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> Pyro Burning Emilie, she will deal Pyro damage and be the one that enables burning and deals pyro damage, but I don't think it will be great. You forgot the part that Bennett provides a gigantic ATK buff to Emilie’s turret. She doesn’t have to do much Pyro damage, she just needs to apply Pyro while her lantern does all the work. It has been calculated, with Bennett buff she does as much damage as Wrio in a burnmelt team, not including her NA, after the buff maybe even more.


So you don't need to level her basic?


>Does Emilie benefit from being on field? Mainly Playing her with an infusion support, I want to see how that will work out? Especially since she doesn’t get hurt much from the self-burning damage and she doesn’t have any self-infusion, unless she’s c6. She does benefit from being on field, and by a lot, but not for the reasons you're thinking. Emilie's skill, ult and A1 all do way too much dendro damage, but her NAs never do any unless you have the infusion from C6. That's why playing her with infusion characters doesn't really work that well, you don't really want to drop the dendro goblet to go with an atk one to maximize her NAs damage. That said, Emilie is a really good Bennett driver because her all her high numbers scale on atk and she NEEDS some level of pyro application to get burning and enable her big numbers, which Bennett just happens provide as well through his C6. Her NAs won't deal that much damage, but she still does more damage than a large portion of the on fielders through her dendro damage alone. In some teams that can enable you to bring better supports instead of pyro off fielder that doesn't do much other than applying pyro, which is a really big W for Emilie on field.


The thing about her a1 and Reverie is that they give her a total of 86% damage bonus to her entire kit, including her normal attacks. Even with a dendro goblet adding another 47% to just her skill, burst and a4 nukes, the pyro damage from Bennett's infusion still gets that 86% bonus. Combine that with Bennett's atk buff which she's on field to benefit from, and those skill hits and a4 nukes will hit that much harder (the a4 nukes have 600% multiplier; assuming a relatable Bennett, that's upwards of 1100 atk, meaning an *additional* 6600 BASE DAMAGE (before damage bonus and crit are applied) to her nukes (assuming 2000 atk without Bennett, the starting base damage is 12k, bumped to 18.6k), and given she can apply her own pyro with him, she can collect scents very quickly (leading to more frequent nukes).


Don't forget the 15% Pyro Dmg% from Bennett C6, and if you're using C6 Xiangling, another 15% from that as well. Her NAs are effectively only 16.6% of Dmg% behind the rest of her kit, and if Furina is involved as well...


Yeah, may as well go with atk goblet at that point.


Ballpark numbers on the nuke: 18.6k base, 153% damage bonus (Reverie set, dendro goblet, burning enemy), 180 crit damage 131k damage


Actually there's a team you can try playing which is national. National core is really strong and they don't have a on fielder so in a team with bennet Xl kazuha you can play emile on field with bennet burst and she'll benefit from his Atk buff on her E and kazuha+bennet c6 will give her some pyro dmg bonus for Auto attacks.


That’s actually one of the teams I’m thinking of running too!


I think XQ/Yelan would be better instead of Kazuha with National Emelie. They both do more dmg than Kazuha, and enables vape and burgeon. And Yelan can actually buff onfield Emelie, while Kazuha cannot.


Kaz gets your xiangling damage sky high tho, unfortunately


Compared to Vape no unfortunately.


I don't think you can vape particularly effectively with a burning aura and an on field Emilie, but you're free to test that when she comes out


Good point. Will try.      But is the buff difference bigger than the dmg of putting another off field dps like Yelan who also buffs Emelie, who Kazuha cant buff? There's also some limited Forward Vapes if Reverse is not available.


does emilie c6 have a damage profile similar to someone else in genshin? i want to know how much each c6 infused atk will do damage wise