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Hello! Thanks for posting your question to r/duck. Here are a few points of information from the moderators: 1. Questions must be detailed; please edit the post or leave a comment to include as much detail as possible. 2. Want to learn more about domestic ducks? Please take a look at our [complete guide to duck care](https://www.reddit.com/r/duck/wiki/careguide). This guide explains how to meet all your ducks' welfare needs. 3. If you're thinking about helping a wild duck, or have already rescued a duck, please read our [guide to duck rescue](http://reddit.com/r/duck/wiki/rescueadvice). Most importantly, you should always get advice from a wildlife rehabilitator before interfering with wildlife. If you already have a wild duck in your care, please [contact a wildlife rehabilitator](http://reddit.com/r/duck/wiki/rescueadvice#wiki_2._how_to_rescue_a_wild_duck) **ASAP** -- you cannot care for the duck on your own. If your question was answered by either of the linked guides, please delete your post to help keep the subreddit clean. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/duck) if you have any questions or concerns.*


If it’s fully feathered give it a safe and secure coop to sleep in that has locking doors and plenty of ventilation to protect from raccoons. Give it easy access to water for bathing. And get it a companion as soon as possible. A goose to guard the new flock would also be a good idea.


Initially, you’ll need to sex it to figure out what you’re working with. Does your new pal quack or make a sort of bluuurrrrp bluuurrrrp sound? The blurpers are drakes. You definitely want to get buddy some buddies. If you have a drake, ideally a minimum of three lady friends. I suggest sexed ducklings from Metzer Hatchery. For the newbies Tyrant Farms has all the info you need on caring for ducklings on their website. For the grownup, Tractor Supply makes excellent poultry pens. We expanded ours to provide a larger run space with fence posts and welded wire. Get a poultry waterer off Amazon, a kiddie pool and a tarp to cover part of the pen from Walmart, a rust proof dish for food, waterfowl specific feed from a farm store or online and you’re off to a good start while you do more research. I’m very snuggly with my flock so if that’s something you want, I’d suggest socializing with them for a while each day. I bring an outdoor cushion, a bowl of blueberries and a book into the run for an hour every day weather permitting. My Pekin drake will waddle over and happily take a snooze in my lap.