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if you’re comfortable sharing what was the message your dad sent you?


“*birthname* (I didn’t sign the letters with that name), we have read your letters. We love you. You will always have our support. We are sorry we have hurt you.” Its not the worst thing they could have said by any margin but they just didn’t try to talk to me at all after I said everything I said


honestly that’s not bad have you provided them with a new name? if not i wouldn’t take them calling you by your birth name as an insult as they don’t have anything to call you by. good luck <3


Usually I wouldn't respond but I just want to say OP did say she signed the letters in a different name. So her parents would have another name to call her by.


oof yeah i completely read over that part :/ yeah not a good start but give them time you’d be surprised how much people can change especially if it’s someone they love


Hey, no biggie. I assumed it was a legit mistake anyway.


Look at you and your affirming language.


Yeah. Would rather not make your dysphoria or other mental stuff worse while you're already going through this. 🤗


Awww thank you. I just had dysphoria from trying to offer a friend money but I came on too strong and made her uncomfortable and now I feel like one of those guys who pressures women into things and can’t take a hint n shit


Oh no... I'm sorry to hear.


Stay safe. Have a contingency plan or a safe house with a friend (REAL friend, who supports you, not just performs being a friend) set up if SHTF or a boiling point with the parents.


Good advice. I don’t have great options. But they’ll likely not do anything that renders me homeless but living there might be more or less of a pain now


I wish you luck and that things will be good 💜


Thank you


i read potent-ially trans as potent italy trans


You can't just say this without saying what they said to you. I hope you are fine, but that is just cruel from you!


“*birthname* (I didn’t sign the letters with that name), we have read your letters. We love you. You will always have our support. We are sorry we have hurt you.” Its not the worst thing they could have said by any margin but they just didn’t try to talk to me at all after I said everything I said


I see. That reminds me of what happened when I told them, because I told them that it is awkward for me and then they avoided talking to me about it in general, what got really annoying with time, because I didn't know what they were thinking. I hope you will be fine! But what they said sounds really good (and similar to what I heard from my parents)


Id say as screwed up as it is, atleaat there response was direct and honest. Let's just say there's a reason I had to force myself back into the closet and layer my mind with multiple levels of denial just to cope. And worse still, I now know I was happier. Sadly its not in the cards for me. I hope things work out for you though. Atleast now you know from the start where things stand instead of being lied to only for shit to blow up when you least expect it and are the most screwed over1


Omg, so much this. I told my parents i was trans at 19 and at 20. It took 12 more years to start finally transitioning.


For me, I plan to go to college, then maybe somtime after when I have a decent job and not stupid mc d's, when I have my own place and shit I'm about to be twenty in August


Hopefully either they accept or improve as people




If op isn't comfortable sharing it, that's their decision


Well yeah I cant make them


But you shouldn't pressure them


Oh yeah my bad sorry