I am addicted to sobering up


Holy fuck realest shit i read today


/uj I'm an alcoholic, had my first drink at 16 but I started really drinking at 18 onwards. Last year was definitely the worst year; I was miserable, unemployed, and constantly sick at the end of the year . Luckily now I have a job, a studio apartment, and have reduced my drinking a decent bit but still drink more than I should and nightly, though I don't start my day getting right below blackout drunk anymore.


My grandfather does this. He's been drinking for the past 26 years and around 6-8pm he calls it. Decides to stay in the rest of the night and just get absolutely blitzed while watching cable not black out but definitely drinks into a stupor


I’ve mainly stuck to pussy shit. Coke hardly feels like a hard drug, the price tag makes it easy for me to pick up and put down. Ironically the only drugs I’ve had a problem with are Marijuana and “LSD” Deepest I ever went was disgusting doses of psychedelics bc “it can’t kill you bro” Thing is, it did. I am not the same person and I’m definitely a worse one now. But it FEELS like I’ve always been this way.


I don’t like putting the label “hard” on anything because that means something different to everyone. Obviously some are more addictive than others but I got hooked on coke so quick lol


Can you talk more about your lsd heroic doses?


I have a few stories. Two contenders for craziest. One time my paranoid dealer (he was taking eye drop doses of acid daily and ended up beating his gf and disappearing) got rid of all the shit he had on hand to me and my friend. He had a container of altoids and he squirted however much he had left of his vial on like 6 altoids. My friend and I each had three. They were WET. Aaaand on top of that I had a few tabs. I remember my friend saying “buh bye” and waving to me over and over again. After an hour I was basically blind. Could no longer communicate and sank into the couch as my carpet wrapped around my head. The most intense, euphoric visuals and body high. Neither of us spoke for most of the trip’s duration, just sat there and listened to music while I tried to play Jedi Fallen Order. After realizing that I couldn’t comprehend what was happening I started trying to journal, trying to document what I was experiencing, but to little avail. Truly indescribable, if it weren’t for the euphoria it would have probably been terrifying. As for the second, and probably one of the more reckless things I have done… New Years Day 2020. Made plans to trip with another friend and his GF. Plans were to drop in the morning, then have our friend pick us up and drive us around town. We dropped, and shortly after she bailed. We tried to stick it out, but his mom kept coming down to talk to us (still in HS at this time) and they started to get weird and physical (third wheeling on acid sucks ass) so I impulsively decided that I was good to drive us around despite taking more than either of them. So off of three tabs, I drove us 5 miles to pick up our sober friend who stupidly got inside, 5 or so more through city traffic to grab my friend’s GF’s wallet, and then another 10 to an antique store at the edge of town. That part of the trip was beautiful. I felt like I was in some sort of magic reliquary. It was one of those massive antique malls with multiple booths. Every item I touched held so much importance. I imagined all of the hands that touched each one. It was like each time I examined a new “artifact” I could see its lineage of owners play out in front of me. I just felt so small and insignificant seeing this massive smattering of objects passed around through the ages. Also got my friend to crack open and drink one of those antique coke bottles people keep around for some reason. Shit smelled rancid. I… also had a weird moment after looking at a glass case full of Nazi memorabilia. I got upset thinking about the horrors of the holocaust and also that the Nazis permanently ended any discussion about eugenics 😭😭😭. As a genetically inferior individual with poor parenting I would love some regulations on who is allowed to breed tbh. I understand there is no ethical way to do this but each day looks more like Idiocracy to me. Anyway… we easily spent 2-3 hours there until I had thoroughly finished peaking and was more or less mentally sober. We also all saw an ancient (75+ yo) cowboy wearing booty shorts and a weird sort of fishnet jersey? We all thought we hallucinated him until the sober one piped up. It wasn’t until later when I was stone cold sober and driving the other friend back to her house that I deeply regretted my decisions and felt jolts of fear as all of the possibilities of what could’ve happened began to sink in. At one point I went nearly 90 mph on a city road without realizing, only alerted to the danger when my friend’s GF went “haha zoom”. Also almost rear ended someone, totally painted outside of the lines… it’s a goddam wonder we didn’t get in a wreck.


Do you worry whether or not the universe is real? That feeling goes away if you don’t touch it for months


Mashallah that feeling has left me. It has been 4 years since I’ve tripped balls. I’ve done mushrooms a handful of times. I could not fucking shake the feeling that I was A: dying (bc one time a terror trip landed me in the ER bc my parents found me and I could not communicate) B: that some sort of eldritch being or god himself was rigging reality against me. Although, so many people that I know have told me how unlucky I am. Not just in my head.


I’m sober but had a bad relationship with various things for ages. I’m still interested in the drug subculture.


i was on weed exclusively until i did dxm and ended up in a hospital LMAO been off since then


I started when i was 14 and when i was like 15 i had this interest of substances and what they do to the brain and body too so. Never had any Addiction issues with substances other than nicotine, weed, kratom, and maybe alcohol. Im currently on day 3 without kratom, 2 days without weed and 1 day without nicotine


Tomorrow will still be one day no nicotine


2-3 days without it and then its easy


/uj fucked around way too flippantly for a few years until I binged hydromorphone/soma/3-MMC for a couple of weeks and then had terrible withdrawals. That kind of opened my eyes a bit. Still an alcoholic but working on that. /rj I'm recovering from withdrawals by relapsing, ya feel


/uj i've never done drugs and never plan to but this is the funniest goddamn subreddit i have ever seen.


Jenkem is literally free. Time to kill that eagle.


kratom lovin since 16


Wish I never touched drugs....I have HPPD and anxiety because of drug use and would go back and change it if I could. Now I can't smoke weed anymore which is my #1...gives me anxiety


started smoking weed at 15 until 17-18 then a few years on benzo and speed/stims in general 18-22 after that started my aphip and heroine arc and in the last year im mostly chillin drinkin doing ket ori 2cb/acid now im 24 all of those because jungle gap bro


I like drugs


/uj I say I'm off benzos, but I take ativan 0.5 occasionally for anxiety. In a good enough place that I don't take it when I don't need it. Was prescribed benzos in early high school cause I was a mess of a kid but when they stopped working as well I started gaming the prescriptions to take them for fun too. I liked drinking on them. I stopped taking them recreationally after I picked up weed when I was going through college. I had a huge breakdown cause of other stuff but probably also the pills lol and freaked the fuck out. Went to the hospital and was good with weed for a year or so. Then COVID hit and I started smoking a ton of pot and taking sleeping pills. Did shrooms for a few months until I started barfing a bunch the day after. Stopped the pills and decreased the weed a few months ago after another huge unrelated breakdown so during my hospitalization I had to go two weeks without and it's easier to moderate that. Just started vaping too lol but trying to not continue that one. But I don't count weed as a "true" drug lol considering I started with pills and tbh I still want to have fun so I'm not giving it up. The doctors gave me an rx for ativan in the hospital even though I said not to like five times lol but hopefully I have my head on my shoulders this time after a good few years.


I was born in 2002 and I’ve been doing drugs since I was 16, starting with weed and acid. Then opioid painkillers, benzos, MDMA, ketamine, cocaine, speed, etc. Then I started using the dark web at 19 and did heroin off the dark web for the first time on my 20th birthday. I haven’t used heroin since August 2023, but have been spending $40 a day on tianeptine since then. I’m getting back on the onions for H because it’s actually cheaper than tianeptine


Cocaine addict here, when my nose starts collapsing I'll think of stopping.


I'm on something all the time and I've learned how to handle my shit so I get by. Unless you got some good dissos. I'll murder for some MXE. /uj but really, you need a family member dead? I'll do it for some MXE.


Mmmmmm dissociatives 🤤 my fav. You tried PCP or any of the PCP rc analogs?


uj/ in active addiction and desperately want to get out


I would die for some klonopin and 100% agave tequila, but Im "recovering" :D


Oh and some ketamine


and a little 2cb


Never been addicted to anything. I drink sometimes but I don’t get fucked up often at all, I mostly just like beer. Smoked weed a handful of times in college, didn’t really like it. I was prescribed edibles and Ativan for nausea while I was on chemo last year and was taking a fair bit of both daily but as soon as the nausea stopped I stopped both no issues at all. I somehow didn’t even realize Ativan was a benzo until months after I had stopped taking it lol. That IV Ativan they gave me before procedures did hit tho ngl.


Happy to say I am back in the game after 4 months ~ of COMPLETE sobriety not even weed or alcohol starting at christmas (i am not even religious it just happened to be that day). However I am BROKE AS FUCK and its been hard to get money now that mom won't give me a lot of money 🤬🤬🤬 istg im gonna start selling feet pics its been nice to pretend my track marks are bug bites because most people dont think its from a needle if it isnt on your arm 😂😂😂😂🔥🔥


I suppose I was never an addict to anything other than weed, which I smoked to the point that, in conjunction with LSD use, I gave myself what I presume to be the onset of some sort of psychosis. After realising that the voice of God talking to me through the TV was no fun, I stopped smoking for two years. Subsequently stopped doing coke, whippets, psychedelics etc. as well. Now all I do is drink like a normal, well adjusted member of society. Namaste.


i’m in addictive addiction need to go to rehab


/uj Im not addicted, I’d just do anything for pills which is normal.


530 days sober from klonopins and xans and percs Drugs circle jerk unironically helps me stay sober DRUGS CIRCLE JERK!


I used to be addicted to kratom, im still addicted to kratom, but I used to too. Nah fr tho I'm lucky to be alive. I used to use opiates a lot, only reason I never did heroin is because I didn't know any dealers lmao I used to fantasize about finding a bag of H and some needles lol Yeah I've done fentanyl, meth, every kind of pharmaceutical pill there is, LSD, DMT, shrooms, Research Chems, MDMA, ketamine, and this thing called Chomba? Something like that it was a tea that made me trip balls.


I smoke weed a few times a week and I've done some psychs (I'd do more acid and shit but my plug disappeared into thin air). I'd probably try some more shit if I had a good opportunity.


Hi nice to meet you


I’m not “addicted” to anything but I definitely love psychedelics. I’ve only ever smoked twice in my life and I’ve never drank. I just feel like a pos when I smoke but tripping I am in a better mood for months after. I have come close to being emotionally dependent on lsd (I was dropping every weekend) but I’ve severely cut back. I’m also getting some dmt to help myself do even less lsd till I’m at once a month.




I was hooked on crack pretty bad then my dealer OD on that fetty. That was three months ago and now I am clean of crack cuz I don’t know any other dealer.


Was mildly addicted to opiods(RLS ~6hrs ÷severe back pain hots&colds) then found the oasis of state sponsored methadone dispersal. Now I'm not addicted anymore( according to government run "mitigation" centers


Oddly enough I don't consider myself either anymore. Used to smoke 5g of weed a day, kicked that, drank 12 beers a day, kicked that too. After three years of total sobriety I carefully picked up alcohol again. Now I just drink some alcohol at social events once a month or on dates. Cigarettes has been on and off but I am 8 months without now


/uj Funny enough of all the shit that i've tried i only really got addicted to nicotine and online gambling (cringe i know). My ADHD makes me fucking love the feeling of gambling and even when i won i put it right back in. I've stopped now because it's so fucking expensive and makes you feel more shit afterwards than any drug i've ever tried, nicotine is still an on and off thing. /j I'm not addicted i'm destined to become the youngest self made billionaire whilst boofing 150mg nicopods from Siberia in order to analy fuck my eagle


Alcoholic. Coming up on 13 months.


UJ/ Im a junky but always found drug culture fucking stupid. Drugs are fun. If you are doing them for any other reason you’re just justifying your stupidity. I also throughly enjoy circle jerks. Here I am.


/uh fighting with a coke addiction right now. It sucks, I feel like shit


I’ve been mostly California sober for a year and half but generally becoming more and more disillusioned with Recovery™️. Feels kind of like ur success with sobriety is predetermined by social capital and how much money you have. Like if u have a support system and u were only poor bc of drugs, then recovery will go great for you. But like sobriety has been just as bad as when I was using and legit I don’t feel like it’s worth the struggle anymore. Sorry to be sad as fuck about it but it is what it is


Major alcohol, cocaine (later became crack), and opiate problems for a little under 10 years. Was in AA when I found this sub. I was totally sober for two years but no I smoke the devil’s lettuce again


Unrecovered addict cause I cant stop winning fr fr.


/uj been addicted to weed since I was 15. 24 now and finally getting it under control. But last week I tried some Ketamine and I . Fucking . Love It Tried it like 3 times and I get happy just by thinking about K. Had to dump the entire baggie into the toilet. I will definitely get addicted to this shit. Nope ain't doing it again!


I did weed in college and that’s about it. I still cringe at that period of my life. I used to be like those people from r/trees “why weed illegal” “weed good for you”.


/uj Only tried drugs on a few occasions, haven’t done anything for a year besides drinking. Drugs and addiction are fascinating topics to me, that’s why I follow this sub.


I've stopped doing morphine, but I often do weaker opioids, tho (codeine).


I'm michigan sober so I haven't touched anything except thc in over 2 years. This sub is my AA lol


I shove fentanyl up my ass daily


I'm sorta kinda in recovery. I no longer use stims, opiates or benzos, but I still take kratom daily, psychedelics 1-3x a year, ketamine once a month and I'll have a few drinks once in a while. My life is manageable and my use doesn't cause problems, so I consider myself in recovery, although I know most addicts couldn't handle it without a full blown relapse


/uj I’m not a drug addict, I had a close friend who was but that’s not very relevant. Also I’ve always taken an interest in drugs so that’s kinda why I’m in so many drug subreddits. It’s a lifelong curiosity of mine and I like to meme on it a bit here


/uj 4 days sober from alcohol after voluntarily going to rehab and after 2 days saying fuck that prison I'd rather work it out myself. The desire to never be stuck in a place like that alone is enough to keep me sober. Also sick of making myself sick and lashing out at peeps so I'll stick to weed and shrooms.


Am recovering weed attic, 6 1/2 minutes sober pray for me y'all 🙏


I was on a lot of meds growing up, and experimented with and used sometimes abused many substances, but never an addict. But I don’t really do anything anymore or even want to for the past several years. I quit weed a year and a half ago and I was addicted to that though.


uj/ I’m 20 months clean from a nasty benzo+fetty habit. I enjoyed this sub when I was high, and weirdly enjoy it even more now that I’m sober


I recovered from polysubstance addiction, joined while I was neck deep in it and it was funny but now the sub is 10x funnier


stopped my benzo and alcoholism like 6 months ago, taper ended feels good edit: 9 actually how the fuck is it middle of june alr


Uj/ Yes


Nah. I drink and smoke weed occasionally but never anything more than that. I just think the memes are fucking funny.


I’ve been an addict since about 17-18. I’m 26 now. I’ve been back and forth between drugs, to Kratom, back to drugs, to Suboxone, back to Kratom to quit Suboxone, back to Suboxone after the Kratom again. Such a tiring cycle. Going through it all alone too, nobody in my family or close circle knows lol.


I was hitting the slopes with a good friend one day who had been buying for the both of us. I felt like I was on the verge of dying so I stripped down, got in the bath tub to chill out. somehow the conversation of our shit being cut came up. She looked me in the face and said our stuff was cut with meth. I went cold turkey that day after a long time of using.


/uj Killed my last beagle in 2016. Abused everything but 20 years of drinking alcohol everyday with benzos and Adderall was my downfall. This place has actually been helpful . Thank you, fellow jerkers.


uj/ I have never touched drugs in my life, not even alcohol. Not really sure what I am doing here...


recovering kinda I relapse all the time though so close enough I guess


I’m full of duality. Am both recovering from sobriety and active drug addiction


/uj definitely wouldn't say I was an addict or am recovering but from like 15-17 I took stupid amounts of acid/shrooms, a stupid amount of times over that period. I regret it so much dude ,spent the entirety of high school *thinking* I was enlightened and shit but I was really just brain fried. Caused me to not make or even care about social connections which looking back was just a result of my lack of self identity. All I could talk about was how drugs were the gateway to God and all that stupid shit. It wasn't until the last month of school as a senior where I had realized how much I had missed out seeing people ahead academically and with solid goals after high school. Sure it wasn't pills or anything that could've killed me which I'm super grateful for but the mental toll that psychs have especially at a young age is something I wish I would have known beforehand🤦🏽‍♂️🤦🏽‍♂️


im a 19 year old who did coke once and ketamine once and i think im special and quirky for it. also ive been high every day for a month


/uj used to be addicted to heroin (or whatever was in it) and benzos. Nowadays I’m a lame ass cringe ass gay ass stoner that does benzos sparingly. This sub unironically helps me stay sober cuz I see how cringe I was in active addiction. Don’t get me wrong I’m still an addict, just a lame weed addict


Currently recovering from a diet soda habit. I was taking 3-5 cans per day, it ruined my marriage and got me arrested at least 4 times (that I can remember). Thankfully I’m 8 days clean as of tomorrow


imma polyamorist eagle tard wrangler , i drink almost a gallon of fireball a day, oz of grass a week or 2, shrooms at harvest, and some coke/meth on a holiday




I’d respond to this with some valuable wisdom if I weren’t so fucked up rn. And I mean that seriously. Dm me young chitlin. I can school you on what it is on sober living, AA, you name it. I’m well versed but I also just stumbled home from my favorite dive bar. In the last two weeks I have done No2, heroin, cocaine, weed, benzos, mushies, alcohol… rn isn’t the time to hit me up but I’ve managed sober homes, had multiple stints of sobriety in excess of 1.5 years. Message me and I’ll get back to you.


Just ask the super fucked up delusional guy how to stay sober he’s basically bill Wilson’s sponsor.


I got my shit figured out now but I been thru all that, appreciate you