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Wonderful and congratulations! Remember how good sober feels..not waking up at 0300 am with dry mouth a headache and regrets. You deserve this good life for your self


One of the last benders before I chose sobriety I experienced the worst nausea and anxiety I have ever felt. Drinking was a crutch that became self harm. You’re right - I DO deserve better. Thank you ❤️




Going to AA really helped me. In fact it saved my life. My last drink was just before I turned 25. The folks there really cared about me getting sober. A tough-ass lesbian grabbed my hand after a meeting and would not let go. She told me that I was barely holding on and that she wanted me to stay sober. We talked and she introduced me to a guy who was sober and told me to go to another meeting with him. I was a skinny, shaking young man just out of the army. The tough gal, the guy, and so many others from many different walks of life helped me get sober. When I got a year sober that same tough woman came up to me and said that a year was really good, now go get another day sober. The people in AA will help you stop drinking and show you a way to live without booze. Best of luck to you!


You look great! 36 days here and believe me it keeps getting better.


Hell yes! Love to hear it. I look forward to my own day 36!


Great work! Make sure you add in a daily walk. No Booze + Walking does very good things for your mental health in my opinion.


Oh goodness yes, especially with all this sunshine I’ve been loving walks!


This so much! I'm at 2.5 years no booze + walking and it's just amazing how laid back I've become. I feel like I could sit and have tea with Buddha himself somedays(mostly because of healthy stress management).


Other than walking what’s your fav stress management tool?


Depends on the season. During the spring, summer, fall I do country drives or bike rides. Winter I listen to records, read, and have those cozy rainy youtube videos on in the background. The exercise/cardio while walking is really what gets the serotonin going though so that's what I try and focus on


Love seeing those genuine happy smiles ☺️


Agreed ❤️ It feels good not to fake it!


I wish I would have kept pics of my old gross drunk self and compared to them to what I look like now . Weird thing is I hated pictures when I used to drink , now I love them


Exact same! when we’re running from ourself we don’t want to see photos. When we are at home with ourself again it shines from the inside out


I’m reaching 90 days soon and haven’t felt this happiness yet. You’re doing great.


Thank you! Also I am so proud that you keep going even if you haven’t had a smiley day like mine yet. It’s coming friend. We do got this


Remember that it’s one day at a time, every day you don’t drink was a success. And some days that has to be enough. You got this


It will come. Don’t give up before the miracle happens.


Good shit! Proud of you.


Thank you!


This is what's known as the pink cloud phase of sobriety. There's a high probability that you're going to start hating life again. Sooner than you think. Just putting the bottle down does nothing to adress the issues that made you turn to it in the first place. ​ You're not better. You're on borrowed time. I would advise you to get yourself into therapy if you're not already in it and find a support group ( doesn't have to be AA, there are others) to talk to other people and hear their experience, strength and hope. Because social media headpats are not going to be enough to overcome the cunning, baffling, and powerful beast of addiction. ​ I'm not trying to rain on your parade or anything. I've just been through this before and seen a lot of people go through it as well. I want to see you make this same post again at 27 months.


AGREED it takes more. And AGREED I’m afraid I could spiral at any moment. That’s why it’s important to acknowledge the all encompassing impact alcoholism has had in my life. Here’s some other things I’ve been avoiding accountability for that I finally committed to. And are the real super stars/healthy coping : 1. Announcement : I told the people in my life I have a problem with alcohol I’m not drinking anymore 2. Daily anti depressants 3. Exercising daily 4. Weekly therapy 5. Reintroduction of hobbies : depression and drinking intertwined I stopped caring and hobbies became discarded interests. I’ve been writing poetry, and exploring the city through the public murals. 6. Outpatient program : both group and individual therapy with the possibility of medicinal therapy if desired. It’ll be my new home after work come fall. 7. Nutritionist : my depression and subsequent drinking was also caused by some unaddressed eating disorder issues so I’m seeing a nutritionist 8. Sleep therapy : my anti depressants and anti anxiety meds cause insomnia which can lead me back down the dark path so me and my therapist are working to better my sleep 9. CBT and meditation : cognitive behavioral therapy techniques like metered breathing and body scans as well as meditation help slow me down, keep me present and more self aware. 10. Cutting out connections : one of the hardest but necessary. Some connections were held together solely because we were drinking buddies or because they liked running my life into the ground. Bye bye toxicity. 11. Forgiveness : also the hardest. I’ve violently assaulted people, and harmed myself while blacked out and I’m still working on forgiveness. But the more I work on bettering me the more I tell myself I can trust in me that I will never become that wreckless selfish human again Please add to the my list with items y’all are doing or suggestions! Thanks for the reminder to stay grounded! P.S. see you in 26 months with an even more celebratory post friend!


Yeah, the hobbies are cool. In sobriety I have actually been able to do stuff, grow roses, paint, have a beautiful yard—a lot of satisfying work—making my daughter a cool treehouse, German Shepherds. When I was drinking all I did was talk about doing something. Being sober is wonderful. I am so grateful for this life.


“All I did was talk about doing something” wow. I felt that. There lies our lack of fulfillment and deep pain. What a beautiful life you’ve created for yourself and family. Thank you for this share. I have been contemplating a window garden!


I grew roses for a long time in sobriety. It was very peaceful and very quiet. It helped though a very rough time.


I’ll take every pink cloud day that I can get! LOL There have been so many dark stormy cloud days, but they have gotten fewer and fewer in sobriety.


You have a beautiful smile. Keep up the great work.


Thank you all of your support is additional positive reinforcement. Truly thank you!


I don’t mean to sound cheesy but this brought tears to my eyes. I’m on the worst bender I’ve been on in prob 2 months. I feel so miserable rn, I just kind of want to go away and never come back. This gives me hope that I can make it through withdrawals— and make it in a reasonable amount of time. I want to be done... I want to *want* to be done. Thanks for posting this.


It’s not cheesy, it’s beautiful. You have the strength within you. A quote I recently read : “take the first step in faith, you don’t don’t need to see the whole staircase” . Just a glimmer of hope and desire for change is enough. Today can be the day that starts a revolution inside you. And you’ve got all of us here rooting for you. ❤️


Awesome work!


That amazing smile says it all. Love the Chuck's too! I have the same ones. T


Thanks! They finally got a hole through to the sock. I’ll have to retire them soon after three years of adventures. Great shoes indeed!


Good things our shoes can’t talk lol. Mine have seen things. 🤭


Welcome back!


Didn’t even know I lost myself for a while there 🥺 glad to be back!


That's a good look for you!


🤘🏽hell yeah!!!!


Oh and it just keeps getting better. Keep smiling and congratulations on a big milestone in your life!


So happy for you! I want this for me too :) especially the mental health and bloat part. I still have vanity :))


Haha goodness me too! Mental health the day after drinking for me is like a constant panic attack; the bloat is so real and unforgiving I couldn’t fit in the shorts I’m wearing in the pic! I hope you keep strong in your journey too dude.


The hangovers were horrible—Hiroshima hangovers with all the toxicity and self hate. Sobriety is the easier softer way.




Wishing you equal strength friend ❤️


That’s an authentic smile if I’ve ever seen one, you look great! Congratulations and great job


Fantastic achievement! IWNDWYT


Good on you and God Bless, keep up the good work! You are a miracle!!


you glow like the sun, reflecting back life and beauty but most of all strength. great job being sober and beautiful photo to commemorate it.


It gets easier. Every day it gets a little easier. But you gotta do it every day-that’s the hard part. But it does get easier.


And I bet you sleep well too! You look really happy and confident too! Keep up the daily, terrific work!! Bravo!!


I don’t sleep as well cuz I’m on lexapro for my depression anxiety but I am much more at ease waking up feeling proud of myself!


How long did it take for your anxiety and depression to improve?


My anxiety/depression consisted of the following traits which began to improve after 2.5 weeks of commitment to sober living and self love: - brain fog - sleeping up to 12 hours - fixation (internally and verbally) - self harm / suicidal thoughts - over eating - disinterest and apathy towards personal hygiene (my apartment was filled with mold, overflowing cat box, I hadn’t done laundry in over a month, etc) - short temper and impatience


Love this! Love YOU! Mother's ((hugs))!


This means so much given my momma doesn’t check in on me about this at all. Wow. Thank you so much. 🥺


Aw! Well this internet mama is super proud of you!!


Woo hoo! You look happy and peaceful! It gets better and better. Even the down times aren't as bad. The good times are amazing.


Honestly having a super triggering day today but still riding the high of what “good and sober times” feel like. You are ABSOLUTELY right. Keep up your own good work too and thanks for the encouragement!


Triggers only work if you let them. I hope the remainder of your day goes by smoothly!


Boy were they tryin today! Sitting in cool grass eating pupusas with my cat Juni. I’d say it’s turned around!


I love this for you, internet person. Alcohol strips us of every ounce of true happiness we could have been experiencing all along. It's like being reborn again. 2 weeks for me, and already seeing vast changes. No more nightmares, excited for each day and all the new opportunities. The lack of bloat especially!! Keep getting comments from friends and family on it, that I've lost weight, shirts that once hugged my stomach are loose now. LOVE IT. Keep it up beautiful! And to anyone else who's trying to do the same: YOU GOT THIS!!! the grass is so much greener on the sober side! 🤟🏻


Thank you for the inspiration. I’m currently on my 2nd martini and I need it. Edited to add: I need the inspiration. Not another martini. Lol.


Of course my friend. Be safe and do some good self care post martini!


Fucn epic! Happy for you!!!


The most epic adventure I’ve taken my dude thank you only way is forward!!


Good for you. You look healthy and sober. I can’t even look at my face to shave yet. I don’t like what I see but I’m only on day 8. Keep up the good work. It inspired me!


Def not everyday that I feel as good as I felt here! I hope you show yourself some self love in some way and be gentle with yourself tonight. You’re doing incredible ❤️


You are beautiful. That's all I want to say - not just physically, of course. This gives me inspiration. Thank you, gorgeous :)


If only the normal folks that didn't post their glamor shots got this kind of attention, things would be different. No matter where we are, the same rules apply.


I was surprised it got attention given I posted my progress at 19 days and no one said anything. I hope more people post pictures celebrating when they feel good! Agreed that every journey is important and deserves support.


Somebody gives her a beer


Is your leg photoshopped?




Looking good OP. I'm glad you found your smile again.




Fuck. Yes.!!


Awesome! Keep up the great work!! You can do this


You rock sis keep it up ✊🏼


I hope to get there someday.


Congrats! Always love to see posts like this, peoples soul shine brighter. ​ I see facebook memories of me just from a year ago and i'm like holy shit that fat face looks like someone used an air pump on me lol




Great work boo, you radiate happiness and energy! Keep it going! <3


keep it up prayers to you!


You’re beautiful


You are fucking gorgeous and I wish you all the luck in the world.


Lovely picture! Congratulations, keep it up 😊




I’m on day 13 and this made me cry. So happy for you. Great job!


How lovely you look! Go get those dreams now!


You look amazing. In general and sober too!


Congrats to you! The smile says is all!


Way to go!!!! Look so healthy and happy!


You aren’t lying about the bloat. I’m 20 days sober after 10 years of drinking (8 moderate, 2 heavy) and it feels amazing not to trundle around like the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man. Keep it up!!!


I obviously don't know you but I am proud and envious all at the same time. Good on you baby!!!!


Congratulations! Keep up the good work!


I know I’m 12 days late but god bless you thank you for a spark at hope


You look amazing! Such a beautiful smile.


Love love love this. Thank you for sharing!


Congratulations! That is wonderful


Thank you! Now over 2 years sober and going strong! 🙂