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SB Nation dropped all their podcast networks.


Damn thanks for the update I was wondering what happened


That seems a strange move given podcasts are an extremely popular format for people to consume content. I'd get it if podcasts were a dying medium but I feel like it is growing every day.




Love and miss you BLG


Yeah man I have probably read like ≈20 sb nation articles vs the hundreds of BGN podcasts I have listened to.


Hey Koala. Appreciate you caring enough to ask. We miss you too! Back on April 4, we were blindsided by Vox’s decision to entirely cut SB Nation team site podcasting. They notably fired BGN alumnus Michael Kist (head of that department), BGN audio producer Raichele Privette, and all contractors (including the likes of Jonny Page, Shane Haff, John Stolnis, Jessica Towne, Sam Stafford). I was told that the company felt like podcasting wasn’t profitable enough to justify the investment. I disagree with that sentiment and I feel really bad for the people who got fired. Ultimately, I can begrudgingly acknowledge the company is within their rights to make the decision. What’s very difficult to reconcile is being told podcasting isn’t profitable enough … but then not being allowed to have control of the feed so we can continue it on our own. And there’s precedent for this course of action since Vox cut a number of podcasts last year, such as when my buddy Rob “Stats” Guerrera got fired as Niners Nation’s audio producer. Vox allowed those podcasters to take it off their platform and retain the feed. We have not been allowed the same opportunity. The company is holding on to control of the feed, seemingly with the idea of … maybe doing something with it in the future? There’s currently no concrete plan that I’m aware of. I’m doing everything on my end to convince them to let us revive BGN Radio with Jimmy and me ASAP. Also still hoping to be able to do the NFC East Mixtape with RJ (even though he’s a despicable Cowboys fan). Hoping we can reach a resolution sooner than later. But haven’t been able to get a timeline from them. Pretty frustrating that they’d allow the feed to go dark without any kind of explanation in place (other than leaving it up to me). Never should have happened this way. I’m sorry that it did.


Damn BLG, really sorry to hear they are doing you like that. Been suffering from BGN podcast withdraws, so I hope it gets resolved soon. It’s tough not being reminded by RJ every week that the Eagles and Steelers once combined to form the Steagles… Fuck Dallas, and Vox too. Now I’m no legal expert, but would a YouTube type show fall under the same cover as podcasts? Could be a workaround… anyway, best of luck! Go birds.


Thanks for the update. Really miss BGN and the Mixtape.


Appreciate the update BLG. That sucks that so many people lost their jobs, and also sucks that we lost a great podcast. Hopefully you guys can get back to it eventually. You and Jimmy were great together.


Is there anything fans of the show can do to impact vox’s decision making? I’d be happy to write an email. Leave a comment or whatever? Seems like precarious times in football media. I think in the last year or 2 lots of podcast beyond vox’s got the axe. And there seems to be quite a bit of downsizing going on over at NFL network as well.


Not really sure but I appreciate you asking. There is this form: [https://www.sbnation.com/contact](https://www.sbnation.com/contact)


Filled that bad boy out get people on there like a petition!!!!




I'm so glad I finally got to find out what happened from you BLG. I miss you and your entire crew I felt like I knew most of you as family including RJ. I counted the days till each Nfc East Mixtape as it was my favorite show. Love getting to hear your opinions on Birds 365 but it's just not the same with you as a guest, I miss you hosting shows I really hope you, Jimmy, and Rj can get your respective shows and we'll get to hear from you guys again 💚💚🦅🦅


Well this sucks. I’ve been wondering what was going on and finally found this. I hope it can come back online in some fashion before the start of the season. Thanks for the honest and informed response BLG. PS. As despicable as it is being a cowboys Fan, you and RJ doing the mixtape was one of my fave football podcasts and need back at some point.


PHLY all the way for me. Bo and Zach know their stuff, and keep it entertaining.


It’s great. But Bo is getting a bit too snarky lately. If I’m. A h I may tell him to STFU. Sarcasm is good, when done strategically. Bo is non stop.


> But Bo is getting a bit too snarky lately Lol "lately*. He's always been that way.


that’s Bo, he can’t help himself lmao


Recommend Philly Special on Spotify (or wherever you get your podcasts)


The philly special is good, but lately its been a lot of like sixers talk and phillies talk. I think Solak is about to go on paternity leave so I suspect the feed might be less active with just Sheil manning the helm. Also the BGN feed was just so active with different shows. There was new show dropping in the feed like every day. PHLY is similarly active but all their shows are kind of same flavor every day.


Sheil does bring in other people sometimes like EJ, but it's May and there just isn't a lot of actual Eagles news ATM




I hate Cliff. Talks like he’s got marbles in his mouth and is basically just a random fan. Sheil Kapadia slobbers all over him with forced laughter and over-complimenting (“ACE producer, Cliff Augustin! *insert huge laughter any time Cliff says anything “edgy”*


Ok senior fart director


To hate him is extreme af, but the guy should stick to producing tbh


I have never understood the cliff hate at all. I think he's fine. In most episodes if he speaks at all its like 5 minutes tops (usually less) and usually on something sort of off topic at the end or beginning of the show. Its very easy to fast forward through.


I enjoy the PHLY shows but doing multiple podcasts every day for every team is so baffling to me.


I mean, the draft is over, there’s not a lot left to talk about now.


Problem with that podd is their producer that they give too much mic time to


[SB Nation shut down all podcasts networks, which includes BGN Radio.](http://amp.awfulannouncing.com/online-outlets/sbnation-podcast-network-shuts-down.html) According to [BLG’s Twitter](https://x.com/brandongowton/status/1777759151357050937?s=46&t=GAp12tP6HrRrw2mZoihBrw) he isn’t allowed to do his own podcast following the shut downs. It sucks since I really miss his and Jimmy’s analysis.


Wait what the hell not being allowed to do his own is insane


He is still their employee who writes for them


I imagine he has non-compete clause in his contract. Which makes sense if he's podcasting for them. Its fucked that he can't just make an unaffiliated podcast. Kempski podcasted for BGN but writes for Philly Voice.


Non competes just got struck down but I can understand not wanting to burn the bridge.


Not for 6 months officially


This…and it will also be neutered by the courts.


r/eagles #legalanalysis


This guy has no clue what he's talking about lol, most non-competes were already un-enforceable. The kind that BLG has is also not going to even be affected by the law/rule change lol. He's still employed and being paid by them, they can absolutely legally prevent him from making "competing" content


It does kind of suck though that he couldn't do a podcast on his own time. Like after work hours. If SB Nation dropped their podcast network, why would they be so concerned? It seems problematic that they could have power over BLG making money outside of work podcasting


I do, actually, know what I’m talking about. But thank you for your condescension. What you’re saying is patently untrue. What you mean to say is that, most BROAD non-competes were already unenforceable. Narrow and specific non-competes are routinely enforced in my practice. Additionally, the point I was TRYING to make, is that a broad ban on all non-competes other than non-profits will be narrowed by the courts. Healthcare professionals will attack it and the Chamber of Commerce has already openly stated that they will attack it. There are plenty of states who “disfavor” them, but they are still completely enforceable so long as they fit within the scope of the jurisprudence. But do go off on how much you know and I don’t


They actually pay him (how much, I don't know). I've heard it said that SBN depends on BGN for a not insignificant portion of their revenue.


I'm pretty sure BGN and the main SBNation site combine for like 90%+ of their page views or some absurd Stat like that. If you ever check another team's SBNation page a lot of them were very bare bones even a few years ago when the company was doing better.


This might have been hyperbole, but the Broadstreet Hockey folks said something along the lines that SBN would be in pretty serious trouble if BLG took off a few weeks.


Yeah that's not hyperbole, I'm pretty sure BGN and the main page get like an equal number of views. It's kinda crazy but at the same time it makes sense, NY and LA etc all get catered to by the national media, Philly sports media is much more independent


Prob some sort of legal agreement where they cant make their own pod til their current contract expires or something. Doubt this is in perpetuity


Pretty much! I want to podcast.


When can you start again?


I wish I knew, man.


I miss the NFCE mix tape. I would have liked hearing them dig into the division rival's drafts. None of the other eagles pods I listened to had shows like that.


Hoping to revive it.


Awesome. Glad to hear it.


We’re here when you’re ready!!


Right! RJ dodged a bullet not having to acknowledge even more another great howie offseason


I also really wanted to hear them discuss that whole draft nonsense where Jerrah basically gave away who they were targeting. The cowboys were making headlines draft weekend for all the wrong reasons.


So fucked up, loved listening to him and kempski every week as well as NFC Mixtape. Has anyone heard when there may be a timeline when they would be able to start poding on their own?


I have a void in my week now since this happened. It's such a damn shame and what greedy assh*les to have a non-compete on podcasts. BGN radio had so many great weekly shows.


BLG has terrible luck with podcasts.


It does feel like wanting to talk about the Eagles into a microphone shouldn't be as complicated as it's been!


Still not entirely sure what happened awhile back with Gowton Barchard and Seltzer back when that blew up. Seemed pretty hostile at the time.


At the time (summer of 2018), Vox was just starting up their podcast network. They made an offer to get BGN Radio on board. John thought it was worth \*\*\*way\*\*\* more than Vox was offering and he didn't want to lose control of the feed. John also had an opportunity to take the pod to WIP since they wanted to start up their own Eagles pod (what is now Go Birds). Except going that route meant excluding me, which is what happened. He tried to tell me I was still going to be part of the WIP pod even though I clearly wasn't going to be permitted to do it by staying at BGN. Also he seemingly somehow didn't realize he was still giving up control of the feed to a company (Audacy instead of Vox) by going to WIP. John, James, and I always talked about the priority of sticking together as a trio. I had an offer to leave BGN for WIP at the time but it would've meant taking a large pay cut and a daily long commute instead of mostly working from home. For the first several years of BGNR, James and I wanted John to keep any money we made from the pod (since that was a primary source of income for him) with the understanding we'd start sharing money years down the road as it became more profitable. We did finally start sharing in the last year or so. But it still sucked to be cut out of something I co-founded and grew with friends five years. And in a way where I was being gaslit by someone who I thought I had a brotherly relationship with. I still talk to James, we're good friends, he wasn't responsible for what went down or how it did. Haven't talked to John since then, just don't really have anything to say to him or a desire to hear what he has to say. It's all a shame because the original BGNR was really fun and special. Still very grateful we got to do a lot of cool things, like cover a Super Bowl win (!), broadcast live from the NFL Draft in Philly, and have a regular radio show.


Thank you for clarifying. Loved the pod, and still love the work you do. Good on you for not letting it keep you down man.


Corporate shit over rights etc, I don't know the specifics


Ya but they ditched and threw Gowton under the bus, while seemingly making big money selling(?) the brand Gowton worked so hard building.


He was on a good amount of the episodes (at least during the season, after the season he wasn't) back when they were still calling it BG Nation on WIP, then the next year they changed the brand to Go Birds Pod or w/e and he wasn't on it. Don't really think the way you're describing it is accurate.


I know this is par for the course for SB Nation, but that is incredibly dumb.


Miss you too.


Miss you BLG. Hopefully you can podcast before training camps starts. It’d be so stupid and unfair if they don’t let you podcast at all next season.


Messaged RJ Ochoa on instagram and he told me that they really want to find a way to keep the Mixtape alive. Really hope they can figure that out. I liked Jimmy Kempski and BLG personally. I know BLG gets a lot of slack, but he had a good pulse on the team for the 6 years that I listened to him. I miss the days with James Seltzer and John Barchard.


Appreciate the support!


My man! Bring back the mixtape in some way shape or form PLEASSSSEEEEEE


After the draft pods... It's all about tiers people.. Jimmy Bo Sheil Zach Ruben Is my top tier... And I respect their opinions... I feel like their opinions help mine grow or are better informed. So many talented people though... We are truly lucky as a fanbase.


Sheil bothers me a bit cause he’s a fan of all Philly teams except the Eagles.


But has history in the area and going to Eagles games... I think he says this for own (or many others) code of ethics. I could be wrong for sure


He said covering the team so long made him less of a fan to not a fan


He's been a national reporter for a while. Idk this is just thing a lot of national reporters say.


I mean I understand it but it still bothers me (a bit). I’m bothered by most people from Philly and not diehard eagles fan (a bit) cause I’m unreasonable


For those who liked Shane Haff and Jonny Page. They restarted their own “On the Shane Page” podcast. But there is definitely a lot of missing content without BGN.


They just got picked up but you can still find them under On the Shane Page. Happy for them. Hopefully, more of the BGN crew find a way to continue, even if it has to be under new branding.


That ‘On the Shane Page’ is a paid for one now, right?


No, and it won't be. They just got picked up by a company which means they won't be desperate for funds to be able to keep doing the podcast. It's great news for them and their audience. All that might change is ads might show up depending on one's podcast app. They mentioned in their last episode that they'll continue to have their Patreon and the new addition to that is that it'll be ad free.


I'm very glad they're still going. I'm a regular listener.


Hope they pair up for another pod when BLG is free to do so


Yous guys didn’t buy enough of the finest meat snacks in the land


PHLY and Philly Film Room (new but already very good). Solak makes me cringe to the point i cant listen, but ppl love Philly Special, so likely just a me thing


I like Solak. I mean I like his earnest nature and the fact he really enjoys what he does but he does have like band / theatre kid energy which I get could rub people the wrong way However, it makes sense people all don’t unilaterally agree on things.


I used to enjoy both Kist and Solak's writing a ton, and then I listened to their podcast together. Think both of them generally have good takes, just don't enjoy their personalities. There's nothing wrong with that or them, just turns me off from their content.


Not just a you thing




Related request: Philly special for birds, rights to Ricky Sanchez for sixers…anyone have a decent Phillies pod?


I listen to hittin season, its hosted by BGN alum John Stolnis.


Shane Haff and Jonny Page just put out a new episode yesterday. They found a new network to host their pod. Hopefully all the other BGN shows will find homes soon.


Just started a new pod and we do deeper dives than any other Eagles pod on the intricacies of the game. Philly Film Room


Inside the Birds Thank me later


Mosher and Caplan are annoying and sniff their own farts. I find that pod insufferable with them congratulating themselves on "we said it here first" or claiming they know shit but make you wait. Boring too. Pass.


Yeah once you realize all of the “patting my own back” talk they do it’s hard to ignore


I have never heard a beat reporter have their takes trashed by other beat reporters the way Caplan does. And ESP covers this team.


That’s what I switched to as well. Been enjoying it so far.


The BGN pod died when Kist and Solak left for bigger and better things.


Solak is great.


Can’t say I enjoyed it after Barchard and Seltzer had their exodus


I like inside the birds when I’m looking for real intel. Like leading into FA and the draft, they had the people that eagles wanted pegged well in advance and do a really solid job getting the facts right. They are not as entertaining as BLG or Philly special, but are right more often


I literally had this same exact thought recently. I keep refreshing to hear their reactions to the draft. I thought my podcast app was just broken or something. I would keep trying. They must be on a break or something. Sports media need to go on vacation too. I’m guessing they’ll pick back up for training camp

