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Um so it would be useful to know what bike you have?


An e-bike!




Fortunately, you're not in charge of classifying vehicles. Think what you want, the law is what matters.


Do mopeds have pedals? Mine got pedals.


Some of them do even though they're so wide and heavy you'd never be able to


Gas powered mopeds have pedals, which is why what you ride is an electric powered moped. It’s similar to a gas powered moped so it should be called moped.


what do you think “ped” means?




Do you pedal?




Bikes don’t have throttles, period.


Some cyclists would rather be gatekeepers than allowing other folks to enjoy themselves on their own bicycles.


Exactlyyyy. Those cyclists are the worst.


I’m a gatekeeper about this because we have a designation already for similarly gas-powered vehicles called mopeds. The high powered “e-bikes” have more in common with gas powered mopeds than they do with analog bicycles. Class 1 e-bikes are more like analog bicycles than gas powered mopeds.


I have a RadExpand 5, 500W hub-motor that cuts out at 32 km/h… pedal-assist **and** twist-throttle. Does mine count as a *high-powered “e-bike”* by your definition?


I haven’t thought enough about it to draw the line, but it’s somewhere


The lines been drawn, and you nailed it - if it runs on gasoline, it's not a bike. If it doesn't have pedals, it's not a bike.


Mine does it’s on the right side


I'm a life long cyclist first and I'm not a fan of the fat tire e-mopeds and scooters with vestigial pedals pretending to be bicycles. My ebike is a "real" bike, a very nice steel touring frame on skinny 700c wheels with a DIY mid-drive. I've been doing my own bike builds and work for years. For whatever it's worth and whatever this means - I'm a "real" cyclist, first, and I've been doing it for 30+ years. I've put my dues in and then some. As far as I'm concerned throttles are a useful safety feature and almost every ebike should have one. Good throttles are very useful for crossing sketchy terrain like loose sand or even snow/ice so the rider can keep moving across it at a steady pace while focusing on balancing instead of balancing and pedaling at the same time. And I'm saying that as someone who is really skilled at riding sketchy terrain. Throttles are also useful (and safer) for an extra boost of power when climbing a sketchy hill when you've run out of gears (and legs) or even helping push a heavy bike up a hill when walking it. I use mine all the time just for basic stuff like pushing my bike loaded with cargo or groceries up a heavy curb or navigating part of a trail I don't want to ride. And while I prefer to be pedaling because I like bicycling, I'm also old and my knees are shot. Having a throttle means I can take a break and do things like just stand up on my pedals and adjust my stance or give my old bones a little bit of a rest without having to stop moving. I even use my throttle for doing normal bike commuter or tourist things like adjusting my clothes or layers while riding or reaching for a water bottle for a drink. Throttles are also WAY safer for starting from a stop in traffic or just starting in general since I don't have to adjust my pedal start and stance. I can just put one foot on my bottom pedal, tap the throttle and finally mount up and pedal once I'm rolling nice and clean. Even as an experienced cyclists my starts are straighter and more easily controlled than the usual way of starting and mounting an analog bike from a full stop. Heck, I even use my throttle when working on my bike and doing things like cleaning and lubing my drivetrain and chain. It's WAY easier to put my bike up on my workstand, turn on the power real low and use the throttle to move my chain for me while I'm cleaning and scrubbing it with a chain cleaner or brush, or dripping lube on the chain since I don't have to hand-pedal my cranks, and on my mid drive my cranks don't even move at all when throttle is applied. Having a throttle doesn't automatically mean that people just want to hoon around at full speed like a motorcycle, ride like a jerk, or never pedal. Further, only some parts of the world have a "no throttle" law. This whole "bikes don't have throttles" thing needs to die. It's dumb gatekeeping, - and it's abelist and also doesn't account for disabilities - and doesn't even allow any nuance for how people actually use their throttles. The people writing the laws about ebikes don't bike and they don't understand how people actually use their ebikes, especially for commuting or total car replacements. And I *wish* my bike had a cruise control. I would use the hell out of that. Yeah, keep me right here at like 15 MPH unless I trigger my brake sensors so I don't have to hold down the throttle and I can just cruise for a bit. Sometimes I just want to get home from running errands, not get a workout the whole way.


I love this it’s so true, when I’m riding and cars are less than 2 feet from me I like to just use throttle only so I’m not swaying back and forth especially up a hill. Thanks for this response.


I'm so used to using my throttle from cold starts it's almost weird to me when I'm on an analog bike that I can't just zap the throttle when mounting my bike. It's hard to describe in words but there's this thing where I can have one foot flat on the ground, one on the opposite pedal in the down position, I'm standing over the frame out of the saddle and I just zap the throttle and push off at the same time and let my bike accelerate under me a little so my butt lands right on the saddle and I'm up and going straight as an arrow, and then I have plenty of time to start pedaling and get both feet on my pedals. For whatever reason I find it really neat and satisfying and it's not about being lazy. It's just a really tidy way to start rolling and moving, especially if starting uphill. And it *is* way safer for cold starts in traffic than PAS, especially cadence sensing PAS like my BBSHD where it's counting motor/magnet poles that don't always map to pedal/crank position. If I start without using the throttle the position where PAS actually kicks in can widely vary and so it might be right away or it might be almost a whole crank rotation after I start peddling. With a throttle I control when the power starts no matter where my pedals are. It tells my bike/controller that I want power right now when I'm ready for it, not at some undefined point during my pedal stroke.


Thank you. As a former CAT3 racer and bike mechanic, I am getting started in the PEV universe and share your opinion that motors are a tool, not a replacement, and can be used to enhance the sport and lower the bar for enjoyment, when used responsibly. I also think that capabilities and responsible usage are different topics, and legislative controls should focus on responsible use and impact rather than device capability. Safely integrating with the traffic, ecology, and use case of the location (road, sidewalk, trail or path) is far more important than the maximum performance capability of the device used. I look forward to effective legislation that takes this into account properly.


Excellent post and relevant username!👍🏻


What a moron




It is not the ebike but the display. Most hub ebikes have it, but manufacturers do not necessarily turn the option on.


Why? I’m just saying that it seems more bikes have it. You’ve never heard of my Chinese bike.


Mine for whatever reason has a walking mode


Walking mode is to take some of the load off your hands, say, when a hill is so steep you have to get off and push the bike up. I have used it only rarely, but, boy... is it helpful at times!


Imagine you are pushing your bike up a ramp that ramp is 30 or 40 degrees.


That *really* saved my ass when I took my e-bike to a National Park trail that wound up *way* hillier (and rougher) than I expected.


Mine has “walking mode” at almost 9km/h, it’s useless, I can’t walk that fast lol.


With my mid drive bike the walking mode speed depends on what gear you’re using.


Same as mine, it's a bit too fast, sounds like the SW900.


It's for steep inclines and hills where the weight of the bike will slow it down


Well, it slows me down too, I can’t run uphill that fast either


Maybe it's "side" walk mode. Lol 🤣


Same. I’ve actually used it a few times too. Handy if you’re carrying stuff and hard to pedal when you need to hop a sidewalk and people are walking around you and you need to just stay at 2moh


try ebiking in someplace like sanfran... you'll get the point of the feature you currently have no need for, and lucky you!


Walking mode is… there lol. I used it to help transport a roll of cable the other day


Is it when you hold 'Up'? if so, then it sounds like my SW900 display, if you press & hold 'Down' (whilst at your desired speed) for about 5 seconds, well ...just give it a try, might work.


Good for getting it up a ramp into a truck if the ramps too small for you too


Another example was when I had to push my bike because it was unusually windy and could barely peddle (low battery, unexpected winds). It uses a tiny bit of power and basically pushes itself!


Mine had that too that’s how I realized I had cruise control since the people were talking about that. I just did what they did for their e-bike.


Oh wow I should try that. I rode over 2000 miles before figuring out my ebike conversion kit had regen. There was no mention of it in the kit's documentation and I live at the top of a hill so I always have a full battery at the start of my ride that won't accept regen energy.


What kit do you have?


I have a pretty generic direct drive 1000W hub. I believe it was sold by a vendor called "CSC". It cost about $400 Canadian. I shunt modded the controller for a bit more torque off the line and it has been fantastic. I am now over 3000miles in on this kit.


Nice, I have a 750 bafang. Been thinking about an upgrade, gonna keep that in mind


I miss my 750 Bafang hub motor and want to get another one. I had a ride1up 700, and it was the perfect blend of function, power and weight. I was glad I had so much range on a 15ah battery; what a great bike; plenty of power on 48v, but 52 would have been better.


Yeah I got the 48, which is pretty good for my first e bike. Now I know what I want out of a bike, the next one which probably won't be for a while, I'll be able to address my issues. More power more speed, and a better chassis (maybe more suspension).


Only “problem” with direct-drive (if I recall my research correctly) is that if you run out of charge, you’re now pedalling against that drive *and* normal rolling-resistance… What I wish could exist is regen-braking that would only (electronically) engage while the battery is neither dead nor entirely full, so some energy can be recouped where possible while not forcing the rider to work “against” a dead motor.


I would say the motor's heavy weight is its biggest issue, I don't feel like the rolling resistance is any more noticeable than with a geared hub that is said to offer no resistance. My bike is so heavy though it's hard to tell the weight resistance from the motor's resistance.


I have the motor goat and the power goat bike and they both have cruise control and it's the same way you got to hold down on the negative button for about 3 seconds and it will stick but when I'm on the bike I'm never going that long or there's always bumps in the road or something before I have to hit the brakes so it's not like I get to use cruise control that often anyway


CC on an e-bike is useless I have it on 2 of my 5 bikes and have never used it…I just got it working in a bike I am refurbishing to sell and although it’s in the manual and I will tell the buyers I will also tell them it’s basically pointless unless you’re on a flat surface and will bc cruising there for a long time


Yeah, how weird all these people on a flat surface, cruising for a long time. Never happens. Literally nobody out there could ever have a ride like that. 


If you “have never used it” how do you know it’s useless 😂


I tried to use it but living in a city I have to do this crazy thing called brake so I don’t run a red light, or slam into another biker or car


So what you meant is for you it’s useless? Who would want to hold a thumb throttle on a long distance ride if they didn’t need to? Not me.


I pedal on the bike so on a long ride or a short ride why would I waste my battery and use my bike as a scooter…if you’re never going to pedal the bike just get a scooter… I just rode 25 miles w my wife and kid and I can’t say there was one opportunity to use cruise control, you want to use it, have at it but I’m not buying a bike bc it has or doesn’t have cruise control


Alot of bikes have it, how much you like the feature depends on what situation you were in when you randomly discovered letting off the throttle didn't stop the motor


Sounds like the same feature my little (..but ok) display has, is yours by any chance also an "SW900" because it does the same if going above 10 mph and you hold the 'Down' button for approx 3-5 seconds you're in cruise mode, it's a damn nice little feature - I use it a fair bit, it's very relaxing.


I can’t wait until I’m riding on a dedicated bike path with my gf going side by side same speed. 😂




please don't take your throttle controlled emoped with cruise control onto dedicated bike paths


It’s a 10 mph bike path the people on normal bikes are the crazy ones trust me.


Yeah when those guys see ebikws they always try to race ya


Exactly. They feel like if they have to slow down and speed back up for some reason that is a huge impediment, so they ride so aggressive. Adult ebikers on the path don't seem to care about coming to a stop then speeding back up.


Also the funny thing about it is I know what speed I’m going since I have a readout all the other people re constantly speeding on the path and I have to tell them “this is the limit”


I have it on my for my hub but have not tried it yet how do u disable it ?.


Just pull the breaks


Thanks for the info


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Neat. Most of the time is I just lock my two fingers forward and let them rest down on top of my lever. Not over it. But on top. So the spring tension doesn't roll my hand forward and reduce speed. Also on the inner pummel I put some grip rubber. So holds onto my inner side of my hand reducing the slip. I can literally keep my throttle open by relaxing my hand.. Curious on what other techniques people use


That’s been my cruise control since I got it 😂 at least to keep a steady speed.


My bike has Cruise Control that works the same way, but I rarely use it. The reason is my bike is a Dual motor, both motors engage while the bike is under throttle, cruise control requires you to twist the throttle until you reach the desired speed, then set the cruise. Which means cruise uses both motors. However Pedal Assist only uses the rear motor on my bike. So I pedal to save battery, saving the throttle and AWD for when I want it.


I discovered that on my cheap bike as well, tap the power button to engage. Bizarre. (Vivi bike)


o/p; Do either of your brake levers cancel the cruise mode?


Seems like it, it was really hot yesterday when I checked it so I literally drover outside turned it on saw it worked and went inside. I’m going to do more of a test later.


Waitttttt cruise control is a thing?! That’s actually brilliant. Especially with the adaptive cruise control in cars being so awesome to use, on an e-bike regular cruise sounds like pure bliss


Adaptive cruise control would be nice but it just locks in the speed you set. Try it on yours people are saying it’s a feature on every bike but like I’ve never heard anyone talk about it.


Oh yeah I mean I don’t expect the adaptive on a bike haha but even that regular ol cruise sounds golden! I really had no idea, so thank you for this post because I need to go investigate now!


I see your adaptive cruise control and will raise you an even more wild idea: I want a self-balancing ebike that can follow behind me like an intelligent pack animal and even do a track stand and stand still all by itself, like the original Segway or something. It would be great for when I'm hanging out with friends who aren't on bikes and we're walking down crowded sidewalks, so instead of me and my bike taking up too much space side by side it could just follow me a foot or two behind me. Or maybe when I'm deep in the woods on a narrow single track trail and I just want to walk for a while. Instead of trying to walk next to it and pushing through the brush and plants because the trail is that narrow it could just follow me.


Hopefully this will migrate to ebikes in the near future: "Yamaha has new technology that allows a two-wheel motorcycle to balance itself. The Advanced Motorcycle Stability Assist System (AMSAS) is being developed to assist riders at low speeds. It incorporates actuators attached to the front wheel and handlebars that can make adjustments to keep the bike upright." Really clever not using gyroscopes: [https://www.foxnews.com/auto/yamaha-motorcycle-wont-tip-over](https://www.foxnews.com/auto/yamaha-motorcycle-wont-tip-over) Follow me technology is already well vetted and used in drones for many years. Just a matter of having these systems talk to each other.


> Try it on yours people are saying it’s a feature on every bike but like I’ve never heard anyone talk about it. It's not a feature on every ebike. I definitely don't have it on my BBSHD mid-drive and Eggrider display/controller. I just get walk mode. I would love cruise control on my bike.


I mean, if I never tried it I would have never known, I’ve seen like 3 videos on my bike before I bought it and no one mentioned a cruise control. If you definitely don’t have it sorry bromigo


My mom's Chinese Eletrek has this feature 


Ok thanks


My magicycle has this feature as well. If you hold the throttle at the same speed for a a few seconds it kicks in.


I know all of Lectric’s bikes have this feature.


My new bike doesn't have cruise control or electic brakes with regen. New bike is awesome, but I sure do miss these two MAJOR features from my old bike. BBSHD.


My Canadian made ebgo CC60 has this feature but after 600 km, I’ve still never had a need for it. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Charlize Theron (to each their own) ride how you like my friend.


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I discovered mine after a year plus of ownership. Rad Rover 5 but with Area13's controller upgrade. Cruise was vaguely mentioned in one place of paperwork but not an advertised feature like at all. And it's finicky too / ready to shut off, but that's fine and it's fun




Coasting is when you take your foot off the accelerator and let it ride off the momentum (where I’m from)


I found out my bike has cruise control too! All bikes have them. You just buy a thumb throttle and remove the recoil spring.


You are braver than me, I’m too scared to remove springs 🤣


So funny that my reply has a negative rating. Try to help the Reddit ebike community not blow out their wrists and have more fun with a simple universal modification for all ebikes and Reddit goes "nah fam I like carpal tunnel, f**k u!!" To each their own. Reddit never ceases to amaze me. 


Oh I know it’s crazy like people are getting mad that I didn’t say the name of my bike like that’s not the point I’m trying to just say “hey my bike does this maybe yours does too”


That actually sounds pretty unsafe.