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I get the impression Johnny is just using him to keep Linda safe. I don't see it going anywhere.


I agree but that could also develop into real feeling for Johnny. I wouldn't be surprised if it is revealed that Johnny realised he was gay because he had a crush on Callum growing up. I don't want them as a couple because I want a good gay male characters friendship and given their common history and past connect it can work with both of them. Johnny needs someone to talk to outside his mom and Callum needs a connection outside Jay and the Mitchells and his history with the Carters is there. Linda could also use the extra family because I think she feels like an outsider in the Knights dynamic. I also want Johnny to stay single for a while to often gay characters a placed in these OTP relationships let them have a couple of love interest before that.


I hope not. Just like straight men and women can be platonic friends, so can gay men.


Yeah looks that way, either that or Callum will be written out


> Callum will be written out. I wouldn't be shocked by this.


I doubt Callum will be leaving


He’s not doing much though is he? Nor has he for awhile


The mistake the writers made was making Callum's entire existence about Ben. Now Ben's gone he only has Jay as a friend and Lexi who he has no parental rights over. His character has slowly been moving toward character isolation territory like Felix, Harvey, Vinny, Bernie have.


Felix and Bernie are family, Harvey is with Jean and they can eventually build new friendships with Alfie or Ian, who are two long-term characters that have been severely underused, and Vinny has his entire family how are these isolated, they are just not main characters and there is nothing wrong with that.


Bernie & Felix have a shared isolation. Harvey is literally in the middle of a storyline about loneliness because he felt isolated in the Slater house. Without Suki Vinny doesn't really have any other solid relationship. He's not close to Ravi and he's double crossing his Dad. This has nothing to do with whether or not characters are main or not. The writers have ensured that those characters have very few people to rely on if needed.


Given Harvey storyline now him not making new friends after Mitch was done on purpose and the aftermath will be him gaing friends. Bernie and Felix also lives with Chelsea. Bernie because of the job in the cafe is part of the community and have been generally used well in that role she can get a bigger storyline eventually. Felix have not been used well but overall the show lacks good friendship groups. Vinny again being the outsider if his family and not having friends again feels like it serves the storyline because it makes it easier for family members to manipulate him because he wants their approval.


Felix has been shown to have a temper I wonder if it will get him in more trouble. And I love Bernie, Claire has always done an amazing job despite not being given the material. I don’t doubt she will eventually get storylines or will snoop further into what happened with Keanu though I think she was brilliant when she told him blankly ‘what makes you think I want to be with you’ Almost made me think she was going to do him in herself!


Felix hasn't done anything for the 2 years on the show, yet he's still around. I don't know if Callum will stay or go soon, but I don't understand why he is constantly single out. There are several characters that haven't 'done anything ' for a while, including legacy characters like Martin and Peter it's called being supporting characters. If the writer and producers wanted him to leave, he would have written him out without Ben. Before anyone says anything about contracts, actors in soap have terms and conditions that allow writers to write them out for storyline purposes. As far as links to the square, he has Jay and Lexi. The reason the show is putting Johnny and Callum in scenes together is to make the point that they have known each other all their lives. Johnny has no deep connection to the Square outside his mom, Callum and Johnny were somewhat family growing up it doesn't have to be a romantic connection between these two characters. Then again, it could be romantic, but they are clearly building a plot there. So we have Callum suspicious about the 6, whatever is going on between him and Johnny and his relationship with Lexi and Jay. How is the character doing nothing again. It sometimes feels like unless a character has a big storyline, fans are what the gone and it worst with LGBT characters because it always about who they are going to have sex with next, when there are several straight characters who haven't been in relationships for years.


No but I think he could investigate Keanu murder


He’d better be.


Since Ben is gone I want Callum to move on. I do think it will be a Robron like thing and Ben will divorce him. I don't want Callum with Johnny. I want him with someone new. Callum grew up with Johnny, Nancy and Lee so it would be weird. Callum needs a little wild not boring. While I don't want him with someone ask polarizing as Ben, he needs excitement because that's clearly his type.


While I think Callum needs to move on, I think focusing on a relationship will not be good for his character and LGBT characters must be able to integrate into storylines that are not about their sexuality or sex lives But I agree with you, for all is taking Callum. He doesn't like nice and quiet. He chose Whitney and Ben to walking drama. Not that I think Johnny is nice, because so far it looks like Johnny doesn't care about anyone else but his mom and will do almost anything to keep her safe, which I think is an interesting path to take the Character. However, I love for Johnny and Callum to become good friends. There have been male friendships Zack and Martin, female friendships Penny and Lauren gay straight friends Eve/Stacey and Callum/Jay. I would like to see two make friends be good friends and with the common history between Johnny and Callum I think it will work.


Thing is I don’t mind Callum as a character however I do believe whats already been said is that his whole existence the past few years has been remotely around Ben, I would love to see him move on or some story line AWAY from being detective and away from Johnny 😅 He’s admitted already to Johnny about it being hard with ben not being there and hes isolated and focused on work but I hope this doesnt go down that stereotypical depression route


I'm just wishing that Callum would emigrate or get a transfer to the FBI, but either way just LEAVE. They wasted him as a character and he's now not just treading water, but he's drowning. Their marriage ended up feeling like roommates, but without Ben...there is no Callum. The slightest glimmer of a friend was with Whitney 10 seconds before she left, but he has no relationship with Phil, no friends, his brother left, they're never going to make the Police a full-time part of the show. He has become redundant. He should just go to America and live in a trailer park outside the prison until Ben is released...although I am anticipating an umpteenth recast of Ben to appear, quite probably with an American accent.


> They wasted him as a character and he's now not just treading water, but he's drowning. I have to agree with this. Even if he manages to survive the Six storyline what else is there for him to do realistically? Sure, they could put him with Johnny but that'd be predictable and boring to watch honestly. Zero chemistry there. > The slightest glimmer of a friend was with Whitney 10 seconds before she left, but he has no relationship with Phil, no friends, his brother left. Yep. Isolated. > I am anticipating an umpteenth recast of Ben to appear, quite probably with an American accent. Vicki 2.0 incoming.... 😂


As long as it's not an English actor putting on a DIABOLICAL American accent, then I'm open to it.


I think Ben will be back before we know it with a new actor, I don't think the character will be gone long term


> I don't think the character will be gone long term.  If Billy's nephews go down with audiences well enough they may hold off on bringing Ben back longer than we'd expect. It feels like there's a bit of a shift in focus going on with the Mitchell's right now and Billy and Teddy will be getting more of the limelight.


He will be gone for a while or they wouldn't have made a big deal about his being convicted for 6 years Ben won't be back for a couple of years


Ben was given 5 to 10 years for Heather and was back in less than 2. There is a high chance that he'll be back sooner than we expect whether the recast the actor or not. It depends on what the producers want.


With Johnny and Callum, water is also wet.


Let’s be honest they only brought John in so he can be Lindas lawyer when she goes to her murder trial and get her off 😂 I don’t remember Johnny wanting to be a lawyer tho


He was studying to do a law degree when the Carter's first arrived in 2014. He always had scenes where he was sat in the Vic writing his college/univeristy assignments 


He was training to be an accountant when he left the last time.


He wasn't. He went to university to study law, failed two of his exams but managed to resit them, met his then boyfriend Gianluca, took a gap year from univeristy to go travelling with him. When they broke up Johnny moved back to Walford but later decided to move to Manchester to continue his studies then work in law. It's all detailed on the EE wiki page.


On the same Wiki page, we have under jobs Trainee Accountant (2018 -). It is not stated in the synopsis, but it was mentioned at some point in the show. It probably was a one-off and no longer applicable, but at some point, they did say something along the line that he switched careers.


Okay? [Flashy-Boysenberry30](https://www.reddit.com/user/Flashy-Boysenberry30/) asked: >  I don’t remember Johnny wanting to be a lawyer tho I merely replied with the info that he initially went to uni to study becoming a lawyer. Not sure how it's got into a debate about whether or not he was an accountant 😂


No big deal. But yes, Johnny was always studying to be a lawyer it wasn't a random change to his character.


Unpopular opinion, but Callum has every right to cheat on Ben