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Is this illegal or just wrong?


If it’s in the US it would be illegal with the words advanced life support


Indeed in the US. Looked up the number and it's literally just some random guy that bought the rig shown from an auction and scratched out "Medical" with "R E P A I R" along with other things. I thought it was some sort of random company that so happened to also provide medical transport but....nope. I don't even think the guy used to work in EMS or anything, was perplexed on my way home. EDIT: [Oh my god there's two of them](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/609871711529074691/1161869512107360366/IMG_7632.png?ex=6539de4e&is=6527694e&hm=f6305de6402b39bd75a5e3e7d616ae28350625bb36f025a600e05cfec7aef311&)


Just your typical south Florida entrepreneur unbothered by trivial things like “laws.” At least the other one doesn’t seem to have star or life or ALS decals.


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He put God is good and didn't remove the white background on the eagle oml. This is why people think people who drive ambulances are menaces... well we are but even worse when this thing shows up.


Do you mean he replaced "Medical" with "Repair"?


Yep, fixed


Gotta love the "out of service" sign on the second pic. Dude thinks its just a tow truck for humans. I'm all for repurposing ambulances, but anything that could at a glance confuse the general public is: a) a dick move b) ought to be illegal c) a fucking dick move. If this dude *ever* lights up on the road, i hope he immediately gets 6 flat tires.


No way omg.


We have a couple retired ambulances around here. One is a handyman and the other a plumber. All emergency equipment removed and no medical signage of any kind.


Business is booming!


“That so happened to provide medical transport” ?????


The area I live in is almost entirely Fire EMS responding to 911 which has left a plethora of random transportation companies providing medical/non-medical transport (although usually never ALS equipped). One of the "HQs" of an ambulance company here is literally the tool-shed of a Transportation America office. It's not uncommon to see completely random companies provide it, although it's gotten a bit less obscure with the expansion of AMR and others into the county.


Yeah and maybe the star of life symbol too


I think the DOT recognizes the star of life as protected. Take out those things and it’d probably be legal.


I'd worry less about the DOT and more the "impersonation of a paramedic/public servant/etc" part of state laws, which falls under "reasonable person" tests. It would be no different than making your car look like a police intercepter.


It’s certainly stupid but what law bans the use of the words ADVANCED LIFE SUPPORT?


It’s the use of advanced life support when you’re not an ambulance at all


Are you talking about actually providing ALS or plastering a vehicle with the phrase ALS? Because I’m pretty confident there is no law preventing the latter (even if I think it’s dumb).


Texas doesn't prohibit ALS specifically, but does have code protecting certain phrases and symbols. (b) A motor vehicle resembles an emergency medical services vehicle if the motor vehicle has on the exterior of the motor vehicle any of the following markings or features: (1) the word "ambulance" or a derivation of that word; (2) a star of life as trademarked by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration; (3) a Maltese cross commonly used by fire departments; (4) forward-facing flashing red, white, or blue lights; (5) a siren; (6) the words "critical care transport," "emergency," "emergency medical services," or "mobile intensive care unit"; or (7) the acronym "EMS" or "MICU". (c) A person commits an offense if the person violates this section. An offense under this subsection is a Class C misdemeanor. (d) This section does not apply to a motor vehicle bearing a license plate issued or approved under Section 504.501 or 504.502, Transportation Code.


Can you please link to the code. This only defines what resembles EMS vehicle. I’d be willing to bet there is more.


773.017 https://statutes.capitol.texas.gov/Docs/HS/htm/HS.773.htm


So you're saying my IAFF union sticker on my car would be illegal in TX?


I don't write or interpret the laws. Here's the link to the code: https://statutes.capitol.texas.gov/Docs/HS/htm/HS.773.htm 773.017


I believe the star of life is only allowed on state certified ambulances. I assume if this was sold in auction, it would loose the certification.




Jokes aside a decommissioned ambulance would probably make for an awesome work truck if you’re handy man or something


After you rebuild the engine that I have treated absolutely like shit


Nothing like the braking distance on a 300000 mile ford box ! Don’t worry- he’ll adapt to that steering play range in no time!


Your ambulances had brakes?


Governor? Never met her!


One of my friends uses a retired ambulance as a camper. It’s super decked out, he keeps his motorcycle in the back of it and goes to different tracks that way.


Dude I’ve seen a few camper ambulances around. They always catch my eye. I bet it’s pretty sweet I mean plenty of room for storage and a bed and maybe a small kitchen if you use like a camper van sort of layout


At one point, I was considering buying a used one for camping out at paintball games. It had enough room for some air mattreses and plenty of room for all my family's gear and my friends' gear. Then I realized only me or my friend could drive one as my wife would never even try.


He has an outdoor kitchen that’s loaded into the side compartment where we keep our stair chair. Ramps in the onboard o2 compartment. Back is an open room, so bedroom, dining room, living room all in 1. Has a small toilet room. No shower. Sink. Not a lot of water onboard but enough to clean things with for a weekend.


I found some Instagrammer/YouTuber who does that vanlife stuff with his dirtbike and is currently in an Ambulance he decked out. Actually looks pretty nice Edit: https://instagram.com/jameswilliamsventures?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==


I want to get one to be a tailgating vehicle. Think of all the use for the compartments! And onboard power!


They make excellent little utility trucks. A local contractor has one and it works great for him. And, one of our fire districts bought one from the county and made a heck of a light rescue truck out of it. All the cabinets are great for holding small to medium tools.


There's an HVAC contractor in my town that has one. And I'm pretty sure our PD's forensic trucks are repurposed ambulances.


I've seen a plumber around my area doing the same thing. It's really smart imo But I know how ambulances get treated. I'm not sure the back would ever be clean enough for me


we sold our old truck to a truck repair company and they painted it with their company logos and looks good


Not really.... oooooo storage !


We can't fix this stove, better get an ALS intercept right away!


Doctor repair? Common Reparamedics was right there!


Reminds me of one I've seen, it's like a carpet installing company or something I think, except they did it right and removed anything that made it look like a real ambulance like the star of life and the als stickers. I think it's a neat idea, and I'm sure they make great work trucks, but I feel like having some of those stickers could be very confusing for the public, and probably even illegal.


I've seen them turned into some cool food trucks. I don't eat anything that comes out of an ambulance though


That... Is fair. I don't think these things could ever be cleaned enough.


The cursed QRS complex really takes it to the next level


who the fuck came up with this design, they made up an O wave


Time hopped backwards a couple milliseconds after they hit capture


Retired ambulances make great tool trucks. However, I think not removing the star of life and red lights might be poor taste. I’ve seen retired rescue trucks converted to service trucks with the red lights replaced with amber. Good and visible for roadside repairs!


Jokes on him when he can’t get gas or drive by the bus station without 5 vagrants trying to get a ride


I wanted, when I was younger and dumber, to have a food truck that served smoked meat sandwiches that was an ambulance and call it the "meat wagon" then I worked on one and it was killed with all the body fluids I saw.


In the table top RPG version of Cyberpunk that predates the video game released by Projekt Red, there is a contract ambulance service called REO Meat Wagon. Iirc, they exist in the video game as well and you can run into them during a mission in game.


We have one for shear sharpening. He even wears scrubs


We have a plumber in Chicago who's 'work truck's is an ambo '911 plumbing' . . . Pisses me off.


911 plumbing… hmm.. does airway suction or Heimlich count?


We have a locksmith where I live that bought an old ambulance we sold to the dealership. He drives it around and it seems to work well for him. He cracks me up though because he always waves at us when we see him like we’re in some sort of secret ambulance drivers club. 😂


I have worked with people who get upset when other drivers don't wave back


In my town there is a company that has several decommissioned squads for their plumbing company.


Someone distraught and bleeding profusely from a gsw would definitely confuse this with an ambulance. Homie needs to paint the whole fuckin thing.


Saw an old ambulance that got repurposed into a mobile jewelry repair station, has “Emergency Jewelry Repair” on the side or something to that effect. Didn’t have any BLS/ALS or ambulance markings on it though.


Always get a kick out of the ECGs on the side of ambulances


Omg this is gold


Most of the restoration companies in the midwest use retired ambulances as work trucks. These companies typically do water and smoke damage repair and carry loads of equipment and consumable supplies on their trucks. One of the companies where I used to live had a deal to buy all of the retired ambulances from the local hospital service. They would then wrap them in their company graphics and change to lights to amber. The fleet looked professional but there was no denying that they were old ambulances.


To be fair, if it weren't painted I'd do the same shit. A boo boo bus would be a great work truck. Benches for soldering and control work, cabinets for lots of stuff. Space for tools.


Dont tell er but I got em cheap.. BOTH LEFTIES