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Exactly. In order to entice people to work private in Iraq, you need to pay significantly more due to danger. 2-3x a normal salary at least. After the army, I saw private contractor spots for as much as 50k a month. Thats how you attract people.


I mean… this is kinda double or triple a normal salary in the states 😅


With our cost of living that goes into effect in October, I will be making 82k with no OT. No way is this worth it.


Then you're an outlier. Most medics/aemts make half that or less.


I make 26.5/hr as an AEMT. But like you said thats extremely good for my area. I make more than many medics in my area (get fucked losers)


I was making $15 for a private company


That's starvation wages anywhere in Colorado. My first job out of EMT was during covid, and paid well but was covid-specific, low on technical experience and inherently temporary. After thatbI started looking at 'real' EMT jobs, I wanted to do either wilderness related or 911.... I found one job in maybe the lowest COL part of the state (not saying much) offering $12/hr. In Denver it was $15/hr *1099* at this one event contractor. Seriously???? 15/hr was typical at every job I looked at, while I was coming off nearly $30/hr and had previously been at $25/hr in a bullshit, no xp no education warehouse job. The moral of this story is, we need to start walking away from employers that dont offer reasonable wages for what we do. We can do just fine in other jobs, but they can't run calls without us.


I’m in Boise and I have walked away from the industry. I could go 911 but they treat their guys like shit requiring forced OT. If you pick up someone’s shift that doesn’t count because it was voluntary. They want your life to be nothing but work. I’ve done wildland fire and loved it, but the inconsistencies are brutal.


I am also in the ‘inverted AEMT’ club sitting above most medics at my service. Damn it feels good to be a gangsta Still going to medic school though. I’m capped out on pay 🤣




Pennsylvania. But again the vast majority of EMS make shit here. I just work for a high paying company (i dont recommend it, its extremely toxic and they work you into the ground)




Look up the medic salary on the west coast. Starting in major urban areas is $70k on the low end


But what is that salary in relation to COL? Those are big factors as well


You’re also not paying taxes on any of that money. Still might not make it worth it for ya but it’s something


There are caveats to that. I had a partner who left to go take a job as a contractor with State a few years back before we pulled out, I wanna say it was in the 250 -300 k range. In order to qualify for the combat pay tax breaks he could not set foot in the US for the entire year of the contract - meet his wife in Greece or Europe for a week but can't come home. I'm not super clear on all of the stipulations but I remember that one.


I thought it was you can't be in the US for 30 days. Also, when you are considering that the salary is only slightly higher than in the states. You also have to consider that almost everything including food is paid over there. I did a year over there and did it at a time where I moved out of my apartment so didn't have rent or mortgage to pay, just storage. And paid off my car note. Yeah, I only got paid 5k a month. But my monthly expenses was always less than 500$ a month. I literally brought home 90% of that year long paycheck. I still have a big chunk of it


You could be right, like I said I'm not sure on the specifics. He came back to work for us after his contract was up but I think he paid off the house at the end of it all.


Incorrect. You have 30 days, and you can return to the States. You must be out of the country for 335 days, total. But, if you live near the border with either Mexico or Canada, you can enter the US for 23 hours, and it doesn't count against you as you are not here for 24 hours. Say you live in SE USA near the Mexican border or Northern USA bordering Canada. You stay in a hotel and drive over in the day time with your family, drive back at night. No cost to you. I worked for 3.5 years in Iraq and Afghanistan making $110k/yr. You also have to take into consideration that you aren't driving to and from work, paying for meals, rent, utilities, vehicle expenses, free gym, free entertainment. Abd since you are already on that dude if the globe, your vacation destinations are closer and cheaper to visit.


That's not true at all. If you stay out of the country for 330 days your first $100,000 or whatever it now is free from federal taxes.


Guarda did 6 months out, 1 month home when my buddy was there. You’ll hit the 330 no problem unless you’re only looking for short term and it’s up to $120k so no taxes for this one specifically


Lol no. Not true at all.


How do you figure? You can exclude up to $120k foreign earned income for 2023. Post says $100k-$110k. What are you getting that I’m missing?


That's a year in Iraq. If you're there the entire year, that's effectively working every day, since you aren't home. There's a dude at my company doing 5 24s every week who's set to clear 200k this year. Same level of being gone, but he's doing it in California.


I make more than that as a medic in ny, without OT lol. Granted, it's a high cost of living area, but some of our guys can clear 200k with OT (I'm too old and don't have that kind of energy).


Not once you take all the taxes out it isnt.


When will people realize that there’s no money in private EMS? I’m just a basic and I make around 100k a year as a career FF. My morning commute is literally 4 minutes and my benefits are awesome.


50k a month?!?!! What the fuck. Homie I'd digest my books and live eat breath and become EMS for that.


The position was training Iraqi police. (I was more security related at the time). Position was open because the previous guy was killed by the guys he was training. There's often a reason those positions pay that well. They are quite dangerous


You forgot that it’s tax free income when it’s over seas


When I was overseas, the contracted medics were making $150k. We only called them once, and they showed up with both ambos, a squad, and an engine.


Tax free tho


Is it all tax free now? It used to just be up to a certain amount.


How am I supposed to bsi scene safe when the scene is iraq


Bsi scene is as safe as it will get




The scene is never safe so you don’t have to do anything. Simple


You’ll never get past step 1 of your assessment lmao


*patients legs are blown off by IED* So... when did you eat last?


I make close to that now and I probably won't die. Haha.


Excellent choice.


Where does an AEMT make 100k??


Def possible to clear 100k with about 60-70 hours a week as a basic, we get shift differentials on top of OT at about 45-50 an hour for every 8 hours OT. Base pay is $23ish


Paramedic and in NC. EMT basic buddy in FL cleared 200k so it's deffo possible.


>EMT basic buddy in FL cleared 200k so it's deffo possible. How?!?


Working 600 hrs a week and having no outside life.


Original commenter: Trust me, that's how




Fuck no. I'm on the low end of that range now. It'd take a lot more than that to get me to go back to that fucking shithole.


Probably a good call.


Right? That's actually a steep cut where I am...


Yea I've spent my time there and I'm scared enough from it. No need to debride those old wounds.


That scene definitely doesn’t seem safe. I would not.


What about BSI?




Lmao. First rule


Eh, put your gloves on and stop bitching. Not like IED's ever hurt anyone.


[Never work for Garda](https://projects.tampabay.com/projects/2020/investigations/garda-world/).


That’s some phenomenal journalism. Can we get her to do AMR next?




I worked for Garda for too long as an armored courier in Chicago. I can confirm this shit is true across the board for this shithole company, and can back it up with specifics. I have fucking receipts.


1 ticket for Garda Receipts please


Lemme just add on to what that article shows. That's Gardas stateside operations, mostly security and armored cars. But their contracting jobs aren't much better. I was scouted by them and others for contracting jobs after I got out of the army and that was years ago and yet the pay was the same or more as this listing, with much less inflation than currently. But on top of that, unlike basically all contracting jobs...they paid hourly. WHILE IN COUNTRY. That was fucking insane to me. So basically, if they didn't give you hours (Which I heard of happening often) you would be sitting on a FOB in fucking Iraq being paid nothing for being there. To add on to that, the bottom of that 100k "estimate" is only IF they gave you enough hours! Which...again they often didnt. The norm for contracting is daily pay. Every day you are paid $500 or something for being there, regardless of what happens. So basically, even for shitty overseas contracting jobs, garda is the bottom of the barrel.


Fire departments pay more and the likelihood of death is much lower


Likelihood of sudden death is lower, likelihood of cancer in 20 years is much higher.


Fire tops out around 80 where I'm at. Unless you're a captain or some shit.


Where I’m at fire emts start at 90-100k medics make around 120k starting








That's awesome!


It really is 😭😭😭😭


LA City fire is hiring single function medics for way more than that right now. Total dipshit from my company got hired there, so it can't be that hard.


What does “routine security guard services” mean in this context? If you’re going to Iraq I assume the expectation is different from some overnight building security gig in western countries


No idea but it sounds scary af in general.


Cavity searches


I volunteer as tribute


Think secret service no suits. Gate guards, roving, mobile, drivers.


Nope. I worked for SOC stateside; every once in a while they’d come to my department to recruit for positions like this. SOC had more than a handful of these guys get killed or maimed in Afghanistan, and we all knew how the company worked. They don’t give a fuck. Your spouse will get a year and a half of your annual salary and your remains in a cheap wood box, and that’ll be it. You’ll have died for corporate greed. Hard no.


Oh man 😔 that's awful.


I’m currently stuck at a government contractor’s fire department cause the pay is so decent; but it’s awful. You are a body with a pulse to them. They do not care. If you die at work they’ll shrug and move on, and send their corporate lawyers reasons to not pay out your bennies. They will not proactively work to make the workplace safer; it is an entirely reactive environment. Purchases like PPE are made on the basis of the bare bones cheapest shit they can come up with. Never ever work for federal contracts.


Jesus christ dude. I hope you make it out okay.


I’ve been here 10 of the last 14 days on 24 hour shifts; there’s been major drama, several fairly shit calls, and “it is what it is” is starting to not cut it. Let that explain my extremely sour replies hahaha.


Your sour replies are an understatement probably. I'd be finding any way to get out of it, but I am now priveledged to have a financial safety net. But hey man sometimes being poor is better than a fucking terrible work environment. Stress kills people.


Did it before for a whole lot less haha. I’d expect that salary to be much higher. Nice thing is it’s tax free. But normal year long gig should be pulling close to 200k. Also, if it was me, I’d look for one where you could do a few months at a time, not a full year. Trust me on the last part.


Well I'm not doing it. Just posting for the discussion :)


Not without checking out the company in advance...


Maybe if it was rated a full 3 - 3.5 stars. Not for a 2.5 Star rated company, gross


I saw Iraq had some pretty bad google reviews too. That's a no go for me.


Garda is trash, everyone who has worked for them will say the same thing: they backstab and pay the lowest in the industry. Ask them how the Afghan withdrawal went. The contracting world is pretty small and people talk.


My buddy went to Afghan a few years ago with them. He did security but he liked it and he raked in cash. If I had my AEMT I’d probably jump on this


I saw in another comment that apparently 100k is low, so if you're interested ask around about how to find these jobs.


I’m going to medic school next year, I’m waiting to finish that until I get serious about looking lol




Ain't that some bullshit.


200k, up front. 250k life insurance too.


Still not enough for me. I'd do it for 300 million. ;)


Yeah I'm not down to crack skulls in the sandbox. It didn't go so well for us for the last 20 years...


Doesn't sound like a good time to me.




This is the correct answer. 100k would be great to a deployment to Ireland or South Korea, lol. Middle East? Those contracts are very lucrative for these companies so they better share the damn wealth.


Personally I'd ask for 300 million bc I'd surely be kidnapped or killed.


Yeah but realistically I'd take 300k. 300 million? I'd probably do just about anything lol




Nah, if I never make it back to the Middle East it’ll be too soon.


There is very little I won't do for a chance to die and financial stability.




If you read the schedule, 6 days a week at 12 hours. It's like 26-28 dollars an hour. They are high as fuck. You can make that in the states. Don't have to work 72 hours a week. Don't have to worry about getting shot, blown up etc. And if you get hurt? Fired. No benefits. Fuck off.


I thought about this many times earlier in my career but shunned away from getting an IED to the face. Anyway, there are usually fringe benefits that are available when overseas like housing and meals. It’s also tax free (I believe). So you’re really making solid dough (if you survive).


I couldn't. Pale af, blonde haired, blue eyed American woman. I'd be ransomed or killed.


Or worse…




You need to sort out your priorities!


Fuck ya I’d take that job how long the contract and where do I sign up.


Acuity does these contracts, too, and for similar pay. No security work, though, and you're pretty much in the green zone full time. Idk why everyone in this thread is acting like we're still actively bombing over there or something. It's not like you'd be wandering the streets unsupervised.


You craycray.


I’m pullin barely 32k before tax and I hate my family I’d take that in a heartbeat. And your right ppl tell me in insane all the time. Asked a few guys around me they’d take that job too.


Ask some people around in the comments how to you can sign up for shit like this because apparently 100k is a low salary for this type of deployment. Also check out FEMA deployments.


Ima look into that I’m deployed to Florida rn for the hurricane that just passed through and I’m lovin this shit.


I'd probably have fun down there too however I can't leave my family for that long. Glad to hear you're having a blast tho!


What’s the best way to find those deployments?


There’s jobs like that in Antarctica too if you’d rather be in the cold


Nah fuck that all the money in the world means shit if you’re dead 😂


no lol. especially with Americans being prime target in Iraq.


Garda will leave your ass behind lol


I almost did, and have a friend doing it now. He says he plays xbox and watches movies all day. Easy fucking money. You wont leave the embassy


When I was interviewing, that was the picture that was painted. But we'll let all the people who think we're all actively fighting a war there stay away and keep the pay decent for the work load, lol.


Lol yeah i saw alot of dumb comments here. Basically youll be the medic for the quick reaction force security team. You guys dont even sit in guard positions or do patrols. They only call on you if regular security gets in trouble and needs back up. You can probably imagine how often that happens at a major us embassy.


That's low pay for a paramedic if it's on the WPS contract.


All I know is that I make about as much as a Walmart cashier so it stuck out to me.


It is. Also this particular ERT contract they cheaped out even more. They aren’t even PSS, they are G-clin (guards). They finally pruned one too many branches on the money tree. Fuck’m.


Yah if it isn't wps that explains the pay.


No. It needs to be significantly higher to entice any logical person.


I said 300 million. :)


I would strongly consider it because I've always wanted to help out relief efforts in war zones/disaster zones but I'm unsure of how to get into that sort of thing. It would depend on who's offering tho, that's for sure.


As other commenters have said, this salary is low and should be more like 300k. If you're into this stuff I'd ask around on here about how to best go about it. This ad on indeed is not the way.


Oh absolutely, it's also Garda which is an instant and resounding no from me for reasons pointed out here.


Depending on where you are, Iraq is not the free-for-all war zone that people in this thread are making it out to be. You could try the Worst Responders job board for contracting gigs that match your preferences, or maybe see if Medecins Sans Frontieres takes medics.


Go back to Iraq 20 years later making 5x what I made the first time? Maybe. Is it tax free? That makes a difference. Though last time I went we had a much larger military presence and I had was strapped.


Don't do it buddy!


I did it once. They gave me guns tho. Probably because I was in the army at the time.


Bruh, new grad nurses make that and here we have paramedics going to Iraq to make the same lmao


As a "Western" woman... absolutely not.


I’m very interested in contracting but i won’t leave the house for less than 800 a day, let alone to a place like Iraq Edit to be clear I’ve done contracting and 800/daily is what a lot of contracts seem to pay for medics in the US


Only 2 1/2 stars? Maybe




Hey I saw that ad too.


I just got that email and I am thinking hard about it


Read other comments, looks like there's way better pay elsewhere!


I make dogshit $ now in one of the worst inner cities in the US...this feels like an upgrade


I mean if you're working in Kensington Philly for example, it might be alright. I feel like that place is basically a war zone.


Been there, done that. Made a T shirt


Hahaha th clownery 🤡


Garda honestly isnt that good. More and more inexperienced hands making the dangwr factor go up. Also the rotation is 105 days on 35 off, so not good if you want to have a family.






I dunno. I feel like I'd be really happy with that income but I also like not being in pieces.


Looks like I’m applying


Noo you can do better than this!


Nope. I make that amount as a basic working OT. Sure, OT takes up a lot of your life, but literally living in Iraq would take up more of my life, lol.


They usually do 90 on 30 off for federal contracts, but they were also one of the very first companies to abandon Afghanistan alongside their dogs. The biggest problem is that if you have anything other than an honorable, no matter your other qualifications they will abandon your application process the second they find out.


If I was a Medic I would take it just to say iv done it, but that just me.


Absolutely not


I was in processing for a post in Iraq but with Acuity. It was a 6 day a week job in the embassy clinic. Housing and food were provided. It was in the green zone, so very safe. Safer than Chicago, statistically. It was essentially 3 months at work and 1 month home. The only reason I ended up not going was because I have an abdominal hernia, which disqualified me, and I wasn't in a position to get surgery to fix it at that time. Still, it would have probably been both exceptionally boring and super cool.


Fuck no. I'm done working for war criminals.


yep. I did it. 2009-10. Kuwait, Iraq, Afghanistan. It was fucking awesome and I'd do it again if I wasn't now married with kids. But, I got paid almost exactly that 13 years ago, so no, that pay is a bit low.


I think there some short sighted view on this. Way I see it, if you're young, and don't have family obligations, this is an interesting opportunity to do something and see something few people could imagine. The pay probably tax free, that's actually good pay. Considering 30K of my salary goes to taxes, and 30K goes to my living expensives, car, bills etc, this 110K is closer to 170-180K, for me at least. Definitely going to see and learn things you won't civilian state side for sure. And the job description says it will allow you to obtain and maintain security clearance \-- This alone I think is a great reason for someone to do this if interested as it will open doors for other extremely lucrative contract jobs that require security clearance.


You’ll probably be supplementing clinics and sick calls. Highly doubt it is more than that. It’s pretty safe, I’d feel safer there then certain US cities currently. It’s probably easy $. When I ETS’d I was recruited to work in Saudi to do transports - didn’t go, it was more in line with standard EMS work. I love how people think they’re going to be in the shit. BIAP & Green Zone are safer than areas in the north, like Tikrit, Bayji, & Mosul. Requirements to do ops is not as simple. Typically on top of the EMS requirements, you’ll also need to have experience like combat arms, Tier 1/2 operators, etc. That’s in addition to weapons qualification and physical fitness standards.


Iraq is not nearly as dangerous as these people are implying.


The first time I spent over a year in Iraq, I came back with $20k. The second time, I made more but my ex-wife blew it all before I got home. I can hear this job posting. And it sounds the the bell for round 3.


Iraq like in Iraq or Chiraq?


Baghdad, Iraq.


Well this is definitely for the adventurous type. If you like money and don’t have much holding you back. Hell why not? Personally for me I’d rather pull security on those cargo ships fighting pirates than being over there. I’d be constantly paranoid about IEDs all over the place.


You can move to NZ and be a paramedic and make the same. No war zone required.


There’s no reciprocity and an American’s not getting a visa to do that.


Nope. I can make that with overtime as a security guard or my current residential position at my job. Without having to go back to the middle east. Home at night, a beer if I wanted one, seeing my wife, the little things. If I were still in the Army or Army national guard and deployed then sure. But I'm retired so they'd need to like triple that.


Yes l, looks like people are commenting that it should be more like 300k. But still a hard no for me.


Better off getting your fire fighter cert and going to the antarctic fire department. It's cold, but a lot less chance of getting shot. Or bombed.


I looked at that, but I have family to take care of now. Sounds like a cool experience though!


Yeah hell nah, im a PCP in Canada and I'm already at almost $100k cad ytd, so I'll probably make the equivalent of $100k usd without having to go to Iraq. Gotta at least double that for me to consider it.


110,000 seems low for an overseas contract in Iraq


Hell no. I can make that as an AEMT here, and be home just about daily.


Can make more stateside. Pay far too low for this.


I make over that gross pay at my FT medic gig.


Already did that, in 2009. Do not recommend.


Def not for me!


Not something I’d consider. Too far from the wife for me. I’d also feel like I was at work 24/7. Which I would hate. Plus it’d be a little bit of a paycut for me.


How long is the contract? I know dudes who did 6 month contracts as static guards (they aren't EMS dudes) straight after getting out of the USMC for 67k


I make more than that now, but if you don’t and stay out of America for 330 days of the year, you will pay no income taxes. The tax exclusion for American citizens in 2023 is 120k and it’s likely to go up in 2024. Time it so you start early in the year and you only have to pay the fed tax for the income that you earned for the beginning part of the following year, the last part of the contract. If they make you start in like March or April you can leave the country in January and travel the world on the cheap working odd jobs here and there to survive and then go to Iraq and pay no taxes on the income earned that entire year. That all said, I would argue that a medic working in Iraq is safer than a medic working in some inner cities. You won’t be going to peoples houses. I knew some medics that were volunteers outside of Mosul and that seemed sketchy as fuck, but this is nothing like that. Sounds boring to me honestly.


Bro idc what anyone is saying for an advanced to make 100000k after taxes in America, they are selling their body on the side


I want you to look at the location again...


Not for that pay.


There's no price worth becoming part of the military industrial complex to me. That sounds like hot garbage.