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what dendro/hydro characters do you currently have? regardless furina is probably a better choice


If you love dendro go for Emilie. She’s very good as well. Don’t get Furina just because she’s strong. Get her if you like her. Furina is very strong and can fit into a lot of teams. But Emilie is going to enable a lot dendro team comps that you may prefer due to your love of dendro as an element. If I were you, I’d focus on the one I like most and make sure I get them. Emilie will be on the second half of the next update so you have a good chunk of time between now and then to save up if you decide to try for Furina. Also note that this is Emilie’s debut banner so she’s likely to come back sooner than Furina who is on her second go around. Best of luck!


I'm gonna second this. I just pulled for Furina despite my misgivings (eating a second slot for a healer, eating your hp so you're squishy) and I really regret it. She's strong, but I'm not enjoying her at all. And I had to go to hard pity twice, so that extra sucks. If you like her, sure, get her, but prioritize your favorites and save your primos.


That’s exactly why I encourage people to play with the characters that make their experience enjoyable. Furina is a really strong character but her strength comes at a price. I personally enjoy her but then again two of my favorite characters are healers so it’s no issue for me to include her in my teams. But my experience is not everyone’s and despite my love of Furina, I completely get that some people don’t care for her.


Every time I pulled a character, it was in service of one of my favorites. Nahida for Wriothesley, etc. This was the first time I pulled a character bc they're strong but also kinda cool, and Furina's character is really cool. But...ugh. I'm considering using her for hypercarry Shogun since my Raiden is stuck doing hyperblooms now. Or as a support for Dehya since I do love Dehya. Point is, I agree. I absolutely recommend only pulling for your favorites. I'm lucky I do at least enjoy her as a character.


C0 Furina is great, but she has her downsides. C2 Furina > Emilie, if you have enough primos saved. Honestly though I would pick whichever you like more. The meta isn’t as major as some people claim it is.


Get Emilie




Archon reruns are predictable, but random characters like Emilie can get locked in the basement for 1-2 years


Good point


Do you like Furina or use teams where she'd fit perfectly? If answer is yes then get her. If your only reason to get her is just because everyone says she's strong then that's just fomo in action. And don't get me wrong: Furina's strong. But it's not like she's the beat choice for every team or that teams with her vs other hydro characters are that much better for the most part: the only team where she felt like a really big improvement was in my Cyno teams and mostly because I've refused to get Nahida but got myself Baizhu on release instead. The 2nd most impactful team was Xiao's but it was more in terms of comfort of gameplay and freeing myself from Bennett's circle instead of actual improvement in clear times (that would be Xianyun). Every other team I've tried? She's neat and I like her a lot but the team is either not that strong to begin with or some other hydro I have fits just as well there.


Pull Furina. She's super strong and versatile, and there's probably enough time between now and Emilie's banner to save up for her. (That's my plan, so there'd better be enough time 😭)


Depending on your account if you only have xingqiu I would go for furina since she had decent hydro app and gives damage bonus. But if your have your heart set on emilie then go for her.


Furina isnt strong shes BROKEN. Best character in the game


Furina is not just strong, but highly BROKEN, even in C0.


The ceiling is furina. So get both


I suggest you to get Furina if you don't have her. You don't know how good Emilie can be.


Honestly the way I see it (Bridgerton reference!!) If you like the Featheringtons, pull Emilie, if you like the Bridgertons, pull Furina


Im also a bit torn - i dont have furina yet, but i have a guarantee stored up at 50 pity On the one hand furina is great in some of my usual comps, but id also like more dendro team options


If you love dendro and Emilie go for her. Dendro are typically less investment and easier to build If you like meta and big numbers/ struggling with abyss, furina seems like a better investment.


It you dont not have furina, there is no character in the game worth more than her at c0. Not Emilie, not Raiden, not Nahida (debatable), not kazuha, nobody.


I would say kazuha rivals Furina but that’s just me


C0 Furina is mostly a sidegrade to XQ and Yelan unless there’s a certain team that Furina unlocks.


Bullshit used to be believable in our time


Nah she’s like a mega upgrade due to her burst


In terms of hydro application I agree but in anything else? No Like there is no chance that furina is a sidegrade to them unless you only want a hydro character for their application and literally nothing else.


Never cook again🤣