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One thing they almost *have* to do, is switch to direct sales, or at least make an agreement to impose a maximum sale price. A $30,000 base price is going to be pointless with dealer markups of $10,000 plus. If Tesla manages to get their low cost model out, they will completely distort the EV marketplace.


100% Dealerships are the worst part about buying a car. They don't provide any benefit. I walk in pre-approved and I usually know more about the car than the sales person. I don't want a Tesla but their model is working. Hopefully they can shake up the industry some more.


Agree. I’m a little concerned about the liberties Tesla takes with warranties, as you are dealing with a mega corporation, rather than a local. At the same time, that local I’ll screw you 12 other ways.


There was a time when dealerships made perfect sense. There was also a time when we could only communicate over distance by mail. Dealerships really just add another unnecessary layer. If the big automakers can’t adjust, they will lag behind. Ford has a shot. GM is a dead man walking. They don’t have it in them to change. They actively resist it.


Ford is trying to do this but right now if you buy via their online site you don’t get the $3k discount available on inventory cars at my local dealer or a lower price they would likely offer to move a vehicle off their lot.


Given that most EVs now sell for less than MSRP don't we want dealers? It would mean the $30,000 car will likely be had for less. The only exception would be if the car was a massive hit.


This really hasn't been the case with Ford, with their dealers aggressively pricr gouging.


they already do this in China, but it ain't really helping them


Good. Step it up.


Maybe but it feels like groundbreaking researchers is not needed?  Maybe Ford can focus on releasing a smaller car and not just SUVs and trucks.  Smaller car means smaller battery for the same range.  Or if they want to be much conscious it's okay to make it 200 mile car.  It will probably need less than half the battery capacity of a 300 mile lightning truck.   Then they just need to commit to economies of scale.  Limited to run projects will never be economically viable.  


What a coincidence. I ran over a skunk this morning in my expensive EV on my way to work.


Bad luck.


Skunk Doesn’twork


We have 18K off on our last 23 Ioniq 6s for lease then buyout. Tough crowd since before me our store didn’t have anybody who understood EVs. I’ve sold 5 in just 2.5 weeks after leaving my old store


Our sales guy spent half the test drive trying to turn on the climate control. My wife was driving. Finally I said from the back seat “maybe you need to hit the power button on the top left.” He’d been turning the screen on and off the whole time. We knew nothing about the car, but we knew more than him.


Yeah I had the 18 year vet turn me a referral because he said “I don’t do EVs” Guy spent 3 weeks researching and I still was able to teach him a bunch to make it even easier for him. It’s crazy how lazy people are when it comes to product knowledge especially on EVs


Yep. I thought we were just going for a test drive so we didn’t do a lot of research. I assumed if she liked it, we’d research it more then. She bought the car within an hour of sitting in it.


Are they based in China?


I'm sure this will go about as well as Team Edison, their last "Skunk Works" team that is responsible for current EV products.


like its some big secret on how to lower prices...


Skunkworks? So they blow up?