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She is not using burn as a source of DMG. She deals more DMG if enemy is burning


She's like Navia: she doesn't do anything to the reaction itself but uses it as a condition to increase dmg from her own abilities. 


I'd say it's more similar to Lyney than Navia but yeah


What reaction does lyney use to buff his damage???


Not exactly a reaction but having the enemy affected by Pyro, same way as Emilie having the enemy affected by burning


ignore burn. burn is more of a condition. her damage exists outside of burn. she just needs burn to happen for her damage to also happen


I wouldn’t say ignore burn, as you need that reaction to be applied for her to do increased damage. Rather, don’t build EM for burn damage.


well yes, “she just needs burn to happen for her damage to also happen”


She does Emillion damage if Burning is present.


steaking this no take backs


Burning just gives her buffs. She doesn't do damage through burning, she does damage using her skill and burst, and she hits a lot harder against enemies when they're burning. Treat her like a any other off-field damage character; atk/dendro/crit. She just needs a pyro teammate to enable her buffs.


This will be a misunderstanding forever at this point


Chevy too. "She's an Overload support." No, she's not. She's a Pyro/Electro support who just so happens to need Overload. Literally nothing in her kit does anything to buff Overload outside of her Pyro RES Shred, but that's apparently too much for most people to understand.


I mean in that case she kinda does, overload damage is still elemental damage. She limits the team to the reaction, needs it to give the buff and said buff is buffin iverload damage, it just doesn't say it does directly


When enemies burn she is buffed, but she doesnt buff the reaction itself


Look She is like navia, she doesn't buff the reaction, but uses the reaction to increase her own dmg And her own dmg scales off of atk and crit Unless you wanna play her in a quicken/spread+ burning team, EM is not useful/useless


Emilie doesn't buff burning, but burning buffs her personal dmg. Burning is basically burning-focused Yae Miko- an off field turret that gets substantially more dmg from a reaction triggering. It makes sense for her to scale off atk as such is to segue into the pyro nation where atk scaling will be more commonplace, plus it aligns with her artifact set Unfinished Reverie. The dmg bonus gained from set doesn't affect burning dmg itself.


Look up TGS he already summed everything you wanted to know. But in short she strengthen herself instead of the status itself via stacking mostly ATK, she act like Xianyun mixed with Navia and turned into Off Field Dendro About their decision my guesses are as good as yours.


burn increases her dmg it doesn't increase the burn build her like a traditional damage carry


for onfield burgeon / burning, you can use em sands with a team like emilie furina bennett (c6) nahida.


She isn't a burn dps. Burn is just a condition for her to deal more dmg just like how constructs was condition for chiori to deal more dmg. She is your typical dendro subdps character who wants Atk% and crit to do dmg Also requires a burn reaction team to deal even more personal dmg.