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I’m going to try Emilie, baizhu, Xiangling, and Bennett, so Emilie will be on field.


Wriothesley, Emilie, Thoma and Bennett, easy burnmelt team


Same lol.


Is Emilie the new Shenhe for Wriothesley?


Furina has always been the shenhe for wriothesley


Uhm, im confused. I will wait until 4.8 and look at the new teams.


Lyney Emilie kazuha and Bennett! I’m so excited


I already have two teams ready for her: Overburn with Dehya, Kazuha and Shinobu, and Burnmelt with Wriostheley, Bennett and Thoma. I might consider Burnvape with Furina, Yanfei and Bennett.


Is Emilie the new Shenhe for Wriothesley?


Im personally most interested in playing wriothesley emilie bennett thoma and arlecchino bennett emilie zhongli


Is Emilie the new Shenhe for Wriothesley?


uhh i mean i guess you could look at it like that, emilie doesnt buff like shenhe does and she fits in less teams but she just does alot of damage


Dehya, Yao Yao, and Bennet (My C2 Dehya can finally be useful 😭)


Does she really need another dendro? Everyone seems to be playing her with one


Probably not. I'd likely be better of with anemo...maybe it would give me a reason to use lynette if I switch dehya with tankfei. Or just drop kirara for Jean or cloud retainer


She applies dendro slower than Nahida so she can't maintain the burning aura too well. This is not ideal for burnmelt teams but we will see how this plays out. According to the latest TGS video her double dendro teams don't look very impressive because there are not other dendro units that can benefit from burn like she does, you are just basically buffing Emilie which is not a good use case. It's better to buff the hypercarry instead. In other words she is unit that benefits from burning but doesn't change the reaction itself at all apart from the pyro res she gives.


Emilie Nahida Xiangling Bennett


Emilie, Furina, Bennett, Xiangling/HuTao Navia, Bennett, Xiangling, Emilie Emilie, Furina, Xiangling, Kuki Emilie, Bennett, Xiangling, Sucrose Im going for c1r1 emilie because she sheets high enough to go all in on vertical investment and will be extremely easy to slot into Natlan comps at that investment.


Do you think c1 or r1 is better? Not sure I could guarantee both. Does she have any good 4 star options? For 5 stat I just have Homa and jade since my arle will be using her signature.


C1 for team flexibility AND more damage R1 adds a lot of damage though but there are good a couple good options https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1j2-TTjGIKzOAKC7X-J_Pi5aYIsJPStXZp7slsymKDbg/htmlview


The problem is that the weapon calcs doesn't seem to consider the ER requirements at first look, which can go as high as 170%. Her signature can refund up to 24 energy every 24s rotation which is huge. According to TGS, the percentage difference between calamity queller and Signature is more like 20%.


Ganyu burnmelt with Dehya Nilou bloom Some forward vape Nilou setup


I’m thinking of running emilie, arlecchino, thoma, then a buffer of some kind like an amino or dehya


I would say, either Thoma or Dehya, not both, + an Anemo as the last character. I would recommend Sucrose for the increased EM. (Increases Burn damage in 2 ways, by increasing EM and shredding Pyro RES through VV) Problem is, you probably need a healer, since you are playing with fire, here. So either your Anemo or 2nd Pyro needs to be a healer, or you switch out Arle for a healer, and make Emilie + Thoma/Dehya the DPS's. I think Baizhu would be a pretty good fit in that case?


Arlecchino doesn't need a healer really, or rather can't make use of it anyway


True, in combat she can't be healed by others. So depending on if the team is purely for Abyss, you don't need a healer. But in Overworld, mostly for your other party members, you might want to have healer.


It might be basic but Furina/Xiangling/Bennett


Burnmelt Ganyu with Jean and Dehya. Maybe a Yanfei team as well. We’ll see.


Emile Furina Bennet Xl Emile kazuha Bennet Xl Emile kazuha lyney bennet


Emilie/Xiangling/Bennett/Flex Emilie/Furina/Bennett/Xianyun Trying to do onfield Emilie


I’m gonna try Arlecchino/Lyney Emilie Bennett Kazuha and if burning dmg is too much for Arle im gonna switch Kazuha for Zhongli. Also Emilie on field with Bennett c6 Furina and either Xiangling/Kazuha/Nahida/Thoma and more of a meme comp I’m gonna do quickburn Clorinde Emilie Thoma Fischl/Nahida


Emilie Dehya Kazuha Ganyu is my go to rn. Closer to release i'll think of more strats, but since the electro nerf got reverted maybe some variation of fireworks works too. More teams to play with Beidou 👍🏻


After pulling, I think I'll go full burning with Emilie, Xiangling, Collei and Bennett.


Arle + Bennett + kaz/kaeya are the first things I'm trying out!!


I'm thinking arle, emilie, Candace C6 and kirara (deepwood)


im sick of xiangling and bennet, so anyone but them. im going to try and make her work with arle, though she doesn't entirely need the support. might build my c4 dehya... wrio is an option too


Furina vaping, Bennet, Xiangling, Emelie on field to use bennet buff, probably only loses in dps to arlechino burn teams or burn melt wrio teams with cons/sig, but should be way more comfortable


Honestly I feel like my C4R1 Arle would be mega fun in this team, so Emilie Arle Dehya or Bennett and either Kirara or DMC.


Oooo that will br nice. I just like dehya more than Bennett even though he's probably the better fit. I really want an excuse to use c6 kirara! I've been using her in my hu tao team just for a reason to have her. Haha


Same, as an OG dehya main I will forever love her. I just don’t know if I could keep my team (aside from Arle) alive without some kind of healing. Perhaps yaoyao could work


onfield burgeon emilie, and with whatever favorite unit i have with her, arelcchino, neuvillette, etc


Probably Emilie, Baizhou, Lyney, and Dehya. Or Emelie Baizhou Dehya/Lyney and Kazhua


I'm not sure but I'm itching to use those accidental 50cv Unfinished Reverie pieces that were supposed to be Whimsy's


Im going with xianyun kazuha/bennett emilie and Klee. Playing sky bomb is so much fun.


I’m thinking Amber, Dehya, Emilie and Bhaizhu, for a full burn team. Maybe replace Bhaizhu with Kokomi for a burgeon team.


Arlecchino Emilie Bennett Kirara




maybe gaming, furina, emilie, yao-yao or emilie, dehya, xingqiu, bennet


Arle Emilie furina baizhu,team makes no sense but I'm running this until the game gives us another hydro mommy dps.


Murata c2r1, Emilie c2r1, Baizhu c6r2, Furina c6r1 I assume Murata will have the option for on-field pyro infusion, while having a strong subdps skill and a burst that massively boosts attack. I assume they will want to build fully into Attack, with a portion of that attack giving them crit and burn/burgeon direct damage boost (rather than EM, which would unfairly also effect Vape/Melt. Burgeon needs 1k EM. Vape/Melt only really need like 200, which is easy to get from passive buffs.) Emilie should get full burning-boost from this team, and will do a ton of damage, especially with Murata’s attack buff and buff to the burning reaction. I really feel like Emilie will be to Murata what Baizhu is to Furina. A perfect match, even if not *required*. With Murata and Furina’s buffs, Baizhu should do a ton of damage here when in a subdps role. Murata’s attack buff and boost to burning *should* compensate for the lack of the Spread bonus. In electro teams, Baizhu doesn’t really even *trigger* other reactions reliably. (Sometimes an accidental bloom here and there was wasn’t hyper’d.) Furina shouldn’t provide enough hydro to ruin the burn reaction. And there should be enough of both elements to get a bunch of vapes! Baizhu’s skills and constellations provide excess healing to compensate for burgeon/no-shield, and he directly buffs dendro reactions to the on-fielder - this includes burning and burgeon! The buff is comparable to Nahida’s EM buff. His c4 gives 80EM to the team, and dendro resonance will give another 100. My Baizhu will hold Deepwood. Emilie will hold her new set, Reverie. Furina will hold her set, Golden Troupe. Murata will hold her own set as well. For now I’ll have to use Arlecchino instead of Murata. And that means I’ll also need to replace Furina with Kazuha, Yelan, or Zhongli.


Neuvillette, Xiangling, Emilie, and Layla for a fun burnvape team. This type of team works with C0 Baizhu, so Emilie should be a great offensive option!