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On Hyperbloom, she will have okay Dendro Application, but won't contribute much else. The range of her application is good, so she's not unplayable, but won't be the best option. On Aggravate, you can. You just need some way to have a bit of Pyro applied periodically to get some Burning going, but this can work. It will basically have Aggravates / Overloads / Burns popping up. With a decent Team, it's more than viable.


emilie's damage is severely nerfed if the burning reaction is not present.... so probably not


Didn’t they change that part of her kit?


they changed electro reactions nerfing her damage, but no, that part of her kit is still present.


Omg I misread your comment. Thank you for the clarification


Emilie/Bennett/Xiangling/Fischl. Keep in mind, on field Emilie does DPS damage pretty much even if her NA's don't do that much. Her E, A1 and Q get insane value from standing in Bennett circle in the future Pyro Archon replaces one of bennett/xiangling


You can use her but her personal dmg and dendro application will be about as good as DMCs on those teams and I'd adivse against pulling Emilie if those are the only teams you want to play her in. Ofc, remember to pull for who you like and don't let me dissuade you from getting her but I'd recommend looking into teams with burning, because she should feel really rewarding to play in those.


Honey impact


Why would you want to? In aggravate, all she gives is worse dendro app, no healing, and low damage.