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I’m glad everything worked out!


Thanks for the update. Super happy it's all good


I'm so glad to hear the happy update! I agree, you did the best you could in the situation you found yourself in. The fact you said it started oozing before you could break the skin is the winner - it was beyond ready to pop, and would have broken open next hot shower, guaranteed. I'm very glad the aunt took your niece to the doctors to be in the safe side. My only advice for future pimple popping, even on yourself: never insert any needle or "puncture". That is a fast track to pushing the bacteria into the tissue under or around the infected site. Bad news. Best to use hot soaks/hot damp clean cloth held against the site, keep it clean (which you did a great job of!), and see a medical professional if it starts interfering with daily life. You're an amazing big cousin, they are both lucky to have you in their lives!


I second using hot water (shower) or hot damp clean cloth.


Thanks for the update! Glad to hear she's doing well and all is good with you three!


ewww but yay good but eww and yikes eww


I am so happy your aunt did the follow up and you watched Dr P. I hope you look into careers that reinforce your empathic sensibility. Dermatology has a lot of affordable placements.


Remember, you could always leave her phone at home to hide the fact that she was not at home.


You try getting a 13 year old girl to leave her phone behind, that’s one way I don’t wanna die. Also because my aunt would sometimes call Lisa’s phone when checking in.


Didn't think of that! You are correct.


Wellll, there is call forwarding. Like Google Voice


I’m glad it all worked out


Thanks for the update!! I'm so glad everything is good with your Aunt now.


What is with that ‘auto call the cops’ thing? Is her daughter a kidnapping risk or something? That’s way more extreme than most tracking apps I’ve heard of.


Well let’s just say there’s a reason her father isn’t in this story.


Ok, fair. That was literally the first situation that came to mind as ‘I could kind of understand if’. Glad that things are better with your aunt!


I know! It sounds like Lisa is on The Prisoner TV show.


Don't mess with pimples. Warm wash cloth is good, but leave it alone and monitor any changes. Or go to doctor, but the risk of infection or scarring by picking at it or opening it isn't smart. Basically leave it to heal on its own.


It was on the girls back and was the size of a hamster


:/ did you read the first post?


Seems like everything is alright now and it’s a lesson learned.


Just because this ended up okay, doesn’t mean you weren’t extremely negligent. You’re still an AH. Learn from this.


You are still 100% wrong, just in case you have convinced yourself otherwise


You could have just left her phone at the house.


You try getting a 13 year old girl to leave her phone behind, that’s one way I don’t wanna die. Also because my aunt would sometimes call Lisa’s phone when checking in.