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he right tho


Also why are they telling the players this and not the fans traveling there??


AJ is 100% correct, Brazilian fan here. The game is gonna be in the Corinthians stadium and the bigger rival wear green. This is so stupid, but there are some people that are getting really upsetting because of it. If you know the Eagles bleed green, why accept to use the stadium in a first place?


Why have two teams that wear green??


Idk, but if you don't like Green colors let others get the game thera several very good stadium to get this game. Personally I think this game should be in Rio de Janeiro


Should be in Philadelphia.


Lemme see a Eagles game from Brazil at least once


I understand wanting to globally grow the game but it’s a money grab, that takes away a home game, for a league that doesn’t need it.


I believe their point is they're Brazilian and would like to not have to fly internationally to see a game. This is possibly, literally, a once in a lifetime opportunity.


That's right


Id also not like to pay $400 for a ticket to a game in a stadium I live 15 mins away from - we cant always have what we want.


Well damn, when you put it like that..


When I heard Brazil I automatically assumed Rio and wanted to go. I was less interested when I heard it was in sau Paulo. Have a friend from there and he told me don’t go.


I'll go it's my first opportunity to watch my Eagles Fly, I won't lose it


Oh yeah if I was a birds fan from Brazil of course I’d go.


I just got back from SP. Just curious, why did your friend say not to go? Rio is way more dangerous


It was more him just saying if you’re going to spend the money to go out there there’s better places to go. Granted Maybe that’s just bias since he lived there and found it less exciting.


Could just have the game in [Palmeiras' stadium.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Allianz_Parque) It's modern, it's got a similar number of seats, and the team that owns it WEARS GREEN


The GREEN bay packers ffs


To this point…why are they playing on grass that green!?


My man out here asking the real questions. Bump.


Because green is the color or money and if anyone gets hurt it'll be a sad but acceptable incident for NFL execs.


I personally think they picked them because the Brazilian flag is green, then found out about the rivalry later.


Why go there at all if crime is that big a concern


Dude, nobody in São Paulo will care. This is all dumb. We are not a war zone.


I have a friend who is a big Corinthians fan from there. He says people get attacked in the stadium if they wear green lol.


During soccer matches I don't doubt. Not on a random (from their perspective) event.


Not counting the dolphins or jags there are 3 green teams in the whole NFL and they picked two of them (the maximum number possible). Why not actually talk to someone in the foreign country about your plans before you solidify them lol this reeks of corporate heads looking at numbers and not the big picture


And one of them has Green in their damn name lol


Because they already said they didn’t make this announcement and everyone just running with what Jacobs said on green light. This shit is stupid.


How do we make this louder


Fuck ‘em, that’s why. Seriously though, it’s up to the US travel advisories to let citizens know where to go for safety, not the NFL.


they do that by country, not by gang affiliation in cities. The NFL should have known better, plain and simple.


It’s not gang affiliations it’s a rival soccer teams color.


They way it's being talked about doesn't sound like there's much of a difference.


That’s largely because the people talking about it have no idea what they’re talking about lol.


but fans are going to bring their jerseys, which for fans of both teams will be green


Yeah and the people of Brazil aren’t backwards savages that won’t understand that there’s an American football game being played that day and the difference between an American football jersey and the Brazilian football jersey of their rivals lol. I can guarantee you people wear green when the National team plays. It’s just a don’t wear the rival teams jersey at the stadium type thing. Like a cowboys stadium at the linc. It’s not a don’t wear the wrong color on the wrong gangs turf thing. Come on guys.


US is going to issue statements not to wear eagles jerseys?


Should be a notice on the tickets honestly


Because the fans aren’t playing. They just don’t want them on the pitch


Because they don’t give a shit about us.


Is no one mentioning the armored vehicles? I don’t mean to talk negative about Brazil since I know very little about how things work there, but if the nfl think armored vehicles are necessary, maybe just not play there?


the NFL never said anything about armored vehicles (yet). the “armored vehicles” and “can’t wear green because of gangs” comments were from a josh jacobs podcast. the only place they can’t wear green is *inside the stadium* (which is still stupid) because the rival team of the stadiums main tenant wears green.


Nfl may not have announced it, but that doesn’t mean it’s not their decision. Maybe the armored vehicles is a team decision, but on an international game I would assume that decision could and should come from the nfl, in which case if armored vehicles are necessary for safety, just don’t agree to play there.


He's not because it's not true. The NFL already put out a statement.


He would be, only the story he was responding to wasn’t right lol. They weren’t told not to wear green and the reason green is frowned upon in the area is it’s the rival soccer teams color not gangs. Probably why he deleted it.


Yeah, all this is dumb fear mongering. Nobody is gonna care about Eagles players or fans. Corinthians fans don't care about a non soccer event.


Absolutely, Goddell and the league royally fucked this one up. I mean, at least have a cultural understanding of where you are sending a team and perhaps what the ravenous fan base follows as well as who their rivals are! Yeah, it’s all about player safety though right?


he WOULD BE right if this was actually a thing.. but it's not Why isn't the NFL oficially clarifying it to the players/fans? They're letting this dumb rumor spread like wild fire


I just hope everyone stays safe and comes home healthy. This does not seem worth the risk.


Same. Health is the biggest concern both on and off the field.


As a brazilian, i would like to point a few things: Nobody cares about anyone wearing green, a third of Sao Paulo supports the green team and use the shirt as they please. The ultras wont jump on you because you are wearing green, they wont be at the stadium and they dont fucking care. This is the board of Corinthians saying stupid shit You are safer goi g to this game than going to an away game in Dallas. There will be a huge amount of Police force on the way an on the stadium. When we have ultra fights is always in places no where near the satadium, and people involved know very well they are going to fight by going there. All that been said, we are a third world country. You should be more careful with your possesions and is more likely to be mugged at gun point than in the US. Dont walk with your cellphone in your hand and 99% chance nothing bad will happen to you and if someone armed tries to steal from you (again highly unlikely, just a higher chance than in the US) just give your wallet and cellphone, dont play with your life


Honestly I’m calling bullshit on safer than Dallas. I grew up an Eagles fan in Dallas and go back every year to watch the Eagles play in Dallas. Never had an issue. But comparing Dallas crime with crime in São Paulo, where someone is getting robbed every five minutes is crazy. NFL players might have armed security but the average fan won’t.


When I mentioned Dallas was the chance of getting jumped by someone because of your shirt, not crime rates. In this case there is no comparison at all. But you dont need armed security, its way less dangerous than what everyone in NFL subs are picturing


I don't totally get this, don't millions of tourists visit Sao Paulo every year, why are people acting like Brazil is a third world country that's totally unsafe? Just because they're rich/prominent figures? Surely there are safe neighborhoods they could go out in even if the NFL has refuted Jacobs' statement, the amount of people acting so afraid of Brazil regardless is insane


My coworker is from there. When he visits he tells his kids, no phone, no apple watch, no jewelry. Walk with a purpose. No eye contact. Don't become a mark. You can call it whatever you want, but it's not a stroll through mr. rogers neighborhood.


Literally a guy from Brazil above you saying it is in fact a third world country.


The fans and players will be staying in the safest, and nicest neighborhoods in South America. There will be police everywhere. No one's going to have a problem.


I agree with AJ, this game 100% be at the Linc.


The fact that we’re losing not only a home game, but the biggest home game of the season, and we have to travel for this matchup, and it’s week 1, AND Lurie volunteered for this shit is a fucking travesty. Meanwhile, Americas team has yet to play a god damn game overseas.


Couchboys did play in London, in 2014, beat the Jags. That is the only game outside the US they have ever played though. Jerry doesn't let money slip away from ATT Stadium easily. It is all about the money, "How about them Cowboys" is just a marketing gimmick to sell more shit to their inbred fans.


Guarantee you get something out of volunteering. Wouldnt be shocked if we get some calls this year 🤷🏽‍♂️ Business is business after all lol


Shit if we get calls send us to Brazil every year and I retract my OC


Apparently NFL said that the Jacobs thing is wrong. So maybe they can wear green


Ofc they did cuz NFL is doing damage control on this PR nightmare


I mean, teams have played in green before (World Cup)


Yeah and obviously the gangs r aware of the NFL game and wouldn't draw needless attention, assuming they would otherwise


Laat thing they want is to mess with a billion dollar American organization lol


Brazilian authorities would get on the gangs if they fucked with the US too


Yea apparently a US passport gets you a lot of leeway in a lot of places. Most organized groups dont want the attention that comes with kidnapping/killing americans. USA #1 again 😤😤


He’s right, this game is going to be a shitshow on and off the field. I bet both teams show up sloppy, especially now that there basically no preseason we’ve seen the first couple weeks in the NFL be very ugly recently. Add it being so far away…. Yuck


Yeah it sucks that we aren’t playing the packers in the later half of the season, it’d be such a great matchup once the rust is knocked off. Packers really impressed me last year


Yeah, it was really cool to watch Jordan Love “get it” more and more as the season went on. Really excited to see what he does this year. The NFC needs more elite level QBs, that’s been lopsided towards the AFC lately.


Yeah both teams are probably not thrilled about being the Guinea pigs for the NFLs new experiment.


Nah. What’s gonna happen is that Redditors are going to bitch and whine about it all summer and then pretend like they were always onboard with it after it goes off without a hitch. That’s how this shit always goes.


Just because something goes off without a hitch doesn't mean it was a good idea in the first place.


I guess one plus side to Brazil is its not much of a time difference


Did everyone in this thread just ignore the fact that the NFL released a statement saying that everyone could in fact wear green and it was just speculation beforehand?


This all started with someone pointing out that the local soccer team has an informal ban on green because it's the rival team's color, and just extrapolating that to assume that the ban would apply to the Eagles-Packers game. There was never any reason to assume it was real. Who even knows if the soccer team's green ban is actually enforced or just a tradition.


This is all just sensationalist pot stirring.


there is no way this is real its for soccer ultra fans not gangs…. i saw an article that said Nigeria literally play in the same stadium during 2016 rio (their country colors and uniform are green)


Sigh, he deleted the tweet because he found out he's wrong. Green jerseys are banned in that stadium for fans as the "home teams" main rival in their soccer league wears green. It has nothing to do with gangs or what not. Obviously since the NFL is renting the stadium for that day they can do whatever they want, and what they want will be wearing green. https://www.cbssports.com/nfl/news/nfl-responds-after-josh-jacobs-says-packers-and-eagles-will-be-banned-from-wearing-green-in-brazil-game/ This is why people shouldn't talk about shit they know nothing about. It's astounding in the day of information at people's fingertips people still sprout stupid stuff like this and it's so easily believed.


remember the ol saying, “dont believe everything you see on the internet”? we have drifted so far away from that lol. especially on reddit good lord.


Both teams should refuse to play there. I think it’s wrong to have games in other countries anyway. All it does is screw the home team and the home team fans because they lose out on a home game.


They say when you are gambling to think of your chips as plastic game pieces and not the cash they represent because it's easier to navigate and win a negotiation when you don't have an attachment to the outcome. It's monopoly money to billionaire owners, that's why they keep a salary cap in place, that's why there's a franchise tag and a draft and a 17 game season and shitty turf fields and games on Thursday and Saturday and Christmas. Players stand to lose a huge amount in a labor dispute. The average career is 3.3 seasons long. If they lose a season that's literally 30% of their earnings. Players have to pick their stands very carefully and I think they're smart to focus on getting a reasonably fair share of $ and little else.


Yeah, I do agree with you to some extent. But I also do think if all the players band together and refused to play outside the USA the NFL would have to accommodate.


Tbh if they just gave every team an international game and subbed it out for an away game so both teams were away it would make more sense


Now imagine your team has to do it twice a year and you gotta be up at 9 on a sunday to catch the games.


*Norman Rockwell Freedom of Speech Painting:* “I think that if the rest of the world wants American football, then the rest of the world should start playing American football and develop their own talent, instead of expecting the USA to give up home games and home-grown talent.”


Some teams have 8 home games and some have 9. The Eagles will still have 8 games in Philly this year.


Bro saying that it has to do with gang violence sounds like bs isn’t it because the biggest soccer club in Brazil wears green and no other team is allowed to wear green in the stadium? It’s a sports tradition not a gang affiliation thinf


this is what i heard early on! sucks that because josh jacobs said something dumb in an interview everyone is running with the bs gang narrative!


I believe it’s the club Palmeiras which this is for, it’s their stadium we’re playing in and they have a tradition that the NFL has chosen to respect and now ppl talking about gangs and shit like Brazil isn’t still one of the most visited places in the world for tourists


I hate it. We lost a home game to try and spread the sport to a country that doesn’t, and will never, give a fuck. I get that the NFL executives are required to seek ever expanding infinite growth and with LA and Vegas teams that basically means outside of the USA, but that doesn’t mean I have to like it


You're out of your mind if you think us brazilians don't care about the NFL. I don't have numbers to back this, but I'm fairly confident that the brazilian fanbase of the NFL is far larger than in any other country not named United States of America. It's the fastest rising sport in the country and the NFL are very smart at trying to capitalize on it. Problem is they're going about it in the worst way possible


Canada and Mexico have a much higher number of NFL fans per capita than any other countries outside the U.S. It is possible Brazil ranks first in that metric for countries outside North America.


My understanding is that Brazil does have an NFL following, but the Packers are the favorite team there generally speaking. Is this true from your point of view?


NFL is growing really fast in Brazil. Usually on MNF and SNF the game is always top 5 on trending topics on Twitter. And Yes, packers are one of the biggest. Top 5 would be Packers, Cowboys, 49ers, Patriots and Chiefs (notnin this order)


Second question why is the most popular team in Brazil (the packers) the visiting team 


Both the Packers and Eagles should refuse to travel. If the NFL can't guarantee player safety and safety of the fans why are they going? So if I wear a green Hurts jersey or a green Love jersey I could be shot by a gang? Ridiculous that the NFL put players and fans in this situation.


Lmao this would never happen man. Im so sick of all the fake news getting spread around. Josh Jacobs is an ignorant piece of trash. You are not going to get shot by gangs for wearing a green shirt. This shit is not even related to gangs. Corinthians doesn't allow green in soccer games because of their rivalry with Palmeiras. No one will give a shit about NFL fans wearing green just like no one cared when the fucking WORLD CUP was hosted here and this wasn't a problem. I don't understand why this ignorant xenophobic bitch is spreading misinformation online and everybody is eating it. The NFL should make a statement about his dumb lies.


Our owner asked for this game and it wasn't forced on the team- at least not forced on ownership.


Nobody is going to care if you wear Eagles gear, here. It is not even gang related, it's because of Corinthians tradition of soccer. Corinthians fans won't care about an NFL game.


The only green the NFL cares about is $$$$$$$$ I really wish we could end these international games


AJB: why are we going there if it isn't safe?? Goodell: MrKrabsMoney.gif


This reads like a joke. I can’t imagine the NFL would really say this.


If green is banned why have the two teams with the most green playing in Brazil.


I don’t believe that one bit. They’re making Brazil seem something that it isn’t. If anything the gangs will protect the event lol. It’s a great support for that economy. This will be one of the safest events in Brazil. SURE there will be crime, just as we have it here, I’d risk it to say less than in the US.


This is all stemming from a misunderstanding from a joke someone made in Brazil lol. Has there been any actual confirmation anywhere the NFL has sent out any sort of memo like this?


Ok I was going to say, I know parts of Brazil are still sketchy, but it's not like they're going to stay in a favela, there is 0 reason for fucking "armored vehicles." This isn't the Mog. [But this whole thing has been denied by the NFL and traces back to a single person on a single podcast.](https://www.cbssports.com/nfl/news/nfl-responds-after-josh-jacobs-says-packers-and-eagles-will-be-banned-from-wearing-green-in-brazil-game/)


NFL picks two teams mostly associated with the color green. NFL also says, don’t wear green.


deadass. “Don’t wear green” and “send the two greenest teams we have” is hilariously poor planning/decision-making.


Tired of all the fake news. I was excited to watch my team live for the first time but now i'm just mad about all the lies and overreactions over something that literally it's not a problem. All of this caused by a stupid comment from an ignorant player (Josh Jacobs) in a podcast fishing for views at all cost.


Because you're just a pawn in the games of billionaires, AJ


Sign me up to be a multi-millionaire pawn


Next let’s have the giants play in Compton with the bloods


Someone in the NFL is getting paid for these teams to go there.


Stupid NFL money grab.


The answer AJ, is money


I'm sure the truth is somewhere in the middle, but people in r/NFL are seriously calling people racist for thinking parts of Brazil might be unsafe.


Let’s wear those ugly ass gray Super Bowl jerseys. There has to be thousands sitting in a warehouse somewhere.


The NFLPA, if had any real power, would prevent the players from traveling to this dangerous place.




He’s right


Hold up, let AJ cook…


Armored vehicles?? Are they putting the players safety at risk for money??


Answer : Owners Greed


F1 has been having security issues for years in Brazil


Brazil is up there with the worst choices for spreading the game.


Time to wear the old blue and yellow ones or the black out jerseys. Going to be harder for the packers. But why are we “growing the game” in a country that isn’t optimal for it? Like teams or fans can’t wear certain colors when they are the team colors? Seems like a shit spot.


Is this a “home” game for us?


Yup 🙃


I thought this was part of the 17 game season. Essentially the team that has 9 home games is looking at hosting a home game internationally.


For the bottom line, AJ. You’re going there for the bottom line of owners, and their future plans of global expansion. Hurray.


This (the game in Brazil) is dumb af.


2013 a referee had his head cut off after he stabbed a soccer player in Brazil. Shit be wild there.


I'm sorry to the Brazilian fans, but while Brazil is probably a great country - haven't been there myself - its still a place people can't just walk around at night. Within the last year two British international athletes/olympians were at some global championship and had their silver medals lifted offed them during a mugging. They were just on the street. If the NFL wants to develop foreign markets, maybe focus on one continent at a time. Edit: This has all the shaping up of the game being an absolute shit show because of some unfamiliarity (turf, flares lit in the stands, etc.)


I’m betting the turf is gonna be garbage.


If any of our players get a lower body injury because of the turf, it's pitch forks and torches outside the NFL HQ.


And why let gangs dictate our actions? Doesn’t that let them win??


Well. You’re going because NFL wants more money unfortunately. ironically also green


Honest question - Didn’t we get confirmation from AJ himself that he doesn’t own that Twitter account anymore?


Ummm, are the words "Green bay" offensive now?


The man’s got a point


Hahahaha very true! Sucks for the season ticket holders who are missing a game.


So apparently it was all bs. They can wear green and they’ll be allowed to leave the hotel lol Josh Jacobs was given false information


It’s the same exact thing if you wear another color at the linc 😂


Will both teams be wearing white? Lol


He’s right.


This whole episode tells you volumes about the competence of the NFL front office. HTF do you not know all the details of the stadium and environment before you make hard plans to send two of your hotter properties to play there? How does the NFL advance team exploring the venue not talk with the local stadium owner to find this out, along with state of the turf, state of the facilities, training rooms, hospital and medical coverage available, security, transportation logistic challenges, telecom capability and compatibility, etc... Just incompetent. Kudos to AJB for being blunt and right.


TWO GREEN TEAMS! Who the F researched this? Don't wear Green. NFL sees the bags of cash first and then thinks about the logistics.


But yet they won’t come back to Canada to play games. Sad Canadian here wanting to watch the boys play in person :(


Here’s an idea, it’s suppose to be a home game right? Let just have them play at the Linc.


Just more proof that the NFL doesn't care about player safety and only cares about money.


Because the NFL hasnt reported that notice it's all these random outlets


He isn’t wrong


No for reals??? What’s the point?


reminds me of the kids i grew up with in central bucks who were scared they would get shot for wearing the wrong colors when we went on a field trip to the betsy fucking ross house


They should have two teams that don’t wear green play there. WTF.


The NFL wants a player(s) to get shot and killed. This way they can get major publicity and have the 2024 season be one in the history books. They want to make badges to sew onto jerseys. They were so close with Damar Hamlin. They want bullets to enter NFL players' bodies. They want their hearts to stop beating. They want their brains to stop forming memories. All in the name of increased stock prices. Roger Goodell should be ashamed.


1930s throwback uniform game incoming. Blue and yellow gang


Until somebody gets hurt going to another country I don’t think the NFL cares because this is another way for them to print money. They probably figure they’ll milk the cash cow as long as possible and cross that bridge when they get there.


He’s 100% correct.


Because the billionaire owners are money hungry


This seems very fake/incorrect. Go birds.


It’s not a big deal. Eagles wear black and packers wear white. People acting like this is the end of the world. I love the black uniforms. Suck it up everybody


So, the league set up a game in another country with zero research into the culture or the 'lay of the land'. They send two teams over that primarily wear green, fans are going to show up in green. Turns out green is gang related color and, yep, I predict a sh!tshow.


Money is green.


We love Brazil!!!! /s


Guys i love these teams!


This is why they shoulda had it in Rio and not Sao Paulo. Celebrities travel to Rio all the damn time. Hello Tom Brady! Sao Paulo warranting this level of Secret Service style security protocol for a football team is just WILD. Also, Rio would have been a much better place to visit. Smh


It was because rival soccer team wore green. 🙄


I mean, he is making a valid point.


Because $$$$$$$$


When you realize the color you can’t wear is the color of the reason you are going..


I guess the Eagles gotta wear black jerseys or the Packers gotta wear the blue throwback jerseys


The Answer to every Question is Money!


I didn't read an article and only see the headline to be fair but why are teams traveling to a place where simply wearing the color green could cause gang violence? There's plenty of safer places in the world if they really wanna push this global bs.


Why the fuck are they going to a place where they need armored vehicles just to get around? It's an AMERICAN FOOTBALL GAME for fun and entertainment, what's the point of going to another country??


What if everyone wears green to appear bigger together maybe the gang will get scared and run away ?


Some days midnight green looks blue 🤷


That’s weak. I lived in Manaus for a while and wore my LJ Smith jersey around on Sundays no problem. I never got the memo lol


I would be very happy it they simply recognized the safety concerns, and moved our home game back to the birds nest. Very easy decision here Roger.


wtf. Why are they going there anyway?


I’ll answer the question for my boy AJB…. Greed!


But the hole green thing has nothing to do with gangs lol. The team who plays in that stadiums rivals primary color is green. So that’s where that is from.


Guys...... We have Jordan Mailata on our team. He's like the size of six gangs.


They should move the game back to Philly, this whole Brazil thing is ridiculous.


He’s not wrong. No reason to be there if this is how they’re gonna travel.


there is 3 green teams of the 32 non green teams in the NFL, and they chose to book 2 of the 3 green teams in a country where green isnt safe


F U NFL for using our team to market your product while risking their lives AND taking a home game away from us. F.U.


I agree with him. I don't like these games. Too many times in history has a team been killed by flying it just makes me nervous.


Okay, we keep talking about how they can’t wear greeen. what are they going to wear then?


Sounds like a well thought out plan.. Great job NFL!!!