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Losing weight is a nice bonus to riding an ebike. My motto: as long as your feet are moving, you are exercising.


As the guy from the store said, if I bought a regular bike, I'd do 5 miles and be spent. Now I can go further, and have just about the same amount of exercice and see more! Just rode from my dad to my place, 10 miles, and I'm spent anyway. And when I had to go uphill, or the wind was in my face, it didn't suck. Win-win.


It seems like you've found cycling to be a win-win situation. Not only does it provide physical benefits, but it also enhances your overall satisfaction with commuting and recreational activities.


See there you go. And if you want to exercise more you can simply lower your pedal assist. And when you are gassed out you can always turn the pedal assist up. Ebikes are far better for exercise than cars.


People keep telling me I won't get exercise on my ebike but you nailed exactly the way I look at it. I hadn't been on a pedal bike since I was young so I'm really not used to it. If I need the assist I can give myself the assist. If I'm completely gassed or just need a break I can go to throttle. If I'm riding to work and running late I can bump up the assist or go to throttle. Ok throttle I'm getting no exercise but I only want to use that for the above mentioned. I'm getting more exercise than if I drove.


Yeah ebike adds a huge dynamic to your rides as well. Push yourself a little too far before turning back? On an acoustic bike, you're stuck you have to slog it all the way home. Then the last half of the ride is all you think about anytime you consider a ride in the future. Not feeling a ride today? On an acoustic bike you will struggle to even get yourself out there, and then maybe put in 5 miserable miles. Ebike lets you adjust the assist level to what you're feeling for the day. Want maximum workout? Turn it way down. Want to get out and do something but don't really feel like sweating that much? Turbo it up baby, better than the couch!


Also E-bikes encourage you to ride more regularly, even on days when you're not feeling your best.


So does commuting.


This 100% this is the added benefit people don’t get. Yeah it’s assisted or fully driven by a motor but you can choose to get some exercise which is always better than none


Congrats on the bike. Once you got to your first big hill on a regular bike, you might have just quit too. Now you can ride up hills like flat ground. What bike did you get!


ET T1000


That is a cool looking ride! Congrats


Not only would you be spent, but you wouldn’t want to go again. Ride early ride often!


If not for *my* e-bike purchase Aug. ‘23, I would also still be entirely “allergic” to voluntarily spending time outside (exception: winter 🎿)… Last October, or nearly end-of-year for riding (🇨🇦), I threw my folding e-bike in my sedan’s trunk, drove nearly 4 hours to a Provincial Park, then rode around a gravel, *mostly* flat 45 km (28 mile) loop in a little over 2 hrs (2.5 including stops for pictures), then drove 4 hours home. June 1 of this year, I figured a 35 km (22 mile) route should be reasonable, (especially after doing ‘regular’ routes about 1/3 that distance) so I packed up my bike again and drove ~45 minutes to a nearby National Park… I’ve *never* had to hop off my bike so often just to get it to the top of a ~~mountain~~ hill 🥵!!! Not especially helpful to be more twisty and washed out / rocky because that made me less comfortable gaining *too* much speed downhill in case I came around a corner and there was some obstruction (be it four-legged, two-legged, rocky, or “holey”) — Made it around the majority of my planned route (made one adjustment before my first major rest-stop to shorten, though possibly steepen, the trail) in nearly identical time *and* calorie-burn as the longer, flatter trip 😅


Im not heavy as you but still chunky i think im closer to about 200ish but boy i agree if i didn't have a ebike i be super spent iv all ready put 200 miles on my bike building muscle and losing some weight i use my ebike to commute to work 5 days a week 15 miles each way good way to exercise if i had been using regular bike i would not be able to use it to commute to work im 38 have not used a regular bike since my teens That ebike will be the best thing to reach your goal keep at it


Moreover there is also a cardiac risk with obesity. An e-bike goes a lot easier on your heart because your heartbeat tends to be more stable thanks to the assistance. At your weight, your heartbeat will skyrocket close to your maximum frequency if you climb a big hill and it’s not healthy if you are sedentary.


Congrats on the weight loss and sticking to your plan! And good call on the e-bike. I just bought a pair for my wife and I (62, 65) and I find it makes me want to ride a lot more. Still get a decent workout but the power gives me more confidence and they’re just fun as hell!


I relate. 6'9" 335lbs. Back on bike after 25 years. 51m


What bike did you get?


51m here also, I get out a whole lot more since I built my own e-bike, absolutely love it, happy days & may the road be kind to you my fellow e-biker 👍


I'm still on a pedal bike. Ebike was a consideration but not just yet... It's climbing hills that I always say... Should have got an ebike.


Ok, my mistake 🥲 get an E-bike you'll love it!!


I also bought an e-bike for exercise. I’m riding it to work in the back of my truck, ride home and then ride back the next day with Wednesday a rest day. It’s 18 miles each way. I’m 45 and 240lbs. My kids two young kids take up most of my time so I decided commuting and exercise the same time I’d get the most bang for my buck. Also sore as all hell but happy doing it. I bought the Aventon Soltera.2. So far it’s been a lot of fun!


I’ve lost a ton of weight from getting an EBike. I also actually ride it! Not so much with the old bike


welcome! i find that easy access to a trail system is a game changer. check maps to see what businesses are trail-convenient, and get your some of your errands/shopping done! any pickleball courts adjacent to your trail? might be an opportunity to combine TWO activies in a single ride. i rarely drive a car these days: we just returned from the market on ebikes with ribs, chicken, tortillas, butter, milk, a CASE of beer... the more ways you can dream up to use it, the more riding you'll do, the more money you'll save, the healthier you'll feel.


Work is about 13-14 miles for me and it's on a bike path 95% of the way. I only go in once a week, but the goal is to do it with the bike in July or August.


Absolute fucken legend. Good on you brother. Massively proud of you.


Electric bikes are a marvel. You can use it as stepping stone to a healthy lifestyle. It assists 


Congratulations on your new E-bike and your weight loss. 👏


Wow! What an amazing and inspiring story! I'm going to show this to my husband and try to get him back out there again. My husband is.almost exactly the same weight and everything. Remembers having a bike when he was young and loving it. I bought him a mountain bike a few years ago (let HIM pick it and everything) and he STILL couldn't manage to make it happen because there's a lot of steep hills around our neighborhood and our street is a long steep hill as well so he was just totally demotivated and felt "old and defeated" and my heart just broke for him. He WANTS to lose weight and WANTS to feel better again and it's tired of being sick and tired. Thank you for posting this! All the stories are really inspirational and especially for us older folks who might be scared at first. ; )


For the weight loss, I did keto. I'm not one of those keto cultist who live and die by it, I actually can't wait to fucking stop it lol, but it works very well for weight loss. And it's also the memories of my child/teenager years where I was on a bike from sunrise to sundown that brought me back to it. :)


After losing 27lbs in six months I became a believer. I sleep more soundly too.


Awesome! The electric will provide more speed, more distance, and thus more fun. You will get fit on that bike. BE CONSISTENT. Consistently ride! Consistency is everything.


I got on an appetite suppressant and started E-biking 20 miles a day to work and I'm down 30 lbs since Feb. Hang in bro. It helps. Just passed 2k miles on my bike today. Gotta say, plenty of fine E-bikes for 300 lb+ people if you're otherwise healthy. Just expect a little quicker wear.


That's the spirit! Having an eBike is a great way to commute. Get yourself a bone conduction headset so you can still hear your surroundings and queue up a play list or something. I do a 40km round trip every day ok I'm only doing 20-25kmh and constantly being overtaken by lycra wankers, but it's kinda time to yourself too.


You go dude, nice.


Curious how well the brakes work.


Well done for getting there, hope you enjoy the ride(pun intended) 👍🏼


Is it a throttle bike?


Yes. I use the throttle for a half second to go after stopping at a red light and that's it though.


You might already do this, but to increase the life span of the gears, try to ease into the throttle from a full stop. It can wear down the gears hitting it full on from a stop.


Ah, good to know, thanks for letting me know!


You’ll learn to love the pain the next day! It means it’s doing something. That’s awesome, keep at it, cycling is the shit


I’m right there with you! 46, probably between 245-255lb. Haven’t been on a bike for about 30 years….. bought me a Magicycle deer. I put it together Friday and went for a 15.8 mile ride. Man was I broken the next day. And then 2 days later I went from my house, to the state park, hit a mountain bike trail, and rode back home. Pedaled the whole way about another 16 miles round trip and wasn’t half as broken as the first day. I definitely forgot how much I enjoyed riding a bike as a kid, I think this is gonna become a pretty regular thing. 🤣 Im even looking into a trailer for groceries and the possibility of solar charging for bike camping adventures.


I'm 49, & bought an ebike after I almost died from Covid twice in a year, & am diagnosed with Long Covid a well & had to put on a lot of weight to recover, which at my age isn't healthy, especially with diabetes rampant in my family, & being a single father to a 9yo son, I had to do something but got lazy over the year plus I was recovering. Well, I said if gas ever hits $5 I'll sell my cars & buy an ebike, well, about 5-6mos later that happened, & sold my cars & first bought a Fiido T1 cargo ebike, & I lost 80+lbs in less than a year, with only walking, & riding my ebike. Now I'm riding 20" bmx bikes again, & can go 15-20 miles easily, ebiking was the only thing to get my to quit smoking because I felt STUPID after a nice ride, lighting up a cigarette. Lol Now I ride with multiple bike/ebike groups weekly here in Reno, & my son & I have met some awesome friends, some more who are more like family, even as an introvert, getting involved in group rides was 1 of the things I look the most forward too every week now. 👍 Get an ebike, it'll change anyone's life for the better, as long as you ride safely, if you need help with deciding on a model for those who are heavier, in familiar with most ebikes on the market, & what's good, & what to avoid


I love my Ebike, I was talking to my dad about how I was using it for lots of journeys and he said, ‘now your enjoying getting out on the bike you could move to just a regular bike’ I said ‘if I just had a regular bike I wouldn’t be getting out at all’


Congrats dude keep it up


Yep, I hadn't ridden a **REGULAR** bike since I was in my teens & I finally rode a bike again...an **e-bike** for th very first time at age **46**. So I hadn't ridden a bike (& an e-bike on top of it in probably about **32** years. It went well. I didn't fall or anything. But, once you get on an e-bike, you never want to return to a regular bike, ha!


I have a similar story with covid exhaustioin being my hold back instead of weight. Couldn't ride a regualar bike for 15 mintues without being exhausted. Bought an ebike. Rode for hours. Couple years later bought a higher end ebike without a throttle. Still riding for hours. Good on you. Keep it up.


Ride like you're invisible! You'll be harder to see as you lose weight so you've got to stay vigilant. jk jk, ride safe though since it's been a while. Drivers are ass these days. Definitely great work though. Plus you can still get to places even if you're worn out or don't want to be sweaty when you get there. Best luck!


Go get it my man 😊 No need to justify any of it, just get in the saddle and go. Go long, go hard and go well 💪


If it rains a lot, you might want some decent rain gear. I wouldn’t ride year round without it.


Oh, I'm not riding in the winter. We got lots of snow up here. My plan is end of March til first snow (early November ish usually) then the bike is going inside. :)


You can put the bike on a trainer...they even have smart trainers now, to keep track of stuff like miles, speed, etc.


the other thing about ebikes is they're easy on the knee and hip joints; strengthening them slowly to prevent injuries... I think the "secret" is to ride each and every day, even if it's just a short around the block a couple of times. This summer I'm actually riding twice a day; mornings and evenings. I have the bike path almost to myself and the cool air is like riding in heaven:) Congrats on your new bike!


I ride my homemade ebike for fun or running small errands or coffee run. I dont need it for exesize i can workout at the gym or at home. Ive taken it to work a few times but my anxiety ramps up. Thinking someone might take jt. So i mever take it to work anymore. ill either take the bus or drive.


We have a small shed at work where people can park their bikes. :)


Yeah...... i mean if jt works great. However if keen eyed thieves spot it. Then itll be gone for sure


I have colleagues who have far more expensive bikes than I. ;) And it's locked and in an industrial area. Nothing's risk free, but I feel it's relatively safe. :)


Well on you fellow e-biker!!! 👍 Keep at it, and yeah it's a great feeling riding around on an electric powered bicycle. I'll never forget my first E-bike ride when around 8 years ago I bought (for £599) a 250w24v Cyclamatic 'Powerplus' E-bike... The 'powerplus' bit was an exaggeration and it struggled a lot on hills, but it was fun for back then 😅


Good for you, keep going.


Keep going, bought mine last August and hit 999.1 miles today. Now, if i could get down from 340 to 280 that would be another great step . . . .


Congratulations on getting started! I just started as well. At some point I was 408lb, and I had brought it down to 380. I’m at 370 now and loving riding my bike, though my knee is sore today, I just adjusted the seat back to see if it will make a positive impact. Good luck to you and keep having fun!


Welcome to the brotherhood! Soon it will be a way of life.


https://preview.redd.it/6j7si71j8p6d1.jpeg?width=1196&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3ee2e04e13f32f2b1a34317d6af4e40e3c6f47ad Being a fellow fattie I've made one for myself. Now I can enjoy being a coach potato AND working out at the same time :)


Welcome to the club :) I was also unfit four years ago, when i got myself the 1st ebike ... Started slowly, gradually switching the power off as much as i could, and i remember one wee nasty climb where i swore that one day i'll make it to the top with no assistance! Now i'm more than a year e-free (riding a regular, road bike) and last time i did that round trip i asked myself, where was that climb again? Haven't even noticed it!


Congrats! When I had a 27 mile commute by e-bike I was in the best shape of my life. Just be careful, work your way up to high speeds. E-bike crashes are extra gnarly because of people not having the skills to maintain high speeds yet doing them anyway.


I’m glad your enjoying it ! If you notice any issues with the wind in your face like I did (8 have extremely sensitive skin and it would go red and peel almost like I got a wind burn or something) and now I just wear a balaclava while riding and have no issues with the wind on my face


this is a happy story!!! I always knew that pedal assisted ebike is a better exercise tool.


i have a similar story … love the e-bike as a functional movement excercise


Now find a pool and get ready to swim when the weather turns. Swimming for upper body. Cycling for lower. Start with 10min swim. No stopping. Then you just add a few more minutes as you get better. Just like adding miles on a bike. Before you know it you’ll feel like you’ve got more energy and everything is easier. Slow and steady. Keep it up!


Kudos!!! Well done mate 👏🏽 I love ebiking....just don't have the patience for normal biking anymore, I notice the difference to keeping thee weight off even with my ebike.


Not quite as large as you but lots of hills in my town and I ride pretty much everywhere now. It’s so much better than driving for me. Parking sucks in my town as well. Glad you are enjoying it. Keep it up


they are great , i am nearly 70 now do regular 15 mile rides several times a week. lately have been riding it with no power on when its flat ground to build my leg muscles. you still get exercise and fitness benifits. mine is an all trails bosch motor cost two grand.but i love it.


Cycling is low impact and you get to really see your surroundings while exercising. In cycling groups at your weight you are considered a Clydesdale. Take pride in it. I also suggest purchasing padded biking shorts 🩳 as soon as you can find them in your size. I really enjoy cycling too.


What's a Clydesdale?


A Scottish breed of a Draught Horse. They are a big horse used for pulling and plowing. Like the Budweiser Clydesdales


I just want to say congratulations on such an impressive achievement. Losing weight has to be one of the most difficult things in life that so many people face and it is just easy to...nothing at all. You have lost an incredible amount of weight which shows commitment. I don't know you, but I'm proud of you. Have fun but most of all be safe.


Now that you are exercising, you can replace obesiety with alcoholism!


Yeaaaaah, no thanks. I don't drink. :)