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Kids are gonna like Tilt the most probably


I'm a guy who marched in the 1990s, and I think Tilt (for the OP: that is Bluecoats 2014) is one of the best examples of what I consider a "modern era" show that is done right -- excellent and tasteful use of electronics and lots of props, paired with plenty of what I consider core drum corps elements that would have been appreciated in the earlier era. I bet middle school band kids and the OP will love it!


loved it since 6th grade.


Any recc on where to watch this show?




I would show excerpts instead of an entire show...at least at first. The excellence part will stick with them and you will see who wants more. In middle school, I tried to get them excited about their own high school band first, because that is the next logical step...and then gave them just a light taste of what could be beyond. I remember telling them that the drum major of the high school band in a few years was sitting right there in the room!


I second this. Asking them to focus for a whole show is a lot, but if you grab 3-4 short segments you’re more likely to grab their attention


Great advice. I was introduced to drum corps from the PBS broadcasts which were excerpts. What was funny though is later at some point I realized “wait there was more show?”


Show them a terrible show, see who’s really on board.


“And this, children, is the 2019 Cadets.”


Oh god not Cadets 19


Would have to give them an awkward history lesson first 😬


I just feel bad for the performers, they didn't deserve to have to show that to people


SCV 2018 has some of that cool factor they'd appreciate.


Did that also have that Mello sustain?




The second half they would love for sure. Before the ballad is pretty abstract and I fear they wouldn’t like it so much


Just start at the ballad then and go to the end. That's a more digestible section for a first time watch, and you'll keep their attention for the whole time


Good call


OH they have that screamer in that show too


I'd go with Madison 95 without a doubt.


Crowd pleaser extraordinare


Lots of babies thrown after that show, for sure.


That was Peak Drum Corps! I was there in Buffalo for that show... WOW! (Though, I have to admit that seeing Madison 1997 in person at Finals made more of an impression on me, simply because of the amazing surprise when they hit that ridiculous surprise sustain on the company front, with the drum major unfurling that jolly roger and snapping photos.)


That’s the show that made my son want to march.


Just outside of your 10 years, but I think cadets 2011 is the perfect blend of classic drum corps sound and design, but with a very clear visual theme that’s cool and easy to buy in to.


Crown 2011. If your students aren’t yet familiar with the « Corps Style , » it’s a great one because a lot of the music is recognizable.


Thank you so much for actually giving me a reason instead of just listing shows :)


Ah fair enough. I’ll edit my comment to give reasons behind my list.


Would Bluecoats 2019 also be a good recommendation then, since it has all that Beatles music?


Dépends on your middle schoolers. I teach middle school and I have two or three kids that are mega fans of the Beatles, a few who get some of the references, and many that are like « Those are the old British guys, right? »


Oh jeez, really? Those old British guys is what they think when they hear the name Beatles? Okay, I think it’s a good show, but time will tell.


I think it’s classic. Then again, I’m firmly in the « Massive Beatles fan » camp.


I getcha!


Crown 2013, Bluecoats 2014, 2022, Blue Devils 2017, SCV 2018


2016 Academy - Drum Corpse Bride


My kids love this one too


Academy 2016 - Drum Corpse Bride It’s got recognizable music, a fun theme, and all-around is a good performance.


I just posted the same thing. It is a very crowd-pleasing show that is a great entry into modern drum corps.


I can't speak for how middle schoolers would react, but I saw the 2016 Ben gunnarson headcam for the first time my freshman year during band camp and it blew my mind. Auditioned for DCI the next year.


I guess the reason why is that it's so visceral at certain parts. Being the guy playing the solo to 20k people, standing next to the screamer solo guys, etc.


My middle schoolers always LOVED Relentless, Spartacus, and Juliet-I think the theatrical death was a fun draw for them. They also really liked the rehearsal video of Phantom 2007 when they are sprinting down the field playing firebird.


As a freshman in high school my then trumpet section leader was gone all summer and didn’t know why. Just before we start band camp he gets back from marching Velvet Knights 92. I was like wtf is Velvet Knights I had never heard of DCI or drum corps. We watched that show and everyone thought it was hilarious including me at the time….but then I watched SCV, Madison Scouts, Cadets, Phantom, Cavaliers and the Blue Devils….holly shit they blew my mind. I went on to march Blue Devils 94. I know this isn’t modern era drum corps. But it shows the contrast from one show to another and the specially to what DCI has evolved to today. VK 92 https://youtu.be/pxM13PXRs0E?feature=shared BD 94 https://youtu.be/1RQZFVZdYPE?feature=shared Hope this helps


Two of my favorite drum corps shows from the 1990s! BTW, you guys blew my mind in 94 the first time I saw that show on tour!


Thanks man…..How many years did you march drum corps? And what did you march???


My favorite shows of all time would be a toss up between 08 phantom, 2012 crossmen, and 2014 bluecoats. The phantom show is called Spartacus. It is, imo, the most *epic* dci show in history. It’s is one of the few that tells an actual story, and the end is…..well…just watch it. The brass in that show is phenomenal, the color guard is a classic style, and the percussionists are unstoppable. 2012 crossmen is on the list because it’s a mix of typical BD and crown horn line. Crown is generally 700, no, 800 notes per minute. BD, while their music is no less *difficult*, is slightly less technical sounding. The 2012 crossmen trumpet solo 3 minutes in is my top 3 of all time, according to yours truly. 2014 bluecoats is a unique show. It’s right in that time span of dci as a whole transitioning from one style to another, it uses some sound from speakers which I don’t typically like, but it does contribute to the coolness of the show. EV-ERY-THING is tilted. It’s awesome. Obviously I’m extremely partial to the shows I performed in. Colts 2012 closes with all by myself by Eric Carmen as MR Jon fuller fills Lucas oil with the sound of a trumpet that makes you wonder if you should cry or cheer….so go with both. Good second choices include 97 BD. It’s one night. In Tunisia. It’s trumpet. It’s screaming. The intensity is unbearable. 05 cadets is the show I fell in love with in the 8th grade. The zone. Kind of a dr who vibe. The only verbal drum solo in the history of dci. 2011 cadets has half the corps performing in light uniforms, the angels, and the other half in dark uniforms, the demons. It’s the cadets. nuff said.


Hey, I just want to say 1) Thanks for cluing me in to what a great show Crossmen 2012 is! I've been a big Crossmen fan since the early 1990s (when they were regularly putting out BANGER shows!), but for many years in my life I got too busy to be able to pay attention to drum corps, and I totally missed 2012 Crossmen until now. It has that groove that I just have always associated with the Crossmen since the early 1990s! 2) On that same topic, kudos for mentioning a show that didn't finish in the top 3 (or even top 5). Some of my very favorite shows have finished in the lower top 12, with a few having missed Finals entirely, and it always bothers me that many people seem to just not pay attention to shows that don't medal or win, because I think those people don't know what they are missing! There are incredible shows (especially these days, when the quality of the top 12 looks unbelievable to me) that don't come anywhere close to medaling -- I don't know why more people don't watch them!


What did you think of my assessment of their brass line being a mix of what crown and BD do?


Bluecoats 2016 Downside Up or SCV 2018 Babylon !!! Maybe even BD 2017 Metamorph SCV 2018 is my personal favorite, but all of those shows have chills-inducing moments that got me interested in DCI in the first place. The older videos with lower quality (like Phantom 2008, even though it is great) may not capture the kids attention as well.


Rach star


I know you said past 10 years, but Cavies ‘02 is still the best visual show of all time! So many, holy eff, how did they do that, moments. As a Vanguard alum (‘98), SCV ‘18 is my absolute favorite show to listen to.


If you want kids to be interested in drum corps, just show them the end of 2023 Mandarins cuz you know every one of those kids would want to be a spinnerman! 😂


Honestly I’d probably show any newer person a bluecoats show from the past ten years. They’re all generally good and very digestible for audiences that don’t know DCI at all.


2000 Cadets


My first show was phantom regiments Sparticus back in 5th grade. Changed my life!


materialistic dinner compare glorious direful cagey consider many expansion mysterious *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Bloo 2014, crown 2011, bd 2011, all really neat and accessible shows. Some of the first I exposed myself to when I was in middle school


Clips from Crown 15 and BD 17. Both got be personally very hooked into the activity.


Show them BD 23' they might get the references and what ever other shows that have music or themes they might get like Crown 11'


Honestly, Tilt (Bluecoats 2014), Force of Nature (SCV 2016), Sinnerman (Mandarins 2023), and Downside Up (Bluecoats 2016) are all great shows to start with. Honorable mentions for me would be E=MC^2 (Carolina Crown 2013) and Felliniesque (Blue Devils 2014, the highest ever scoring DCI show)


While 2023 is their first and only championship show, I'd recommend ANYTHING by Crown from 2009-present day simply for their utter brass dominance. I 100% agree with T/LT by Bluecoats as well as their Beatles shows. All of those were incredible. I know you want recent shows, but there are some incredible older shows that are worth showing. Here are a few examples: - SCV 1989 (Phantom of the Opera) - Spartacus or Defiant Heart by Phantom - Frameworks or Machine by The Cavaliers - The Planets by the Madison Scouts - Angels and Demons as well as The Zone by The Cadets - Anything by Star of Indiana in the early to mid 90s, but especially 1991 for Zinghali's visual magnum opus. - And, just to show how much fun you could have, show them Velvet Knights 1992 😉


for the past 10 years i gotta say bluecoats 17!!! i also absolutely loved blue stars 19


I’m going to give the exact opposite advice. Here’s what you should NOT show to them.… Blue Devils 2023. I think it’s a great show, but I don’t think it is good for kids at that level. If you don’t understand Drum Corps, the scoring system, you aren’t familiar with how general effect is created and how difficult it is to orchestrate “seemingly random” drill, all they will see is a bunch of people running around on a field. If they don’t have any experience playing music at anything above a beginner level, they won’t have a frame of reference for just how difficult some of the music is. I think your idea of using phantom regiment 08 is perfect. It’s really good music and doesn’t have a bunch of crazy cords that can only be appreciated by people that have taken music theory. Visually, you can pick up a lot the first time you see it, even if you don’t have any background on what it’s supposed to look like to begin with. Also, it’s tells a very engaging story. Granted, it doesn’t represent some of the things in the “modern era.“ However, it is a very consumable example of Drum Corps for a viewer with no idea of what they are looking at and what they should be looking for.


Not one person says early 2000s cavaliers? Seriously?


2006 Cavaliers "The Machine" is the correct answer


I’ve always loved the late 90’s/early 2000 era of drumcorps. Show them Cadets 2000 or BD 2001. SCV 2004 is great. Honestly it’s all good stuff.


Scheherazade! Such a beautiful SCV show.


Oh yeah- I remember the first time I saw it that season, they were cooking. It was such an awesome show.


At finals in Denver that year a group of us were late making it back to the corps for the full retreat b/c we went back into the arena to watch SCV and we were straight mesmerized haha.


Still my favorite use of trombones in DCI


second 2000 Cadets


Just to be clear, I'm looking for shows from the past ten years.


If their high school tends toward a specific group’s style, show them something like that. Something they can relate to seeing in person is usually the best. Most high schools will look more like Blue Stars, Academy, Blue Knights, etc.


As a starting point, Bluecoats over the last 10 years should appeal to them. Pick your favorite or let the kids pick based on titles. Maybe one kid looks something up on his phone and finds ^*Tilt*. You can't go wrong with bluecoats for hooking new people. Just explain the pajamas they march in ahead of time.


Great idea, thank you!


threatening resolute abounding rinse sloppy cows bag jobless quickest dazzling *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Bluecoats 2019. Pretty easy to understand The Beatles


Colts 2023


Inferno, Crown 2015: it's the show that got me hooked on DCI at 14 years old Edit: Phantom 2008 is also a great choice for similar reasons to Inferno


Tilt would be good, but as a fellow middle school band director, I wonder if they’ll truly grasp what they’re seeing and appreciate it.


My personal opinion is the Carolina Crown 2022 is an excellent first show. Kids might like BD2022 or 2023 though because the anime music segments


BD 2013


SCV 2018 is a hell of a show


I'd also add BD '15 to the list since we had tons of characters that would be easy to recognize (i.e. three blind mice, snow white, Cinderella, little red Riding Hood, etc.)


top 12 corps from 2013-2018


I was introduced to Crown 2015 back when I was in high school. And I know my sister got introduced somewhat to Bloo 22.


Bloo Alumni '22...Has the greatest hits...😄


2006 Cavaliers was entertaining and unique


Live performance


Battery battle from blast.


Tilt, all the way


It would be great to include some of the Open Class Corps or more affordable corps too. 7th Regiment 2011 was a fun show to watch - music is a Radiohead and Brubeck mashup. Tiny little corps, only rehearsed on weekends, but still put out a great show and the kids looked like they had a blast. Spartans, Memphis Sound, Genesis are some of the other open class corps that really do well without charging $6k to March. Jersey Surf shows are always relatable too - strong theming, fun gimmicks and recognizable music. The top 5 are obviously awesome corps; but showing that you can love band without needing to devote your entire summer to it might be a good thing to show as well.


My freshman year band camp (close enough to middle school), my trumpet tech didn't stop talking about Inferno and Babylon, and now I'd consider myself the 2nd biggest drum corps nerd in my band. Start there. Also in band camp, my director showed us the opening to Crossmen 2019 to give us an idea of characterization (our show was Vikings as well that year), and that's now one of my favorite shows from cross. I'd recommend Inferno, Babylon, Valkyrie, or Scheherazade because they all have some great hits and horn parts scattered throughout


I'm a high school band tech, every year the whole marching band leadership including us techs, and that years section leaders go to our feeder middle schools and show marching band and try to get the students to wanna join high school marching band, we generally show that years show for the marching band and then go to BOA and DCI, generally for DCI we show 2008 Phantom, 2014 Carolina Crown, 2011 Bluecoats, and 2022 Troopers as generally all those shows have the moments in the music that make those 7th-8th graders be like 'wow' and we don't show the full show, like for 2022 Troopers we only show the ending, and for 2011 we show it when they play Creep.


Crown 2012 and BD 2013 changed my life and inspired me to march.


To throw my Troopers hat into the ring, the closer of 22 or the ballad from 23 I think are fun and manageable chunks


Ditto to clips. DCI’s official YouTube has lots of legal ones. SCV Babylon Bd metamorph Mandarins sinnerman Troopers vox Bluecoats down side up, tilt, and or jagged line (Hottake, yeah i said it) Phantom Spartacus SCV phantom of the opera (89)


Crown 2015 originally got me interested in middle school. I’m a teacher, and when I explain drum corps to my student I teach in general Ed, I like to use crown 2016 as an example because of the storyline. It’s easy to follow and stunning at the same time! I’m biased because I was part of it, but Spirit 2019 seems like a good starter show. Lots of colors and fun music, and the whole show is basically a party!


I'd say you've got it right as far as first impressions are concerned. I might recommend BD 2017 and Coats 23 (just to show them how crazy shows are getting).


Start with Blast! Take baby steps.


I think it depends on what kind of high school band experience they’re headed to when they leave you.


Cadets 2007


Crown 2018 was my introductory show and is still one of my favorites to this day


Phantom 03 / cadets 05 / blue coats 09


Expose them to various musical traditions. Band ain’t all that.