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Removing that detracts from the real message of Bambi. Bambi is NOT about how cute it is when a rabbit talks to a deer. It is about how horrible it is to live like a hunted animal. That scene is supposed to be hard.


seriously, that part where they say "man has entered the forest" was some chilling shit.


I think I read once that’s what the Disney animators used to say when Walt Disney was walking around the offices lol


I mean, I knew my Mom was probably going to die someday - before me, in the worst case scenario Giving kids a tipoff a a few decades in advance isn't the worst fucking thing Disney ever did


It’s nature, just like your mother dieing before you is natural.


I don’t have kids, but I always thought getting a pet when the child is young would give that experience of loss and death as a younger person to help prepare for that in the future.


Experiencing loss is different than losing your only parent and being alone in the world having to make your own path etc. If Bambi lost thumper and his mom was there to console and support it’d be like losing a friend, a pet. Facing the world solo at a young age and being forced into a world too young is a bit more… complex.


Disney is a corporation that has turned profit into a science and they don’t care about messages. They want viewership ratings and happy shareholders Magic is dead and greed killed it


My personal conspiracy theory is that these live action remakes aren't meant to be good, they're meant to be advertisements to keep the ip relevant for the parks and sell toys/merch. They make so much money from other avenues it's insane.


It’s also to keep the copyright going so that none of the older works go into the public domain…IIRC


I dont think it works that way, Pooh Bear is in public domain now and they have released content within the term for copyright. Thats why we got blood and honey and there's also a horror puzzle game coming out with pooh as the subject


Isn’t it the original version of Winnie the Pooh? Isn’t Disneys version still copyrighted?


Yeye you're right I looked into it further Winnie the Pooh is fair game but disneys version specifically still can't be used. Weird circumstance. Guess it's like the fairy tales in shrek that had different likenesses but same characters


I think, if we’re using Shrek as our model here, the characters themselves aren’t but rather the *appearance* and *personality* are. Take Wolf for example, he was introduced in a Red Riding Hood joke in the first one and spent the rest of the movies in grandma’s PJs. I could see Dreamworks seeing a smaller, idea bereft studio taking that idea but not taking it *too* seriously. One could argue coincidence in either court or deliberation. But a studio making a Puss in Boots story and making it a Zorro parody? Forget it, *that’s* room for a lawsuit. Especially if a studio uses ideas from Last Wish or the Shrek movies.


Parody is protected under Fair Use.


Parody *must* criticize the original work. Weird Al's "Smells Like Nirvana" is a parody because it uses the melody and other elements of the original song to mock Kurt Cobain's mumbled singing. Most (but not all) of his other "parodies" aren't actually parodies, and in fact are not protected by fair use -- he _must_ get permission for them.


As someone who read the original Winnie the Pooh books, I wouldn’t mind seeing a fully book-accurate movie or show, with the characters modeled after the original stuffed toys.


Yep and that’s the case with a lot of characters we associate with Disney. Not Disney, but a classic example is Wizard of Oz. Totally public domain, but iconic imagery from the movie, like ruby slippers, is not.


They’re silver slippers in the books, so the ruby slippers (I’m pretty sure the logic there was “looks better in Technicolor”) definitely belong to the movie, yeah.


Yup, Steamboat Willie goes PD next year, not modern Mickey. That’s also why they keep redesigning the rat


I bet that won’t happen. The started using him in beginning of the movies just for that


Use him all you want, he goes PD. Superman and Batman will go PD soon, but Superman can’t fly he can only jump really high (yeah, he originally couldn’t fly)


Well that explains the “can leap over a tall building in a single leap” thing! I always wondered why it said that when he could just fly over the building! Cuz in the beginning he couldn’t fly! Interesting!


The version by A.A. Milne (Pooh is just a stuffed bear) is out of copyright. Make him yellow with a red shirt and the mouse will break you


I am posting a slightly random comment but If you haven’t seen Goodbye Christopher Robin I highly recommend it. Margot Robbie plays Christopher Robin’s mother and Domhnall Gleeson is excellent at Milne. It shows how the trauma of wwi effected him so deeply that creating stories for his children was the only writing he could do after the war…so many brilliant “fantasy” novelists came from the Great War, Tolkien, CS Lewis, Milne, etc also, I believe they shot sections of the film outside and inside the gorgeous Milne house, which is still there.


Yes, but that only was able to be produced because the copyright for the original Winnie the Pooh characters that were drawn was given up to the public domain. The newer cartoon look is still well within copyrighted timeframe. The reason to re-release stuff like this, every now and again is so that you can change some subtle things and re-copyright the new character that has those subtle changes, which makes it tricky to use the older ones that have now entered public domain, because the newer ones can call foul as being “too close to the newer” portrayed objects.


Look up the Copyright Term Extension Act of 1998 (also known as the Mickey Mouse Protection Act). Disney is notorious for influencing copyright law and molding it to their benefit in order to hold onto what they viewed as their (at the time) bread and butter mascot(s) amongst other IPs.


Not all Disney IP is the same though, either. They release some shit to Amazon prime but frozen? They'd never


Things enter the public domain 90 years after first publication. You cannot extend it, unless it’s a rare circumstance like how great ormond street hospital (kids hospital in London) gets royalties for stage shows of Peter Pan played in England, perpetually. This is a rare case because it’s the only copyright that can’t expire in the Uk.


Correct, they are for the new gen of kids that need to connect park themes to movies and kids avoid watching older movies, so new remakes will always be needed. The originals are just for the ppl who find it nostalgic.


I'm not sure about that. I grew up with 90s Disney and raised my Gen Z on them. Outside of the Jungle Book, all of the *live action* remakes are have been disappointing and soulless


Walt is spinning in his grave; he didn’t become best friends with Salvador Dali only for his studio to take such a strong anti-creative/anti-bold pivot.


Despite him creating some absolutely mind-bending art, being best friends with Dali isn't the flex you think it is.


Not sure out of what was written someone could take away that it was something that *was* a flex but ok lol Christopher Walken was on the same trip that Natalie Wood died on; that’s not a flex but it’s certainly an interesting historical event. Meeting at a dinner party hosted by Jack L. Warner of Warner Bros. is pretty cool. Old Hollywood was an interesting slice of history and the figures were widely popular in pop culture at the time - being on shows like ‘What’s My Line’ among others.


What happened? 10 years ago, the future seemed so bright for art and storytelling.


> they don’t care about messages Oh they do, just not the ones that don’t align with their agenda/politics.


Except their stocks have been dropping like a lead balloon and their parks are offering steep discounts to younger visitors as a way to entice families to come back. The changes they’ve been enacting have had negative feedback. Look at all the box office bombs they had just this year alone. Maybe if they want to ride the coattails of nostalgia they shouldn’t throw out what made them popular in the first place.


If the magic is gone when the wonder is known. There was never any magic to begin with.


Art is Deeaaad


It’s also to teach kids about death, which I think is the more important lesson.


Sudden senseless death. It's probably to try to dodge conversations about gun violence.


Most people deal with sudden senseless death a few times. I personally think it’s something that needs discussion with children.


Better in Bambi than school.


Word. And that shit goes hord.


Disney doesn’t care. It’s a greedy trash corporation. They do not care at all about the art of movies or storytelling anymore. It’s all about what makes the most money.


Thank you! How are we supposed to handle difficult things as adults if we are never exposed to them as children? I’ve seen that movie a hundred times and was not traumatized even a little.


Kids are gonna have a hard time in the real world when their boss doesn’t give a shit that they got triggered or when a close family member dies. Life is hard. Some stories are meant to be hard like you said. It has a message.


At the end of the remake Bambi walks up to a hunter and commits Seppuku. Willfully giving his life to the hunter. Understanding his place in nature.


“Imagine you’re a deer. You’re prancing along, you get thirsty, you spot a little brook, you put your little deer lips down to the cool clear water… BAM! A fuckin bullet rips off part of your head! Your brains are laying on the ground in little bloody pieces!" https://youtu.be/Pp2XgymiTG8


I can't see anywhere in the article, besides the title, that says they are going to remove it; am I missing something?


Nope. It never says anything about removing. The title doesn't even say remove.


lol you're right, I got so confused by all the initial comments angry at it's removal that I must have begun imagining the title said it


People don’t read past the title and then their misinterpreted hot comment gets boosted to the top for the entirety of Reddit to take as fact.


Pretty sure Bambi isn't how horrible it is to live like a hunted animal... if it was, it would be way more gruesome. Your take sounds like it belongs to an edge lord. I think it's more that Bambi shows life in all its multitudes, the good, the bad, and the ugly. Kinda like InsideOut. Sadness isn't the bad guy, but rather sadness is an important emotion that should be expressed. But also, that's not all that life is. Life has bad moments, but it's also filled with good moments (her core memories, friendship with rabbit) Bambi is about LIFE


To be fair, the original book the Disney movie was based on was supposedly way more gruesome w/ more suffering and dying animals, a la Watership Down. It made Man a much scarier force of evil. But point still taken. ☺️


I’ve never watched Bambi bc of that scene. I went to see it in the movie theater when I was a kid w my dad. I started to cry so hard and made him take me home right before the mom was shot. Never had any desire to see it in full lol


They still had Scar let Mufasa die literally the same way in the live action Lion King. Why pull punches now? Because it's a gun?


If by “let him die” you mean clawed Mufasa’s paws clinging on the edge of a cliff… Then yeah


Straight up murder compared to “natural” act.


yuppers… because it’s a gun. Gotta bow to the gun lobby… 🙄


The gun is secondary to the message of the scene. If they’re changing the scene *because* the hunter uses a gun, it’s an even dumber decision than simply changing it. Either way, the scene is pivotal to the story and should stay as is. It’s supposed to be upsetting and scary and sad. It’s meant to relay the harshness of nature and the suffering of animals due to human encroachment, but in a way that applies to growing up and experiencing life as a human as well. The original movie is a masterpiece.


Plus, future generations will have no idea what Mona Lisa is talking about when she complains to Vinny about going hunting with the prosecutor.


It’s funny. One could make an argument either way.


Yeah either way it could make sense. The real reason is to make the movie accessible to the most wide audience possible for more ticket sales. Its not always about politics.


Wouldn't it be the anti-gun lobby if they are removing the scene?


No, the pro-gun lobby doesn't want kids to feel bad about guns being used to kill deer, despite much of their messaging being that these guns are for hunting and not killing humans.


I’m a gun guy and I don’t see where you’re getting that angle, while it’s a horribly sad moment in the film and the book it’s based off of I still know that hunting is crucial for our environment. Millions of people grew up watching Bambi and hold no negative thoughts towards firearms. However there is the Bambi effect as they call it where many people said it turned them off hunting or eating meat such as Paul McCartney.


It seems like a ridiculous take I agree but what is the difference between deaths in other live actions?


But the story is from the POV of Bambi, so the hunter with the gun is seen as unsympathetic for killing mom. I don't know how you get around that. Maybe an alternate option could be that the hunter will miss shooting Mom...but she gets away, but Bambi is forever separated from her and is ultimately then raised by dad. And Disney can then make big money from another mediocre CGI remake!


I thought it was firstly an anti-poaching film, as they 1. Kill a female deer 2. Killed her outside of hunting season


People shoot does all the time. Edit: By all the time I mean all the time during hunting season.


Similar, Fox and The Hound has Amos Slade hunting Todd on a game preserve specifically saying "No Hunting". Part of the change in culture has been a disconnect from more traditional outdoorsmanship. I don't take that as a positive, but it is a thing. Bambi and Fox and the Hound approached their subject matter with a formality that children would understand hunting and it's necessities, while showing some hunters not necessarily in the right. In the modern lens, *that* comes across as hunters and poachers are the same thing, because so many children are growing up without an appreciation for the outdoor environments.


Modernized just means it's gonna be an assault rifle and Bambi will be a group of schoolkids.


I liked when Beyonce started yelling "Can You Feel the Love Tonight?" during the daytime so much I stopped the film. No way it got better than that shining moment. I chose to call it good then and there.


I might sound silly here, but I read the beginning a few times and can’t see where they say they’re taking out the mom getting shot. I just keep seeing the story itself will be modernized. I might have overlooked it but where does it say they’re changing that specific scene?


The mom will get hit by a crossover SUV on some exurban road




"Can you name the truck with four-wheel drive? Smells like a steak and seats 35?"




“She’s a squirrel squashing, deer smacking, driving machine”


By a texting teenager.


She will then be airlifted to Cedars-Sinai.


A Tesla on autopilot.


Yours is the only comment so far from someone who read the article lol Aside from the title, nothing suggests they're deleting that scene. Just rage bait and most of the commenters here got hooked. Edit: so this article is just quoting an interview from an interview from Collider, which not only also does not suggest the scene is being removed but also states *the person being interviewed isn't even working on the Bambi remake anymore because of a scheduling conflict with another film* so even that isn't accurate to the remake, just to what it was going to be when they were directing. And it *still* doesn't say the scene is being removed. Internet copy-paste-link-to-other-sites "news" is one of the worst thing to happen to journalism and the public's knowledge and ability to engage in discourse.


That’s the vibe I got as well. It’s probably something completely different to get people to talk about it. The article amounts to “It will be modernized.” And no shit it will be. Disney does that with every live action remake


jfc. can someone who is over 40 confirm whether media literacy was always this atrocious? i completely acknowledge that clickbait headlines have gotten significantly worse with time, but surely people used to actually read or even skim an article before flying off the handle about it.


I'm only 39 and 8 months so I can't answer=/


Haha thank you. The outrage is outrageous ( hehe) and so I wanted to see if of course it was specifically said that they’re removing the mother hunted scene and of course that isn’t what is said. I’m sure it’ll still be there they’ll just change up how it’s shown to the viewers or something. That’s wild people are going this crazy without even reading the facts but what would we expect.




They're getting outraged because most people on this site reply to articles without reading more than the title basedon their assumptions, and the title of this article specifically implies something not said in the body, probably to be rage/click bait...and it succeeded lol


Exactly. I read this over and over and googled other possible interviews but it’s the same blurb. They’re not removing it people, they never said they were. Then when the movie comes out and the scene is still there they’ll be like “all our outrage out back the original scene” when it was never removed to begin with 💀


I think mum will still get shot, but hopefully it won’t be the whole “run Bambi” thing


Really love it when a page shows an unrelated video at the top, and when I scroll past it, the site goes "Not so fast, asshole!" and then begins autoplaying it in a popup in the bottom right. But anyway, really like these "Someone is going to be mad about a something, so let's go find some nuts on Twitter who are pre-complaining about something with no details" articles. Great journalism.


That scene builds character.


Haha I came to say the same thing. Being traumatized by cartoons you watched as a kid is a rite of passage.


Calvin’s dad, is that you?


“ pretty convenient every time I build character HE saves a couple hundred dollars”


“Yeah, and last year you said diahhrea builds character.”


For many people, Bambi's mother getting shot is the only scene they even know from the movie.


Sort of like Dumbo and the pink elephants scene. That was the most famous scene from that movie and they took it out.


Why did they take it out?


Cause it involves absinthe (my assumption) its basically a psychedelic alcohol. The movie wouldnt be considered g rated today because of that.


Interesting.. I wonder why they had him drink that? The psychedelic part of Disney is always so interesting if it was supposed to be for kids. Especially Fantasia


Because it was ww2 era of the 40s and things were very very different back then. There were things considered kosher then that are not kosher now. Like the crows in dumbo: they were enforcing black stereo types of the time period, and they're a point about Jim Crow laws, leader of the crows is even named Jim Crow. Fantasia also has some pretty racist stuff in it, specifically the centaur scenes, there may be more, i just haven't watched it a very long time, but those ones stuck with me.


Yup this and the walking on ice scene. I have no recollection of the actual plot of Bambi.


Literally all I remember.


These are all clickbait, and folks fall for it every time.


No one reads the damn article, even when its barely an article...5 or 6 small paragraphs that take 60 seconds or fewer to read and most people just comment on their assumptions based on titles without even considering clicking on what they're discussing. Edit: so this article is just quoting an interview from Collider, which not only does not suggest the scene is being removed but also states *the person being interviewed isn't even working on the Bambi remake anymore because of a scheduling conflict with another film* so even that isn't accurate to the remake, just to what it was going to be when they were on it. And it *still* doesn't say the scene is being removed. Internet copy-paste-link-to-other-sites "news" is one of the worst thing to happen to journalism and the public's knowledge and ability to engage in discourse.


Let’s tweak the mother death scene because it will traumatize kids. We can’t teach them about death. Also, let’s have active shooter drills in elementary schools because we can’t legislate gun control.


The amount of succinct truth in your comment instantly boiled my blood.


Why does Bambi even need a remake? I would love to just see it remastered and do a theatre release to celebrate the original. Do a new line of stuffed animals, toys, clothes, etc. It is a great movie and would be fun to see in theaters - my grandma claims that she went to see it almost ten times with her friends.


I wish they would stop retconning our childhood for profit instead of idk HAVING AN ORIGINAL IDEA?!?


they need to be traumatized like i was


I feel like the word “traumatized” is tossed around a tad too willy-nilly these days.


Yep. Discomfort isn’t trauma.


Agreed. It's like we can't let anyone even feel slightly uncomfortable anymore and that's doing future generations a huge disservice.


What a load of shite


This seems weird to me. I haven't seen the movie in a while but the scene where Bambi's mother dies is about as non-explicit as it can get, isn't it? We don't even see it happen.


Yeah it happens off camera. You only hear the gunshot.


Yup, and in fact nowhere in the article does it in any way say it's being removed; just the title implies that, probably to generate clicks and engagement by being rage bait.


I can kind of get behind the logic of not showing kids things where cutesy mama deers get killed and it's traumatizing. But I can't understand the point in even making Bambi in that case. Just...don't remake it? That's an easy way to avoid the problem.


Honestly, the mom dying is sad and all, but I think later on in the movie when the hunters come back to terrorize the forest is worse. Specifically the scene where the pheasants are hiding in the tall grass makes me super uncomfortable.


I remember seeing this in the theater. I not (twitch) traumatized.


I hope Flower still gets to be a gentle and soft boy.


I’m seeing a lot of assumptions left and right in the comments. The article said the movie will be modernized and that’s it. It doesn’t say what they’re changing nor how they’re changing it. Just click bait title and sure enough everyone is riling themselves up with their own theories. Isn’t everyone tired of picking up a pitchfork for every. Little. Stupid. Thing? Like if they did change it, so what? How is your day to day affected? Is it hurting people? Did they ruin society by changing it? It’s their creative property. They can change everything and it just doesn’t matter. The original still exists. I don’t know I’m just tired of the “I have to pick something to get annoyed or angry about” on the daily. I’m sure there are other who feel the same.


Dear God! pleased don't tell me they are going to take out the double penetration scene between Bambi, Thumper and the Hunter. Kids ruin everything!


what the fuck is happening to the world smh


Maybe they'll make it a car accident instead of guns.


what?!? thats the most important part!


This sounds like a headline made to cause more outage. DO NOT ENGAGE


Stop fucking with old movies, I hope people stop watching these. They will stop making them if they dont make money.


Being traumatized by a part of a Disney movie is a rite of passage, FFS.


Listen, I'm not endorsing traumatizing children for fun, but for God's sake they need a little backbone. A little sadness will not kill them if anything it will teach them empathy and that even though a story will eventually have a happy ending some sad shit has to go down. It is really freaking weird to attempt to coddle children on a Disney movie--it's literally already made *for* kids.


Why do we live in a world where kids can't face hardships or be sad? Then we wonder why they become mass murderers or entitled when they are cuddled. Some kids are going through some hard shit. They need to see people struggle and overcome things to motivate them out of their situation or to get help.


If it didn’t traumatize kids then. It ain’t gonna traumatize them now.


Why don’t they just hand out pacifiers and bottles to them too ![gif](giphy|qmfpjpAT2fJRK)


If you take it out you’re “making kids soft”, if you keep it in you’re “traumatizing kids”. Heck you could say that you’re desensitizing them to violence and animal abuse, or that you’re making them vegan and hate hunters. There is no right way if you let an audience dictate what the movie should be, art should be a reflection of society and make people think while they watch observe a story.


Ah yea life is always easy and happy. Also there are no consequences in life. Bravo Disney. Removing a key message of a beloved story that millions of people kept in their Heads for decades.


JFC. We’re raising a generation of pussies.


fyi every generation says this about the next generation and so on


If you’re lucky, you can raise your kids without ever experiencing any fear, pain, or discomfort. Then when they go out into life as an adult… they’ll be totally prepared. The whole reason Grimm’s Fairy Tales and Aesop’s Fables were so dark was because their primary purpose was to teach life lessons.


If we could survive watership down, kids can survive that one scene in Bambi.


Literally ruining the entire message and purpose of the movie. Good job Disney 👍, I hope it's as good as all the other remakes you are making lol.


Traumatization is part of a well-balanced diet.


The mother's death is literally the whole point of the movie and the original story. Taking it out undermines the whole moral of the story


They’re removing the gun-violence to avoid further traumatizing children about the leading cause of child death?


I think someone needs to take Disney away from these people. Somehow a bunch of weirdos were put in charge and they've been shitting on Disney cartoons for over a decade now. It was bad in the DVD era when they were cranking out unwanted and unwarranted sequels by the literal boatload. These reimaginings no one wants are truly tasteless. Someone, please... make them stop.


Let's avoid anything uncomfortable so we don't have to leave our precious bubble. "Trauma" 🤣


Just give Bambi’s mom chronic wasting disease and have the hunters explain that it’s for the best of the rest of the deer population before moving on with the story.


Jesus... Kids are dumb and will always find something to find scary. My biggest fear was the polar bear from the Golden Compass when I was young, and he was a good guy!!! Teaching them horror and how to deal with it is important, we can't just waltz around life expecting to never get scared ever ya know. Better learn how to deal early imo


These companies are so out of touch with thier audience. Blizzard and bungie are the other companies im talkings. Bungie recently did this whole "we love hispanic people" thing that blew up in thier face cause they tried to be so pc that they didnt even know that thier audience dont like the term latinx. Honestly think these people are too rich. Theyre so rich that they just live in a different world and just think different.


I was a crying mess by that scene as a 6 year old. Had to be taken home. Bothered me for a long time. I still get chills thinking about experiencing that. Maybe that's why it's taken so long for a remake.


I’m never going to see it so I’m not going to pretend to be outraged


The rabbits won’t have pads on their feet which is inaccurate and leads to kids thinking that they do and when they discover this isn’t true it gives them trust issues, if that’s the change they’re making I fully support it


This is just what the liberals want /s


Bambi was a kids movie and it showed Bambi's dead mom. Next thing you know, the witch in Snow White won't die, she'll just be sent to community service.


Everyone here is freaking out over nothing Read the article, not top comments


Il be honest, I have actually not watched Bambi since I was a child. Like this post actually brought up those sad emotions that film gave me as a child…..


I’m sorry the kids need to be traumatized


Disney is more about making money than stories. I hope they lose copyright on the mouse.


Forever afraid of fire because of that movie


Don't remake it then


Mom goes out for a pack of cigarettes?


The amount of traumatised people who still come up to me today because of that scene in Bambi we watched 30 years ago.. that scene is supposed to be hard to watch, similar to the Lion King and all the others


Just have the kids watch Bridge to Terabithia instead. Even worse in that movie since it isn’t just live action but actual humans.


Trauma was the way to teach kids about the reality of life. Disney is the very very softcore trauma that's healthy for kids. Because life doesn't wait for majority to do it's job. If we remove anything of what's ugly about life, how can we teach kids to deal with this? The real life traumas will only be even more violent, as the gap has been widened. Let kids cry, sometimes.


Stop changing history, seriously. People need to stop being soft, not demand change every time something makes them slightly uncomfortable




We should wrap kids in bubble wrap


We’ve really broadened the definition of trauma huh?


Disney sucks ass now


Gas damit really. Do they really need to. It’s a cartoon. Don’t underestimate your kids. It’s adults who can’t handle it. Not the kids


taking all the fun out as always


Then what's the effing point


SERIOUSLY? Stop babying the world!


Snow-White removes the dwarf, Bambi the death scene... What will be next? Fantasia will remove the classic melodies because "They need to modernize the spectacle"?


One this scene isn’t traumatizing, it’s uncomfortable and intentionally so, you are not supposed to feel comfortable and happy watching that scene, it’s supposed to be heartbreaking and depressing


Modernize it - mom killed by an electric vehicle and the big forest fire is the result of some gender reveal party gone wrong.


Ah damn, I hope they not going to change the scene where Bambi's mum OD's on heroin D:


can we not. kids need a bit of darkness in their stories to learn that the world isn't all good or evil. i remember seeing the death of bambi's mom, little foot's, and others and yea it made me sad but it made me appreciate my parents even more. hell my mom remembers that i would love to watch those movies but fast forward those parts.


The scene was tragically beautiful in the way it contrasts the entire tone of the film up to that point. Her death was the reminder of tragedy in the serenity of life in the forest that was shown. That opening scene is beautiful, showing the world of the forest, and everything up to the scene of her death..... No, there's no point it complaining, it won't change anything and we still have the original.


Wow! Cool way to strip all emotional gravity and artistic impact from Bambi.


This is so stupid. How do we tell Disney not to do this? A petition? Jfc*


Violence was the point of Bambi. Nothing makes a kid pro animal rights like seeing a baby deer’s mom get blown the fuck away.


Ffs can we stop with the cartoon remakes? It's enough.


The scene wouldn't be half as frightening anyway. The animation is masterfully crafted in order to get under your skin and incite fear. You can't have that terror with actual deers that resemble those of real life, same problem as Lion King live action. The emotion is thrown in the bin.


if they they don’t shoot his mother , not the same


I watched that scene as a young child and I’ll never forget it. I cried so much. But traumatized?!? Please.


Who the hell is not showing Bambi to their kids because of that scene? Besides the whole point of the movie is that “Life goes on”. The winters are hard, and life goes on. Bambis mom died, and life goes on. He grows up and falls in love, and life goes on. Then he has kids of his own and life goes on.


They're removing the lesson that Bambi teaches, it's what makes it worthwhile art instead of just trash. Jesus Fucking Christ.


Not to sound like a sicko, but the trauma and intense emotional impact scenes like that have on kids is important for their, or really *our* development. Without that and their impact, the lesson is lost.


So wait, we’re gonna remove the part where the mom gets shot even though it’s probably wayyyyyyy more relatable now a days with rampant gun violence?


….then don’t make it.


The scene will be replaced with an animated Ralph Cifaretto beating Bambi’s mom and claiming that “she was a whoore”


We really are raising pussys now.


I’m a strong proponent of “the goal of mankind is to lessen pain for others” but nope this shit is mandatory I’m sorry we’ll get raisinets it’s temporary


I apparently told my parents that I wanted to be a hunter when I grew up after watching Bambi


The quail that flew despite the warnings not to and got shot... it's an accurate representation of panic. The whole movie is too real. Cancel it as a kids movie and change the rating to NC17


Bambi,Old Yeller and Charlotte's web had a similar message.