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You guys need a Bob Barker intervention out there STAT


His ghost is gonna haunt that place.


Gonna go out in a limb and say you win


Yeah you win. Thread closed.


What in tarnation...


Where do you live, fucking Pawnee Indiana?


There's a mural of the dog purge day on the 4th floor


They have that here on the reserves too. Usually once the population goes unchecked for too long and someone gets attacked.


While still terrible, that is quite a bit different


The annual watermelon festival is where the shootings happen every goddamn year


Do the watermelon crawl


Any public gathering named after a fruit or vegetable is a shooting waiting to happen.


I laughed so hard at this




For reference I live on a farm and have lived on farms my entire life. Ive seen people tangled up in PTO shafts, ate by bailers, ran over by combines, all sorts of farm equipment accidents. I work in the city but Im one of the only medics on the rescue squad in the county. To say im real familiar with our local equipment reps and mechanics is an understatement. Ive taken apart damn near every brand of equipment. Hell my front yard is pretty much a designated LZ


Man, that hits close to home. Literally. My dad's front pasture was a dedicated LZ for years, actually pre programed into our GPS and listed in out map books. But as far as the ag equipment, have you ever heard of Farmedic? It essentially covers the dangers of ag equipment, techniques for extraction, dangers to responders. Most of us never realized how dangerous silos and hoppers were, so it was definitely worth the time.


I live in the south so silos are not that big down here. Not a whole lot of grain and corn production down here as compared to the midwest. AG equipment is dangerous a shit. Got my pants ripped in a PTO once when cutting and you could have put a lump of coal up my ass and got a diamond in return


Lol, I've picked a few of those diamonds out of my own "diamond press" as well! I'm down south myself, and I had NO idea silos and grain bins were so dangerous, and those fricking PTOs are the devil's own, I'll tell ya'. In fire academy were discussing "drowning" in grain bins, and found out we had one not a quarter mile away from where we were sitting. Co workers tied the guy off, and the story goes, when they emptied some grain to rescue him, it separated him, instead.


I know of a man who was killed on his farm when moving big hay bales around. Not sure what happened but one fell on him. He was not found for a little while because he wasn’t expected back until he finished the work. His wife went searching and found him, which must have been horrific for her.


That sounds horrible! That type of thing has never happened here.


I float to the emergency department from time to time. The BIG tally board of deer versus hunters that starts with the youth hunt and lasts into late deer hunting season. Biggest rise in numbers on opening day of rifle season. Got to work there on opening day one year. Deer definitely won, far more hunter injuries than deer on the buckpole. EMS has stories of even more hunters who refused transport. A shot off toe? Just staunch the bleeding and hobble back in the woods so as not to miss the big one.


We had one shot by another hunter one year. Right through the heart. We wondered how it happened, because it was bow season.


everytime I get a hunter that shoots themselves they are rolling around crying like a lil bitch. " oh God ... it hurst so bad!" no shit Sherlock, it's supposed to.


We had a guy get cut from elbow to wrist on a sheer sheering tool and before he called us tried to close the gaping wound WITH GLUE! 😬 We just wrapped him up, transported, thought “Sucks to be that surgeon”


I've heard of people doing this. People have spoken to me like I'm supposed to have learned about that before.


Nudist colony. in the boonies. Basically ur typical RV park with decent facility/pool whatevs. The fun part is... its 65 and older. and like every other 65+ community were there every other weekend. RIP my eyes.


Even if it weren’t 65 and older, the same rule would apply. Whether it’s EMS, nude beaches, nudist resorts…….the people you see naked are the last people you would ever want to see naked.


We have the methhead artic escapades. In the north eastern part of our service area there's a few individuals with a propensity for extracurricular substances the crystalline variety. Every winter when its -20 out 2-3 of these individuals drug induced paranoia gets the better of them and they all go running out of the house in a panic. Resulting in the expected cold related injuries and the occasional tweakercicle.


Nothing like that. Although I’ve been to so many cow accidents. There’s nothing like going to a blood bath of an accident just to find out it’s cause they just destroyed a cow out of its fence.


We had a cow hit by a train this weekend.


I bet that was a beautiful sight to see. The last one I went to the whole road got painted red and the drivers engine was sitting in the road. They were fine somehow but yeah that was interesting. I pulled up on the opposite side of the scene facing the vehicle and I honestly thought I was going to a MCI with a DOA there was so much blood. Nope just a Tahoe murdering a cow.


"So, often on the front of the locomotive is a large iron wedge for clearing objects off the tracks. Now, while commonly known as a cowcatcher, I prefer the more accurate "cow exploder."" - Sheldon Cooper


Ah yes the culling. Definitely happens on reserves a lot.


There's a rural community near me where the government purges the local, wild mustangs. Locals come out and protest.


Somebody downvoted you for contributing to the conversation lol


Why am I not surprised. It is reddit after all. Lol


not nearly as crazy as yours but in my area, it’s basically a given that everyone’s got a grandpa or knows someone who’s lost a finger or two to an auger or a baler


We have this annual music festival that brings a bunch of people in to town. That’s it. Not even a rave or anything, it’s just a mix of stuff from modernish singer songwriters to older dad rock with a bunch of Xers and Millenials smoking weed and drinking. But it draws a good few thousand people and I would just rather it….didn’t. I keep a calendar of all the local events people like so I know when to not come in to town.


They send First Responders to lift assists.


Bro what


1414 Fuck 1414 and the roads that branch off of it. I know it's longer than most other roads. But it's foothills everywhere. Also the south end of it ends at the bottom of a straight stretch on a steep hill. Like if you're in a semi truck and you have to stop before you go up, you MIGHT hit 30mph somewhere near the top. Also there's a bunch of druggies out that road and nevermind the schizo lady who was "cyber attacked the day before the tornado"


That’s fucked up.


Where I work, people joke about all the incest that goes on with family members. They call people like that "Uncle Smudge" because it's on a reservation.


I will literally shoot back dont fuck with the doggies