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As someone with a degenerative nerve condition myself, I hate that what “doing good” really means is “deteriorating less than expected”.


Sorry to hear that. I wish you well. My wife had MS. I can only imagine what you are going through.


As something with MS, can you elaborate on “had”? :(


Type-o. I can gladly say “has”in this case.


Most likely passed away. That's the only way "had ms" works because there's no curing it


There is a not significant percentage of MS cases that are only puntual episodes, or that happen so spaced out that apart from the day that you have the acute attack (which can happen with several months or even years of separation) there is no disability


In between episodes are they referred to as having had ms? Or are they known to have ms throughout despite symptoms being few and far between


If they have episodes they have MS, no matter the spacing. I got carried away and didn’t wrote what I wanted, that it was to say that some people have just one or two MS episodes, and then they never have one again. Also it could be that “has MS” referred to the person dying, but MS doesn’t reduce life expectancy by a lot, it’s mostly a disability that affects quality of life, not your overall health


There’s active progressive MS, relapsing-remitting, and clinically isolated. You can absolutely have an MS and be around a long time without seeing another episode, and various drugs can significantly reduce your chances of converting from isolated to relapsing-remitting and from relapsing-remitting to progressive. That’s why catching it early is super important, and having good insurance that covers the drug that helps you (because we’re not sure why they all work and they don’t all work for all people) is also incredibly important. If you have a drug that works and stop using it due to an insurance change, when you go back to it then it might not work anymore and you are fucked. But yeah, if you convert to an active progressive case then it’s relentless, and that’s what most people think of when they think of MS.


I understand people live full lives with ms. Just meant once diagnosed one is know to have it no matter how seldom or mild the symptoms are. Once you have ms the only way it becomes had is if your life ends


Yes but not always. People with dementia can have character changes. I've seen a really nice lady transform into a complaining b*. She couldn't help it as it was part of her disease but that was really hard for her family. It's hard to be called out for anything while you take care of your loved one. Also, people in elderly homes often get secondary illness like stomach flues and whatever goes around when you're weak.


My wife's grandmother suffered from Alzheimer's and her personality changed for the worse. Paranoia, anger bursts , scratching, hitting. It's very tough to not react poorly to that, and we were always concerned that health care workers would retaliate despite Knowing she had Alzheimer's.


May you be well and happy and not suffer. 


I know what she's going through. Sending good thoughts and good vibes


Our family, too. My heart breaks for them.


Same. Vascular dementia is no joke.


Bruce is a Hollywood legend. Very sad to see him like this, but glad he’s with family. He was such a huge part of my life growing up, it’s weird that he’s not going to be in future movies. Enjoy the here and now is all it tells me.


I am currently rewatching Split and now onto Glass. He is such a cool character and always is great in his roles.


Well said.


He sold off rights to digitising him in future movies, so don't cut too short the possibility that you'll see him in future movies.. albeit in a computer generated form.


False. https://www.vulture.com/2022/10/bruce-willis-didnt-sell-likeness-deepfake.html




So, what… he had it coming?


I'm glad. Love you, Bruce!


I don’t think he can hear you.


Why? He’s a notorious piece of shit to everyone he works with. Having dementia doesn’t make you nice.


I’ve noticed this, it was well known he was awful to work with, Kevin smith has gone over it a number of times, now he is ill everyone loves him again


Kevin Smith is also an asshole


How so? And definitely not like Bruce. I worked with Bruce on red and he was a real piece of shit


Spill then what did he do


Showed up 3 hours late. Refused to do more than two takes. Refused to listen to direction. Threw shit fits at people on set who were powerless.


Not a huge fan of his movies but I enjoy his podcasts


Kevin Smith is the one that was likely the piece of trash in that instance


And why’s that ?


Because he's a celebrity, so we have to worship him and put him on a pedestal.


At the end of the day it doesn’t matter, dementia is a slow insidious disease that destroys the very thing that makes you “you”. It erases your identity until you’re a hollow shell, so yeah… sympathy for anyone who is suffering from it, and their family members.


also, i dont know much about bruce willis's personal life, but I think there is a real impact movies can have on people's lives, whether it be a good time or an actually deep message; he has made movies that plenty of people really enjoy.


Perhaps, but he also entertained millions of people, including yourself I bet, and gave us so many hours of fun distractions. I'd say that entitles to him a little empathy even if he were an asshole at times.


I wholeheartedly disagree. The phrase he’s a nice guy means nothing if it is followed by the word but. And Bruce Willis was a known piece of shit that throughout his entire career treated people around him poorly and acted in extremely unbecoming ways in the public eye. So honestly, myself and most other film technicians that I know, are extremely happy to see this end point for him.


Being “extremely happy” someone has dementia because you heard they were an asshole. Are there that many sociopaths among film technicians?


No no. We all worked with him personally. And it’s my emotions that make me hate that prick. Sociopaths don’t have those lol. Anyway, have a good day. Don’t be a dick to people lest they cheer your downfall


Lmao man wishing dementia on people because they were a dick to you at work a couple times is sick behavior. Do better. Maybe get that checked out. It's sociopathy. You don't have to believe me, but don't say no one pointed it out to you.


Oh my therapist laughed when I told her about your comment. Do better. Operating on transparency fallacy is a dumb way to operate


Good to hear, I’ll be watching his movie around Christmas as is our tradition


Yippee ka yay


it's not christmas until you see hans grüber falling from nakatomi tower.


Gee, way to ruin the ending! /s


"Apart from the, you know...dementia"


My mom has it, you gotta take the wins when you get them.


we held on tight to the days where my dad remembered us. i’m sorry you’re going through this too. i hope your family is doing okay ❤️


This. Same here. Mom is 90 and lives with us. There are good days and bad days, but plenty of joy. It helps that she is a generally positive person. My wife is a saint.


My grandpa got anesthesia induced worsening of dementia that he never recovered from. The good days were treasures. He still didnt know what was going on really but he at least was talking and moving around and didnt seem to be in the horrible pain he was in on the bad days.


Yeah absolutely. One of the nicest old people in my life has just become so grumpy towards her loved ones that it makes the process of being there for her so much harder. Whereas another old person I love has such a sense of humor about her dementia that she actively makes fun of the things she can't remember.


Dang. My grandma’s seemed to be started by prednisone, of all things, at the age of 80.


I mean, she said he was doing good, not that he was doing well.




The guy is actively dying. What kind of tactless comment is this?


In this context "doing good" normally just means he's not falling apart as quickly as they thought.


So weird that we'll never see him in a new movie again. I just hope he maintains a semblance of health.


Die hard is a Christmas Movie!!!


It's become my tradition to watch it while decorating the tree.


We will die on this hill




Binging Moonlighting for the third time. My favorite show back in the day. Please sing “do wah ditty ditty dum ditty do” to him from me. I wish the entire Willis family strength and love.


Rumer has it he’s doing good!


Dammit. You got there first.


Best wishes to him & his family 🙏


*well* He is doing so *well.*


Glad to hear he is benevolent but how is his condition?


My dad has a similar dementia and there are some mood pills they gave my dad that really helped him be less angry and others that help stop the seizures which helps a bunch of other areas. I’m guessing Bruce is getting all of these and then some.


I was just making a grammar joke. Maybe in poor taste 😅


I thought it was excellent, actually. Too many people can’t use fucking adverbs.


My favorite fucking adverbs are sexily, fuckingly, and anally


I mean yknow dementia never really gets better, but you can slow the decline for periods of time. Reaching a plateau in mental decline is certainly a positive thing.


Well. He’s doing so well.


i was thinking about Bruce this morning. this is nice to read


My parents always told me I shouldn't listen to rumors.


I feel like that means the opposite


I know how it looks to peer into a loved one’s eyes and not see the person you knew anymore. I wish them so much peace and love.


Well. He’s doing so well.




Probably "less bad" than predicted.


She looks just like her mother. Like... insane!


She looks like a weird Asian cat version of Demi Moore. It’s indescribable.


This is one of the best descriptions I’ve ever read


lol wut


...yeah you might be insane


According to Rumor, Bruce Willis Doing Well


Rumor has it?


This whole this is so unfortunate, I feel terrible for them


Man it hurts me to see Bruce like this…


Die Soft. I’m just kidding, love me some Bruce


Rumer is a superb daughter


How can you be doing good when your mind is literally fleeing your head and youre just waiting for the release of death


The best medicine money can buy is how. Remember when Magic Johnson never got AIDS?


Was it the dementia that turned Bruce into a raging a-hole and acting like a 6 year old when asked to wear a mask in a public store during a global pandemic?


To be fair, it could have been. Dementia has been known to cause radical personality changes, and it can start before the memory symptoms become noticeable. I have no idea his personal history though, or if he was known in the past for a-hole behavior.


As others have said, yes probably. He’s had worsening symptoms for 7-10 years now. He was diagnosed correctly/officially in 2022


They let the public know in 2022. There have been industry rumors for YEARS before then.


That’s what I said… Though I will say, I was possibly wrong about the correct diagnosis year. That could have been 2023. They announced he had aphasia in March 2022. Then they announced in February 2023 that it was FTD so it could have been correctly diagnosed in either 2022 or 2023, but it was somewhere in that time frame otherwise they wouldn’t have made a “new diagnosis update” post if they already knew it was FTD before March 2022.


There were already rumors of him having dementia issues long before covid and yes there are definitely known personality swings, mood changes etc associated with early dementia.


Probably. He has FTD which can cause massive changes in personality and a lot of agitation and anger.


Her name is Rumer


i wonder if they are open to psychadelic mushroom therapy. i've seen some documentation on how it may help both cognitive abilities and memory management with micro dosing. there are a few sources in the national library of medicine, Maps.org is another community delving into psychadelics and its positive use. i had grandparents dear to me who went through dementia, its like losing a loved one even before they even died. wish they had the chance to try it.


it’s like they are using his illness to maintain noterietay for themselves .. it’s ok to not talk about his medical issues


What they're doing is normalizing talking about dementia. Dementia is a difficult disease and people need to know what it's like caring for someome with it.


Not true. Illnesses like dementia and Parkinson’s were hidden in younger famous people for decades, creating a false stigma that only old people near death get these things. Thanks to people like Michael J Fox and Bruce Willis (who gave preliminary consent for his family to discuss his condition), some of these stereotypes are being broken down.


Show some empathy. If you want to use YOUR notoriety to get personal,vent, and open up about losing a loved one to your 100 XboxLive friends well then get used to some dick somewhere making an insensitive comment about it


So…why does the family keep updating? Wouldn’t he want privacy on the matter?


It seems like they understand how beloved Bruce is as an actor and that people are genuinely interested in how he's doing.


I think that when you have a relative who is in the public eye, but has a chronic and debilitating illness, it’s actually important to issue regular public communication. Otherwise, you end up with a Princess Kate SNAFU, and that’s just a lot of drama no one needs.


He’s doing well. Superman does good
