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If Godwyn was alive I'd say he'd win hands down. Everyone seemed to like him and he has a mean ass first lady too


Who is his first lady?


Whichever dragon Godwyn had kids with. Probably Fortissax.


Ah yeah, he did bone a dragon thats right lmao. Dragons canonically can shape into humans, as Lansseax turned into a priestess to commune with the dragon cult.


Wait is it confirmed they had kids??


I mean the Golden Lineage had to come from somewhere. And Godrick calls the dead drake „kindred“, „cousin“ by any other name.


Honestly I’m surprised that went over my head for the last 2 years. Thanks!


Lol no, Godrick calls them Kindred because both he and the Drake are so far down in the lineage that they barely have any of their "true" Blood left. Drakes are considered an inferior descendant of Ancient Dragons that are missing their stone scales and lightning, and Godrick is small and weak compared to Godfrey.


Why would Godrick ever make that connection? He doesn't believe himself to be weak and small.


Sure he does lol. That's literally the whole point of his grafting. He's trying to make himself better. "Thou art a trueborn heir". This is irony. Drakes aren't proper descendants of Dragons and Godrick is evidently very far from Godfrey. Also unused dialogue has him quite literally ranting about how he and his line are "true" and "rightful" over all the other Demigods. Bro has mad self-esteem issues


I thought Fortisaxx was the make brother of Lanseaxx? Are they both chicks?




Fia doesn't come into the picture far after his death. He never knew a Fia. She would most certain be considered a "second lady" seeing as he had descendants. And if he wasnt dead she probably wouldn't be with him seeing as that is her purpose. To lay with dead.


Fish abomination voted for Elden Lord ✊😎


Godwyns corpse is the protest vote


But Miquella could literally steal the election with his charms tho...


Rule 4a. Did you read it?


I didn't even know he bagged a dragon He's my pick, they had to have killed him brutally for a reason


I’d vote for the half-dead corpse man, he makes a compelling argument


Rykard without a doubt. "Join the Serpent President, as government. Together, we will rule the Lands Between".


The "TOGETHA!!!" bumper stickers alone would carry him


Someone should take that Obama Hope poster and make one for Rykard.


https://preview.redd.it/kr4mbi8zxlad1.jpeg?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c4b80da408e4b6acdc7f4bc23558501ad1b64352 Done


It would be way too easy to brand him as a commie. "Togethaaa", loves the color red


Honestly Rykard post splitting from the Erdtree but before letting the snake eat him had a lot of good points.


Ok, assuming every demigods gets to participate WE have Ranni Rykard Radahn Mohg Morgott Miquella Malenia Godrick Goldwyn Maybe Melina If Miquella has his charm, he wins every time, so we are disallowing it. Goldwyn swallows just about every golden order follower, the company of godrick who only followed him because of his lineage, maybe even some crucible worshippers (not the horn sent, the crucible knights) as the son of Godfrey. Most importantly he wins leyndell, and all the rich nobles who can pay for propaganda. So he continues being a corpse With all of that, here is my opinion on their share of the votes Lowest is Melina, nobody knows her, she is a spirit, which many would find weird, and her name is lost to history Second lowest is rykard: the golden order hates him, the denizens of my. Gelmir hate him, his own knights rebelled and are now either dead, mad or eaten. He only has the volcano manor tarnished, Tanith and the snakemen left. Next is morgott, poor morgott. Amazing leader, great in difficult situations, patient and an omen, which singlehandedly stops him from gaining votes in leyndell. Also he is a child of Marika which makes him unpopular in the lands of shadow, or at least, less popular than his competition and even enemies of the golden order would not vote for him, because he held leyndell. Maybe some in the knights cavallery would vote for him and some progressive golden order priests would recognise the grace given to him. Then comes godrick, who is ahted by the people of limgrave and tolerated by the banished knights. He does have a strong lineage, so some idiots might vote for him because of that After him is Messmer. Hated for snakes by the golden order, hated for crusades in the land of shadow, hated for loving his mother just about everywhere else. That said he does have a very loyal and large following in the black and fire knights and some progressive golden order priests would recognise the seal of grace in his eye. Malenia might belong in front of Messmer I, but she does have renown as a warrior, and loyal knights of cleanrot, maybe that helps? Mohg, has a following in the blood cults and is an omen who also opposes the golden order, making him quite popular in the lands of shadow. Aside from that, people don't like the nurse cult leader (and molester because most people wouldn't know the truth) Radahn has a big following in the redmanes and is generally liked by most, though his attack on leyndell will probably prevent him from winning this election Ranni has almost all the votes of liurnia on account of being a carian and a graduate of Raya lucaria. On top of that she is the best candidate for the nox, and until the truth behind the night of the black knifes comes out, leyndell would not be opposed to her. She might be able to argue, that as a child of radagon she is not truly a child of Marika, earning a few votes among the hornsent. And, still in first place, Miquella, because most people only know him as the kind. They don't know about the shit he's done. And as Leda and Dane demonstrate, he is able to persuade even without his charm. He can point to his history as a golden order fundamentalist to earn votes in leyndell, is the number one choice among misbegotten, albinaurics and his large force of haligtree knights. Also, despite being a child of Marika, he can point to the abandoning of his flesh to earn votes among the hornsent, kind of like Willing Brandt re earning global legitimacy for Germany after world war two. Even our hornsent hopes for Miquella to redeem his clan, AFTER THE CAHRM HAS BEEN LIFTED. also he has a great coalition partner in Malenia and has good chances of using one of the caught black knifes in ordina to get some dirt on ranni and he has Malenia as a fall gal for all his wrongdoings so he can pretend, that he is the only demigod to never start a war TL;DR: THE LANDS BETWEEN ARE FUCKED


It's true, Miquellas entire thing is being the politician


Scary thing about Godwyn is that he realistically can pull non-golden order votes in just because he is that nice. Also, I assume that we are talking pre-snake Rykard, and that bitch would 100% smear Miq so hard he would be known as The Rapist by the end of it.


I’d say Mohg would be lower, he is an omen and has less less leadership ability than Morgott


Radahn would be neat, but Morgott did the best job of running leyndell


💕Morgott💕 has done the best job of running literally ANYTHING in the lands between. If word gets out that he’s an omen he’s toast. But based only on previous record? He wins


it's 2024, about time we got an omen president.


I would vote Morgott (and kill anyone in the LB who voted anyone else)


A question for the man behind the screen: How do you respond to allegations that you are in fact secretly Margit the Fell Omen, a known racist and serial killer of mighty champions?


Morgott isn't nearly charismatic enough


Dude has RESULTS though. Morgott has my vote. Morgott for Elden Lord 2024.


Yeah, because there are rumors going around that he’s a Mormon.


Unfortunately Morgott is a minority and as such will never win the nomination


He's an Omen and TLB is racist.


One o' them self-hatin' Omens


The uncle ruckus of the royal family


Meh, just rule from the shadows


I mean, if we're being honest he might still win because *he* is also openly racist to his own demographic, and would appeal to the Golden Order crowd.


as soon as any of his competitors find out he is omen it's over for him though


Morgott as democratically elected Omen Elden President following Marika would probably give Marika an aneurysm if she weren't missing half her face.


morgott is extremely patriotic but completely insane. he would definitely attract a certain audience


miquella low diff, his rizz is his most legendary aspect and his followers all still follow him when uncharmed. he'd be the liberal candidate spouting idealism that everyone would buy into due to his charisma and all the charity work he does, advocating for all minorities and against oppression ect. who cares about less free will, if more people are helped? and he'd be serious about all of it too, genuinely wanting to help. https://preview.redd.it/osve7jnbscad1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8cc386f6c42f6553dbd1ad757b1f1112a4f4c2e0 morgott would be second most likely, the main conservative candidate. an omen president? say it isn't so... the conservatives say. but he champions the ideas of the very party that used to oppress his kind, appealing to his base in a massive way. so they can say "look, even an omen is running for us, we're not racist anymore". edit: actually for miquella, malenia would be vp and radahn would be first lady lol


As you know, Golden Order proselitism is justified, because we had an Omen president once. Before I *fucking killed him*


-the foul tarnished


Miquella is willing to rip off pieces of himself to demonstrate sincerity to the voters based on how he won over the hornsent, so it seems like he does have good odds. Morgott's probably the one who deserves to win on actual indications of sticking around to do the governing and deal with the day-to-day.


Fromsoft needs you as a lore writer asap


"This talk of giving up free will for a kinder world is ducking creepy." "But he has incredible hair. How does he do it!?"


Demagogue vs Uncle Ruckus 


The rules state that Voters will be compelled to vote for their true pick even if they are charmed by Miquella, and Miquella is aware of this


Yeah but plenty of characters follow miquella without being charmed, such as malenia, radahn and his whole group save thiollier and ansbach in the dlc and thiollier is arguably still on his side


Am I the only one who thinks that Ranni and Rykard would have no problems smearing him and changing his image for the worse?


Agreed, I'd vote for this guy too.


Election comes down to Miquella vs Ranni Miquella runs for the Golden Order party but bills himself as a divine outsider with new and fresh ideas. He’s a populist with big promises about the ‘age of abundance and compassion’ he will create. His detractors worry about his disregard for the law and his occasional lapse into authoritarian rhetoric. Ranni’s campaign on the other hand is somewhat technocratic, promising a laundry list of specific anti-corruption reforms and new policies but not making the same sweeping, dramatic promises as Miquella. Her campaign appeals more to the dissatisfied and politically neglected Liurnian and Nox middle class. Critics say she’s out of touch with the median voter and there are a bunch of unpleasant rumors surrounding her involving an old scandal that embroiled the previous administration.


Too funny


Absolutely hilarious lmao


If they all run campaign at their peak status? Miquella wins without doubt. He literally lives off his rizz alone. Godwyn follows close as he is the most beloved demigod of LB. Malenia, Messmer, Morgott and Mohg don’t get shit as people in LB are racist.


Without his charm he's nothing. You'd only get the meek leftist types who would follow him. Radahn is the one everyone would follow. I wouldn't even follow Miquella anywhere alone for fear he'd try to molest me.


Made the haligtree, made several incantations at a young age that impressed Radagon, made the unalloyed needle that could ward off outer gods; it's cool to not like the dude, but he was way more than just the charm.


Wow he did some nerd stuff off when no one was looking; still not a leader ☝🤓


well he didn't get his ass bounced by Morgott so he's still got that going for him.


Ok thats a very strong take


Everyone is team Radahn, he'd kick everyone's ass and everyone would be happy to help.


Right, but Radahn would prefer to be a general anyway. And it's well established Miq is beloved by everyone he meets, charm or not


Well no. As soon as his charm breaks everyone is like "this dude is monstrous".


Except that’s not true. Most of Miquella’s followers continue to follow him even after the charm breaks.


Dude, did you not understand the Leda fight? Half the npcs who were charmed still ended up siding with Miquella after it was broken. They all realized they had been charmed the second it was broken and each of them speak to you about it but at the end of the day they still chose Miquella because they felt that he still had their best interests at heart.


No it's because they were simps my dude. No willpower.


But they /still/ follow him


Literally only the unbased characters who've never heard of the sunk cost fallacy


... molest you???


Bro equates leftists with molesters and doesn't even realize why old conservatives like the church as much as they do because it gets them closer to kids.


I'm still more concerned with the molester allegations for miquella specifically. One of the single most toxic fan memes I've ever seen


Mohg, who runs on the campaign platform of "I am not a diddler. Exonerated on all charges during the DLC." He even has a campaign song about it.


The song goes “do not diddle kids. It’s no good diddiling kids.”


You gotta pay the Mogh Toll, If you wanna get into that boy's hole.


Honestly it's tough. Mogh earns initial lead by capturing lands of shadow disenfranchised voters but is brought down by ( false) abuse allegations. Having been force to retire from race he endorses his conservative brother Margott who is quite liked as major of Lyendell and leader of conservative party. It's doubtfull however that his own party will support him if his 'horny' self gets digged out by his opponents. Melenias supporters are very 'driven' but she has to retire pretty quickly due to health isues. She endorses her charismatic brother Miquella. They wont to gather votes by proposing sweeping reforms the the very nature of humanity. However their program may be too radical for most of constituency. Ranni is presumptive choice for Lucarians borth academics and carians. That gives her strong base to start off. She can also capture additional votes as anti-establishment candidate. If however someone can dig out her involvement in knife-gate it's over for her. All in all, both Morgott and Ranni have real chance of victory but Miquella is very charismatic and doesn't have obvious weaknesses.


I think people underestimate just how much of a PR nightmare Malenia is: she's a walking plague and is infamous for turning Caelid intoa wasteland. Being the brother of the living warcrime isn't a good look.


Actually true, Melenia is a big problem pr wise. On the other hand Messmer could actually be impressed and throw his lot with Melenia and by extension with Kind Miquella. War criminals need to keep together after all. That being said I can only see Miquella path to victory if he manages to uncover skeletons in his oponnets closet


Godwyn. Feats plus charisma to back it up.


Messmer he was THE image of fear and you’re screwed within the both realms people would vote for him simply because based on what they’d naturally know they’d be doomed not to, he was specifically asked to make himself a symbol of fear, regardless of what the people like they’d pick him for fear of death


He just has to show them his 18 inches long snake and he's golden


You do understand he's not the only guy with an army and there are three Empyrians among his opponents, right?


Yes but if it’s the general populace, Messmer was raised to turn himself into a symbol of fear, people were afraid of him or disobeying, the others were given a sense of honor to some degree, Messmer was raised as the “you’re fucked if you meet him” giy


Hey Sorry about the earlier comment. That was an overreaction. What I meant to say with my previous answer is that Messmer cannot effectively intimidate the electorate because he has many adversaries just as strong as him, who would pledge to protect everyone from him.


Its hard not to say Miquella, but its unclear how much he was loved beyond his ability to charm people. I think Radahn would have a strong campaign. By all accounts he is the most powerful demigod, and has a good heart and strong golden order values to back it up


He couldn’t beat 💕Morgott💕


I think if prejudice against Omen isn’t involved Morgott would be the best choice. He’d run with some more conservative values while Mohg would serve as a more radical alternative candidate. Side note, the symbolism of Mohg being the “black sheep” of the family shown in his design is a really cool detail. Ranni would be a more liberal candidate and Rykard would be the most radical, running as “libertarian” while still having an emphasis on strong enforcement of his values through law enforcement.




The citizen / denizens of lands between are largely religious to the golden order , and if there is anything we know from a deeply religious country that will mostly rule out candidates not supporting the golden order. Answer : if Godwyn is alive him , if not Morgott. Remember even being a Omen Morgott is ask to return by those higher up during the shattering to lead , he manage to keep leyndell from the assault of the other demi gods. Only there will be scandal if its reveal he is an Omen.


Rykard running on the family values platform with his impeccable catch phrase TOGETHAAAA


Yeah he literally has the Obama poster with Together instead of Change, and his face instead of Obama's on it.


The only right answer is the great Kenneth Height


Tbh I'm regretting not putting him on the list


Idk but I’m sure they’d be better choices than we in the US have right now.


I'd rather vote Godrick than Trump, that's for sure. At least he's investing in healthcare.


Doesn't Miquella literally have the power to win this by default


I literally specified mind control doesn't work in ths scenario. Rule 4b.


Basically Godwyn vs Miquella 2024. (still better than what we got)


In my experience it will be between malenia (the one who is literally rotting away right before our eyes), and Rykard (the straight up evil one who people made a cult following for)


Miquella literally has mind control... But if we have to ignore that then still Miquella. The dude is a populist


Godwyn sounds perfect from everyone who has anything to say about him, man is flawless if he runs in his normal form and not just the tree cancer form. Otherwise Miquella still sounds good even without his charm guy just wants peaceful country, I'd personally vote him.


I too want ranked-choice voting in my country.


I think it’ll come down to Ranni and Miquella People already hate Messmer for his Crusade in the Land of Shadow, if anybody finds out about the Abyssal Serpent he’s toast, he might earn votes among his own followers but he isn’t winning Rykard is similar, he’s the Lord of Blasphemy, and would earn no votes among Leyndell, Some Liurnian, Limgrave and Caelid voters might vote for him, and he might be somewhat popular in the Land of Shadow, but if anybody learns about the Mt Gelmir Serpent he’s also toast in the Lands Between Morgott might earn some Initial support among Leyndell for his actions during the shattering, but if anybody finds out he’s an Omen he’s toast, his policies also won’t be popular in the Land of Shadow Mohg could earn popularity in the Land of Shadow, but Miquella could reveal he’s an Omen and suddenly he has no voters in The Lands Between, never stood a chance Radahn would be popular among the Redmane Knights, but the people of Leyndell would remember his attack on the capital and will not vote for him Malenia is a living War Crime, everybody would know what she did to Caelid, besides she’d probably drop out either way to endorse Miquella Godwyn is dead so he can’t run Godrick is unpopular everywhere, the Banished Knights only tolerate him, he’s toast It comes down to Miquella and Ranni, but because Miquella can’t cheat using his charms I think Ranni has an advantage, she’ll easily secure the majority of votes in Liurnia because she’s a graduate of Raya Lucaria and the Carians will all vote for her, she is smarter than Miquella so she will have an easier time digging up dirt on Miquella and hiding her own, and she is the only Demigod to not start a war during the Shattering because all she did was disappear completely, nobody even knew where she went, Miquella could claim that he started no wars but Ranni would have no trouble digging up his secret involvement in the Battle of Aeonia, especially since Freyja isn’t particularly secretive about it, and it might already be known by other Redmane Knights, while Ranni’s involvement in the Night of Black Knives is a well kept secret, *none* of the Assassins would dare to speak out about Ranni’s involvement because they’re all in hiding, and Ranni *is* smarter than Miquella, overall she has an easier time hiding her own secrets and digging up Miquella’s secrets Miquella having turned away from Golden Order Fundamentalism would lose support from Leyndell, the minorities living in the Haligtree will certainly vote for him, and both he and Ranni will have some support in the Land of Shadow, but there is one factor that will destroy Miquella’s reputation, he is the brother of a walking Nuclear Bomb, Malenia’s involvement in the Battle of Aeonia and her endorsement of Miquella will be his undoing, everybody knows that Malenia’s loyalty is to Miquella, and it will cast suspicion on Miquella, especially if Ranni manages to expose Miquella’s own involvement in the Battle of Aeonia


Morgott is my king hands down 🫡🫡


None of them. They have all failed in their track record anyway. Put tarnished in as a representative democracy who are not influenced by the greater will, but instead by interdimentional beings of a more virtuous reality which houses the minds who created their own reality. Tarnished might be brutal, fail miserably at times, and enjoy robbing the coffers a bit too much... But they know how to make deals with the divine and do some grass roots dirty work to shake the system up when needed.


Radahn. Say what you want about the dlc, we now have official confirmation he was Him. I'd argue Messmer would be a close second though, guy had a very diverse army and cult following


Miq can literally compel people to vote for him.


I specifically said he can't. Rule 4b


My bad. Can i vote for Goldmask as a write in?


Only candidates are demigods.


Godwyn was mostly loved thanks to nostalgia goggles. Its only in death that he holds such wide reaching approval. In life, he was definitely loved but it clearly wasnt universal, seeing as numerous efforts were there to assassinate him. Miquella wins the whole thing. Manipulation is something he is godly at. Bar none, no one rivals his love and affection by those he's never even met before. He could really win anyone over.


Probably Miquella. He doesn't even have to charm the pope, just his opponents so they endorse him and drop out. As far as we know, the only Demigod capable of resisting is Radahn, but if all other demigods voice their support for Miquella his voter base will surely be out numbered. By influencing the demigods and now the at large voting base he can bypass 4a, as the opinions of the demigods can say the true preferences of the voters that want to support them.


Miquella is the number one pick, since part of his power is the ability to charm anyone near him. It's not a fair fight with Miquella involved. Supernatural charisma aside, probably Godwyn or Ranni. Godwyn was your archetypal high fantasy well meaning ruler. He's got the chops to run a country and will do it well. Like a big ole himbo. That said, I think he'd be easy to manipulate. Corruption would be rife under his rule, but not because he was participating in it. Ranni is a schemer. She's able to form complicated plots. If we assume she can't resort to assassination, I assume that she could spearhead a mean smear campaign, for example by mentioning how Godwyn abandoned his siblings in a sewer. She also has the political clout to be a decent, if not more tight fisted ruler. There would be no corruption. Church and state would see a clean break. She would be a secular and somewhat ambivalent ruler, preferring to see the society as a whole rather than the individuals that make up that society. If we assume the remaining demigods decided to bury the hatchet after the war before the Tarnished takes the throne, I think that Morgot has a good shot of winning an election. At this point, his biggest opponents would be orthodox Golden Order followers. But, if we assume that Goldmask can figure out the Golden Order paradox, I assume that a huge amount of Orthodoxists would defect to reformist Golden Order. I think that Radahn, Rykard, Mogh, the secret child, and Malenia aren't leaders - they're ruthless generals that don't lend themselves to empathetic leadership.


OP said Miquella can't charm people.


I know. To me, 4a seemed a little like an alternative scenario, hence why I just threw it in there.


still think miquella would win honestly


He wins the hearts of others even without his charm. As evidenced by the champions/followers mostly all still wanting to follow him even when the charm lifted.


before the events of the SotE in which he divested of his flesh he really was extremely compassionate and good hearted. he’d have the votes of literally every single graceless being


The tarnished because he fucking killed every other candidate


Ok let’s go over strengths: Godwyn: He’s well liked by pretty much everyone. You can’t really turn a corner without finding a ghost, or piece of lore with someone crying about Godwyn’s death. The entire Dragon Cult, and most/all of Dragonkind probably like him, or at least respect him. There’s even an argument for male preference primogeniture as the first born son of Marika. Probably immune to smear campaigns, but clearly not immune to assassination (am I right?). Morgott: Would run a hell of a campaign as long as nobody ever finds out he’s an Omen. Even if someone finds out, he has spies in the Nights Cavalry who can black bag them/kill them before they spread the news (if that’s allowed in the rules you’ve provided?). But I doubt he wins a popularity contest against a few other demigods, and truly if anyone releases that he’s an Omen his political career is over. Mohg: similar deal around Omen racism as Morgott. But he would probably just back out of the running anyways, and say he’s starting the Republic of Mohg down near Nokron. Radahn: Well liked, but more so as a military leader. He does seem to inspire his soldiers loyalty, but I have a feeling he’d have a hard time at public speaking, and gaining voters far from his sphere of influence. I feel like without being able to show off his military prowess in battles, he won’t do too well. Rykard: This would be like if the head of the Pentagon ran for president. His campaign slogan is just “vote for me, or else you get an invite to my manor’s guest house.” And it just might be effective. But, he actually doesn’t want to be president. He just wants to make sure nobody else can tell him what to do. This would make people nervous, and if they know that he won’t know how they voted, I feel like he actually ends up near the bottom of a lot of lists. Ranni: I feel like she was probably well liked by the academy, and she would probably have her mom’s public support. Whenever she speaks at debates she talks in such poetry that half her supporters know what she’s saying, and are on board, while the other half have no idea what she’s saying, but they like the way she talks. But that speaking in riddles also pushes away the more simple voters that won’t bother with all that interpreting. She might also have the feminist vote as one of two female demigods. Malenia: She does her best to remove her name from the race, but still steals a handful of votes from her die hard supporters. She tells everyone to vote for Miquella. Her trying so hard to not be president probably makes her more endearing to a lot of people. But she’s also a walking plague nuke, and her enemies could spin that against her, and she’d be self deprecating enough to say they’re right. Also could have the feminist vote, but because she tries to abdicate to her brother so much, might also lose that. She also might shine best in battle, much like Radahn. Miquella: probably the only one that might beat Godwyn on pure popularity. If he can’t actually charm people fully into voting him first place, then it will maybe let Godwyn edge out first place, particularly because even Miquella loves Godwyn and says he should be president sometimes. But Miquella gets a bunch of votes that the other candidates completely overlook, all from the overlooked/oppressed species in the world. So I’d probably give it to Godwyn or Miquella. It probably comes down to just how many Dragons, Misbegotten, Omens, etc (not “human”) are able to vote.


out of the ones that are alive, margit. out of everyone, godwyn. messmer wins by mail-in fraud. mohg runs a jeb bush-esc campaign that goes nowhere. renalla cries in her room about voting not mattering. marika is the deep state.


I don't think it's a coincidence that Godwyn, the most beloved demigod in the realm, was chosen to be the first assassinated. He was the only demigod who could have held the Lands Between together and salvaged the Chaos from the get-go during the Shattering. He'd comfortably win, with only maybe Miquella and perhaps Radahn contesting that.


I think it comes down to Morgott and Malenia. Godwyn: though popular, he’s philanthropic, and I doubt he’d actually be a good politician. Also I’m not sure if we’re saying he’s alive or not. Mohg: people won’t see pst the whole blood thing. Rykard: hell naw. Radahn: Good general, kind soul, but like Godwyn I don’t think people would want him to lead the country. Ranni: Seems good, but would probably seem uninterested in the election to voters. Miquella: his age would be a point of contention and he hasn’t seen success in anything without his charm. Melina: idk if we’re saying she’s a demigod but it doesn’t matter because I doubt she’d decide to run in the first place. Messmer: he did a genocide. I’d hope that would deter voters. Malenia means business, and with Finlay as her campaign manager she’d have a kick ass campaign trail. I think the Rot would also help her campaign in the same way FDR’s disability has coloured his legacy. Morgott has proven capable of ruling Leyndell, keeping it pristine in a way no other demigod can say for their own holdings. He’s basically the incumbent, so stands a higher chance that way too.


Miquella easily would win a democratic election


Undoubtedly Miquella, just look at what he achieved.


Godfrey(he is a demigod as per Godrick's great rune) Status Quo vote Golden Order would be glad to have him back Tarnished other than the player character, Fia and dung eater would vote for him Radahn would throw his support for Godfrey and so all Redmane would vote for him too Let's look at the losers Godrick- nobody respects him. Godwyn- just look at him. Radahn- already surrendered to Godfrey. Ranni- Carian and Nox votes. Dark horse of the race Messmer- most don't know him. Will only get votes from his soldiers Malenia- who the fuck will vote for super covid? Maybe Finlay and the kindred of rot. Also pretty sure she will give her support to Miquella Miquella- Leda and albanaurics. Not enough Morgott- omen. Probably give support to Godfrey anyway Mohg- blood albanaurics in his area. Not much


Godwyn ♥️♥️♥️♥️🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️


He runs an incredibly wide reaching tree root campaign. Make the lands between dead again.


Unless Hoarah Loux is in the running, Godwyn fucking CLEARS this shit, it's not even funny. Otherwise? Hm...Ranni, with 3rd place going to Rykard.


"All demigods are sufficiently sane as to make their best effort in campaigning" is this a criteria anymore ? lol


May I interest you for our Lord and Saviour Placidusax?


Wouldn’t Miquella clean house? He already warps the minds of others and the only reason his little fellowship of cross followers dissolved was because he broke the enchantment.


read rule 4b


You think demigods follow rules? Fair point though. I still vote Miquella wins. That dude is too cute.


I'd vote Miguella The first Hispanic president of TLB


Miquella. Just Miquella.


I’d say radahn because he would have voted from the golden order and from the house of magic


It's Miquella hands down due to his golden lineage and his reputation of kindness and compassion. His vision appeals to far too many, and his origin will demand loyalty from anything that reveres the erdtree or Marika herself. It even has me hooked. In all honesty after everything I have seen in the lands between, I am not sure that beings deserve their free will.


In america? Cause if so, definitely Rykard


"Messmer gets to participate" I mean that's all our boy ever wanted in the first place


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Radahn and it would be a landslide. Knowing human psychology he is someone you'd follow and throw your lot in with.


He better have a good Secretary of State. I don't think he can handle diplomacy or soft power.