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Let them continue to guide you. You belong in a factory.


Have definitely thought of doing this every time they’re on the California leg of a tour. I was lucky enough to hit two on the same tour in 2021. Honestly sounds like it would be an absolute pleasure. Transportation/lodging could get tricky, but I get the sentiment and under the proper circumstances I would absolutely do it myself. Best of luck to you! Plus you could get more shirts. It’s really just for the shirts.


You get yourself on that transatlantic flight!


in the middle of the night?!


There's only one sure thing that I know. You've got to get out of Ohio.




You have to be careful when following them on tour. You are going to want to have a steady drip of real news. Dick Valentine often announces false facts while on stage. Once around 2007, at an E6 show in Dallas, DV did his infamous "STOP" monologue. During this "STOP" moment, he announced that Larry King had just died. At this time LK was still pretty famous and in the news semi-regularly. This was a big news alert moment for the crowd (not many of us had real smart phones, Blackberries were commonplace). I think most of the crowd believed DV in this moment. LK didn't die until 2021. Soooooo, have fun following the tour, but read your own news. 'Cause Dick is gonna be Dick.


They tour the UK like twice a year, they’re just about to start a UK tour but they’re doing one in Dec as well for 9 dates, it’s very cold and miserable but you’ll get to see some towns you’d have not otherwise visited and tickets are pretty cheap! I say do it!


I am in the Metro Detroit area, so every time they come home I'm always there. I get it. The only copy of Fire on Vinyl is from London, glad you caught the bug.


Curious if OP decided to go for it?


Fuck yeah


I'll see you in york!


You're not the only one who has grown out of an E6 t shirt. My Senor Smoke era Bush Jr t shirt became unbearable many years ago. It's difficult when big life changes come along. Throws everything off course. One of my parents died last year and a day doesn't go by when I don't think about it. Music has a cathartic effect and has helped me through so much. Danger High Voltage came to the UK when I was 13. I'm now 35. I'd say E6 are probably the first band that I got into without the input of my parents and their tastes. As for whether you should come to the UK and follow the tour, a fair few of the June/July dates are sold out but plenty have tickets. Some would say, just do it, YOLO. Some would say wait till the  December tour so you've got proper planning time. Do what's comfortable to you. The t shirts might not fit any more but the music lasts a life of time. Have faith that no matter what troubles occur, you'll get through it.


Ill be real it would get old quick. Saw these guys for thr first time last month after being a fan for years and it fucking ruled. BUT They arent the grateful dead where they have hundreds of songs to choose from, never play the same show twice etc. I looked at the setlists for E6 and it doesnt change much from night to night. I LOVE these guys but i wouldnt follow them around. Sure they do minor variations but if you see one show on the tour youve seen em all.