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https://i.redd.it/xcpfpqamuxga1.gif By comparison, here’s what she looked like 10 years ago at the 2013 BBMA’s


She was 54 here


And looked absolutely phenomenal for that age.


Yeah, she actually looked like madonna then, now she looks like a big head alien wearing madonnas skin pretending to be human


I'm living under the assumption that she and Mickey Rourke went in halves on their latest surgeries and just swapped faces.


Yeah, they got the number for their Dr. from The Weeknd


She sadly looks like Jocelyn Wildenstein ( the cat lady)…. At some point shouldn’t a plastic surgeon say “no more!”…??? I mean Michael Jackson looked great after his first nose job. But he couldn’t stop until he didn’t look human anymore.


Can't stop til you get enough, amirite?


She has work done that aren’t “touch ups” here, *but* the work she had done enhanced her looks. She should’ve kept enhancing her looks, not trying to change it to keep up with modern plastic surgery looks.


At a certain point you have to stop enhancing cause this is what you get when you do.


Exactly. The goal these people are trying to obtain is simply unreachable. Trying to look 35 at 65 is simply not possible (with modern medicine) and people that try end up looking like one of those cakes in "nailed it". As comparison, there absolutely is such a thing as looking old and being hot but it seems only brittish dames can manage it regularly.


According to a friend who works as a nurse in the field of plastic surgery, she had fillers done & then gained weight (not hating), but the ‘fillers’ were meant to shape her face & features a certain way, but when you put on weight (as one does when they age), it pushes all the fillers into weird places & shapes, resulting in, well…that.


I have a friend who is naturally beautiful at 24 but has gotten fillers the last few years. She is looking older everyday and I don’t know how to tell her without sounding like I am hating on her.


When young people get too much work done it definitely makes them look like they're someone older who got work done to look younger.


What’s worse, being told the truth even though it hurts in the moment but might save you from irreversible body damage? Or being lied to, to avoid offense, and then suffering as the years go by? I wouldn’t know how to say it, but it’s sad that naturally beautiful women are buying into this plastic surgery stuff, especially at such a young age. Natural is always more beautiful than fake, even if the person isn’t “conventionally beautiful”


>to keep up with modern plastic surgery looks. I hate that this is a thing with a passion.


The woman in that gif looks phenomenal for any age


And she looked fantastic. A fine lady aging beautifully, even gracefully. Until...dun dun dun!


Most likely had plastic surgery at that point but not overboard with it


I wouldn’t be surprised to find out this is one of those trade offs where you get to look nicer in your early senior years but as time progresses you have to get more and more surgery or it starts to look shit. Damned if you do


Idk, my grandma is 72 and has been getting work done since she was in her 40’s. She looks pretty great still.


I think William Shatner did it right. He’s looked 60 for at least a couple decades.


With Shatner, the rug does a TON of the work; for men in general, their hair is one of the chief signs of age people look to. Similarly, its why so many people think Patrick Stewart has barely aged; since he lost his hair in his 20s, he hasn't gained weight, so he looks similar enough that people didn't notice.


My grandmas rule is “never try to look more than 10 years younger”. I think it’s a good strategy if you’re going to get work done.




Exactly. In entertainment that’s old. Yet she was fully embraced. And looked good still. The rest is by her own hand because SHE can’t deal with her aging. We’re fine with it.


Omg she looks so pretty here! I acc forgot she looked like this since all I’ve seen are these photos lately


She looked great. What she's had done to her face is like a form of vandalism. It would be different and understandable had she been in a serious accident or fire that messed up her face and her current look was the best reconstructive work that surgeons could do. But there was *nothing* wrong with her former face to begin with!


Right? Which doctor would dare claim that work??


Every time I think of Madonna I just think of her in ‘A League of Their Own’. Such a wonderful movie and I believe she played the role beautifully. I’m not a huge fan of her music so I don’t follow her at all


There’s no crying in baseball!!!


I was obsessed with All The Way Mae as a kid. Edit: am lesbian now. Shocker, eh?


You think there are men, or women, in this country that ain’t seen your bosom?


Plastic surgery/Botox/fillers aside, the Grammys picture makes her look like a corpse. Her makeup wasn’t that awful. But the hairstyle, eyebrows and color palette don’t suit her at all.


Yes!! I don’t know why she’s obsessed with the no eyebrow look lately. The hair, eyebrows, makeup all have an alien look to them. If she had less severe hair and makeup maybe the plastic surgery wouldnt be as bad. I can’t think of anyone who wouldn’t look like a total weirdo with this styling.


The teeth/grills are not helping at all either.


Wow she looked stunning here. She definitely was trying to preserve that look.


The recent procedures have been so bad. She’s had work done since the early 80s, but that was all very tasteful and she looked great. She looked the best in her 40s (late 90s/2000s) imo. Now she looks like Pete Burns.


Way better even though you can tell she’s still had some work done, just not too much like now..


At a certain point, someone in her camp has to let her know that she has an unhealthy addiction to plastic surgery and should seek help.


A while back on some blind gossip site, there was a bit about how an unnamed famous female pop icon went to a cosmetic surgeon and made some crazy treatment requests, then got upset when they were turned down. Everyone guessed Madonna and it wasn't long after she started with the excessive fillers. My guess is that at some point, someone did tell her what she was doing to herself wasn't a great idea, but I wouldn't expect someone like Madonna to listen to anyone who isn't agreeing with her 100%.


When you are rich you can shop around to find someone who will say yes eventually.


That's one of the reasons the US is actually surprisingly popular for medical tourism, *however*, only with the very wealthy. You can find high quality private care that will do pretty much anything if you can pay the cost.


She’s publicly touted the guy who does her work and he looks worse than her. He’s supposed to be an “expert” in anti aging looks but looks like an alien banged Joceline Wildenstien Edit-spelling


You happen to have his name?


So apparently he died in 2015 and I forgot but.. hes the one who got her started. [https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/news/general-news/madonnas-dermatologist-fredric-brandt-found-786482/#utm_medium=social&utm_source=email&utm_campaign=social_bar&utm_content=bottom_amp&utm_id=786482](https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/news/general-news/madonnas-dermatologist-fredric-brandt-found-786482/#utm_medium=social&utm_source=email&utm_campaign=social_bar&utm_content=bottom_amp&utm_id=786482)


He looks like a Martin Short character


Martin Short played a parody of him on Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt!


That's because IT IS Martin Short on the right.


You mean like the article literally posts a photo of and describes, lol


Someone had a little bit of ethics, but the next guy landed a client and secretly named dropped… I have a client whose name is similar to an inn located on highway 101 in San Luis obismal






*It’s close to midnight* *And something evil’s lurking in the dark* *Under the spotlight* *You see a sight that almost stops your heart* *You try to scream* *But terror takes the sound before you make it* *Botox freeze* *As horror looks you right between the eyes* *You’re paralyzed* *‘Cause this is filler, filler night* *And no one’s gonna save you from the knife about to strike* *You know it’s filler, filler night* *You’re fighting for your looks inside a filller thriller tonight, yeah*


​ https://i.redd.it/7658jpxt1yga1.gif


Kinda seeing Drag Queen Johnny Depp..


It was bugging me who she reminded me of till i saw this. But it’s more than just Johnny depp. She looks like drag queen mad hatter in my opinion.


The saw doll LMAO


*Vincent Price laugh*


“Doctor shopping”


Honestly I think it’s already too late. You can’t get your natural face back after this amount of work. That’s why these people keep having more and more because they’re trying to fix what wasn’t even broken in the first place.


It's sad that she can't listen to reason and instead claims people are threatened by her power, intelligence, blah, blah blah. That's the problem with people who are surrounded by yes people who are dependent on them. She clearly isn't dealing well with reality and it's sad. I think most people are concerned for her and not threatened at all. She doesn't need to augment her appearance. If we're lucky we age, she has made herself look older. The way she looked has nothing to do with the photographer, it has to do with her not photoshopping and adding filters before publishing.


Idk if she looks older per se, she just looks like an inflated body double.


She looks like if she drowned and bloated and then just still lived


This is hilariously accurate


Not inflated so much as just… *really swollen*


Based on her TikTok I think she's also addicted to opiates.


I would say alcohol too.


Definitely. [Her TikTok is kinda nightmare fuel.](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTRGb3NfY/)


Omg. I haven't been paying attention to any of this and I really wasn't expecting something that extreme. She needs someone to help her.




What the FUCK




If I had seen that without context I would never have guessed it was her.


I’m wondering if her face would even feel comfortable in a resting state. Like does the skin feel constantly stretched or bloated?


I've gained 65 lbs and what she looks like is what I look like compared to my former self in the mirror. It's weird. Like wearing a fat suit for a skit.


It’s sad, she looks like jigsaw now.


Damn. I was trying not to laugh but you forced me to do it!


The Emperor wears no clothes.


It sounds like she realizes that she looks strange and thinks she’s being transgressive and pushing the envelope.


Being a "yes-man" is an easy gig that pays well.


Nah girl Aging is fine But you look like you got cement in ya face


I always say, "Everyone can relate to getting older. Not everyone can relate to having spent thousands of dollars just to look they're having an allergic reaction."


Yup; she's going to end up looking like that woman who tried to make her face like a cat or something, just for her rich husband. But in the end she looked like she'd been stung by a thousand bees, permanently lol.


Honestly, her wanting to not look older is more ageism than people freaking out she looks like, well, *THAT*. Only an ageist would be afraid to get old and wrinkly


Woman who mutilates her face to hide her age accuses others of being ageist. Irony.


Bullshit. Madonna looks weird. Sammy Sosa looks weird. That guy who tattooed his face to look like a snake looks weird. That lady who has a cat or lion face or whatever looks weird. It ain’t sexism or ageism to say folks who have had too much work done on themselves look weird. They can do whatever they want to themselves, but they don’t look like actual people anymore.


Bill Burr said it best: “do you want to look like a normal 64 year old, or a 28 year old lizard? Because those are your choices.”


That whole bit on plastic surgery and lotion is one of the funniest bits by any comedian I've ever seen. "Do I look like I'm in my Twenties? No! You look weird! You look fucking WEIRD! You still look like you're in your Fifties, I just can't guess what year anymore because I've never seen that year. I've never seen that shiny fuckin' look!"


There’s actually an in between. If you only have a little good plastic surgery, and take care of yourself properly, you can successfully look 10-20 years younger. The stars like this you don’t know they’ve had plastic surgery and they just credit it to taking great care of themselves. Hell, Madonna herself looked like this until about five years ago. She looked fantastic for her age. The problem is that it becomes too addictive for many with enough money. They don’t know when to stop and they’re not satisfied with looking 50 at 65 with a few wrinkles, they want to look 30 with not one wrinkle even if it makes them look like an alien lizard. Some celebrities don’t give into this, but you don’t notice them because they still age gracefully still looking young for their age. They’re there though.


Jane Fonda is a great example of this. She clearly has work done, but none of it is extreme or overdone.


I assume Martha Stewart as well, she’s sexy as hell and I have no idea how old she is but I’m guessing over 70?


Just googled it. She’s 81! Fact that you guessed 70 definitely proves your point.


A small amount of an eyelid lift, little work on the neck and a good amount of daily sunscreen and some botox and a good makeup artist really can have people in their 60's looking like they're in their 50's. Subtle. But once people in their 50's and 60's want to look like they're in their 20's still, they end up looking bad. More filler, more plumpers, tattooed eyebrows, implants, buccal fat removal, lift here, lift there, lift here, lift there. Pretty sure most older actors in Hollywood that look really good get the small amount of work and 'age gracefully'. Their skin hasn't aged rapidly or unevenly in tone and they look just better than most others. Not an insane amount. 25% better. 50% better. It's chasing their 20's and 30's that makes people look bizarre.


This is so true! Also, I feel like Sandra Bullock ALMOST crossed the line Madonna did. Like you can tell she has had plastic surgery and fillers done, but it’s kind of JUST the right amount so nobody’s really bashing her for it. Unless they are? Idk I’m out of the loop. But her cheeks have that uncanny filler and Botox look


Helen Mirren is the one who did it just right.


And Helen Mirren is on Hormone Replacement Therapy to make her hormones levels resemble those of a much younger woman. Not bashing it, when done properly it is amazing for quality of life as you age. I fully plan on getting the male equivalent, Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT) when I reach middle age


She's at the absolute limit, she looked pretty immobile in *The Lost City*


Simon Cowell is unrecognizable


Add to that she filters every [posted pic](https://twitter.com/Madonna/status/1621234911016374273?s=20&t=GXniVWaQUPWK0tWJXy7iZQ) to try and look 25, she can’t be surprised that people think she’s unrecognizable in person. And if she’s using a stylist they should be fired, these severe hairstyles and outfits that are unflattering and look very uncomfortable aren’t doing her any favors.


Simon Cowell


He looks like the bees won


Micky Rourke looks very strange as well.


His plastic surgery that he got back in the day, really was botched like hell. Doesn’t even look like the same person anymore. Which sucks, because he’s a great actor.


Just watched Spun the other day and he was in it. Already great movie propelled even higher because of Mickey’s role, which I’m glad to say is a major one. Although it affected his acting chances, I feel that his surgery gave him opportunity in unique rolls that only he could do. Such as the Wrestler.


Add Christina Aguilera to this last as well. Haven’t seen her being mentioned but I went to her Instagram page recently and was shocked. She’s starting to look pretty unrecognizable with the amount of work done to her face. Creepy how all plastic surgery faces start to look the same


You’re right, people are making fun of the way she looks, not because of her age and sex. She looks weird and unnatural. I don’t know what filler feels like, but the way her face looks, it looks physically painful and uncomfortable to me. However, ageism and sexism are the cause of a lot of body dysmorphia that results in excessive plastic surgery like Madonna has obviously undergone. It’s sad.


Meanwhile, Bonnie Raitt is older than Madonna and looks incredible.


Michelle Pfeiffer looks amazing at 65


She won the genetic lotto at any age.


She really did, if Madonna didn't freak out over wrinkly hands from her drug abuse and just chose to get healthy instead of trying to cover every detail with plastic. She'd probably be on par with Michelle Pfeiffer, it's a shame really. But idk what's more hideous, her plastic Shrek face or her ego considering she has the gall call others mysognist and ageist when she gave into her peers


To be fair, I’m don’t think there are many women that age who would be on par with Michelle Pfeiffer, and that should be perfectly fine. Not fair comparing to her bc it isn’t attainable for most people.


It wasn't attainable for Michelle Pfeiffer, either. People forget she had plastic surgery early in her career, and maintained it gradually. She's a perfect example of how to use cosmetic procedures properly.


I think she keeps chasing an ideal kind happiness that doesn’t exist—and when that fails, she resists change.


It's a mixture of drugs and an ego built on fame and public opinion. Definitely a good combo for you to make decisions like this. I just wished at some point she went "I don't fucking care what the papperazzi has to say". Would've saved her from a lot of self abuse in the end and kept the wrinkles she was so worried about sedated. I just hope she finds professionals that can maybe undo some of this and also professionals for her mental health, she needs it


Like Jane Fonda, you know she had work done but it's subtle and not terrifying


Yes I love jane she looks so good and her plastic surgery choices are very moderates whereas this is…idk


Grotesque might be the word you're looking for


Found a pic from October 2022 in oddly terrifying of Madonna's face. It's getting worse


because Fonda realizes that slow and steady wins the race. Madonna didn’t hold back and she’s on complete denial.


Like most women in Hollywood. You look at Jennifer Aniston, Sandra Bullock, Julia Roberts, Salma Hayek, Jennifer Connelly...they all look phenomenal. It's not like the LA sun keeps people from aging. They've all had lots of work done, but they can afford good surgeons, and they don't overdo it. That is part of what is so sad about Madonna. She surely has the money and contacts to get tasteful plastic surgery, but she has some pathological obsession that has led her to get insane procedures that make her look awful.


Also compare Madonna to three famous stars who, like her, were born in 1958 -- Michelle Pfeiffer, Jamie Lee Curtis and Sharon Stone -- all the same age as Madonna and they certainly don't look like this. A 64-year-old women is not doomed to look like a contestant in a Jocelyn Wildenstein or Pete Burns lookalike contest.


Or my favorite Muppet, Janice.


Like she’s 100% gone full Janice here. I like it


You owe Janice an apology!


>Michelle Pfeiffer She really is white gold isn't she....she still has a memerising beauty




Angela Bassett is also a phenomenal looking woman who is blessed to be 64.


Some of this looking very good later in life or having good plastic surgery is also genetics. Not everyone does well after plastic surgery and not everyone can keep their skin from sagging. That's just life. Madonna needs to just take a page from the late QEII: Keep your face real and wear lots of expensive jewels. ![gif](giphy|7zoAI7BIrzT1e)


Sadly the muscle that pull your face up can only go so much up until you start to look deformed!! Looks like she had plenty of face lift before, so to tight the muscle again face would look distorted, then is all the fillers that go in to compensate for the skin being so tight. All and all is the end of the line.


Implants.. those cheekbones are not from her muscle. The volume was never there in her youth.


Sharon Stone is always the one I go to here. The difference is that none of those three are trying to look 20. They all look good for their actual age. Also, fillers can't do what a facelift can. At some point you need to redrape muscle and remove some skin.


You don’t NEED to do that. You need to develop a healthy attitude about aging


It’s like what happens when one is in a bubble full of yes people. No one says hey there - maybe you’ve done enough.


I wouldn't be surprised at all if good plastic surgeons refused to do work on her. It's what they often do, they don't want to be connected to a face like this. It's not worth the profit they'd make on the surgery, the best are booked up months in advance and have waiting lists to see them anyway. She probably doesn't see the best plastic surgeons because of this.


I dunno. I saw the trailer for her latest movie and she’s paired with several other women her age that didn’t get a ton of work and she stands out a bit too much. But maybe that’s partially part of the character. Either way I love her.


YES. I saw a trailer for this movie in the theater and was personally astounded at what she looked like! I believe Jane has definitely gone overboard, and is an example of such. She definitely has dysmorphia related to aging, no doubt, and calling it subtle is….I *really* disagree. As much as I love her. Edit: this movie is apparently based on a real group of women who had an over 80 for Brady club who went to the 2017 Super Bowl (which is so cool), which makes casting Jane even funnier. Imagine your typical 80 year old looking like that!


And Bonnie Raitt mentioned organ donation in her acceptance speech. Everyone, please fill out a donor registration card with your DMV! Organs save lives <3


This is a good amount of filler. Madonna is pulling a [Lil Kim](https://www.today.com/news/lil-kim-you-rappers-looks-have-transformed-1b8303618).


For some reason this made me think of Michelle Pfeiffer who I believe is around the same age as Madonna - and that lady looks stunning.


That's because Bonnie hasn't lost the music


Holy shit. Her picture looks like Dwight Schrute wearing the CPR dummy 's face.


![gif](giphy|FcCLjCQ3xY7ICVtfbB) Clarice


That reminds me of the babyfaces from Manhunt.


Or the villain from Saw


Boom that’s the one


Quick, someone shop the little red cheek spirals and ventriloquist-dummy mouth lines on the photo


I was thinking the Purge masks


[She reminds me of the red head dancer in the Aphex Twin Windowlicker video](https://youtu.be/UBS4Gi1y_nc?t=07m48s)


She got stung by bees and is allergic..be kind


I don't know about misogyny in this case. Anyone with bad plastic surgery gets a similar reaction. I remember how people reacted to Wayne Newton's bad surgery.


I remember how ruthless ppl were over carrot top and all his weird plastic surgery


My friend almost ran him over at a local mall when I was a passenger in her car. He was doing comedy at a county fair. But I saw how truly odd his surgery looks up close and personal. He didn’t deserve to almost die for it, though. :-(


How bad was the set that your friend almost ran him over?


Just looked - Kathy Griffin is jacked!!!


And Michael Jackson, Pete Burns, those twin guys who wanted to look like Ken or whatever, Kenny Rogers, Simon Cowell, Mickey Rourke, Burt Reynolds, etc.


Simon and Madonna could make some balloon babies


Dane Cook.


Vince McMahon. When The Undertaker officially retired, Jim Cornette watched the segment and said that it looked like Taker’s final act was to taxidermy Vince.


I came here to say the only person to blame is her plastic surgeon.


Fuck. This is depressing. She was always so beautiful and I thought she was aging beautifully. These women (and men) who aren't happy with simply aging gracefully and feel the need to go to drastic lengths to keep their beauty is only making themselves look worse. I hope the younger generations don't make the same mistakes when they get older.


Simon Cowell might be even worse. He looks like he walked off a PS1 cut-scene now.


He looks like Mason Verger from Hannibal (2001).


I just don’t understand how these super wealthy people keep finding such terrible plastic surgeons.


They do find good ones, but the good ones turn them down. They don't want to put their name on a trainwreck or face ethics inquiries.


There will always be someone out there who just can’t turn down the money no matter how bad of an idea it is.


Kinda like others have mentioned. For their first few surgeries, they can get really good surgeons. As they age though and are wanting more and more radical work done to try to prevent the unpreventable, the really good surgeons start to say no because its not going to look good and they dont want to be associated with it and its kinda risky too to do that much work on an older client.


I think that male celebs these days are just as likely to be 'taken to task' for bad plastic surgery as are the women.


I thought Madonna looked great for her age... then suddenly she went extreme facelift and mutations and denied having anything done. It's sad that celebrities feel the need to do these horrible things to themselves to "fight" aging. She looks sickly and mutilated now.


I think it’s the way she styles herself as well. She dresses like someone in their 20s. Some of her lyrics are quite juvenile as well, and while there’s nothing wrong with that, it makes her sound like an older person trying to sound cool in front of teenagers.


Even Mae West didn't go this far. Also, Mamie Van Doren, a blonde bombshell starlet from the 1950s, manages to look younger than Madonna currently does and Van Doren is like 92!


Mamie is an icon.


It’s actually kind of sad. She has definitely crossed the line of having too much unnecessary work done. Plus, her face has the bloat of someone who drinks excessively. Her instagram videos show it all.


From the article: "She says the photos were "taken with a long lens camera by a press photographer that would distort anyone's face!!" Except, as you said, her own social media has been painting a terrifying story for *years* now. I think the general public that may not use SM or keep up with her saw her like this for the first time in a long time, so it blew up. I'm not sure if she uses or drinks, but some of the posts I've seen from her don't seem 100% sober.


And the so-called deaging photo filters that Madonna uses on the selfies that she uploads to her various social media platforms also would "distort anyone's face."


She was on the Jimmy Fallon show not too long ago, acting stoned as fuck. Jimmy made a joke about legal pot, asked her if she liked it, and she goes, "no, I like opiates." Girl, this is bigger than reading the room, read the goddamn country having a fent crisis right now. Shes *always* done things to be provocative, to shock and awe people, and now that shes getting older it's clear how cringey the attention seeking behavior is.


She has openly stated she likes opiates.


Looked a lot like opiates to me…


She point blank admitted this in an interview. Said she likes opiates.


Its not bloat, its too much filler. The filler migrates, then they get more and so on. They end up looking like a lollipop. Or a pumpkin head.


Her judgement in general reflects someone incapable of making sound choices, on many fronts. Chemicals might explain it.


The only ageist one is her, who would rather look like a half-melted wax statue than a real flesh and blood person in their 60s.


Aside from the comparisons that people have made between her current face and those of Jocelyn Wildenstein, Pete Burns, and Marilyn Manson, I'd also compare her to this ventriloquist's puppet known as 'Madame' who, along with her puppeteer Wayland Flowers, used to appear on the old 'Hollywood Squares' game show.




Shouldn’t she be blaming her plastic surgeon?


She can blame her narcissism....


And personal ageism


No, please don't blame the terrible plastic surgery.


Is it really ageism when people are taking the piss out of you for *refusing* to age gracefully?


No, she is weaponizing Twitter buzzwords to try and deflect the fact that she turned herself into a weird looking ghoul.


“It’s ageism!” cries the thing with such a problem with ageing that it did this


Well, yes. For someone who's built her career on LOOK AT ME! TALK ABOUT ME! she surely can't believe people aren't going to notice what she's done to her face, through her own choice. She can't grow up and embrace her age. Still with the tit flashing, the fishnets, the french-kissing of other celebs. She's become a parody of her(much younger)self.


Ageism is when you refuse to look your age


She looks like an alien. People have to stop it with these cheek fillers. It's screws up their entire face. They want the face of a plump person with a skinny body. Weirdos!


I have yet to see anyone who gets cheek fillers look good. They almost always end up looking painful.


Eyebrows would help here.


I'm sorry. I love here music. But that face is now terrifying. It's not got anything to do with age for me. It's got something to do with age for her. But her issues aren't mine. It's not because she's female. It's because, if I came across that in a darkened ally hissing, it would be objectively terrifying!


Umm sorry Madonna but I believe you're the ageist here. Considering how much bullshit you've pumped into your face to try to slow the aging process.