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"Well studied in any number of topics" Isn't JP notorious for not reading the subject material he critiques


Holds a public debate with Slavoj Zizek on the subject of Marx: admits at debate he has never read any Marx. Truly one of our most well-studied intellectuals.


You don’t understand man, he’s not like all the other intellectuals! He doesn’t hide behind the fancy name of the institution he works at, he doesn’t resort to using a bunch of relevant sources and contextual reading that backs up his worldview, he doesn’t try to fool you with all the thoughtful consideration and research he has done and the knowledge he gained as a result of that! NO, he tells it like it is! He speaks from the beef filled gut and gives it to you with no filler, which is also how he likes his benzos. Hmmm I guess there was that 1,268 times he made sure to mention he taught at Harvard. Oh I almost forgot about when he claimed he was an expert on climate change because he was an advisor to someone on a panel that prepared a report on climate change for the UN. But still, I’ll stand by this man because he has the courage to say what he thinks, and won’t let the mainstream media stop him even if it’s a topic he has almost no information or novel perspective on, outside of “I don’t like this thing” Jordan Peterson, the intellectual of the future (the dystopian future where fact checking carries the death penalty, but still technically the future!)


It is ironic that the premier intellectual of the “facts not feelings” crowd just pulls all his opinions from “vibes” and the radio signals he picks up in his fillings or something.


It's also a red flag when someone claims to be an expert at everything. Nobody is an expert psychologist, historian, philosopher, political scientist, and whatever else he claims to be learned about.


What does it mean to know, what does it mean to study, what does it mean to read


They can't be defined


He’s notorious for not even understanding his own area of expertise all that well, forget any other area. He’s a Jungian psychologist. Carl Jung and like 90% of everything he ever said or did are wildly outdated in the world of actual academic psychology. He’s like a quaint little piece of history that you can’t really study the field without knowing about, but that nobody actually follows or takes seriously in the modern day. He’s honestly more parapsychology than actual psychology. At this point Peterson is more known for popularizing the motte-and-bailey logical fallacy and getting absolutely bodied in debates. Oh and also getting addicted to benzos and then flying to Russia(?) to be put into a medically induced coma so he didn’t have to deal with withdrawal symptoms


"I'm a neuroscientist" No you're not "I'm an evolutionary biologist" No you're not "Hallucinations resulting from mushrooms are 'kind of' evidence of the supernatural" No they're not "You need to experience the supernatural to stop smoking" No you don't "Remember the Hullamador?" No, what was that? "Women who wear make-up but don't want to be sexually harassed are hypocrites" Fuck you. That's just a few of the many times Peterson has been wrong, vile or blatantly lied. Fuck this freak


"C-16 criminalised misgendering." "My daughter's all-beef diet works." "Images of intertwined snakes in ancient art are literal representations of the DNA double helix." There are so many.


Every university has several people as widely read as he is. Most of them are wiser than he is because they know their limitations and did not ruthlessly self promote and grift to become a public persona supported by the right wing cash machine. And the only field he's qualified and really knowledgeable in is his little corner of psychometrics, which has nothing to do with what he rants about.


Agreed. My brother is a Rogan fan 🙄, so he took me to see one of Peterson’s lectures. I must have been high when I said yes. That dude completely lacks self-awareness, and he is a deeply bitter person. It was really shocking to hear that kind of fuckery from a (once respected) psychologist. The only thing that saved the evening was how many audience members I heard talk about how they couldn’t follow what he was saying as we were leaving the theater. I wanted to tell them the reason they couldn’t understand him had nothing to do with his intellect, but everything to do with him not being able to keep to a subject. Made me wonder if he was back on the juice.


He's been trying to pass himself off as an expert in fields outside his area of expertise for years, even before the internet grift. He was banned from being used as an expert witness in Canadian court cases because he tried to claim he was an expert on body language, when he wasn't.


Yeah, the only people who are so impressed with Peterson and regard him as a wide-ranging intellectual are people who have never actually done their own thorough study of the topics he discusses. He just sounds the part to untrained ears. When I was in college too there were some professors who would undertake multiple disciplines, but most were very careful about knowing their limits, as you put it. They'd never do the sort of sloppy free-association analogizing Peterson uses to claim nonsense like "ancient people already figured out DNA because they have spiral artwork."


Outdated psychometrics and Jungian parapsychology*


Yeah but I don't think he has any good real publications on Jung.


"Most impressive intellectual in the last ninety years" They have to be trolling you.


Sadly, they were not.


"Most impressive intellectual of the last 3 generations" Didn't he get into a fight with elmo?


This one might be fake. He got into a fight with a paper towel dispenser. This one isn't fake,


Peterson rose to fame blatanly misrepresenting Canadian law. He believes climate warming to be a good thing. He denied there even was a COVID pandemic. Being well-studied does not mean a thing if you ignore what you study in order to push your right-wing agenda.


Wat no flat earth? For shame


Give it time. Peterson has no shame and will espouse any position he can make money espousing. He's appeared in a PragerU video, and they've put out pro-creationism videos.


Peterson pretends to be well studied in a wide range of topics. He isn't and that gets exposed whenever he tries to sound smart about things he claims to have read a lot about but seems to have developed very little actual knowledge in respect of. And he certainly isn't one of the greatest intellectuals of three generations. Chomsky would fit that bill, although even he has his blind spots.


Dumb guy's idea of a smart person


Sometimes being the smartest person in the room means a humble recognition that you are not the most knowledgeable in the room. Peterson fails at this.


The cult of not bullying a statistically highly depressed population


Whenever people mention Peterson to me, I just direct them to the Some More News video on him. It's a 3 hour smackdown that dismantles every point his mouthbreathers try and put him on a pedestal about.


Short video


Ask him why he refused to comment on Contrapoints' video then


They all talk like that don't they? Mini Petersons. Mini peters if you will


>I got to keep peppering you until you realize you're dealing with one of the most impressive intellectuals of at least three generations. Something tells me this mental ***"***giant***"*** doesn't realize how ***wildly underwhelming*** "at least three generations" is. With Zoomers now reaching adulthood, "three generations" now encompasses "gen Z, millennials, and gen X". I've got plenty of love for my fellow millennials and gen X, who were the millennials before "millennial" became the boomer definition of "shitty generation I helped raise and ruin". Might as well have written "Until you realize that Jordan Peterson is one of the most impressive scam artists to earn *millions* off [three generations of dumbasses giving him $80,000 a month on Patreon!"](https://archive.ph/PJwWf) Because that's all Peterson is *truly* noteworthy of: tapping into the rising hate-mongering of fascistic ideologues knowing they could siphon money from the angry white men on the internet ***desperate*** to be told they're victims for being white Christians. And **Doctorate** Jordan "[I wanna buy a church to radicalize angry teenage boys](https://archive.ph/ai69i#selection-5905.0-5905.280)" Peterson was there to ask "PayPal, Patreon, or cash?"


I pity these mindless JorP fans...


I pity the fool.... (blah blah.. blah) my favorite quote from the A-Team circa the 1980's? Mr. T AND fool sounded like fooooo then he would add the L as almost an after-thought.. giggles for a T + A, shoot em' up & car crash comedy it was seriously baked and Deeeep.


>perhaps it will bring us closer together OP, was this a dating app? Whether it was or wasn’t…*wow*, that is impressively bad. Like, shoot, I was an awkward teen too but on my worst days I never thought that was an effective pick-up line.


Holy hell, you could take every fucked up dorky out of touch thing I've ever said to someone I was interested in and I'd still sound like the smoothest most interesting person in the world if you compared me to this person. How has society gotten to this point?