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I submitted application on Sep-6th (first day of standby list) and it was approved on 08-Dec-2023, however have not received the amount yet. called up the helpdesk and was informed that no one from Standby list has received the disbursement yet as the available funding is still being used to process the applications received before standby list and no new additional funding has been recieved. Though govt. has increased the disbursement benefit from 5 K to 7 K for the low income families ! with which I fear that all funding will be used up before they start the standby list :(


>o 7 K Thanks for the information!


Thanks for sharing! I tried to call once and it would just not go through lol. Nice that they were transparent and shared that no standby applicants received funding yet.


I got a check today. If you haven't yet, you probably will soon.


I applied 2 days before the deadline and just received by check last week.


Applied 9/11/2023 (5 days after deadline) got approved on Dec 6th, but placed on standby list. So nothing


I applied 6 hours after the deadline and also haven't received any word


Bummer to miss out on the deadline by only hours, but if anyone is going to get a check, it's you. For what it's worth, I called CVRP the day after I applied for the rebate and asked someone there if they thought there would be any money for people on the standby list. She told me that her best guess, given the volume of applications, was that people who applied within a month of the guarantee deadline had a good chance of getting a rebate check. But she didn't know for sure.


9/22 - Applied 12/16 - Approved & put on standby


You ever get the rebate. Interesting you got approved before I did when I applied on 9/11


Nope! I messaged them about a month ago, and they said they were still working on the batch of applications **before** the standby date. Honestly, I've lost hope in this rebate.


Don't give up hope! I got a check 2 days ago. I applied 2 days after the guarantee deadline. If you haven't been emailed yet, you probably will soon.


following this thread, 10/02/2023 applied and conditionally approved. Still no updates


I applied on 6th Sep. I got conditionally approved like a month ago. Still waiting for an update. Do you receive notification if they actually send the check? Not sure if I should just keep checking my mailbox.


You'll receive an email when they send out your check.


Applied on 10/19. Approved and on waiting list 01/11


Applied 9/19 Approved 12/14 Waiting for check still..if anyone got check as conditional lmk!


Applied 9/7. Got a check today. You'll probably get one soon.


no way..do you know what the cutoff date was ? Maybe you were before it


I'm OP, I applied two days after the cutoff and was on standby. I was like you once, lost and check-less, but the gods saw fit to bless my patience. It can happen to you...


LOL. When does it say your check sent out and when did it arrive?


email came only a day before the check arrived. The check arrived two days ago.


Dont give me hope…


update us bro


Nothing yet, im getting anxious...hope they have funds. it would be pretty messed up to even send out approval letters and get our hopes up if they're out.


We are probably cooked


Haha facts, I’m expecting an L but hope to be surprised


anyone got something for the stand by list people? LOL still no update on my end and applied 10/02/24


Application was on 9/23 and approved 12/18. Still have not received my check yet


Under the same boat, just got the conditional approval today! No idea when I will get off the waitlist :/


When did you apply?


Has anyone gotten theirs on the waitlist?


Nope, applied 9/11. Approved December, radio silence


Did you receive anything yet?




Check was sent today, notified by email!


when did you apply? after spet 6th


I got a check today. I applied 9/7.


Yup. 9/11


I applied 9/2/23 and just got approved today (3/13/24). The message on the online page says I should receive a check within 90 days of approval. We shall see...


Taking their sweet time aren't they? You applied before the deadline and still haven't been paid.


have you gotten your rebate?


I received my check April the 10th and today (5-6-24) I received my DASH charge card.


Ooh you applied before the deadline so makes sense. I applied on 9/11. They finally contacted me last month to get income verification and I got conditonally approve after so hoping I still get mine.


Same boat here. Applied ( increased rebate) 9/8 Approved 4/5 Still waiting… Does anyone have evidence of standby waitlist applicants receiving anything?


Hopefully, you do!!




Hmm. Sounds like we're shit out of luck to me. Anyone out there know how new funding gets secured and whether the CVRP is actively seeking to secure it?


I applied on 8/16 and still no news


Literally exactly the same


Just got the application approved email. Waiting for the check to be sent out.


Dam I applied 10/5 Was selected for income verification submitted same day Has not been reviewed check status it’s half way with payment sent blank . I’m wondering if I have to receive an email of approval first 😳


Yup first the approval and less chances of getting it since u applied late. This is what the email mentioned to me. “ If you applied before 9/6/2023 (see date above) the rebate amount was reserved for you when you submitted your application. It may take up to 90 days to mail your rebate check. You will receive an email when we mail your check. If you have moved or if there is a typo in your address, please contact us immediately with your correct address information. You can check your address on file with us by logging into our website and choosing the “Download Application Copy” option. Your information will be listed on the last page of the application copy. If you applied on/after 9/6/2023 (see date above) you are conditionally approved for a rebate: You were placed on a standby list when you applied online. Payment for conditionally approved applications on the standby list will depend on the project receiving more funding from the State of California and may depend on new Terms and Conditions and new CVRP Implementation Manual requirements. If we receive funding for the standby list, and you still qualify, we will issue a rebate check to the mailing address on your application. You will receive an email when we mail your check. Please check our website homepage for the latest funding updates.“


Yeah man I’m worried. Someone said they put the date that was shown on Tesla website vs the title and they got rejected outright. Mine is lease so I put the date shown on the lease papers. I emailed them today to check the status again.


Cvrp doesn’t use the date you signed your Tesla paperwork, they use the delivery date to qualify. I applied when I signed paperwork and then they canceled it because the delivery date was different.


Thankfully my date matches with the paper. But for some reason I left it blank where it says “dealer name”


I put the wrong date as my purchase date as I thought it was the date I placed the order and not the date I actually received the tesla but thankfully I was approved. I applied 8/6 though so not on the standby. Hopefully getting my check soon


Yup got my approval letter too


Applied 09/24/23, Conditionally Approved 06/21/24. I forgot I had even applied XD I have no hope but following this thread for updates