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India, specifically Goa. Had a friend from Mumbai and I was explaining Psytrance, played some, and she said, "...oh, this is like college party music for me"


wow that’s so cool


It's almost like psytrance originated on the beaches of goa, it's sound is more modern created on the latest electronic synths... Or something.


Psytrance is very big in Cape Town, South Africa. Multiple festivals over summer season. Started in the mid 90s.


I'm from the UK and we have parties here, especially in and around London (squats and raves in the woods etc), but even then it always seemed to be mostly people from other places running those parties. Used to go to Germany to some big psy festivals there, was an incredible experience but wouldn't go now. I used to be well into it, not because i liked the music that much but because i really loved doing loads and loads of drugs - nowdays not so much and i find the majority of psytrance (especially the dark psy and full on stuff) really grating after more than an hour or so.


The genre is very limited. It's just not something with a a lot of variety, and as such, it's gonna be limited in popularity since most of the songs tend to sound similar.


Although there is some merit in calling psytrance more repetitive than other genres, it's mostly exposure I think. If you never listen to hip hop, it all sounds the same. If you never listen to dance music, techno and house both sounds like noise and the same. Folk can be very boring if you don't like it. And if anyone can listen to the same beat for hours on end, it's ~~someone who did drugs~~ a dance music enthusiast.


I actually disagree a lot with that


Dark psytrance High-tech psytrance And most of all: Forest psytrance One psytrance for every mood


Forest psytrance? isn't that just GAS - Pop \[Psytrance remix\]


It’s not nearly as popular in the United States as it is in Europe. Some of my European friends don’t even consider an event to be a “rave” unless Psytrance is the main genre lol. But in the US it is relegated mostly to small local events, it’s just really not that popular and never has been. It developed in Europe and never really left in any major way.


Psy trance aka Goa trance was fairly popular in the SF Bay Area in the mid to late 90’s. There were definitely decent-sized underground parties that featured it back then. Infected Mushroom, Juno Reactor, Goa Gil, Hallucinogen/Schpongle (Simon Posford) were some of the more well-known performers back then. There were also a few local DJ’s and producers I was friends with that kept it going. Don’t hear much about it now.


That’s exactly the case here lol the concept of rave is really different, I would never call a techno club a rave, I would just say that I’m clubbing or something


People in the US think giant, corporate festivals are raves. It's silly. Having said that, Psytrance is starting to catch on here. Pasquale Rotella, founder of Electric Daisy Carnival, the mother of all electronic festivals, promoted psytrance this year for the first time. [**https://www.youtube.com/live/7cKrdpErlwc?si=WhFSOkXJkQ\_w2\_pk&t=1260**](https://www.youtube.com/live/7cKrdpErlwc?si=WhFSOkXJkQ_w2_pk&t=1260) Note that he says afterward, he lives and breathes raving. What he really lives and breathes is corporate sponsorship, having sold much of his empire to Live Nation to the tune of 50 million, but that's for a different thread. Psytrance is represented at more underground festivals here, even if its only been in the last few years to my knowledge. [This amusing video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TrKIhoRn3Gw) shared my general opinion toward psytrance a decade ago. About 5 years ago, I started getting into Psybreaks and psychedelic midtempo stuff. Now, artists like Perfect Stranger, aka Yuli Fershtat, have me thumping the psytrance drum louder than ever :)


I am from Canada and bought my first psytrance CD by accident at a music store back in 2007. I bought it because the album art looked cool and trippy. It was Infected Mushrooms - Legend of The Black Shawarma. It absolutely blew my mind and made me question what the hell I was listening too. It was like electronic music mixed with heavy metal, but in a time signature I had never experienced before. It led me down the path to discover Juno Reactor, Shpongle, 1200 micrograms, Astral Projection, Entheogenic, Vibe Tribe, Astrix, Ace Ventura etc. I kind of kept that music to myself because it was out there for most people. I stayed mostly connected in the online community. If I listened to it at work people were like "sounds like you are in an opium den getting high" I would say around 2011 I was starting to meet more people into psytrance or psybient and it has slowly grown on a certain demographic. Most people I really connect with have come from other countries like India and Israel. This year there are more festivals in Canada and Astrix and Infected Mushroom are doing a show here. So it does have some traction in Canada and the United States (Colorado has Red Rocks) It is just EDM and mumble rap dominates here. But we are here friends slowly converting vegetarians.


I was not much into full on style but you have to give IM the legend status for this. Etheonogenic and Carbon Based Lifeforms are top also in psyambient. Nothing like good European Psytrance though. UK was mostly into acid sounds and Scandinavia was leading the psy techno-trance scene, Germany was also quite a power in minimal progressive trance, which was my fav genre. It's funny that we were listening what today is melodic techno, like 26 years ago. Of course that was a true underground scene and electronic music of almost any kind, was kinda illegal.


My favorite color is blue.


Because the internet is most English, which means it's mostly American. Psytrance is not popular in the us, for various reasons (Visa's and the fact most Americans don't travel internationally much/at all contributes). Psytrance is a very international genre and is popular globally, and in a few countries.  It's the only style of music where people will travel to many countries around the world for it's parties. You will never heard of people traveling to Thailand for a techno party, nor will you hear someone travelling to japan or india for a drum and bass party. But people will for psytrance.


Here in the Netherlands there are some festivals, parties and raves. It’s an underground scene though and the internet exposes it. I believe that’s why it isn’t big online.


It's not my cup of tea, to be honest. I'm not into any sort of trance music at all. Trance as a genre was pretty big in the UK about 15 years ago, i am not to sure now. But like the person said from the UK, I always associate it with more European raves, especially germany and squats in the woods and lots of drugs. It's not a bad thing, but the music itself lends its roots and beat towards that direction for me. Hence, why I think it's not as popular as some other genres that are more mainstream. Not that I like mainstream either.


It's truly underground music here in the UK. I don't think the BBC Essential Mix has ever invited a Psytrance artist to do a mix for them. I think a part of the issue is that the kind of substances which invite you to really appreciate Psytrance are not that popular or common here anymore. I only got into it when I was in Goa by accident and it frankly blew my fucking mind.


Its played in a lot of festival


The culture around it is kinda hokey. In the states psytrance parties are pretty much a dork fest, and abroad they’re very douchey. 🤷‍♂️


It’s fine if you think so, I don’t know how it is in the US, but I disagree with the second part, there are a lot of good psytrance parties abroad


Glad you found some great parties. Living in Europe extensively most the psy parties I went to had a European frat house vibe to them where it was all about getting max fucked up. Plus the music isn’t great so it was a lose / lose


Hi! I live in Hungary, those who are involved in the topic know that the Ozora festival is also held here.(It's funny that even though I don't live an hour away from the settlement, unfortunately I haven't been able to participate due to financial reasons.) It is a popular musical style here , almost every second weekend organize a party somewhere else and if it’s not organized , then illegal. For a long time, it only attracted the attention of the older age group, but nowadays the younger age group ( high school or twenties) are starting to grow at the parties.Sorry for the bad english.


Only when we are stoned.


idk much about my country but my village has many genders, some psytrance but mostly house and techno. my gender is psytrance which my countries identification system recently recognized. other people of psytrance gender preference in my country have organized for psytrance rights, especially this month