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He/she looks to be maybe a few days old maybe a week. He/she is a pekan duck. They were bred for meat and egg production and make great pets! They have beautiful white feathers. Baby ducks should be kept under a heat lamp for a bit with access to food and lots of water. They cannot swallow food without water. Ducklings are very vulnerable so keeping it safe and warm inside would be your best option. Pine shavings are a good option for bedding although you’ll want to change them often because ducks are messy and they get their food everywhere and it’ll smell sour. Ducks are flock animals he won’t be fully happy unless he has friends! Only allow shallow water if the duckling is unsupervised as they can drown.


If ducks don’t have adequate access to water they can’t swallow their food. The food will sit in their crop in the front pouch of their body and they can choke.


Fist thing it needs a heat lamp until fully feathered they have a hard time regulating temperature. Second is ducks are flock animals they need friends. Ducks and geese should never be kept alone. If you are planning on keeping ducks consider also getting a guard goose or two to protect the ducks from predators. He looks to be somewhere between 2-3 weeks old. At that age it should be kept around 80 degrees F. If you are in the south you might be at that temp, but he should 100% be taken in at night. General rule of thumb is at newly hatched ducklings should be kept at 90deg.F and the temp should decrease by 5 degrees each week of life until feathered. As far as breed and neck deformity I’m not sure, hopefully someone else can help. Try an avian or farm vet.


I’ll get a goose too since I’m worried about predators he’s currently in my mothers lap for warmth we set out a cardboard box with a heating pad on low under half of it temporarily until we go to tractor supply


How often do I change the water? What size heating lamp do I buy? Is hay okay for bedding? I am getting a goose for protection will I need something different for them as well?


Change the water as often a few times a day at least. Ducks make their water nasty, that's just how it is. There should just be a standard size heat lamp. It needs to be at one side of the brooder so he can get away if it's too warm, raised/lowered as needed to adjust temp, get a cheap thermometer to keep track of temps and pay attention if he's acting too hot or too cold. Hay isn't suitable for bedding, use pine shavings (never cedar) or straw. Geese are not guard animals. He needs a duck friend his own age. Adults will hurt or kill him. Geese need to be in pairs.


I’m brooding 2 ducklings in an unused tub for ease of cleaning. They poop a lot. I use a towel for comfort and brooder plate for warmth on the non drain side and put food and water on the drain side. To keep them from slipping around, I use a rubbery cabinet liner with little holes in it. I have 2 sets of everything so I can quickly change everything out. I wash everything down the drain that’s stuck in the tub, dry it, replace the bedding, and then go and hose off the used bedding outside. This can also be done with a large plastic box. Since your duck is alone, at the very least get it a mirror and stuffed animal to help with loneliness. If you can, get it some friends. Ducks are social birds. Ducklings are not waterproof. They can easily get chilled or drown if unsupervised at this age. For water, just something that it can fit its entire bill in is all that’s needed. They need water to eat. They use it to clean out their noses which do get filled with food. It will get *very* dirty because they also like to play in it. Make sure your food has plenty of niacin in it. Waterfowl need it more than chickens.


Hello! Thanks for posting your question to r/duck. Here are a few points of information from the moderators: 1. Questions must be detailed; please edit the post or leave a comment to include as much detail as possible. 2. Want to learn more about domestic ducks? Please take a look at our [complete guide to duck care](https://www.reddit.com/r/duck/wiki/careguide). This guide explains how to meet all your ducks' welfare needs. 3. If you're thinking about helping a wild duck, or have already rescued a duck, please read our [guide to duck rescue](http://reddit.com/r/duck/wiki/rescueadvice). Most importantly, you should always get advice from a wildlife rehabilitator before interfering with wildlife. If you already have a wild duck in your care, please [contact a wildlife rehabilitator](http://reddit.com/r/duck/wiki/rescueadvice#wiki_2._how_to_rescue_a_wild_duck) **ASAP** -- you cannot care for the duck on your own. If your question was answered by either of the linked guides, please delete your post to help keep the subreddit clean. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/duck) if you have any questions or concerns.*


What kind of fence is this? Where did you get it?


It’s actually a baby gate lol target it was 75$


Okay update Daisy Is bring relocated to a nonprofit duck sanctuary in a different city. I am sad but I think this is best she was lonely and I was already so busy, it’s upsetting but now she will be safe and warm and happy with other ducks.. and she won’t be dinner!! Thank you all for your insight you helped out so much!