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Citizens bank is also $15, i think that's the norm for any stadium in philly


Wells Fargo center is around $15 but for a 24oz beer. Not too terrible for basically two beers in a stadium


That's 1.5 beers if compared to a 16 oz pint. $10 beer is still not absolutely horrendous. They also have juice for which is 9.5% ABV. One of those and you will be feeling real good.


They are 24 oz at the linc and cbp too. I haven't seen a 16 oz beer in 5 years at any of the 3 stadiums/arena.




I mean it says right in the title it’s for a 16 oz beer


did you read anything about this post?


I wonder if it’s pure greed from the stadiums (which you can never discount!) or if it’s to stop Philly fans from getting drunk. Either way we pregame though!


Ah, the Boston strategy. Make happy hours illegal to curb alcoholism, but all you’ve done is make alcoholics spend even more money on alcohol


I would be curious to see the same pricing data for the days in which veterans stadium cheap seats were compared to Circus Maximus.


yup its 15 dollars for a 22oz(?) miller lite.. or you can pay 16 dollars and get a 22oz bear hug (or a bunch of other strong IPAs) which is like 9.9% https://www.beeradvocate.com/beer/profile/1146/540667/


My brother and I split a bottle of whiskey before walking in. Then still spend like $100 on beer


That is an aggressive amount of alcohol to consume for watching a game. I don't think I'd even remember most of it.


I don’t think some people even like sports that go to these games. They just like an excuse to get completely shitfaced.


For all that just watch on the couch imo


Last Eagles game in Philly I went to dude snuck in a flask and also a bunch of tiny spirit bottles


During the colder months, my stepdad would wear a jersey 2 sizes too big, along with winter layers so he could conceal one of those Camelbak hydration backpack things for hiking with the drinking tube for easy access. Except it was filled with vodka and he’d give shots out to everyone he knew in his section lmao


You may have a drinking problem


Pretty sure this photo is kinda BS since it’s taking an average. Your light beers (miller & bud) can all be bought for around 9.50 or so and are available everywhere. The linc also has some sections with a fuckload of craft beer at $15-18ish per beer, def inflated but still the beers are pushing 8.5% and are delicious as fuck You ain’t getting craft beer at Jerry’s world, it’s straight corporate light beer piss.


$16 for a 12oz Stateside that goes for $2/can at the FWGS. Ridiculous.


I spent $120 on 2 cheesesteaks, 2 chicken fingers and fries, 3 sodas and 1 water at CBP last week. The aramark protesters outside are totally right, shits insane.


Those are workers on strike against Aramark - if you see them at a game again please don’t patronize the concessions. Go to Xfinity live and drink there instead!


T-Mobile (Mariners satidum) has 12 OZ value beer cans for $5/6 domestic/premium. It’s pretty wild, to see them selling $16 beers a cart over from a $6 beer and people evenly going to both


Was at the Wells Fargo arena for a Tyler, The Creator Concert. We got in early bc of "vip" tickets. Went to get something to eat from a quick snack stand near the merch booth. Absurd prices for less than average food.


This is why I never enter the Linc with the ability to convert short term memory into long term memory and also with 4 beers and 6 shooters stored in various parts of my clothes


“Six shooters” you sound like you’re walking in like Yosemite Sam haha




you sound like you need a lil knob gobble


Rackin' frackin' ~~varmint~~ Cowboys!


White Sox vibes.


If you ain't smuggling, you ain't struggling.


Do the scanners not pick up cans? Lmao why have I not been doing this


Jokes on them. We’re already drunk before we get in the stadium. This is just supply and demand in effect.




Small price to pay to keep the buzz till your drunk ass realizes it's gone and it's only been 10 minutes into the game Edit: I meant the beer is gone not the buzz, that'll linger for a bit


I didn't hear no bell.


Bastards get me every time.


Don’t think that’s really how supply/demand pricing works, but hey I’m drunk so who knows.


Let’s say that everyone in a given stadium wants to be drunk while watching the game. If you’re in a stadium with a weaker drinking culture than Philly, the fans show up sober and have to by all their beer in the stadium, increasing demand. But in Philly, most fans are hammered the moment the set foot in the linc, meaning they don’t need to buy as many beers as they otherwise would, reducing demand. As demand falls, vendors raise their prices to compensate for a loss of individual sales.


Classic supply demand curve says that, all else equal, as demand falls prices fall.


Shoutout to Jetro, gotta be my favorite place where I can drink 17 beers before the Birds play and watch people hit the nitrous balloons as pre-game entertainment


You're welcome, now help me back up.


No. This isn’t supply and demand. Philly owners just know people love the teams and they’ll pay it as long as the team is good. It’s greed.


You are describing demand lol


There’s no supply issue though. Prices are that high because owners are greedy.


the owners can be greedy but the other comment is still right that the economic concept of supply and demand applies.


But they have a monopoly on beer within the stadium so it's not a standard supply demand curve. They restrict output and charge more than would be observed with competition. I think differences across stadiums would be due to differences in demand and perhaps differences in state local alcohol policies


In there it's a commodity like oil and the stadium is OPEC, but supply and demand is still part of the equation.


Yes but unlike competitive markets price and quantity aren't determined by the intersection of supply and demand. Quantity is determined by the intersection of marginal cost and marginal revenue and price by the higher point where that quantity intersects the demand curve Edit: words


It warms my heart to see someone actually use these terms correctly and incorporate concepts past the 1st day of Econ 101. It absolutely kills me when dumbasses simply say, “muh sUpPlY aNd DeMaNd”. Take some actual fucking Econ courses people. There’s so much more to it than “supply and demand”. Source: Econ + CS double major (BA + MS)


I totally agree. This world is being ruined by people who attended one day of Econ 101 and thought they understand all of economics. I got into the subject at Temple U and it really fit me, Econ + math double major. I'm always glad to see someone else out there who knows what they're talking about. Keep fighting the good fight.


I mean, maybe technically? Philly people are just more willing to pay it. Idk if the demand for beer is higher in Philly than other places like Atlanta. If you consider willingness to pay, demand, then sure. But concession lines aren’t any longer in philly. attendance isn’t necessarily higher in philly. Those are true demands that would justify what you’re saying.


Yes, willingness to pay is demand. They are the same thing


If you wanna get real pedantic demand is willingness _and_ ability to pay


But even then, Atlanta is willing to pay more. So is Detroit. Their owners just aren’t being as greedy in beer sales. Hawks and Braves both charge 200% more than the falcons and they’re doing just fine. It is what it is bro. Philly owners are taking advantage (in every sense of the word)


Do you seriously think concession sales in other stadiums aren't motivated by greed? Or that any sales anywhere aren't? Self interest is the bedrock of capitalism, which is both why it works and why it slowly destroys itself and the world in the absence of government intervention


Greed is excessive though. Just went to games in Dc and Baltimore this past weekend. Philly is routinely at the top of the price charts across all sports in concessions.


Jokes on you too. Its amazing that people will drop $250 on a seat and then be passed out during the game. I am always amazed by that. I dont pay for more than 1 beer, if that. I'm here to enjoy the 1-2 games that I get to watch live, and dont see the point in being drunk for them.


The point is that being drunk rules


You’re preaching to the choir buddy. But passed out drunk for an expensive game is nothing but stupid.


Jokes on them, I'm sneaking beer in, in my belly


If the demand was low then the prices would be low....


I read this as “sloppy on demand” and I like it better.


stop readying my diary. one thing i am curious of is for folks to figure out like "what's your favorite beer to drink at the stadium?" and what is the average cost of that beer. then look at the stats.


Damn I think they still won my credit is now maxed out 😂


I went to an Eagles game in Atlanta a few years ago. It was refreshing how affordable the concessions were and the sofa is a self serve refill machines too.


Damn they have sofas in Atlanta?


Free refills too! Great for when you eat the cushions.


Diet cherry leather is the best.


I'm a navy suede guy myself.


Yeah in multiple flavors. Definitely a first! ;) Damn typos


Did you watch them draft this year? They don't just have sofas, they're the sofa kings


Grew up in Atlanta and love going to the Mercedes Dome because of this. They have a ton of local restaurants in there instead of the same old shitty stadium food. Always affordable and everyone seems to get food and drinks at the stadium instead of sneaking things in because of it. It's almost like consumers will buy your product if you don't completely rip them off!


The owner intentionally lowered prices as part of a give back to fans a few years back I believe. The idea is folks will buy more if it’s cheaper and not need to get hammered in the parking lot before


This sounds amazing. I haven't been to an Eagles game in a while but the last couple Flyers games I attended, just bare minimum snacks and beverages for my family of 4 usually gets to around $100 which is just insane considering it's just mass produced Aramark chicken fingers and fries.


They want people there sober enough not to do anything crazy


This only encourages people to get as drunk as possible before the game so they can have a buzz the whole way through it without wasting a ton of money. Source: have done it and look at the other comments in here.


Yeah, if the beers were cheaper, I’m sure nobody would drink in the parking lot


Man I really wish our game was in Atlanta, state of the art stadium with the absolute best concession prices in the league and their tickets are reasonable. Edit: charging more than LA is absurd IMO, but we buy it anyway


I walked past the Atlanta stadium once and was pretty impressed from the outside.


It's like a monolith just in the middle of town, traffic be damned.


And lord do that traffic be damning


That's completely on the owner. He wanted low concession prices. If you go to State Farm arena next door, the prices are closer to the average. Of course I've only been for concerts so maybe that's why they're higher.


Difference is no one in LA goes to football games lol


Yeah Arthur Blank had the right idea.


Massive L.


Our tax dollars pay for the stadium so benevolent angel, jeff lurie can extract every greenback possible out of our pockets. Mark my words - it won't be too long before he holds the city hostage again to get a new stadium.


And even if you aren't going to games he gets tax dollars yearly ripping off Temple to play in the city funded stadium.


I can tell you Cincy is not 6.59 without a doubt it's not that low at all


I've seen loads of people calling this bullshit everywhere it was posted.


Same for Detroit


Exactly. My last Bengals game was 2 years ago but I know it was double digits.


Yea I live right by it you hear about the price every Sunday if you walking down town or even at the crib someone always says something like "we drinking for free here" esp when they were shitty B4 burrow


If you don’t like beer, don’t worry water is $8.


We’re already drunk before the game that’s probably why


So are Bills fans but their beers cost less than $9


No it's because the lines are still full at over 16/beer.


Highway robbery.


Counterproductive move if you ask me. Higher prices to discourage over-drinking in the stadium just means we are forced to get ripped before hand to the point it lasts ALL game. And they wonder why we’re such fucking jerks as fans.


I live in ATL and absolutely appreciate that MBS has a fan-friendly price policy. It fucking rips. Same for Truist Park - there were 2 times in a row that I went for a 7th inning beer and the vendor straight up gave it to me for free despite wearing Philies gear. Edit: should have mentioned that tickets are more expensive in Atlanta. I got seats in the 100 level behind home plate at CBP for under 100 in May. Can't do that here.


They do that bc they want to reduce the amount of drunk people at the games.


This can be real I plenty of games all sports and beer is always over $15 to $18


Not drinking does have its benefits.


I'm with you brother, went sober almost two months ago, weed too


Congrats, man.


I’ll be at the Tampa game, I’ll drink 2 beers for the price of 1 in Philly. Away games are such a better deal!


Went to Tampa last year. Be prepared to pay a hundred to park.


I'm actually flying down, and flying back the same day for that game. I used points from my credit card for the flight.


Damn, Lurie


Ridiculous. But you're stuck if you want a beer 🍺


I thought a 24oz of domestic was $25 at the Linc?


Accidentally walked in to a 6ers game with a pre-game water bottle of vodka. No one said anything. Cheapest night ever.


Just drink a 24 pack of yeungling in the parking lot before the game like a normal person


No way Houston beers are that cheap man, been there quite a few times in recent memory and I swear they were in the $11 range


This isn’t right at all. I went to Eagles at KC last season and each beer was $20.


That's why we drink for 10 hours before. 🍻🦅🏈


All I know if went to a Phillies game a few weeks back and bought a few beers. There was a guy filming for the broadcast and he told me if I bought a Yuengling I would get on tv. So I was well worth the $15 ....


Damn! Jealous. That’s a good deal.


That's why you sneak all the boos you need in your stomach before entering... Duh 🙄


Thats why you wear timbs with some titos shooters in the sides


Heard this on the radio today in the city I live in. They had callers call in and one lady, when asked why she guessed Philly, said, "idk, do they even have good beer in Philly?" I need to move.


These things are often quite poorly sourced. I'm skeptical Detroit is so cheap.


I wonder how much is from corporate greed and how much of that is just crowd control. If beers were $6.25 we'd be fighting the whole time no?


I’m thinking the same thing. But then you have to consider— does this encourage pregaming? Do people get more drunk outside so they can coast a bit in the stadium? Maybe that behavior would be decreased if the beers were a bit more reasonable. Who knows! Social scientists need to get on this.


Another Philly first!


Why, eagles? Why?


You should add in the price for playoff games too, bet it’s more


That’s why we pre-game!


Where are these $6.59 beers at Paycor stadium? (Bengals) I have season tickets and it’s always $9.25


This seems wrong. The Linc sells 24oz beers and I don’t think I pay over 20 per beer, but I don’t usually remember lol.


Detroit charging less for beer than the Wilmington blue rocks


The reason why a beer at the linc is $14.67 is because people pay it. Stop buying them for that price and the cost will come down.


It would be very dangerous for opposing fans to have our beers be $6.25


I went to the Upper Deck golf thing last week. I bought two beers for me and my brother and it was $35.50


Yeah the crazy beer prices are more for public safety than making money. Can you imagine if the linc had $6.25 beer? Brian Johnson would not have made it out alive.


If the beer was $5, the tail gate would be mostly food. Just kidding! 🍻🍺


Jerry world is definitely more than 9 lol.


as a canadian... a beer in philly would cost me $20.. thats fucking absurd.


That’s too much for a beer. Having said that, I remember the vet and that beer wasn’t crazy expensive. Actually pretty reasonable. I also remember the drunks passed out in the bathrooms and the fights. Oh god the fights. The courthouse in the basement is a mild amusement now but the fact that they had to have it is a little cringeworthy to say the least.


My husband is from Philly and now lives in the KC area with me and always talks about “dollar dogs”. Seems to be made up for in beer prices haha


Dollar dog nights! Those are rarer and rarer around here.


This list is bogus. I went to the Birds in Tampa last year and Bud Lights were like $20


What size? 24oz?


Can't they just add some fentanyl to the beer to make it cheaper?


I go to a couple titans games a yr. Wish I could get one for "only" $10.


Welp, time to riot


Any true birds fan knows you get Wawa on the way and get hammered in the parking lot, THEN you go in


Any true birds fan knows you get Wawa on the way and get hammered in the parking lot, THEN you go in


Gillette is not under 10 dollars for a beer


I understand all teams from CA being up there, but NO and Jacksonville? I currently live in FL, not near Jacksonville thank fuck, but I thought they would be near the bottom for sure.. Btw just don’t ever go to Jacksonville. I mean, unless crack and mu*rder are your thing. Then you’ll definitely wanna stop by.


I paid an arm and a leg for a cold cheesesteak with the cheese not even melted at the linc. At this point, factoring in ticket fees, parking, food/drinks I’d rather throw a watch party at my place.


Someone has to pay for Barkley. I'm fine with it. I'll take 4.


sounds like an Aramark issue


One of the few flaws with Philly sports. Minimum of $25 for a decent meal


I wonder, Now that the Bengals and lions don't suck anymore if there beer prices will go up.


Big boss gotta get his money back some how 😂


Weed has entered the sub.... "So I hear there's legislation for recreational legalization on the table...."


No way I don’t believe this. Last year at arrow head I’m pretty sure we paid like 13-15$ a beer. You couldn’t buy anything other than tall boys.




I need to go to Atlanta games


Can we get one of these for ticket prices too so we can show everyone way people in the arena seem so annoyed. I’m not surprised to see a beer is twice as much as it is at a bangles game but I’m still not happy about it.


From cincy and im skeptical abouttge bengals price listed here


Buffalo was $16 inside. Free 99 outside.




Gotta go to a lions/falcons game apparently


We’re number one! ☝️


Boy that sucks ass


This is why I dont drink when I am at the game.


Don’t we also lead the league in beers consumed. This is why we have so many great players and I’m okay with it.


Late stage capitalism, fuck yea


This list is cap, Sofi is at least $20


Pretty standard for our area. Philadelphia isnt exactly a low cost of living area


It’s fake. Beers in Gillette stadium are like $16


Guy, a $6 16oz beer is not found in Detroit, I go often. Where tf are those found?


The guaranteed money is a killer


I paid $10 the last time I was there. I definitely don’t remember the lowest price being $16. I’m assuming this is done on an average.


This is why I just watch on tv


Remember this when we all start the 'Jeff Lurie is the best owner' circle jerk.


I need to go to Atlanta or Detroit for a game, lol


As an Eagles fan let me just say this: fuck.


ATL stadium is the best one in the league


In Vietnam 60c


This is false. I worked at Ford Field (Lions) and beers are about $14.


Beers at arrowhead, chiefs stadium, are more expensive than that


I mean let’s be honest we’re eagles fans


When throwing beer on people can get real expensive.


I would love to see how this compares to the average cost of beer in each city in general (and the associated taxes)


Ridiculous. Lowest min wage in country and highest price for shit.


Most of these are not even close to correct. Not sure why everyone keeps spreading this all over platforms.


Everyone should remember this, as well as the team scalping its own seats on Ticketmaster, when the discussion of what great ownership we have invariably comes up again.


The less we drink the better it is for all of us. 


Mile High definitely charges more than 7.50.... who made this up? Nobody charges less than 10 bucks for a beer at an NFL game


Holy shit that's not even a pint


Was this from 5 years ago?


They need to keep people from drinking 5 beers somehow.