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Clearly y’all never heard of Ogres


I'll agree w/OP ogres definitely have disproportionately small Willie's. Shoulda gone for a non bastasd giant instead, even the troll is hung.


They have the smallest!


All that fat covers their already underwhelmingly sized manhoods.


Elves have penises?




Perhaps “slim jim” is a more appropriate term


Nah, that's a compliment...Jim is good though


Why of course. That is why we’re short.the weight of our titanium ballls and massive slings keeps us low to the ground




By comparison to the humans and elves of course




I'm sorry lads but orcs win this one


BOC is a popular category for a reason


r/orcposting for the win! RAAAA https://preview.redd.it/gltur3zhb4qc1.jpeg?width=804&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=478f96920c61db16de56d39b423eececc1263912


Here's a sneak peek of /r/orcposting using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/orcposting/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [Orc quest ](https://i.redd.it/em9yftzck4oc1.jpeg) | [0 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/orcposting/comments/1bdv5v3/orc_quest/) \#2: [I like the big bone personally ](https://i.redd.it/16pb4lu08coc1.jpeg) | [2 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/orcposting/comments/1ber90x/i_like_the_big_bone_personally/) \#3: [Orc posting is here! Come maggots, we shall feast on man flesh and grog](https://i.redd.it/8446tqxqxqnc1.jpeg) | [1 comment](https://np.reddit.com/r/orcposting/comments/1bc9yzz/orc_posting_is_here_come_maggots_we_shall_feast/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Orcs have the smallest PPs. They’re like gorillas


if orcs are gorillas we're chimps


The self hate is strong in this one god dayum


We Dwarves should take pride in that with which we are good at and renowned for. We shouldn't claim to be the best at all there is, because quite frankly, we aren't, and there's no shame in that. Sure, our cocks aren't the largest of all the races that inhabit the World, but that doesn't mean they're small or inadequate in anyway. Ask any Dwarf woman and you'd know. Unless her husband is some weak, treacherous, beardless scoundrel, then she'll almost certainly be satisfied with what he brings to the bedroom. Because we Dwarves are natural lovers and deeply cherish our women, so we put an effort to please them. (I honestly can't believe I typed all that out lmao.)


Nay, but I'm not gonna lie to myself


I can believe the thickest chodes but not biggest.


Not the only thing that's hard to swallow.


Yeah I hear elf semen is particularly thin and bad tasting


I thought I was on r/okbuddybaldur for a moment


Gigachad Goliaths enter the room.


This is exactly what I was thinking




Damn those pointy eared leaf lovers for life!


Ever heard the phrase "Every man got 2 meters" it only depends on the distribution


Don't mean to burst your bubble, but you know the Giants exist, right?




That's no good. Now the elv*s want to try to suck our shovels.


As an elf, I'm not mad. Just confused. Statistics show that PP size is roughly proportional to height across all hominid branches. And even if it wasn't, who the duck cares? Not a lot of Nenyeldi, and certainly not the Teneldar.


Nice propaganda knife ear!


As... well, not as much of an elf as Nahtanenna, I can back this up. (I'm an orc!)


That's some bullshit spewed by the Knife-Eared propagandists to try and demoralize the Superior Dawi race. Nice try you tree hugging weakling, but we ain't gonna fall for it.


FUCK OFF with the "tree hugging" bullshit. I've fucking had enough. There are no superior races.


It's quite surprising hearing a Knife-Ear yap about equality. Yer kind is most notorious for being a bunch of stuck up princesses who think they're too pompous to lower their gaze at others you deem lesser than. Well lemme tell ya something then you cleanshaven cupcake: We Dawi undeniably have much larger and stronger manhoods than you do. And that's because our Men are actual Men; not some feminine looking powdered punks who like to shoot at ya from afar with twigs, because they can't fight up close with an Axe or Hammer like a real warrior. Continue to cope Knife-Ear. Ya could only dream of the riches found on our strongholds.


Who the hell said I care about "riches"? 1. No, none of us are "notorious" for being that. I asked a dwarf from my universe. His name is Tural if you want to talk to him. 2. PP size (which is what this discussion still seems to be about) has no relation to masculinity other than the PP itself being determined by sex. 3. And also, PP size just... isn't a big deal to us. In fact, ancestral Eldar, due to their attitude on sex, found big dongs comedic. 4. We have guns. Literally, just guns that shoot bullets. A literal pistol. (Pulls out a smartphone-like device and shows a picture of a normal pistol) We also, in fact, have axes and hammers.


>Who the hell said I care about "riches"? Ofc ya do. Even the Tree-hippies of your kind who pretend to not give a damn about gold, would go crazy over seeing the amount we have in a single of our strongholds. >1. No, none of us are "notorious" for being that. I asked a dwarf from my universe. His name is Tural if you want to talk to him. Your kind is notorious for it in all universes. This Tural fellow is probably a weak, beardless traitor exiled from his clan for associating with lying Knife-Ear scum. >2. PP size (which is what this discussion still seems to be about) has no relation to masculinity other than the PP itself being determined by sex. Ha! Spoken like a true coward trying to deny the fact that his manhood is small and pathetic. >3. And also, PP size just... isn't a big deal to us. In fact, ancestral Eldar, due to their attitude on sex, found big dongs comedic. Haha! Thank you for proving my point. Y'all find big dongs comedic cuz yer kind doesn't have any. But secretly though, yer women drool over fantasizing about a real Dwarven Man and his superior manhood. I hate it to break it to ya this way Knife-Ear, but they love us much more than you do. >4. We have guns. Literally, just guns that shoot bullets. A literal pistol. (Pulls out a smartphone-like device and shows a picture of a normal pistol) We also, in fact, have axes and hammers. BAHAHA! Ya call that piece of scrap metal a gun? Out here in the Mountains, that's something you'd give to a child as a plaything. No true warrior would dishonor himself and his clan by being seen with that on the battlefield. But I guess it's befitting for yer kind to be seen sporting it. Y'all are weak scum after all. >We also, in fact, have axes and hammers. Haha! Those are bloody spoons and forks. This is even more hilarious to look at than your "gun".


You're... really hard to argue with, but here's my shot. 0. Literally, what the hell would I need gold for? We use fiat money. 1. Clearly, my home universe exists, so your 'all universes' claim is false. 2. I AM BIOLOGICALLY FEMALE. 3. What's with all these assumptions you're making about us? 4. Fine. Fine, fine. If you want to see something more hefty than that? *pulls up a picture of a (rather large) cannon* Waaaait, y'all give guns to children? That's dangerous! 5. You may not be fully aware of this, but... *shows a picture of a comically large war axe* **We're descended from the Noldor. The Noldor were the most skilled craftsmen in Middle-earth - they made weapons, armor, and some powerful artifacts. The Noldor were warriors. The Noldor were.... a lot like our dwarves, in many ways.**


The biggest of proportions to their size, my leige, yes indeed you are correct *I bow a knee and have the butt of the hammer on the ground my head face down and the head of the hammer pointing up*


Nah the hardest pill to swallow is a dwarfs cock, I choke every time (no homo)


When we say we have a third leg, we mean it.


We opened the forbidden book (not exotic fantasy but tor) and rolled stats for shits and giggles. My kenku trumped the Goliath and I'll dare to say birds are more well endowed than the little folk.


Oh you didn't know? Elves procreate like spiders sometimes do. They cum in a bag and hand it to a woman. If she's down she takes it. Then she eats him.


Drow women have entered the chat


What have you done, now the thirsty knife-ears will come banging on our mountain


The thickest broadest short little stump of a coke can pecker you ever did see


By way of body to size ratio sure , kinda like barnacles


maybe relative to your height, stuntie




Proportionally to the rest of their body? Sure I could see that but... *Looks at half orcs, orcs, goliaths, ogres, trolls, giants, and dragons.* I think they still lose over all size.


I thought Elves had the ancient Greece beauty standard of small=attractiveness


I can confirm, they are hard to swallow


Unfortunately, that prize seems to belong to halflings (if you meant the average proportionally to height, that is. otherwise it would likely go to giants or even some types of dragon if you consider them a race). i'd sum it up to their innate luck, but i haven't seen any definitive reason to this quirk of their biology.


Rock and stone 🤨




*to make them aroused -an elf


Orcs. Ogres. Trolls. Goblins have improportionally large ones. Dragons. Giants.


what about the gith tho


what about the gith tho


Wrong. It's only proportionally biggest. They are still dwarves. Misrepresenting data smh my head


You taking it out of context they only got shlongs compared to their body size not in total


speaking of hard to swallow


Elf’s, like the Greeks, value small sticks. If an elf has a small member its humble, a large thing is brash.


Proportionally maybe, can’t see them having bigger dicks than Orcs