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Don't go over a bump with anything heavy in it... Reinforce the cardboard around the holes with duct tape and it'll probably last 10x as long.


Don’t ride in the rain, drizzle or even heavy fog


And try not to sweat too much




I’d just duct tape the whole thing.


I was just going to say the same thing about duct-taping the holes, you're spot on 👍


Lol, this was my first thought. ...reinforce with duct tape.




Got duct tape?


Yes why?


reinforce every weakpoints that comes to your mind


Duct tape won't help their brain


Why u gotta be a dick?


They say you are what you eat


Dude, just stop. We get it, your life sucks and now you have no place else to vent your frustrations other than Reddit. But verbally attacking someone in an eBike thread for a DIY basket is just plain sad.


I'm sorry you don't understand the concept of a joke. Feel welcome to fuck off.


nah, its the concept of empathy that you are missing


Twas literally a joke A little hehe But now I've been corrected It's your brain that's lacking Feel free to bite my ass And complain all night Regardless you can fuck off And I hope that you might


they seem fine to me but it looks like your moral compass might need more fixing than anything in this thread


Fuck off


Little guy is so angry at the world


Aww, your irrelevant opinion hurt so so much. But alas, you too can fuck off.


Way to roll, MacGyver!


I’m more interested in your Hasselblad.


What's kind of ironic is that no Hasselblad can directly work with an Android device like OP has. So, if they buy a Hasselblad camera, they will need an iPhone to do anything with it. Same with Leica. It's confusing seeing these smartphone partnerships with camera companies that will never make an Android app.


Sales of cameras plummeted with the advent of smartphones. Guess they had to do something. Sad really.


Mmm... I wouldn't put Hasselblad and Leica in the category of camera companies being threatened by the smartphone. Their major threat is still the Japanese camera companies.


Thanks! It's actually my smartphone camera it's a OnePlus 12 if you are interested!


Get a plastic milk crate from Walmart. $5 and will last a lot longer


MIGHT last one ride.


Been using it for a week without any breaking so far


Has it rained on it yet?


Nope, Ive never ran my ebike in the rain at all, just to keep it clean


A cheap tote from Walmart or a thrift store with a lid. Your mom or grandmother might have one they don't want. Anyway, that will work for a while, and you have the right idea.


Dollar and a quarter store has many different baskets you might find useful.


I remember when it was just a dollar. Lol 😆 🤣


Always hated the pound shops selling stuff for more than 1 pound, just ain't right 😅👍


It's really uncomfortable when the name of your national chain is Dollar Store


As long as it work that’s all matter; I will avoid raining day though lol


Aw cute. I bet you color inside all the lines. Good job!


Get a milk crate. They are "free" 😉


Its awesome if it works but should keep your eye out For something water proof. Take the bike for a rip in your neighborhood when it’s garbage day, someone might be throwing out a box or basket made Of plastic and not cardboard I never knew I grew up poor but when I share stories about things like how my family walked the hood on garbage day to see if there’s anything we could use, that’s when I go “oh, wow we were poor” . My parents did a great job of making me feel like we had everything. But don’t underestimate what is one person’s trash may be another person’s treasure!!


All you can throw out day is still my favorite day of the year, and I take my son with me. We're not broke, but I can't stand to see perfectly good stuff in the garbage just because they want better or don't know how to fix it. I did grow up broke, though, and it was the only way to get the things we wanted but couldn't afford. I still save stuff from the dumpster and take it to the salvation resale shop.


Well on you for taking stuff to the resale shop, gotta do our bit to help others less fortunate 👍


That and I think that those who throw perfectly usable things away should be taken to a dump and experience the stench and volume of waste that's generated by our culture of consumption. It's a thoroughly shocking experience and will alter your way of life


Ooohhhhhhhhh “all you can throw out day” ok ya that makes sense, that must have been a thing where I grew up We don’t have a pick up day like that where I live now so it never occurred to me that it was a special day but that makes WAY more sense why there was always so much stuff being put on the curb for garbage day It definitely happened more than once a year though but maybe just twice a year?? my kid memory thinks it happened all the time but my kid memory is frequently wrong lol My city doesn’t have a junk day but there is a lot of street furniture the last few days of the month. People are pretty good at leaving free stuff on the curb when moving and getting rid of it themselves if no one takes it. At one point, in my early twenties, my apartment was mostly street furniture.


I have a notebook of the areas and the time of the year that their junk days are, and the type of neighborhood as far as average cost of the houses, so that I could expect the highest quality of junk they'd be tossing out. I have a $2500 surround sound speaker set in my workshop that I found in one of the upper-class neighborhoods


Nice that’s such a great idea! Not to Mention how good it is that you are saving stuff from the landfill to give it a second life!!


When all you have to fix is the foam surround of the woofer and the parts cost $18,95, and you're getting a $500 speaker for 30 mins of effort. It's a pretty good deal. I have Bose and Infiniti in every system in the house


This is something my dad would want to hear. So much so that I’m going to tell him about the internet stranger that scored some awesome speakers on junk day and he’s going to enjoy hearing of this, despite no connection to you Because a) I’ve already established he’s pro scavenge, repair, reuse Amd b) ahe was such an audiophile growing up. He had a massive record collection and He had top of the line speakers that he bought with all his money as a youth before children and being poor-ish and those things blasted in our house for many years. And then when I was 18 and I moved out I took them with me. They no longer worked. I used them as end tables because those things were giant boxes back in the day. Hahaha


Nice jetson bolt pro. Been using mine to commute to & from work




It would be wise to reinforce the cardboard at the zip ties. Maybe if you folded fhe load bearing top sliver back on itself and glued or taped it.


go look behind walmart or anything with dairy you can get a free egg cart dont make a mess and id only take one .


looks creative


If it works I suppose.. But whatever you do, don't drive that thing to a date :D


When one has 5 minutes of time, recyclables, and could use the convenience immediately…? This is the best. Great work.


Milk crate?


I would sit down and carefully cover that whole thing in tape. Or I'd go back to aldi or lidl and ask if they've got plastic crates. They let me take one last week in lieu of having a pannier rack lol.


I did something similar with a wicker wastebasket


It's gonna do just as much steering as you are when it starts swinging around, but I think it qualifies for a Roadkill garage ziptie moment award. Lol 🏆 😆 🤣


It’s not stupid if it works…


Spend less on your camera and you'll be able to afford a basket


Might want to have kept the lid, but good use of what you have. I think r/frugal is a good place for this too.


There’s a company that sells reusable bread ties called gear ties. The company is called Nite Ize and makes a product that can work just as well as a zip tie but not single use.


Temu has reusable zipties cheap


Didnt u think that with something not 100% attached with screws etc can actually help you to fall easly?or break something since u mounted it to break wires T-T ...


You shot this on a Hasselblad but cant afford a basket? Or duct tape? Or stronger cardboard? This is a wierd one...


/r/upcycling would love this


Ingenious! :)


I found this nice little basket in the parking lot at Kroger. Then 4 days later a girl that worked there called me out on it. Why don't they order blue ones rather than black. Isn't blue the color they use on everything else. Got a place that gives me free electronics. Got a trailer now to pull behind my bike. I may actually hold a record for hauling 10 ... 32 inch TVs with an ebike. A few days later hauled 150 lbs of dried beans to the food giveaway place. That may be a record too.


It'll definitely break. Likely at the exact moment when you are carrying something fairly important in it. But I do loves me some Council Estate/Redneck bodgery.


You’d be better off creating a pouch out of old shirt and securing it with tyes. Would survive rainy weather too.


Tbh, could have probably found better free alternative to cardboard! Seems like a waste of materials rn.




A milk crate would be the best cheap option imo. 


Those holes the yellow holder straps are connected to are going to give with one good bump. I would run the yellow holders along the bottom of the box, cradling it, and then reinforce everything with duct tape. Should last as long as anything else, and the duct tape will add some water resistance.


You have a zip tie in a cable only from what I can tell. Make sure you’re securing it to the handle bars not just cables or you eventually damage the cables. I’m all for diy Jerry rigging, but I would suggest getting something plastic.


Shit whatevers clever my guy. I got an old lunchbox ziptied to the front of my bad weather bike.


Something doesn’t make sense: you can afford a ebike but not the rest of the gear? How about a helmet?




Gets the job done ✔️


Rule #1 of Self-Reliance: It's Not Stupid if It Works.


I think it is ingenious. Of course it is not waterproof, but it makes a useful basket from cardboard that was destined to be thrown away. My only suggestion would be to find some string, twine, or wire to run underneath the basket and over the handlebars to support the weight. The holes in the cardboard where the zip ties go through look like the most likely structural failure point. 🤓


I've been trying to get a basket for a month now. You just gave me an idea lol


Relocate the front zip ties from the brake cables to the handlebars. Otherwise looks good.


It won't last long, but as long as your trips are short and sweet, I guess it's a win-win! You are after all reusing instead of discarding.


Not the prettiest, but certainly looks quite functional. Good job!


Classica case of r/Gambiarra


TEMU always has a good deal on Bungie cords.






Spray paint it all black it'll look legit lol


Disable that watermark in your camera's settings


Being cheap and not being able to afford something are two different things entirely.


Acquire a milk crate and it will be much more durable.


5 minute crafts ahh mf


It will work fine, and then not at all.


My advice? take that off, first its wrongly "secured" ya cant atack anything to brakes and brake lines, only the frame. Second that box aint gonna hold anything but a newspaper. Just get an ordinary box with a lid (like for food) it costs a few bucks at worst. Zip tie it to the FRAME (feel free to poke a few holes for zip ties)


I love how this was “shot with Hasselblad”. Such colors wow, such composition, well crafted triple ply corrugated cardboard basket. THIS. IS. ART


Get a milk crate.


How could you afford the scooter? Won't last long if you get caught in a thunderstorm. Google shows a wire scooter basket for $9.


If it doesn't rain should be almost a permanent solution


I'd consider finding or buying a plastic or wire basket. It'll hold up to more weight. If all you want to do is carry around coupons and other very light stuff and don't intend to have any moisture get on it then it's prob cool though. If you happen to have eyelets then you could use that to reinforce the holes


It looks like it's hanging from you brake and shifting cables. They're not really meant for that stress.


Upgrade to a milk crate, before it rains.


They have free ones at the grocery store


First thought: If you had larger feet you’d have a larger basket :)


Just some load bearing brake cables, no big deal


Honestly check your location thrift store. They always have random baskets and such that would be a cheap upgrade to this! My scooter has a thrifted hard case on the rear.


😂😂😂 either you are proud of yourself or you want to get roasted


Well, I can’t say that cardboard is the best free/cheap option but I give you a lot of credit creativity. Also, I got a lot of good ideas from this as well as from the comments in this post.


It works!


That's gonna last 10 minutes




Well depending on what state you live in you might be able to just go into any store and take whatever you want just depends on where you live LOL