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Ohh i love the pink one it’s cute ! But yeah the clothes matching the element is getting really boring :(


I don't get it why she has to be green. Numerous characters aren't even the same color of their element.


Right, so why is it a problem when one does match.


We could’ve had a non green flower themed dendro unit 😭


Pink dendro would be epic






or the bluee😭😭


Sure, but green is also like one of the most lacking colors currently in the game.


Literally every character is blue and purple so idk why it’s so bad for a woman to be green but I think the pink one is really pretty


Yes, enough is enough. I can't take this anymore!!!!!! STOP WITH THE GREEEN!!!11!!


Oh, people actually believed my yapping. Nice updoots!






Oh yeah definitely, I'm just having a giggle here.


I really hate the cut it kind of looks like she’s balding 😭


I do think a color change would save this design by a lot but it still needs a loooot less details. Someone needed to tell the designers to stop about 5-10 accessories ago


Absolutely agree right here. I remember when Chlorinde got leaked so many months ago and one of her concept arts had her in like this green gear and I absolutely loved that look. Heck the other concept art we saw was also good but I was all for the green. When I look at her now I still see some of the design it's just now purple... Like her element... Like every other electro character... They're fucking purple. The only exception I feel is like Miko who is Pink because well you couldn't really make a Yae character not be pink. Limiting the color palette to that of the characters element is just kind of ridiculous.


But they arent, wrio is mostly black and red. Idk why they decided to go with green when there were so many gorgeous purple and pink concepts. They still looked like a dendro character but flower themed.


Nahida > green Baizhu > Green Collei > Green alhaitham > Green Yaoyao > Green. Kaveh > Missing.


Hotel > Trivago


Indigo> Montoya


Kazuha - Anemo - red and orange Wriothesley - cryo - red and black Childe - hydro - gray and red Beidou - electro - red Charlotte - cryo - pink and red Yun Jin - geo - blue and pink Rosaria - cryo - red and black Also Kaveh isn't green, he has a white shirt, mostly red scarf and black pants with some blue and green details.


2 out of 8 dendro unit are green design based. all 15 pyro character are red design 1 out of 11 from hydro... list goes on. Even their latest design for Clorinde ditched the green one.


that is like one of the only characters save for like less than a handful more whose color palette isn’t directly tied to their element’s color. but even then his powers Are the Standard Cryo Color™


I was arguing that they are already not opposed to deviating from "this character has grass powers so green outfut" mentality from time to time. But the color of powers is closely tied to their visions and corresponding elements, so i think its more than fair to keep cryo powers a Cryo Color™.They change it up when appropriately, furinas pets are not just blue, but are textured like primordial sea water. Arlechino has blackish fire, i think some of monas attacks have starry sky pattern etc. But just randomly giving someone pink dendro powers when their vision is green, glows a green light, the icons are green, the enemies applied with that element are highlighted with green in elemental sight etc will be weird. That isnt an excuse to only use green outfits though, i just think elemental powers should stay the corresponding element color aside from lore justified exceptions.


that would be weird! pink and green are famously a weird color combination that is Not at all used 😮‍💨😮‍💨 dodged that bullet


I didn't say anything about color combo? Its a great color combo and would look good in an outfit, but elemental powers are color coded for gameplay reasons. Please dont twist my words if you are actually trying to have a civil discussion.


this is nice, the vivid colors make it feel a lot more flower-y


The deep purple looks amazing


All of these look better, and I look blue and purple best, in that order. I guess the official shade of green is just really ugly for an outfit.


I feel like they should try being like hsr where color scheme is not tied to their element like sparkle, ruan mei, bronya etc


The thing in Genshin is they need to fit the Vision into the design too. Side note, Ruan Mei is pretty blue LOL


*how is there already a subreddit?!????*


Emilie had some of the best beta designs and they just went with this??


They don't do that with Cryo charas


can we just accept emilie for who she is please 🥺 i love our micro bang blonde hair pink highlights green girl


This girlie had SO many great designs and then they ended up with this 💀


They asked about that years ago in a Genshin survey when we were asked to compare the design of the characters, and one question asked if the colorschemes of the characters should reflect what element they are. I personally don't care so much, but I think the more popular vote was "Yes, the colors of the characters should reflect the element they are."


I wouldn't mind normally about the colour-element thing, but dark green/black and perfume just really don't match in my head as well as the light pink/purples of her other designs? Her design overall looks elegant and pretty, but I would think of "biologist" or even "Akademia lecturer" before "perfume maker" with those colours. Her animations look very nice though!


Plot twist: Hoyo listens and makes the Pyro archon blue


Rosaria is a great example of that. Her color scheme is not a traditional cryo but she looks great and is still identifiable as a cryo character. Wrio might also extend that sentiment.


yeahh they ruined her design


Experts at home thinking they know how to design a character. Not even thinking of skill animations and what colors goes well together.


Why are you so pressed over a different colour scheme? I do work in games/film design industry, even if I don't, you don't need to be a master chef when something taste wrong.


For standalone drips, I have no objections. But I’ll repeat myself: colors do need to go well together. Ie: Character outfit can be full white, but pyro abilities won’t produces any dissonance, since red and white go well together (version of Kiana if I recall). Or Navia - gold + various shades of blue in front and gold + black in the back, it fits, and it fits with her abilities, etc. (some already pointed it in comments here)


Wriothesley base color is grey/black with crimson red underlying, yet he is cryo. Heizou is amber w/ white yet he is anemo. What makes you think that a dendro unit can't have a few shades of purple and should be restricted to green only?


While Collei does have a little a bit of purple (mostly accessories), just to tone down contrast between green (hair + outfit) and purple (eyes) she is mostly green and shades of brown + yellow, which blends well. Or you can have 🍆 - Shinobu. (and it took me few months to finally ignore that contrast). Those colors can go well together, but you need to balance them. Honest advice, fast forward to acceptance stage (as you keep insisting on purple, which I assume leads to sad lavender) and be proud Emilia main, because she is absolutely stunning and gergeous.


character designer here! there are plenty of non-green colors that would go with emilie’s vision. you are ignoring the fact that hoyo’s character designers themselves clearly did not think of what colors went well together either, considering the fact that her design has 2 harsh colors fighting for dominance, random fucking neon pink and blue, and peach hair out of nowhere. you wanna know something crazy? pink and green are…complimentary colors. blue and green are analogous colors. it doesnt even need to be a different color man it literally could have been pastel green and it would’ve worked 😭😭


i love her green tho! it really fits the lily of the valley theme. its not like nahida’s neon green but more of a deep emerald green


In general I agree, but y'all are tripping... The green is genuinely so cool. EDIT) those colour palletes look pretty nice too, I just prefer the official


There will be mismatch when their weapon gets infused in green or their skill animations show green. Beige/white/yellow or black/dark navy will work better. Also a dendro character dressed in purple/dark red makes it feel like they are withering/decay/poison. Other valid colors I see would be a light lavender purple/pink, sky blue, or yellow that wouldn't become too visually clashing against their element.


I agree, if they’re worried that it may get confusing? It won’t, not one bit, and they do have characters that sort of stray away from their element’s colours (i.e. kazuha) shouldn’t be that big of a trouble to design characters with more or varied colour palettes that do not align with their corresponding elements. The new design looks a lot more lively in pink, I sort of understand where hoyoverse wants to make it simpler to differentiate between elements but even so, they’ve restricted themselves from making more vibrant and unconfined designs.