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Likely going to need to consult a lawyer and file a case under the UAE's anti discrimination laws. Obviously if these policies are not written down and the management deny saying this then it will be a difficult case to prove.


UAE has anti discrimination laws!!!!! Is it a lip service or does it actually work? Of course it will be hard to prove in most cases but we all know there is discrimination at workplaces, at restaurants, stores etc. So I am really curious to know how the law works?


You can look them up with a quick search. The law is more aimed at systemic policies which discriminate though rather than general attitudes that one race may treat another differently be that more of less favourably.


Systematic policies like Emiratisation?


The promotion of local workforce participation is an economic policy and one which is perfectly understandable. Every government in the world controls the number of visas / works permits it hands out to foreign nations in order to protect employment opportunities for citizens. It is hardly in the same league as a building operating a policy of 'no black people'.


There is a difference between protecting employment opportunities and discriminating against others in terms of salary expectations, etc. I don’t know about “every government in the world” but in the U.S. it’s the same salary for blacks, Mexicans and whites if they’re in the country legally. Anti-discrimination laws in the UAE are a farce.


Rera makes sense, landlord doesnt have a reason to block him




12-month notice period is required and once that is served and they vacate the property, the owner will most likely rent the property out to a new tenant, then you can get compensation for a years rent and costs by filing a case with RDC.


Umm no? The landlord needs to serve 12-month notarized notice if he wants to have his property back for personal use. The fact that the guy asked for renewal means no notice has been served to him.


You still need advance notice for non-renewal


That’s not possible. The loophole you mentioned doesn’t exist.




No. You can't just kick someone out on a whim. 1 year notice is needed. Please don't spread misinformation.


No it doesn’t exist. 12 months notice HAS to be given by law if the intention is not to renew for ANY reason


He needs a reason and he can not re rent the apartment for 2 years after.


You think “where are you from” is an innocent question, nope! It’s to establish your place in the stereotype box!


Fi shizzle ma nizzle


African here, OP has not said in which emirates it happened but as and African I think I know. You have two options: Option 1: look for a different appartment and leave. I would chose this one if I were you. Its way easy. Option 2: ask them to send you and official notice with reason for non renewal, pretend that you are ok until you get the notice, chances are the notice will not be compliant with the rental laws. Take it to the authorities. And by authority I mean raise a complain against them with the organisation handling rental disputes saying explicitely what they told you and naming the persons name who told you that. They may intervene stop it. But you have to walk the walk. It takes time and effort. This happens a lot more than it is reported but it is not legal still people do it all the time and openly and get away with it. UAE laws are against racism and most of those doing that are expats themselve. The laws cannot stop racism but it can punish the racists.


First time eh?


Happens a lot here. Just look at ads for apartments and it won't take long to find ads that specify a select number of nationalities only. I doubt filing a complaint is gonna get anything done. Unfortunately the best option for your employee is to look for another place. I don't condone this behavior, but sadly it's the reality of Dubai if you're not among the "preferred" races. I face similar racism as well since I am not Arab nor white.


Some apartments don't want certain culinary food cooked in the apartment that really makes the apartment smell in the long-term.


The apartments told you this?


All cultures have foods certain foods that have a strong scent that can stay for days.. so what’s your point?….or only African foods make the apartment smell long term?


Desi guy here, representing foods that smell


What a ridiculous statement


A much as you hate to hear it, it's (or was) true. I don't see it anymore but back in 2010's this was a thing here. Also the discrimination that OP is talking about is exactly related, don't know why you have a hard time believing.  Just call around properties with an accent, especially in Sharjah (it's every 2nd landlord pulling this there). It's utterly disgusting


Not really. 1-2 years of such cooking and you can replace the entire furniture for the next tenant.


It may be ridiculous but as someone from that area the strong smell of our cooking literally fills the outside hallway. Especially if we frying fish ! I love my food but it's a fact it stinks.


Hehehehe ..Sounds like my boss, can't stand the rich aroma of spices as he only eats broccoli with beetroot paste.


Because middle eastern food is so bland and flavourless?? Bffr😂


This is in the Middle East…


Not sure why you are being downvoted. It's true and I have faced it & rejected by landlord. Agent said your food smells and landlord prefers other nationalities due to this.


Because certain nationalities won't accept that is what is happening, I know plenty that got rejected because their cooking would be influenced by heavy oil and spices.


Tell him to go back and try to do it again. Record it on his phone from his pocket. Provide it to you as a backup. Then file a police report.


Go back with a witness and request to renew


Recording not allowed


Recording and posting it online/sharing it is not allowed. You can film, picture, and record to send to the police though (if I’m not mistaken).


No unfortunately it’s not allowed to record without consent. The other party can make complaint for violating their privacy.


Honestly I’d do it anyway. If they don’t back you when there is flagrant racism against you based on skin colour, he should just leave Dubai. What’s the point then? Live with racial abuse? Nah. Not ok.


Depending on where you are, Germany, France Austria... and which neighborhood you want, you may spend years to find a flat! No joke. All those rules we have here are hard to enforce and the discrimimations are d2d reality, but in the EU no one will tell you that direct, still the outcome is the same. All I'm saying , the grass isn't green out there dude.


> the EU no one will tell you that direct, still the outcome is the same. All I'm saying , the grass isn't green out there dude. And how would you know this? These kinds of situations are absolutely enforceable in the EU. Yes you can't stop a landlord not wanting to rent his place out for whatever reason but him saying what this Dubai landlord said would absolutely get you in trouble and you could freely record him too without the draconian Dubai authorities filing a privacy case on you. What a shit show here - imagine punishing the victim for recording instead of actually taking action against the aggressor.


If you don't know , I'll tell you. You reach out to the rental agency, and they ask you to submit paper or online application. They may tell you, or hint, keep your expecations low because they have many applicants. After 2 weeks and many calls you heard nothing back and on your 5th call they tell you 'oh that one, yes that one is gone now but we have other stuff you can apply for' and so on so worth. If you are from minorities with an average income, there is always 'better' applicants than you. You need to file a lawsuite, get an approval from the Court to investigate the files and by the time you get there everyone either left or retired, and chances are no Court takes your case seriously. Edit: basically there is a procedural nightmare which means those abuses are well hidden.


Lol which country are you referring to that you need to "apply" to rent? Or is this some specific low-income government subside rental (then it makes sense)? I've rented extensively throughout my 20s and never had to apply. Its just putting down a deposit and signing the contract.


France , Germany , Italy...like most of EU. Just putting down a deposit lol , where is that miracle, US? Emirates? What about garantors , references...what about income checks? You are either rich or live in a country that made it super easy to rent.


Recording without the consent of other party will get you on trouble


Look at jobs too. My friend is Asian applied for a job at one of the big companies like Mastercard , Visa that kind, got rejected although he was the right fit. They hired a Brit who was fired from 2 earlier companies from Dubai for data theft 😂






I thinks Asians like to play the victim card a lot here - be it through sheer ignorance or assumption due to low self esteem. Have you thought that maybe he didn't interview well? No but surely it was because he was Asian. If that was the case how are so many top-level exec jobs in the country full of Indians. Indians (and by extension) also are the top business and free-hold land owners in the country by most metrics.


The Asian guy did his masters in finance from a very good Uni in US and is a Btech graduate with 10 years experience in his industry. He is with another multinational company right now. If I am to pick up that guy in his field with UAE probably he is in the top 10


I mean maybe he insulted the interviewer.....or the Brit slept with the interviewer 😂. Too many variables in play here to just put it down to racism. Not saying it couldn't be racism but that kind of negative mindset makes sure that you approach everything in life with one hand tied.


Do you think people who face racism are happy to admit that some uncomfortable situations they face might be tied to it? Don’t pretend that it isn’t likely that race was a factor.


Are you white?


Again, it's not a race thing. It's a class thing. I promise you, my Indian friends who went to top universities, groom well, roll up in nice cars are not treated in the same way as those that get stopped from entering malls during holidays. At the end of the day it's mostly upper class Indians discriminating against what they class as lower/labour class folks - so if you look like shit then tough luck. At least that's what I've noticed in my time here and it seems from what I've read here - so have others. P.S. - But if you're Filipino you have it tougher I'd assume.


If its renewal, the LL cannot do jack shit. Just go to RERA with the cheques


Man some of all don’t know what the hell yall talking about. So the first question is this a legal lease. If it isn’t then then he can’t do crap but move out. But if they have a management office I’m assuming it’s legit. So he just needs to file a complaint with rera. They can’t force him to move out. If he wants u to move out he needs to give u the proper notice. The reason landlords get away with this crap is because people don’t check them in it. I rented a 4 BR villa with a office. Office didn’t have bathroom or closets. Just a book case. Tried to raise my rent cause rental calculator said 4 BR no increase 5 BR there was an increase. I told him if u raise my rent I’m going to make a complaint. He even had 5 BR on the ejari certificate. I told him okay I’ll go done to RERA and take them pictures and let them decide. He said ok I will not try to raise the rent. You gotta stand up for ur rights.


A prominent company decided to stop renewal on visas citing reasons for adding more whites. The company since 25 years has been built as a billion dollar business with only Indians and now that they’ve since crossed the bridge , they’ve decided no more Indians ! And you can’t fight or ask about it


Nothing is gonna happen. You can scream and complain all you want. The most you will get is a sympathetic ear from a few of the redditors here.


I will give an example the maze towerin shk zayed road does not allow melanin


Oh... the irony of foreigners coming to a foreign land for green pastures and then discriminating against other foreigners in search of green pastures. Anyway, we do not speak of the "R" word here. We just get on with it. Because if If we do, we'd be told, "but so and so crimes are always caused by these (*insert race*) people."


Are these green pastures with us in this room right now


Probably. Tends to be wherever you find opportunities. Contrary to popular perception, opportunities abound here, but in keeping with the theme of this sub, you must meet/fit the right demographic in order to access these super green pastures.


Well said


We found a good guy from Nigeria to work in our company and we are facing some issues to get a visa for him


That's the sad reality though.Hope all comes to an end.


Happens a lot. If the building has other black tenants, then it will be hard to prove what they said to him.


Unless you have evidence, there is nothing you can do. Sadly, that's why racism and discrimination flourish, because it's very hard to prove.


The more aggressive you are, the better.


They can’t use that reasoning for eviction and they need to give 12-month notice period as well.


It happens. Some apartment/flat doesn't want Filipino because of the food (pork etc.). So some ended up either Al Rigga, Al Satwa or somewhere in Deira.






Call 8002121 to report discrimination


This is quite unfortunate, there is no justification for it and it really sucks. That said, I see a lot of negative aspects of living and working in Dunai on this platform and for those who are there, is it worth it?


Just send the cheques to the DM Rent Committee with 5% for Ejari and then go to sleep.


Is it a true story ? 13 Years never seen anything like that, rude Asians yes I get it, but as majority in the country they don't dare to say that.


There's a building in Marina that banned Africans years ago. Everyone knows and just accepts it


Is this in writing or did the person say it? In writing I think he has a case.


First time?


It happens a lot here in UAE. Not housing related but I worked as an HR intern annd the blatant racism when recruiting was just soo bad


Why are we still surprised about Arab racism towards Africans and Black people? they have been doing this antiquity


It's A Well Known SECRET That Racism Against Blacks Is HEAVY In Dubai. They don't really give a damn about Islam. It's about the image of catering to Europeans and possibly wealthy Asians. Is It Wrong? HELL YES. However, that does not matter to people who are unethical and lack integrity.


Racism is rampant here, it is just "hidden" quite well. I would look for legal options as mentioned by others here. Hope all goes well


That's absolutely appalling and completely unacceptable. No one should ever have to face discrimination based on their race. Your employee has every right to take legal action against such discrimination. In Dubai, he can file a formal complaint with the Human Rights Department or the Ministry of Human Resources and Emiratisation. Additionally, seeking legal counsel from a local lawyer who specializes in labor rights would be advisable. I hope your employee receives the justice and support he deserves.


Ironically, they also get discriminated against yet practice racism on others… they even racist towards their own….




Lol . Are you surprised of racism in Dubai ? Really. Have you never seen how emirati treat any colour other than white and oil.


I would like to say that it is not just one section of people who discriminate. Most nationalities have biases towards one another. I agree that GCC are obsessed with whites but whites also discriminate while being an outsider in Dubai. Ofcourse I am not generalizing but most nationalities are guilty of doing this.


It has been happening a lot underground I’m not surprised this came up on redit, I’m grateful I’ve left UAE because of the hidden racism and discrimination. Unfortunately it’s a place which you only get respected and valued if you hold a western passport.






And what is the point of bringing this up on this post?


Well, at least he was honest about it. I feel sorry for you sincerely. &


Sometimes it’s not racism it’s just wanting to avoid problems, I know an area in deira where most of the residents are Africans and there are always police cars and ambulances almost daily meaning there is always trouble brewing there. My worker in my company who lives near the area tells me stories it’s absolutely horrific I have seen the same thing in international city where most of them are Chinese and make a lot of trouble. Thus landlords avoid them or reject them Is it harsh? Yes, is it unfair yes but it is what it is


here in ajman its either real estate will completely refuse chinese tenants or they accept swarms of them


How is life over there? I saw the flats there are a lot cheaper than in Dubai.


it is... but if your lifestyle is "not staying at home" then it will be difficult for you. less things to do compared to dubai. but you get to buy booze without a license :D


So you don't need licence to bu6 booze but you need one 8n Dubai?


you dont. but in dubai the license is free anyway but its more expensive than the northern emirates Ajman, UAQ, RAK you can buy booze without a license


Do you have many Westerners or Russian expats in Ajman? Just curious why would the town make it easy to buy alchohol...maybe to atract some expats? Trying to find out..who know maybe i'll join the crowd one day👍


What's wrong with the Chinese


disreagrding rules, smoking in the fire exit, filthy in general.. im just relaying what acquaintances tell us since their building has full of chinese upside thoug the mall below that residential tower is thriving.


Maybe come up with a more believable story ?




Username checks out