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So many people say the NA beers are great.


Athletic Brewing is doing some incredible things, so are a lot of others, but Athletic is super easy to get shipped from their site.


Best Day and Bravus also have *really* great n/a beers with easy shipping I used to mostly drink beer from the can so was doing the same with n/a beer until a friend suggested pouring it into a glass...and I'll never go back. Try it!


Thanks for the recommendations! I got a nice glass from Athletic that I use occasionally, but I still default to cans. Back in my alcoholic beer drinking days, I had some friends who were all about using the proper glassed for the beers we were drinking, and I would sometimes convince myself I cared too... but we all know what I really cared about. They always had an easier time collecting craft beer than I did. I kept drinking mine. I picked up a Best Day variety sampler pack at the grocery store a few months ago, and I was impressed, but I guess it just never occurred to me to research them further. I'm excited there are even more craft NA breweries and beers for me to check out!


They also sell it at Wegmans, if you have one of those near you.


Sam Adam’s just the haze is the best N.A. beer I ever had


Just tried the lagunitas multi-pack the other day.. highly recommend 👍


Not technically beer but Lagunitas Hoppy Refresher is my fave NA. It looks the part as a social prop and there’s no mistaking it for anything else. Sometimes I’ll take a swig of athletic or Heineken 0.0 and have to check the label just to be sure


My husband just brought those home and said they tasted pretty good. While we both quit drinking I was the bigger drunk so I stay clear of NA stuff. I don’t trust myself. But he is enjoying them.


Athletic makes some really refreshing NAs. I like the Mexican Lager, and the IPAs


I’m only 6 days dry but I’ve been drinking Heineken 0 and it’s not bad. It’s obviously not the same but it scratches the itch when I get a craving. I wish there was a decent na bourbon.


Hops water is also pretty good 👍


drinking booze isnt a reward for me. drinking booze punishes my children.


The hard truth someone needed to say


Thank you OP for recognizing this.


I have not had a drink since my well before my child was conceived and sure as hell won’t now after reading this comment lol! Seared into my brain. Doesn’t mean it won’t be hard. Thanks for the support and tough love


Ouch yeah


Drinking booze punishes everyone in my life.


Didn't work for me. Threw away 3.5 years of sobriety, the best years of my life. Had a few beers, felt like shit the next day. Within a month I was fully on a bender that lasted 1.5 years. Be careful.


It's not the 10th or 20th drink that does it. It's the first one. That's all it takes. One drink. The first drink is the most dangerous one.


"one's too many and a thousand's not enough"


This is WAY more than a catchy recovery phrase. Beware.


My psych told me about a patient show was 32 years sober, got into a new relationship thought she could have a few drinks….4 admissions for detox/rehab in the first year. This shit is fucked, and real.


Honestly I wouldn't, you've done so much I know you're tired but why ruin the feelings of accomplishment with the feeling of regret. You might be able to do a couple and be fine but when I did that I kept finding more and more reasons to have just a couple. That was the hardest part for me not associating good behavior with alcohol, I did x I deserve a beer I got y done early I deserve a drink. Now now I try and just enjoy the win I did x I'm a fucking bad ass I got y done early wasn't that hard bitch next project sometimes I do relax with a martanelies apple cyder that fizzy apple juice stuff I love it and close enough to a beer


This is wise. The idea of ruining the feeling of accomplishment with regret hit me, is what I needed to hear. Many thanks friend


Of course I'm glad you reached out before that says alot be proud of yourself


I'm the same, I feel so proud of my accomplishment, and I'd feel so disappointed to just throw it away in a moment of weakness. I'm over two years sober, I feel like if I had a drink, even just one (and even if it really was just one) giving up again would feel like shit, and not an achievement at all until I hit the same two year mark again, and that's a long time to feel guilty and disappointed in myself. The alcohol free beers available now really are very good, and for me at least they hit that spot without ruining my life.


Good point


But you don't like having just 1 or 2. You like getting fucked up. That's why you don't drink.




I actually HATED having one or two. At my worst, I would avoid situations (like brunch) where I might only be able to drink 2-3 (or 5) drinks... because I just wanted more. And more. Until I passed out. Every time.


This. This is it.


All I know is I always had to try and limit myself and end up screwing up, and it became a bender until the withdrawal again. They say normal drinkers don't have to actively think about stopping. They just do. That's how I know I will never be a normal drinker again. Good luck to you, and congrats on 2 years and all your success.


Yep, my best friend just drinks like once or twice a month with his wife, like he goes to work, dinners, social events and just doesn't drink. I plan everything around drinking.


That’s your evil lizard brain talking to you.


Lol I’ve never heard this before & I love it


I recently heard someone say this, "When I first quit drinking, I was desperate to be where I am right now." And that's a thought that keeps me in recovery. Then again, I can't tell you what to do. I can just say that what I would do is wait out the craving. Even get another non-alcoholic drink, like an NA beer or a sparkling water or something. And tell myself I can reconsider the drink tomorrow. And then tomorrow I'll do the same thing, tell myself I'll think about it tomorrow. And on and on.


I can relate to that. I wanted to be even just a month sober so badly when I was drinking but it seemed so hopeless I even considered suicide to escape alcohol's grasp. For the first time in my life, long-term sobriety now seems possible. If and when I ever relapse, I'm positive I'll look back at these days feeling like I had what seemed impossible and threw it away.


I feel that. And I'm glad you are doing better now. I'm over a year sober now and I just keep taking it one day at a time. I never thought I'd get here, honestly. But my life is so much better without alcohol in it. Feels like such a huge change from who I was a few years ago.


Wow this comment really resonated with me too. Thanks for sharing


This could go very wrong for you


Have a NA beer instead.


If you couldn’t limit yourself before, there’s a pretty good chance that you’ll still not be able to.


No! Just remember those first few days of sobriety….how hard it was to get to 30 days…and each month beyond…Remind yourself, you DO NOT want to live through that again!


A lil over a year ago, I went sober for 90 days. Specifically 90. Planned "relapse" on the 91st day. But it was really nice to clear my head for a few months. I knew I was going to go back to drinking, so I could mentally prepare myself to not let it get bad again. I could give myself thoughts of only drinking on the weekends or only drink when hanging out with friends (I knew that one was a joke of a thought), and even when I was thinking I would drink every day again, I figured I'd remember all the bad times and keep it reasonable. Anyway, moral of the story is that I've since learned I can drink nearly 4L of wine every single night and still be "functional" enough to work the next day. It's a miracle! The only things hurting are my stomach and my wallet! And, you know, also that I lost my job from being more dysfunctional than I was able to realize and ended up unemployed for six months with an expensive addiction on my back. You can absolutely have one or two and not go down a negative spiral. But realistically, it won't stop there. Save your money, save your life, stay sober.


“…the most sinister word associated with the disease of addiction and alcoholism beyond cunning, baffling, and powerful is the word patient. The disease has one objective, and only one, it wants your life.”


If you could stop with just one you wouldn’t be here.




I've sworn to my wife that I'll never drink again many times. Every time she says ok, but if I do ever drink again, it's all over. And she means it. So I'll white knuckle it for a few months, maybe several months. But I won't be happy and my wife doesnt enjoy me much. Eventually i'll have a drink or two and get away with it. So I'll do it the next night and the next night and the next. My wife will actually enjoy me, and I'll actually enjoy her. And soon the night will come when my wife will realize that not only am I in a fun mood, I'm also slurring my words and unable to complete my sentences. That beer isn't worth it, my friend. I haven't been allowed to sleep in my own home in months. It sucks to fail the only people that matter


Tread carefully friend


It’s a trap tbh. Been there done that.


When I did that I ended up going on an 18 month bender and waking up in the hospital. But your mileage may vary


don't do it homie. nobody who's ever had an alcohol problem benefits from even just one drink. you've done great.


Truth 👊 didn’t ! appreciate you


NA beer is great, as are some of the new-agey "adaptogenic" drinks like Recess and Ghia (personally I don't feel any psychotropic effects from them but they are tasty and satisfy that craving for something cold and fizzy) I've really been missing a cold glass of Rosé or PG with it being so hot and I recently found an alcohol-removed Rosé that completely quenches that craving without leaving me feeling like I need to reach for the real thing. Also weed


Do you have a brand for that rosé??


Yes! It's called Leitz Eins Zwei Zero by Schatzi Wines :)


The biggest thing I realized joining AA and working with a psychiatrist was my alcohol problem wasn’t alcohol itself. It’s because my brain didn’t know how to stop at 1, and it’s not the number of beers, it’s just my brain can’t fathom not drinking unless I’m really drunk and it keeps asking for more and more and doesn’t realize it until I’m way too deep. If you’re craving a beer on a hot day, it’s likely cause you’re hungry or thirsty, and your brain is associating a beer with that “ahhh” feeling. I know that feeling and man a cold beer really fills that hole. But try eating ice cream or even a cold coke. Within 15 min it’ll go away and it’s low risk. Good luck.


When I stopped I didn’t go through AA or therapy and often think I probably should. This comment reaffirmed that, just can really relate to what you’re saying. Good job btw 🙌


Took a lot to get into in AA. And even then I take from it what I can. Luckily I found a great sponsor which I use more than AA. It’s actually much less about alcohol than it is changing how you think and growing as a person. But yah it’s so so hard and it doesn’t feel fair. Hope you find whatever works for you. Just know alcohol is never the solution, it’ll make everything much worse in the long run.


Every alcoholic can relate, but you take a couple cold beers today and it will be a case of cold beers a day next week. I'm willing to bet the farm on it.


Have an NA beer or figure out what you're trying to run away from. Maybe something you feel guilty about. Maybe you're not doing what you're supposed to be doing. Maybe you just need a break. Catch up on sleep, make sure you're eating well. Maybe you want some fuckin ice cream? "There's a lot of shit you can do instead, don't be stupid. You know better." That's how I talk to myself lol maybe you need it too.


This. I should pay you for therapy services 😅🙏 this is what I need to think about though to ACTUALLY feel better . Just needed to hear it . Thank you


I have those thoughts too here and there but better to nip them asap. Go straight to the tape and fast forward to see where it always goes. Bottom line I hope to never have another drink as long as I live. Even if there was a cure for alcoholism tomorrow. I'd hope that I have worked on becoming a person I can stand to be alone with. After all, it's still a carcinogen, extra calories, makes you smell bad etc etc


You can drink a cold can of soda or something. It’s not beer but it’s still refreshing


If you're longing for beer during the Summer, NO, you absolutely should not have one if you want to stay sober. Your brain is trying to trick you back into addiction. Pull a fast one on your brain and have a non-alcoholic beer. Your brain will think it's having a beer and release happy hormones. But no alcohol. I no longer crave alcohol during the Summer. In fact, I would pay not to drink it. Drinking during the Summer is how I feel back into the habit. Don't do that. NA beer helped me...but I know it's not for everyone. IWNDWYT


Someone said “it’s easier to not drink at all than it is to just drink a little” and that stuck with me


I think you will feel better tomorrow when you wake up and fought through these temptations. If you didn’t, don’t bender


I quit for like 3 years then decided I could just have some beers occasionally (no more hard alcohol) and that eventually led to daily drinking for several years. It can escalate right back to where you were pretty easily and worse (I was never a daily drinker before that). Alcoholism is a progressive disease.


Yeah op like everyone is saying - don't do it. See if you can find a gummy


Yes you will pick up where you left off . The monster is dormant , not gone . NA beer is great , make Mocktails or club soda with lime . Alcohol is not an award . You get no benefits from it . It is your enemy , and like I said , the monsters dormant not gone


The NA Stella Artois is good! And the NA PBR


Hell naw. I've seen a gazillion posts where people thought 1 wouldn't hurt then shits on like Donkey Kong.


You know what’ll happen and you’ll be back at square 1 with a brain thirsty for alcohol


It’s true. For some crazy fucking reason my brain just needed to hear it from other people.


After many relapses I now wouldn’t touch a beer for a million dollars because fuck starting over again


If the goal is to feel good and let loose, how on earth are 2 beers going to cut it?


Wow good point. They won’t in my mind lol. Reasons I’m glad I chose not to and will keep this in mind the next urge


Good on ya. When that craving comes for a nice cold one, NA is def the way to go


The only way it's possible is you CANNOT drink tomorrow. Go to the store and only buy the amount you plan to drink, you don't want leftovers. The problem you might run into is that drinking after a period of sobriety may not be as satisfying as you remember drinking being, which could leave you wanting to try again. When you're not in active alcoholism that first drink or two doesn't give you that sense of relief anymore


The problem I run into is that it IS super satisfying. So why not one more night? Well hell it's the weekend I'll stop again Monday. Shit it's Monday and I'm feeling some withdrawals, plus everything is boring and alcohol would make things feel soo much more fun, and make me happier... Well I'll just have one or two, have to work tomorrow. Wake up Tues already wanting to drink again tonight, but ok that's bad so I don't. Here comes Wed, hump day! I've worked hard this week and the alcohol hasn't caused too many problems... Maybe I can drink but keep it under control?! Thursday morning everything fn sucks, I feel like shit, can't focus to work, just want my bed (and maybe another drink). Friday- fuck yeah, totes cool to drink again, it's the weekend! Every week after that gets worse. You're back to where you were before you quit, you hate yourself but keep drinking. Your health starts suffering, people at work are noticing you're not doing as well as you typically would, things are going to shit so what do you do? Well fn drink of course! If you have people in your life they can clearly see what's happening and start to get really worried about you, or even just cut off ties. Yeah so... I had 58 days. Then my depression kicked back in (I'm Bipolar so it's just how it goes for me) and I felt I had to drink that night to deal with those feelings. That was about 6 months ago, I'm back to a liter of rum a day and no longer have any motivation to stop. Do NOT be me. Hang on to every one of those sober days with the tightest possible grip!


Damn that’s probably exactly what would happen, your alcohol brain sounds like mine. You can do it. Even if not today you can because you have before and it’ll be better . I appreciate you sharing, sorry your situation is not good but it really helped me hearing this walk through. Thanks and good luck


I really do hope it helped. I don't want this life, I want to quit, but whatever motivation I had before to do so has just gone with the wind. Overdid it last night and I felt particularly shitty today, didn't even want to drink, but .. I can't help myself. I vomited my second shot, so I had a few potato chips and ginger ale to settle my stomach and be able to get more liquor in me. It's fucked. I don't sugarcoat things because if you forget the worst you'll forget why you're not going to take that drink tonight. ❤️


Like a dog returning to his vomit.....


This is why NA beers exist, I'm not following you here. If you'd rather be drunk and go back to whatever led you down this path 2 years ago, then that is another matter entirely.


I wanted the feeling of letting go. I’m always uptight. And you’re exactly right, that’s the problem. I didn’t drink (and I’m proud of that) but honestly this comment made me really sit with my feelings around why I even wanted one . Tough love


Trust me -- I get it!! We all want that release sometimes, and if you can get through it this time, you can keep getting through it next time! Proud of ya! Summer's coming, and this won't be the last time you feel this way. Surround yourself with good people and reach out when you're feeling squirrely.




Just drink a Heineken zero or something. Last time I went to a punk show I had a few of them and I felt kind of tipsy? Bizarre, but at least placebo drunk doesn’t also have a placebo-induced hangover


It’s the hops! It’s so relaxing. I noticed the same thing, so I had to google it to confirm why it felt like a “buzz”.


If you want beer so desperately 2 years in you will not be able to avoid spiraling.


Alcohol free Guinness saved me. It's amazing.


It’s up to you. I took a break after 2 years of sobriety 2 years ago and kind of wish I never had. Good luck!


You gotta do what’s right for you. In my case, I had that “one beer for the summer”. It turned into a 2 year streak of drinking almost every night. Whatever you decide, be super careful, it’s really easy to go from a break to real bad.


If you have to ask yourself "can I do this without an issue?" ... it's an issue. Glad you didn't drink, bravo.


I’ve had several long stretches of abstinence. I absolutely woke up many days overflowing with gratitude and wonder that I had been rescued from my captor. I got so tired year after year of the lack of nuance and the generic script that was drilled in to me. “I am powerless. I can’t trust my thinking. I am selfish. Me running my life is impossible. I am defective. I MUST _______ OR ELSE I’ll die. I couldn’t understand how a loving God who was responsible for my sobriety would have terms that were so black and white. So rigid. So disempowering. So limiting. After another 12 year stretch I began to get curious about who I was outside of the principal identify I’d assumed. I wanted to know what my relationship with alcohol was outside of the dogma. I wanted to understand myself and my peers sans the labels and language. When the decades of deep devotion to our way of life became faint I was lost. The fog lifted and I was left with an overwhelming sense of self betrayal. This was a theme in my life. 12 step only reiterated my need for self abandonment. Imbibing helped to shush the shock. It went fine for awhile. It started with 8 months of NA beer. 3 year later I have a daily habit of booze and stimulants. I want out. You are already out. Stay there. There is no way to guarantee a shift. Don’t risk it


I personally would unleash the beast. I have been drinking some fancy N.A. beers and they do the trick.


Don’t do it. You will hate yourself after. It’s not worth it, for what 25 minutes of feeling a buzz? No! Just no! Also, alcohol free beers may be messing with your impulse control. If you can move to a beverage not at all aligned with drinking you will feel more in control of these impulses.


No - you will regret it - you got this


I don't want to give you an ambiguous answer so Ill just tell you "no" up front. There are people who can enjoy alcohol on occasion. I'm not one of them. It just kicks up the pattern of drinking I had just before I stopped. That being said, you are youre own person. If you truly decide to drink, just know that you'll be limit testing.


I had a five year break once. One beer put me right back where I started; in the gutter. Finally crawled back out in 2009. Been sober since. I wouldn’t advise it. As soon as you drink it…


So when I feel like that, I tune in extra hard to try and figure out what is stressing me out, that I'm willing to risk things. I think it through, usually just one leads to another in my case. The brain wants what it wants and will power really can't kick in a few beers later. I know from experience that while, for a while the escape was really good feeling, that there's a whole deal to it, and that leads to a bad place for me. I refresh my memory of that bad place with posts like this, when I don't feel the urge, and that keeps it alive, because addiction is cunning. I remember I can't afford the money, energy and sort of soul killing aspect, the nihilism of substance abuse. I'd rather not be that person, if I think about it for a second, but it's a live possibility. I'm glad you reached out and got the support you needed. Glad you chose something that I hope was the right decision for you.


That train will come back and hit you so hard you’ll time travel to 2 years ago. Something in the brain remembers tolerance and it comes back with a vengeance - even with a long sobriety time. You’ll get that ever-elusive buzz that normal people get, but In a week’s time you’re waking up with the shakes even though your BAC could stagger a horse.


If you saw a slippery slope would you continue to walk towards it or try to avoid it altogether?


Good luck with that. Keep us posted.... Might work today. Might work next week. There's 100% chance you'll be back here asking WTF happened?? You are missing NOTHING by not drinking a beer. Go grab an ice cold Bang or Celsius for a burst of energy!


For me it might be just one today, but in a few weeks it will be okay for me to have two because on June 1 I only had one. Eventually, those two beers are going to turn into a week long bender - that's just a fact. We have enough data that says we can't moderate, so I wouldn't if I were you


It's like playing Russian Roulette because you like the rush of pulling the trigger and not dying. I’ve had plenty of friends decide to pull that trigger one more time, and they are not as lucky this time.


Hey friend! Try some NA beer options! The Heineken 0, Guiness 0, and Budweiser Zero are all tasty when they’re nice and cold. :)


One or two yeah?


Deschutes Fresh Squeezed IPA NA just dropped and it's incredible


That’s a bad idea, don’t do it


You should spend some time reflecting on why it is that you want to drink, this might be helpful: [https://www.reddit.com/r/dryalcoholics/comments/1blmqz6/the\_4\_steps\_to\_sobriety\_beliefs\_feelings/](https://www.reddit.com/r/dryalcoholics/comments/1blmqz6/the_4_steps_to_sobriety_beliefs_feelings/)


You already know the answer.


No, the sucker drink is real. It's more powerful than you can imagine. You are powerless over alcohol. It got me one time. I had a nip in my winter coat, and the weather was getting chilly. I eventually ended up back in the hospital and detox. This is a progressive disease. It's all or nothing. Don't try to fool yourself. Please don't drink. You will never regret it, and it will benefit your life immensely.


I actually shocked myself, although I should have known, the last time I decided to have “just one”. I woke up in the hospital, scared out of my mind and realizing that alcoholism wants me dead and I want to live.


0% beer makes me feel like I'm unwinding. Don't unleash the unstoppable train


Don’t do it. It’s not worth it. In my messed up head if I can have one beer I might as well go on a bender


I guess only you and the people who know you whom you trust will be able to say if it’s a good idea or not.


Wouldnt work for me


I personally believe if you’re still craving alcohol this bad after 2 years, you need to work on your sobriety more.


I didn’t AT all until just recently . I probably (maybe obviously) do need to do some mental work though… like going back to the gym for your brain


That’s good! Definitely start going back to the gym… don’t know if you’ve tried AA, but for me it’s taken the cravings away completely!