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If it didn’t make me nauseous I’d agree haha. For now tho I’m sticking to my Datura and gasoline mix


Datura 😍 I love just smoking a bone of Dat and then spend the rest of the night smoking invisible cigarettes in my bed.


Ain't nothing wrong with kratom enemas. I boof kratom and then it's off to the goon cave for 12 hours.


Not reading all that come back to me when the speed hits


Ummm sorry but let me clarify something for you here, when we make fun of kratom on this sub we’re making fun of ourselves. When we make fun of weed we’re making fun of stoners for real.


/uj green sludge actually does alter your state of mind in some weird ways. High doses give weird confusion while regular doses unpredictably alter thinking patterns, decisions, memory, and emotions


Yes of course, but it's nowhere near the altering of thoughts and thinking patterns of thc, ketamine or methamphetamine and also no less predictable than benzos or other opioids. It's more like regular amphetamine, where your reward system is altered so your decision making is impaired in a way, but not far off from your sober state of mind. Altered memory from kratom? Never experienced or even heard of that, maybe on very high doses.


Altered memory kinda in the "ADHD forgetfulness" sense as well as impaired learning, not straight up memory blackouts


When I still had to learn for tests I wasn't using daily, not once did I noticed a difference in taking kratom the day before or staying sober. I'm not denying that there could be a difference, just that it is minor enough to not be noticeable for me.


I looked it up and you're right it seems medically insignificant in humans but was observed in rats. Personally I found it to be really shit long term for my cognition but there could be another reason maybe.


Have you tried the extract


Yes, no extract ever came closer to the leaf experience than say ~75%


Kratom is an opioid as much as taking Immodium AD is an opioid


Kratom contains opioid alkaloids. The experience is not that of an opioid when using powder. Now some good high percent extract on the other hand. Or if you really want o nod get some 7-hydroxymymitragynine. That stuff is so good it's going to get kratom banned!