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His name was Robert Paulson


I am music


I love music. Thanks for being you.


That's new. Lmao :p




This is pretty damn cool. Thanks for sharing, they are communicating that much of this spiritual drivel is quite literally drivel.. you are whatever word you attach yourself too or believe yourself to be, including bullshit such as ‘I am enlightened’. Or ‘I am unenlightened’


The shift from having an enlightenment narrative to being enlightened as a place your ego operates from is a tiny distinction that makes all the difference. They say hell and heaven are 1/10th an inch apart, it's less than that - heaven is nearer than knowing. The first time I felt that context of no context was in a training seminar this guy wrote, 30 years ago. The course offered "to teach you nothing.". They succeeded. It's not a shift in content but in who you are about everything - including your internal content. From imperatives, your thoughts become input. What becomes possible when you are authentic about what is and deliberate about what context you operate from is nothing short of miraculous.


Yes, I personally feel life is simply a bunch of identities you have assumed. Your words are those identities. It all begins with I AM and we fill in the blanks that are added to I AM. The ego never goes anywhere either, there’s no such thing as ego death. The ego just assumes a new identity that claims it’s had an ego death. I.e. ‘I am an infinite consciousness who had an ego death!’


Well... there is an ego death with no experiencer. Then ego re-forms after. I described this personal (post?) experience to a skeptical friend and he called it a seizure...with a great after-story. I assert there is more, and offer the experience as it's own evidence. I am curious what you experience reading this and ('un'/)trying it on: https://awaken.com/2022/06/some-writings-on-non-duality/


Yes great article, I have experienced exactly what Wilbur speaks of on many occasions, an experience of pure I Am and the identification is left null and void in effect. But what I would also say, and this is something Jung really nailed in his own work in my view. Was this pure I AM can never truly be sensed or experienced until the endless false identities held in memory have been genuinely observed and understood. This I Am does not come via spiritual bypassing or mental suppression or forcing the mind to remain silent. This is why many spiritual teachings fall very badly short of expectations for the vast majority of people. They are classic tricks as in they involve humans focussing on the nice friendly bits and disregarding the nasty unfriendly bits of themselves. When a person says ‘I am not my thoughts!’, they are really saying ‘I am not the thoughts I don’t like to have about myself!’ To keep this simple, I guess what I am trying to say is that this awareness they speak of is only recognised truly when you realise you are just a bunch of unconscious programs/identities you have associated with. But the realisation of this does not involve running away from these unconscious programs/identities but requires a deep dive in to them. Only then can this pure true I Am reassert itself because it is not constantly distracted by the endless identification with trauma and other heavy duty burdens all of us carry on a day to day basis. The memory is the barrier and only once the memory is understood can recognition of Pure I amness truly be felt.


I'm curious your thoughts on how a person really resolves trauma echoes? Do you have a story of how you lastingly resolved a significant barrier? I've been reading about this lately and everything I see sounds nice but either a bandaid (cbt) or temporarily effective at best (reframing, talking it through, edmr). The Scientology auditing method of having a person repeat a narrative any ways possible until no galvanic skin response occurs seems temporary also.


My most Simplest recommendation would be to go into meditation when you are having any dark thoughts or emotions and try to root out and understand exactly what the cause of these thoughts and feelings are.. you will find if you allow the answers to come in they will, and you will be shown exactly what it is that is troubling you on a much deeper level. Through this process of finding the weeds and shedding light on them, understanding them also, you will start to find these deeper emotional torrents start to slide away. It’s as if you releasing all of those things you are holding on too.. Also, I will add this, many conventional therapy methods are temporary band aids, but so are spiritual teachings, many people gain momentary feelings or experiences from them but they very rarely create anything long lasting:. Digging into your unconscious baggage, really does create long lasting change as it’s the reason you have turned to spirituality in the first place./


Good ideas. Thanks.


I'm not sure I'm fully understanding this, but my word is 'independence'. That's who I am in my soul. I discovered this (again) almost 40 years ago.