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If you’re not spending then save for Émilie, C2 Furina does not need another power boost.


c2 furina is enough, even c0 is enough. go for new characters


Who do you expect asking in the Emilie sub?


Tbh the Emilie wanters have been far more reasonable and realistic


True i guess


I've recently seen one mains sub make multiple upvoted (they're prone to echo chamber) claims that Furina being an archon will have her next rerun faster.   That's not even entirely  true for 1st reruns. Archon 2nd reruns are as unpredictable as any banner and can often exceed a year.  And I've seen people on Emelie mains saying what I'm saying.


Emilie 100%


I have C3 Furina. it's not worth the primos from C2


C1 Furina is enough, C2-C3 is for speedruns imo


C3 furina is a waste of primos


so unless I intend on going for c6 in the same banner, c2 is good enough?


C2 is her best constelation other than c6. If u want to c6 her in the future then sure u can go for c3, but if u don't plan on c6ing her then it's a waste imo. I stop at c2 MAX for any character because there are way too many characters in the game to go ALL in on one


Yeah c2 is good enough, but every furina con is good and not a waste. C3 is basically an increase to your entire account. Tho c2 is already really good and if u want emilie id say save for emilie. U can get furinas c3 on rerun


If you have to ask before pulling cons then the answer is always no. Cons are for people who don't need to ask about the cost.


C3 Furina is around a 10% team damage increase at most. It puts you closer to C4 for the energy regeneration if you ever want to go for that in the future. It is up to you to decide if it's worth your primos. Emilie can open up more teams, and she looks like an excellent sub dps on her niche so far.


Its more than 10% its a 24% increase for her teamates.


24% damage bonus does not translate to 24% more damage due to the way the damage formula works and team damage distribution. Her C3 generally sits around 10% more damage overall.


C2 is more for her own personal dmg, c3 is still a 24% dmg bonus increase which is a lot different than the c1 team bonus. A new character is always better but yall acting like her c3 isnt one of the best cons in the game. I have furina on all my accounts with different cons and I can definitely feel a huge difference between her 124% c3 team buff and 100% c1


C1 is a lot better because you get a frontloaded buff since you start with 100 fanfare stacks by simply casting her burst. It also raises her fanfare upper limit. This alone makes her much better with single target healers. It is a very impactful constellation and relatively cheap in comparison to C3. C2 is not just her own damage. It also allows single target healers to max her fanfare stacks, and you get an even more frontloaded buff because of how easy you can get her stacks. C3 is good, but it is a steep amount of primos for a small team damage increase. I personally think you are better off going for another character unless you are going all the way to C6.


He already has c2 so c3 would be cheap anyways. Her c3 is 124% increase her c1 is 100%. You obviously already have her c1 in the kit when u get c3. Her c3 is an insane buff and u had 1 furina to try for a bit until u made her c6 so u probs didn't even feel it much. Her c1 and c3 feels way different and all her cons are worth it. Thats also a reason you obviously went all the way. My furinas are c0, c1, c3, c6. Her c3 is the best team buff in the game so obviously a worth constellation. New character over cons always, but her c3 is amazing


Stop yapping, c3 is good, but doesn't rival c1 or c2, it also doesn't provide anything towards team building, just a damage boost of around 10% teamdps.


"Stop yapping" the only one yapping here is u... c1 and c2 is already there when she has her c3 clown.... man thinks he can deactivate cons


How do you say "doesn't provide anything towards team building", but say it does on the sentence after? Her c3 is her ult, it does provide something towards her team.


It really isn't, c3 furina is a 124% dmg boost for everyone in your account.


This is my opinion, take it if you like or ignore... Furina C1 and especially her C2 are damn good, however she is extremely strong at C0 already that I consider a waste of primos going beyond that. I'll always prefer new units over cons to have more team building options As for her C3 I can assure you thats a complete waste... if you want to invest hard on her then stop at C2.... C3s and C5s are not worth in most characters


c2 is enough to obliterate all content with furina, i probably save for new chara


Imo Furina has the best C1 and C2 in the game, the team damage increase is basically equivalent to your whole team having their signature weapons. C3's team damage increase is lesser, don't think it's worth it.


C2 Furina trivializes pretty much everything. I'd only go for c3 if I was going to eventually go for c6 eventually


I genuinely struggle to come up with a scenario in which you would need a C3 Furina to do anything in this game. C0 Furina is already the best character in the game.


most archons limits should be c2 for f2p/low spender/dolphins, c3 and beyond is for whales and for extremely lucky people go for emilie if you are already on this sub lmao


Furina is so busted at C0 already.




Either c1/c2 or c6




You think I'll be able to save enough for Emilie? Well, I am on the 50/50, I could roll for Furina, but save my guarantee for Emilie if I lose the 50/50


You do not need C3, assuming you have C2 already or at least C1. Getting her C3 would be just a flex, not a necessary upgrade.


I want Emilie so bad and her weapon. But I also want Furina's C2 so I got it. From 284 wishes now down to 174 T _ T Hope I can still get her c0r1.


It's almost always a better choice to get a new character instead of cons, unless you really want to max out a specific character. C3 Furina isn't really worth it unless you plan on going beyond that tho, if not then Emilie is more worth it in that scenario.


unless you're going all the way for c6 or justifying your reason to pulling her signature (c4+), I wouldn't bother going past c2 otherwise.


C2 is already basically furinas best con, so I wouldn't really get more unless you're going for c6


I’m always a “get a new character” vs “get constellations / weapons” kinda guy. New characters mean new play styles, new teams, new mechanics, new content. Constellation means increase damage I guess.


Bro… what!? C2 Furina already deletes the game. I have her and I’m just here waiting for Emilie


I have the same problem… I have a guaranteed pity… and my pity is so high, I can get a 5 star in the next ten pull! 😭 I don’t know if I should pull and get C4 Furina or wait for Emilie and get her maybe her weapon! 😭😭😭


Unless you eventually plan to C6 her, C3 furina just isnt worth it. So Emilie, esp if you already have teams where she can fit


Furina C2 is already a mobile firing squad you should save up for Emilie or whoever you like


I will tell you what I tell my friends, I will be pulling for Emelie because she is the missing piece of Wrio's burnmelt team, if you don't have a team that you specifically want her to be in OR you really like her, waiting for her re-run after seeing what Natlan is all about might be a good idea.


save for emilie tbh C2 furina is beyond overkill, and will do fantastic in any team u put her in. Go for Emilie 100% imho I'd only advise going past c2 Furina if you want to transform her into a main dps If Emilie's skill range is half as good as the TC claims it is, then Emilie will relax bloom quickswap teams, especially Burgeon and Nilou bloom imho, as well as make a solid Burn team and probably some niche stuff also I also feel Emilie will be the most future proof Dendro character we will get for a very long time. (I know Baizhu and Nahida is super good, but Emilie has better fundamentals imho) Pray they will make a support artifact set for Burn or some other Dendro based set that can be a little bit more universal or equally universal as Viridescent Venerer and she will be a godsend! Good luck on your pulls


C3 is still super strong, but it’s the weakest of her personal cons (about a 7.3% increase from C2). At that point you’re better off going for new characters.


As a c3 owner, it's nice in practice however it's just like c3 raiden the extra damage (in raiden's case) or buffing (in furina's case) is nice but, for the amount It costs and the power gained from it it's just not worth it compared to pulling another character. However if you do want to max out Furina's buffing capabilities like me it's a fine con to grab as 124 dmg percent that can be granted almost instantly is pretty damn strong.


I got c3 furina last night but I also plan to eventually c6 her so that heavily contributed. Her c3 is good but quite boring, just a talent upgrade.


-If you plan on using Furina with her signature sword then you might want to consider aiming for c4 as it helps with her energy needs -But if you don’t mind not always being able to burst or running her with the fishing pipe then yeah go for Emilie


Can has moneys please?


New character > cons


If we’re being honest, Emilie is a skip. She requires burning… to buff her own damage and only her own damage. So you’re kneecapping the rest of the team for an off field dps to do more dmg? And she isn’t even em focused, so you’re getting nothing out of the actual burning reaction. She’s a skip.


Just skip the next 3 star character


In what content would you ever need a C3? C2 at best, new characters are better


Constellations are all pointless


c3 is legit useless lmao go for new character


Ofc c3 furina


Wait for 5.0 leaks.